Browse Items (105 total)
- Tags: 1st Street
Bower & Roumillat’s Bottle
Financiers Plan For Institution: New Sanford Bank May Be Organized
The Central Florida Press, Vol. 1. No. 9, June 20, 1930
Tags: 1st Street; A. L. Betts; A. L. Medcalf; A. P. Farnell; A. W. Wagner; ACL; Adkins; Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial; Aldred Cone; Alene Cone; Alive Story; Allen Thompson; Allen's Garage; Alton Shuman; American Appraisal Company; American Association of University Women; American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.; Andrew Duda; Andrew Jakubcin; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta D. Covington; B. F. Overstreet; B. F. Ward; B. F. Wheeler; B. R. Gray; Ballard's Insurance Feeds; Baptist Church; Baptist Church of Oviedo; Baptists; Barbara Jakubcin; Bauman; Bauman Brothers; Because; Ben Jones; Bernice Stine; Biscayne Bay; Black Hammock; Blanche Leonard; Bob Murphy's Garage; Bogard; Bon Homme Hotel; Boy Scouts of America; Bristol; Bryan's Store; C. B. Searcy; C. C. Jackson; C. E. Mariner; C. J. Broom; C. J. Broom, Jr.; C. L. West; C. M. Coin; C. S. Lee; C. T. Niblack; C. W. Mathison; Canal Point; Carlton Cain; Carolyn Lockette; cars; Carter's Filling Station; Celery City; Central Florida Council; Central Florida Log Rollers' Association; Chapman; Charles Simeon Lee; Charles W. Summersill; Charley West; Charlie West; Chevrolet; Chuluota; Chuluota Sunday schools; churches; Churchwell's; Civic League; Clarence Huder; Clark Harvey; Claude C. Jackson, Jr.; Clifton Tribble; Clinton Hyatt; David Haverstick; Daytona Beach; District 3; Dixie Highway; Donald Leinhart; E. A. Dukes; E. A. Farnell; E. D. Koontz; E. T. Summersill; Edson Goit; Edwin Sutton; Elizabeth Lawson; Elmin a Howard; Emma Abbot Lyman; Ernest Amos; Essex Coach First National banks; Esther Prosser; Evelyn Wheeler; F. L. Anderson; F. S. Cone; Farnell; FCE; FEC; Federal Farm Broadway; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First National Bank Building; First Street; FLDOE; Florida Bank; Florida Citrus Exchange; Florida Department of Education; Florida East Coast railroads; Florida Gold Star Mothers; Florida Light and Power Company; Florida Public Service Commission; Floyd Wagner; Fort Myers Growers' Association; Fort Pierce; Fort Pierce Financing and Construction Company; Fort Pierce Growers' Association; Frank Armstrong; Fred Cooper; Fred Henry Davis; Fruitland parks; Ft. Pierce; G. A. Meckley; G. H. Norton; G. W. Bower; Gayle Marshall; Geneva; Gold Star Mothers Club; Gold Star Mothers, Inc.; Goldie Eva Beckley; Goldie Eva Beckley Lee; Good Gulf Casoline; Grace Lewis; Gray; Gray's Market; H. Clay Crawford; H. E. Fuller; H. F. McGowan; Haines; Harold Varn; Harry E. Wing; Harry M. Papworth; Harry W. Turner; Hart; Hathaway's Park Avenue; Hazel Shuman; Heitz; Henry Clay Crawford; Herbert F. Chaffer; Hilda Butler; Hotel Commission; Howard Lindsey; Howard Turner; I. N. Lane; J. A. Thompson; J. A. Young; J. Allen Thompson; J. B. Jones; J. C. Bills; J. C. Johnson; J. Dean Adcock; J. H. Allen; J. L. Malcolm; J. M. Chaffer; J. N. Thompson; Jack C. Kassell; Joe Leinhart; Joe Mikler; John Bills; John Duda; Joseph Leinhart; Julia Tart; Julie Geiger; Katherine Young; King Brown; L. D. Webster; L. H. Gore; Lake Catherine; Lake Conway; Lake Monroe; Lake Okeechobee; League of Municipalities; Lois Mitchem; Lois Ruddell; Lois Rudell; Longwood; Lyman schools; Margaret Jackson; Margaret Lindsey; Marietta Mitchem; Martin Stanko; Mary Bivins; Mary Frances Stine; Mathieux' Store; Max Leinhart; Maxine Leinhart; Mead; Metcalf and Son; Mills; Miriam Koontz; Mitchem; Munjar; N. F. Lozette; Nelson and Company, Inc.; O. P. Sloan; Oak