Browse Items (21 total)
- Tags: fire
Reims Cathedral During 1st Bombardment Years Postcard
Bombardment of Reims Cathedral Postcard
Reims During First Bombardment Years Postcard
The Cathedral Before the Fire Postcard
Reims During 1st Bombardment Years Postcard
Bombardment of Reims Postcard
Reduce the Risk of Fire...Get Rid of That Tree
Oviedo Began as Solaria's Wharf
Tags: 4th of July; ACL; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; bank; Black Hammock; Black Tuesday; Broadway Street; bus; celery; Central Avenue; Chicago boys; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; citrus; doctor; Donna Neely; Downtown Oviedo; fertilizer industry; fire; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; flies; Florida Technological University; fly; Fourth of July; freezes; fruit flies; fruit fly; FTU; Great Crash; Great Depression; Greyhound Lines, Inc.; groves; Gwynn; Gwynn's Cafe; Henry Foster; Independence Day; infestation; J. B. Jones; J. B. Jones and Brothers; Jones Grocery; Jonnie Conley; Joseph Watts; July 4th; July Fourth; Lake Charm; Lake Jessup; Lake Jessup Settlement; Lee and Todd Real Estate Company; medical care; OHS; Old Time History of By Gone Days of Lake Jessup Settlement; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Railroad Depot; Peters Shoes; physician; R. W. Estes; railroads; ration; SAL; Seaboard Air Line railroads; Seminole County; settler; Solaria's Wharf; Spencer's Store; Steen Nelson; Stock Market Crash of 1929; Sweetwater Park; T. L. Mead; The Oviedo Heritage; The Oviedo Outlook; Theodore Luqueer Mead; Wall Street Crash of 1929; Wheeler Fertilizer; World War II; WWII
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 04, May 29, 1926
Tags: A. N. Pettis; Anna B. Treat; bank; Bank of Maitland; Bill Deuel; Bill Tucker; Boy Scouts of America; C. D. Horner; chamber of commerce; Charles B. Waterhouse; Dixie Highway; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. C. Pipkin; E. N. Beech; E. R. Hall; E. T. Winn; elected official; engineering; F. B. Conant; F. H. Manning; fire; Forrest B. Stone; garbage; Goodyear Tires; government; Greenwood Gardens; housing; Inter-City Realty Company; J. A. Brown; J. G. Friedland; J. H. Bennett; J. H. Hill; J.B. McCrary Engineering Corporation; Jack Lee; James Doig; James E. Fleming; John Lawson; John Nelson; K. N. McPherson; Lake Faith; library; Lloyd Haines; local government; Lois M. Haile; Longwood; Louis L. Coudert; lumber; M. L. Kyle; Maitland; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; municipal engineering; Nellie R. Draper; notary; R. A. Wheeler; Ray Ponder; restaurant; Robert Kilbourn; sanitation; Stella Waterhouse; Teddy Brocksmith; Texaco Gas; The Maitland News; Town Council; trash collection; W. A. Manning; W. F. Parker; waterworks; Wekiwa River; White Way Motor Company; White-Way Restaurant; Winter Park
Chase & Company: Packers and Distributors of Florida Fruits and Vegetables Exclusively
Tags: accident insurance; accounting; automobile insurance; burglary insurance; Chase and Company; Chicago, Illinois; Cincinnati, Ohio; citrus; citrus industry; distribution; distributor; farming; FCE; fire; fire insurance; Florida Citrus Exchange; fruit; fruit industry; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; grower; Growers' Marketing Organization; growing; insurance; insurance industry; Jacksonville; Minneapolis, Minnesota; New York, New York City; orange; orange industry; packer; packing; packing house; packing industry; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; sales; sales department; Sanford; shipping; St. Louis, Missouri; Tangerine; tangerine industry; tornado insurance; vegetable; vegetable industry; Washington, D.C.
The Farmers' Market
Aerial View of Sanford State Farmers' Market After 1957 Fire
The Sanford State Farmers' Market, located at 1300 South French Avenue, was founded in 1934 in order to provide a central location in which farmers…
Market to Be Ready for Use This Fall: Better Facility to Be Built
The Sanford State Farmers' Market, located at 1300 South French Avenue, was founded in 1934 in order to…
Tags: 13th Street; Agricultural Extension Service; commissioner; Commissioner of Agriculture; farmers' market; fire; French Avenue; Lewis, L. H.; Mayo, Nathan; Sanford; Sanford City Commission; Sanford City Hall; Sanford State Farmers' Market; Skinner, Tom; The Sanford Herald; Thirteenth Street; Thompson, Lee
Farmers Market to Be Immediately Rebuilt; Cabinet Meets Today
Tags: 13th Street; Anderson Refrigeration Service; Anderson, Sandy; cabinet; Chase & Company; Cleveland, Mack N., Jr.; Collins, LeRoy; commissioner; Commissioner of Agriculture; Corley, Joe; Downtown Sanford; Emerson, J. A.; farmers' market; fire; fire chief; fire insurance; Frederick, Gordon V.; French Avenue; Goldsboro; governor; Henson, Darrell; insurance; Johnson, A. L.; Johnson, M. J.; Justice, W. Leonard; Kastner, Harold; Kirchhoff, W.E.; Larson, J. Edwin; Lewis, L. H.; Market News Service; Mayo, Nathan; Pate, Theo; Phillips, C. R.; representative; Ripe and Ready Tomato Company; Robinson, Robby; Sanford; Sanford Fire Department; Sanford State Farmers' Market; senator; State Fire Fund; Strenstrom, Douglas; Stymes, Roy; The Sanford Herald; Thirteenth Street; Thompson, Lee; Took, Harry; Tooke, Harry; U.S. Navy; Winn-Dixie
Farmers' Market Aide Retires
Tags: 13th Street; 16th Street; Butner, Leo; Connor, Doyle; Dutton, Edith; farmers' market; fire; French Avenue; Ings, Laurelle; Ings, Susan; Mayo, Nathan; retirement; Sanford; Sanford State Farmers' Market; secretary; Seminole Memorial Hospital; Seneca High School; Sixteenth Street; The Sanford Herald; Thirteenth Street; Wilkins, Billy; Wilkins, Cynthia Lynn; Wilkins, June
Explosions Rock City: Flames Visible 6 Miles Away
Tags: 13th Street; 18th Street; Ansley, Hugh; Chevrolet; Cleveland, Mack N. Sr.; Eighteenth Street; farmers' market; fire; firefighters; French Avenue; Navy firefighters; Sanford; Sanford Fire Department; Sanford Fruit Company; Sanford Police Department; Sanford State Farmers' Market; Seminole High School; The Sanford Herald; Thirteenth Street; Tooke, Harry; U.S. Navy
DeForest Block
Oral History of Paul H. Friedman
Easter at Holy Cross Episcopal Church
Interior View of Holy Cross Episcopal Church
Gertrude Dupuy Sanford, the wife of General Henry S. Sanford…