Crest Poultry farms; Oak Island; Olga Jakubcin; Olive Lezette; Olivia McCarty; Opal Peters; Orange General Hospital; Oreon Burnett; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Barber Shop; Oviedo Department Store; Oviedo Drug Store; Oviedo Masonic Lodge No. 243; Oviedo Meat Market; Oviedo Mirror; Oviedo Public Library; Oviedo Service Station; P. T. Coleman; P. T. Wakefield; P. W. Gray; Paul Butler, Jr.; Paul T. Butler; Pauline Mills; Pauline Moran; Pauline Wallace, Maddox; Penney Farms; R. A. Gray; R. R. Murphy; R. R. Williams; Ralph Bosford; Randall Electric Company; Reason Kirkland; Ripley's Believe It or Not!; Robert Andrew Gray; Robert B. Butler; Roy Williams; Ruby Peters; S. L. Murphy; S. S. Hinchliff; Sadine Leinhart; Sadye's Sale; Sanford; Sanford Atlantic National Bank; Sanford Chamber of Commerce; Sanford High School; Sanford Sheriff's Office; Sanlando Springs; Secretary of State; Seminole Associational Sunday schools; Seminole Bank Building; Seminole County; Slavia; Slavia Drainage District; Southern Bell Telephone Company; St. Johns River; St. Petersburg; Standard Service Station; Stover; Supreme Motor Oil; Ted Harvey; The Central Florida Press; The Morris Stores; The Sanitary Fish Truck; Theo Aulin; Theodore Tice; Thomas Johnson; Thomas Wheaton; V. H. Sley; Virginia Spencer; W. C. Cawthon; W. D. Stine; W. F. Wells, Jr.; W. L. Seig; W. P. Tart; W. R. Kimbrell; W. S. Entzminger; W. T. Chance; Walter M. Blakely; White-Highleyman Agency; Wholesale Potato House; William Walker; Woodmen of the World; Woodrow Shuman; World War I; WWI
Oral History of Helen Michels
Tags: 1st Street; 25th Street; 7th Street; arithmetic education; art education; Bible; Book of Psalms; cafeteria; can drives; CB; celery; Celery Crate; celery field; Celeryfeds; chemistry; chemistry set; Christmas; citizenship; citizenship education; City of Sanford; class historian; class reunions; communion; current events; Davis, Lavinia R.; Dewey Decimal System; Downtown Sanford; drug therapy; drug treatment; drug treatment company; Easter; Easter Seals; educator; elementary school; federal prisoners; First Street; French Avenue; Girl Scouts of the United States of America; grammar school; gym education; gym teacher; halfway house; Halloween; high school; history education; horse; intramural sports; junior high; justice movement; lab technician; library; marionette; May Day; maypole; Michels, Helen; music education; oral history; P.E.; Page; Palm Bay; Park Avenue; Parks, David; patriotism; pep club; PHC; physical education; Pig 'n Whistle; playtime; Pledge of Allegiance; public library; rationing; reading education; recess; Ritz Theatre; Rotton, Patrick; Ruth, Babe; Ruth, George "Babe" Herman, Jr.; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; savings bond; school; schoolteacher; science education; science teacher; Seabee; segregation; Seminole High School; Seventh Street; social justice; softball; softball team; Southside Elementary School; spelling education; sports program; Star Spangled Banner; Stinecipher, Grace Marie; student; Student Museum and Center for the Social Studies; study hall; teacher; The Plow Penny Mystery; tutor; Twenty-Fifth Street; U.S. Navy; UCF; UCF College of Graduate Studies; UCF Department of History; UCF Public History Center; United States Naval Mobile Construction Battalio; victory garden; war bond; war effort; Welch; World War II; WWII
A History of Central Florida, Episode 39: Wartime Civil Defense
Tags: 1st Street; 3rd Inceptor Command; A History of Central Florida; air raid warning siren; aircraft; Aircraft Warning Service; airplane; Aldeman, Helen; American Legion, Inc.; AP; Associated Press; Attack of Pearl Harbor; AWS; Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; Blanding, Albert H.; BPOE; Cees, Jay; Civic Exhibition Center; civil defense; civilian; civilian volunteer; Civitan Club; Clarke, Bob; club; Coates, Hope; cold war; College Club; Elks Lodge; Empire State Building; Fenton, B. J.; First Street; Ford, Chip; Fort Kent, Maine; Fortune Magazine; Frank, Walter; Geneva; German; Germany; Gibson, Ella; Hannon, Barbara; Harrell, George "Speedy"; Hazen, Kendra; homefront; Japan; Japanese; Johnnie Walker Whisky; Kelley, Katie; Key West; Kiwanis Club; La Paz; labor; Lions Club; Long, Mark Howard; Martin, Mary Jo; Messerschmitt Me 262; Meyers, Betty; Mormino, Gary Ross; Morrison Field Army Air Base; Museum of Geneva History; Nazi; Nazi German; New York City, New York; Norton Gallery and School of Art; observation station; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Palm Beach; Palm Beach Art League; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Pioneer Hall; podcast; RICHES; Robb, Inex; Robert Cassanello; Rotary Club; Soviet; Soviet Union; spotter; spotters' neck; State Defense Council of Florida; Strain, Ralph; Stumpf; submarine; Tallahassee; Tampa; The Palm Beach Post; Third Inceptor Command; Thomas, Tommy; training; training disc; Tylander, Ray; U-boat; U.S. Air Corps; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Ground Observer Corps; UCF; University of Central Florida; USAAC; Velásquez, Daniel; Walker, Johnnie; war effort; warship; Witek, J. R.; women; World War II; WWII
Oviedo Area Map and Business Guide
Tags: 1st Street; 2nd Street; 3rd Street; 4th Street; A. L. Yates, Jr.; Academy Street; Albert Cornelison; Albert's Jewelers; Allendale Drive; Altamonte Springs; art; Artesia Street; Ash Street; Audley Street; Auline Avenue; Austin Avenue; Avenue A; Avenue B; Avenue C; bank; banking industry; Bay Street; Beasley Road; Beech Street; Beverly Street; Big Tree; Bird Island; Bob Slaton; Boston Avenue; Boston Cemetery Road; Boston Street; Broadway Avenue; Broadway Street; Bumby View Drive; business; Cameron City; Canaan; Carib Lane; Carissa Lane; Carolyn Drive; Carver Avenue; Casselberry; Cedar Chest of Fashion Fabrics; Celery Avenue; Celery Circle; Central Avenue; ceramic; Chapel Street; Chapman Road; Ci Gi's; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; Citrus Avenue; Clark Street; Clonts Street; Colonial Drive; Crystal Avenue; Crystal Circle; Cypress Avenue; day care; Division Avenue; Dixie Gas Industries, Inc.; Doctor's Drive; Douglas Avenue; Downtown Oviedo; drug store; Eatonville; Eileen's Creative Mud Ceramics; Evans Street; Fairvilla; Faulk road; Fern Avenue; Fern Park; fertilizer; fertilizer industry; Field Street; First Street; Florida State Road 17-92; Florida State Road 415; Florida State Road 419; Florida State Road 420; Florida State Road 426; Florida State Road 431; Florida State Road 436; Florida State Road 46; Florida State Road 50; Florida Technological University; florist; Forest City; Forest Grove; Forest Trail; Fourth Street; Franklin Street; FTU; Gabriella; Garden Street; GE; General Electric; Geneva Drive; Goldenrod; Graham Avenue; H. P. Leu Botanical Gardens; Hamilton Avenue; hardware; Harrison Street; High Street; highway; hwardware industry; I-4; Interstate Highway 4; Italian; Jackson Street; Jamestown; jewelert; Kandel; Kimble Avenue; King Street; Kraft Azalea Gardens; Lake Charm; Lake Charm Circle; Lake Charm Drive; Lake Gem; Lake Hayes; Lake Hayes Road; Lake Jessup Avenue; Lake Mary; Lake Norma; Lake Road; Lake Rogers; Lake Rosa; Lawn Street; Lawton Avenue; Lee Avenuie; Lee Road; Lightwood Knot Canal; Lightwood Knot Creek; Lincoln Parkway; Lindsay Lane; Lingo Street; Little Econockhatchee Creek; Live Oak Lane; Long Lake; Longwood; Louise Avenue; Magnolia Street; Maitland; map; Maple Court; Mead Botanical Gardens; Mead Drive; meat; meat industry; Meat World; Middle Street; Midget City; Mimosa Trail; Mission Road; Mitchell Avenue; Mitchell Hammock Road; Muck Street; Myrtle Street; Naval Training Center Orlando; Nelson Hardware Store; Norma Avenue; Norwood Court; NTC Orlando; nursery; Nursery Street; Oak Circle; Oak Drive; Orange Avenue; Orangewood Drive; orlando; Orlando Sports Stadium; Orlando-Seminole Jai Alai Front; Oviedo; Oviedo Body and Paint Shop; Oviedo Child Care Center, Inc.; Oviedo Country Smoke House; Oviedo Drug Store; Oviedo Florists; Oviedo Saw and Mower; Oviedo Shopping Center; Palm Drive; Palm Way; Palmetto Street; Pemberton Street; Pembrple Avenue; Pennsylvania Avenue; pharmacy; Pine Avenue; Pine Street; Poulan; preschool; RCA; Red Bug Lake Road; Reed Road; restaurant; retail; Rich Drive; road; Rollings College; Rose Texaco; Round Lake; Ruth Street; Sanford; Sanford-Orlando Kennel Club; school; SCL; Seaboard Coast Line Railroad; Second Street; Shady Lane; Sharon Court; Slavia; Smith Street; Snapper; Southwood Court; SR 17-92; SR 415; SR 419; SR 420; SR 426; SR 431; SR 436; SR 46; SR 50; Stale Avenue; Stephen Avenue; street; Sweetwater Canal; Sylvan Lake; Tangerine Avenue; Taylor Street; Teleflora; television; Temple Terrace; Terrace Drivel Domer Street; Tesinsky Automotive; Third Street; Tomoka Drive; Tranquil Oaks Lane; True Value Hardware Stores; UCF; Union Park; University of Central Florida; Valenica Court; Vicki Vourt; Vine Street; Wagner; Washington Drive; Wekiwa Springs; Wheelco; Wheeler Fertilizer Company; Wilkerson Street; Willet Ad Maps; Winter Park; Wood Street; Woodcrest Circle
First Street, Sanford Postcard
Patricia Ann Black with the Georgetown Pathways to History Project Heritage Marker #3
Sanford Avenue Streetscape Completion and Unveiling of Heritage Marker Ceremony Invitation
Tags: 1st Street; African Americans; First Street; Georgetown; Georgetown Pathways to History Project; Historic Markers; Historic Sanford Welcome Center; Palmetto Avenue; Patricia Ann Black; Patricia Ann Black Bigham; Paulucci Park; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Avenue Streetscape; Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency
Georgetown Heritage Advisory Committee at the Sanford Avenue Streetscape Completion and Unveiling of Heritage Marker Ceremony
Tags: 1st Street; African Americans; Bette Robinson; Christine Dalton; Christine Kinlaw-Best; First Street; Georgetown; Georgetown Pathways to History Project; Historic Markers; Historic Sanford Welcome Center; Ollie Williams; Palmetto Avenue; Patricia Ann Black; Patricia Ann Black Bigham; Paulucci Park; Pilgrim Black; Robinson, Bette; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Avenue Streetscape; Stephen Caldwell Wright
Special Thanks to Patricia Ann Black at the Sanford Avenue Streetscape Completion and Unveiling of Heritage Marker Ceremony
Tags: 1st Street; African Americans; First Street; Georgetown; Georgetown Pathways to History Project; Historic Markers; Historic Sanford Welcome Center; Jeff Triplett; Palmetto Avenue; Patricia Ann Black; Patricia Ann Black Bigham; Paulucci Park; Pilgrim Black; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Avenue Streetscape
Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett Sanford Avenue Streetscape Completion and Unveiling of Heritage Markers
Sanford Avenue Streetscape Completion and Unveiling of Heritage Markers
Oral History of Luticia Roberts Lee and Catherine Lee Dingle
Tags: 15th Street; 1st Street; 3rd Street; African Americans; American Legion; American Legion Campbell-Lossing Post 53; Benny Austin; Benny Logan; Bessie Long; Bill White; Blake Jones; C-sections; Caesarian sections; cannons; Carlie Smith; Catherine Lee; Catherine Lee Dingle; Cathy Dingle; Cathy Lee; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Chapman; China; Cindy Slaten; Cindy Slaten Lee; Creative Sanford, Inc.; criminal justice; Crown Paper Company; DeLand; desegregation; Douglas Stenstrom; Downtown Sanford; Elizabeth Steele; Fifteenth Street; First Street; Florence Stenstrom; Gladys Stenstrom; groceries; grocery; Henry June; Higgins; Historic Sanford Welcome Center; hope chests; Hurricane Donna; hurricanes; India; Ingrid Burton; integration; James Lee; James Roberts; Jimmy Lee; Joshie Dingle; Joyce Adams; Joyce Adams Jones; Ken McIntosh; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Legion Hut; Leroy Roth; Linda Roth; Lnda Lee; Louis Austin; Luticia Lee; Luticia Roberts; maids; Mark; Marty; Mary McIntosh; Mendelson; metal drive; metal drives; military police; Nathan Garner; Oak Avenue; oral history; orlando; Pacific Theater; Palmetto Avenue; Parole Commission; pasture party; Patty Stenstrom; Phil Logan; ponds; post offices; potlucks; race relations; Rand Yard Ice House; Roberts; rolling pin; Rollins College; Ronald Thomas; Sanford; Sanford High School; Sanford Post Office; Sarah Dingle; Sawyer; scrap metals; segregation; Seminole High School; Southside Grammar School; Stetson University; The Help; Tish Lee; Tish Roberts; tornadoes; Trish Thompson; veterans; Viola Jordan; World War I; World War II; WWII
A History of Central Florida, Episode 26: Fishing Boats
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; Anastasia Island; Arlington; Baldwin; Black Creek; Black Point; Bob Clarke; canoes; Chip Ford; Clark's Creek; Clay County; Clayton's Park; Dancy's; Daniel Velásquez; Doug Kelly; Durbin Creek; Ella Gibson; Eustis; Federal Point; First Street; fish; fish camp; fishermen; fishing; fishing boats; Florida's Fishing Legends and Pioneers; Fort Marion; Fruit Cove; Geneva; Green Cove Springs; Hart's Orange Grove; Hibernia; Hogarth's Landing; Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad; Julington Creek; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lady Lake; Lake Apopka; Lake County; Lake Dora; Lake Eustis; Lake Griffin; Lake Harris; Lake Jesup; Lake Monroe; Lake Weir; Lake Yale; lakes; Leesburg; Magnolia; Main Street; Mandarin; maps; Margaret; Marion County; Matanzas Inlet; Mayport; McGirts Creek; Middleburg; Moccasin Creek; Moses Creek; Moultrie Creek; Mount Dora; Museum of Geneva History; Native Americans; New Switzerland; North River; Ocklawaha River; OCRHC; Old Fort; orange county; Orange County Regional History Center; Orange Dale; Orange Mills; Pabloc Creek; Palatka; Phelan; Picolata; Putnam County; Read's Landing; Remmington Park; River of Lakes; rivers; Riverside; Robert Cassanello; Roce Creek; rowboats; Russell's Landing; Sanford; Sinies Creek; Six Mile Creek; St. Augustine; St. Augustine Inlet; St. Johns Bar; St. Johns Company; St. Johns Railroad; St. Johns River; St. Nicholas; T. Pulot; Tocoi; tourism; Umatilla; Vincent Fish Market; wet wells; WGHF; Whitestone; Whitney; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation; Yellow Bluff
A History of Central Florida, Episode 19: Russian Samovar
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; Anna Reverend; Bob Clarke; Boris Kustodiev; Caucasus Mountains; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Deep South; Eastern Orthodox Church; Ella Gibson; Europeans; First Street; Gary Ross Mormino; Geneva; Henry Shelton Sanford; immigrants; immigration; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kress 5-10-25 Cent Store; Leo Reverend; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; Michael Paul Reverend; Museum of Geneva History; OCRHC; orange county; Orange County Regional History Center; Robert Cassanello; Russia; Russian Orthodox Church; Russians; samovars; Seminole County; Shoe Emporium; Swedes; teapots; teas; The Merchant's Wife; Vladimir Solonari
A History of Central Florida, Episode 18: Time Pieces
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; Alexis M. McCrossen; Apopka; Atlantic Standard Time; Before His Time: The Untold Story of Harry T. Moore, America's First Civil Rights Martyr; Ben Green; Bob Clarke; Boyd Street; Brevard County; Central Florida Railroad Museum; Central Standard Time; Chip Ford; citrus; civil rights; civil rights activists; clocks; Cross, Philip; CST; dairy; Daniel Velásquez; Dickens, Bethany; Eastern Standard Time; Ella Gibson; EST; farmers; First Street; Florida Memory Project; Freedom Avenue; Geneva; Harry and Harriette Moore Memorial Park; Harry T. & Harriette V. Moore Cultural Complex; Harry T. Moore; Harry Tyson Moore; Industrial Revolution; J. T. McLain; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lake County; Leesburg; Library of Congress; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; Mims; Mountain Standard Time; MST; Museum of Geneva History; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Railway Historical Society; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Pacific Standard Time; podcast; PST; railroad conductors; railroads; railways; Robert Cassanello; SMU; Southern Methodist University; Springarn Medal; Standard Time Zones; sundials; time; time pieces; time zonez; UCF; watch; watches; Winter Garden
A History of Central Florida, Episode 16: Print Culture
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; Benjamin Franklin; Bob Clarke; Chip Ford; Christopher Brooke; computer; computers; Daniel Velásquez; Elizabeth Haven Hawley; Ella Gibson; First Street; George Phineas Gordon; Gordon Letterpress; jobbing shops; John Y. Detwiler; journalism; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kimberly Voss; lithography; Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; Man Roland; New Journalism; New Smyrna; New Smyrna Museum of history; newspaper editors; newspaper shops; newspapers; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; platen press; print culture; print shops; printing press; Robert Cassanello; rotary press; Ryan Ives; Sams Avenue; Sanford; Sanford Museum; The New Smyrna Breeze; The Sanford Herald
A History of Central Florida, Episode 23: Turpentine Industry
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; American Civil War; Barbara Hines; Bob Clarke; Bush Boulevard; Charles Holmes Herty, Sr.; Chip Ford; Civil War; convict leasing; convicts; corrections; Daniel Velásquez; Edge Mercantile Company; Ella Gibson; First Street; Florida Historical Society; Florida Public Archaeology Network; Geneva; Herty cups; inmates; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; labor; labor camps; laborers; Museum of Geneva History; Museum of Seminole County History; naval stores; Nick Wynne; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; prison labor; prisoners; resin; Robert Cassanello; Sanford; Seminole County; turpentine; turpentine camps; Vick's Vapor Rub
Oral History of Peter Newman
Tags: 1st Street; A. Newton; African Americans; Barbara Farrell; Bram Towers; Celery Bowl; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Coconut Grove; Colquitt, Georgia; community theaters; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy; Crooms High School; doctors; Douglas Strenstrom; Downtown Orlando; Elmer Baggs; First Street; Florida Highway; folk plays; George H. Starke; George Michael Zimmerman; George Zimmerman; Harry T. Moore; Harry Tyson Moore; Henry Shelton Sanford; highwayman; highwaymen; Holy Cross Episcopal Church; Jeanine Taylor; Lake Monroe; Laura Donaldson; Luticia Lee; Mark Miller; Marlene Baggs; Mayfair Country Club; moonshine; NAACP; Nancy Ford; Nancy Harris; NAS Sanford; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Naval Air Station Sanford; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Perry Eschelberg; Peter Newman; physicians; playwrights; playwriting; Princess Theater; race relations; Rain Man; Remade - Not Bought; rolling pins; Sanford; SCC; segregation; Seminole Community College; Seminole County; Seminole High School; Seminole State College; Serenity Towers; SSC; Swamp Gravy: Georgia's Official Folk-Life Play; Tea and Tell; theaters; theatre; Time Magazine; Tommy Saunders; Touch and Go; Trayvon Benjamin Martin; Trayvon Martin; UCF; University of Central Florida; Walt Disney World; Will Saunders
Oral History of Odetta Copper
Tags: 1st Street; African Americans; agriculture; caregivers; celery; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Christmas; Creative Sanford, Inc.; discipline; farming; farms; First Street; fish; fishing; food; France, Florida; goats; holidays; Lang; Midway; mudfish; Odetta Copper; orlando; race relations; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; St. Johns River; Valencia Larue
Oral History of Patricia Ann Black and Billy Hardy
Tags: 10th Street; 11th Street; 1st Street; 25th Street; African Americans; Army; Bay Avenue; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Patricia Ann; car; Celery Avenue; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; child molestation; Clemens, Jimmy; Columbus, Georgia; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy; Crooms High School; desegregation; Eleventh Street; First Street; football; Hardy, Bill; Hopper Academy; Howard, Pat; integration; Jacobson, Manuel; Jacobson, Sarah; Jones, Willie; Lakeview Middle School; Martin, Trayvon Benjamin; Mellonville Avenue; migrant worker; miscegenation; National Honor Society; New York; NHS; North Rose Wolcott School; Oldsmobile Starfire; Operation Desert Storm; oral history; race relations; Rexall; Rochester, New York; Roman-Toro, Freddie; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Middle School; school; segregation; Seminole High School; sexual abuse; taboo; Tenth Street; Thompson, Trish; U.S. Route 17-92; veteran
Oral History of Arthurene Wilson Cook
Tags: 1st Street; Anthony, Dottie Von Turbulis; artesian wells; Austin, Louise; bookkeepers; cancers; Carey, North Carolina; Celery Avenue; Chase & Company; Columbus, Georgia; Cook, Arthurene Wilson; Cook, Sherry; Cook, Walter; courthouses; divorces; Downtown Sanford; drafts; elections; Family Loan Company; First Baptist Church of Sanford; First Street; Florida Fashions; French Avenue; Great Depression; Historical Society of Central Florida; hurricanes; Linda McKnight Batman Oral History Project; Longwood; Magic Kingdom; Maitland; Morris, Joseph; multiple myeloma; Museum of Seminole County History; Orange Avenue; orlando; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; railroads; railways; Sanford; Sanford Civic Center; Sanford, North Carolina; Sanlando Springs; Seminole High School; SR 46; tax collectors; Ted Davis Furniture Company; The Villages; trains; Von Turbulis, Dottie; voting; Walt Disney World; Wilson-Maier Furniture Company; Wilson, Arthurene; World War II; WWII; Wynwood, 25th Street
Letter from E. R. Trafford to Henry Shelton Sanford (May 19, 1883)
Fort Reid Building
Tags: 1st Street; dry goods; First Street; Oak Avenue; railroads; railways; Sanford
Michael J. Doyle's Dry Goods & Grocery Store, 1882
Palmetto Avenue and First Street in Sanford, 1882
Tags: 1st Street; artesian wells; barber shops; boardinghouses; Darady; Darady's Saloon; DeForest, Henry L.; drug stores; First Street; George A. Sawyer Building; hardware; Henry L. DeForest general Store; Hester & Sheppard; Hester & Sheppard's Saloon; Hoefer, Louis; hotels; livery stables; Louis Hoefer's Bakery; Magnolia Avenue; Muller, Randolph; P. J. Parramore's Livery Stable; Palm Avenue; Parramore, P. J.; post offices; retail; Rudoplh Muller's Boardinghouse and Barber Shop; saloons; Sanford; Sanford General Store; Sanford House Hotel; Sawyer, George A.; shops; Stafford & Ellis Hardware Store and Tinshop; stores; sulphur water; tinshops
F. E. Lane Wholesale and Retail Advertisement
The South Florida Argus Advertisements (January 3, 1886)
Tags: 1st Street; 5th Street; agriculture; Barrett, C. D.; cabbage; cabbage industry; Chase and Company; Davis, G. W.; fertilizer; fertilizer industry; Fifth Street; First Street; Gilman; Gilman & Company; Home Fertilizer Company; HOTEL; Hotel San Leon; Hughes, D.; insurance; insurance industry; Lake San Leon; Lord, H. B.; Loud & Barrett; Lyman Bank; Lyman Bank Building; Magnolia Avenue; Marks, Richard H.; Miller, Theodore J.; Orange County Land Agency; Randall, J. B.; Sanford; Scott; Scott & Thrasher; Silman, James K.; St. Leon Springs Hotel; Sylvan Lake; The South Florida Argus; Thrasher, A. M.; undertaker; Villa Clare; watches; Wigwam; Wilson, Thomas E.; Wilson's Garden
Fountain at the Intersection of East First Street and North Park Avenue
Corner of East First Street and North Palmetto Avenue
Salmagundi, Vol. VII, No. 1, 1916
Tags: 1st Street; 4th Street; 9th Street; Ahearn, Ida; Alexander Irwin; Anderson, Agnes; Andes, Alice; Armor, Marry Harris; Aspinwall, Frances M.; Audubon Society; Audubon Society of Florida; B. & O. Motor Company; Betts, Ruby; Bonita Cafe; Bower, R. C.; Bowler, Mable; Boys Debating Society; Bradbury; Brady, E. E.; Brady, Virginia; Brainol; Brock, D. C.; Brown, D. O.; Brown, J. Oscar; Brown, John; Brown, Susie H.; Buckhalter, Gladys; Butt, C. G.; Caldwell, Hugh H.; Callahan; Cameron, Mary Gatchel; Carnes, S. J.; Carranza, Venustiano; Chaplin, Charlie; Chappell, Frances; Chappell, Mary; Chittenden, Edna; Commercial St.; Commercial Street; Coulborn, Dixon; Coulbourn, Mary Chappell; Coulbourn, Richard; Crosby, Wallace; Cupid, Dan; Cypress Ave.; Cypress Avenue; Davies, Mary Carolyn; Dean, Tenny; Deane, Robert; Deas, R. R.; Diack, Margaret; Dickins Shoe Store; Dickins, J. W.; Dingee, C. H.; Douglass, E. A.; DuBoes, H. C.; education; Entzminger, Maud; Estelle Gray Concert Company; Eustis; Eustis High School; Ezell; Ezell, Paul; First National Bank; First Street; Five County Fair; Fletcher, John; Florida Alligator; Florida State College for Women; Fourth Street; Fox, Gwin; French Ave. Garage; French Avenue; French Avenue Garage; French Millinery Shop; FSCW; Gardner, Gladys; Gatchel, F.; Gatchel, Josie Stumon; Gatchel, Mary; Gatchel, Ruth Stewart; Geneva; Georgia School of Technology; Geortz, Alma; Gift Store; Goertz, Alma M.; Goodhue, Isabelle; Gotha; Gove; Gove, Marion; Graham, J. R.; Gramling, Albert; Graves, Jessie C.; Gray, Estelle; Green; Green, Gladys; Grow, Elmer; Hand, C. M.; Hand, Ruth; Hawkins, W. E.; Higgins; high schools; Hill; Hotel Carnes; Housholder, E. F.; Housholder, Ernest; Housholder, W. E.; Howard, B. Adna; Hully; Hulme, T. E.; Hutchinson; Irving, Washington; Jacksonville; Jefferson Hospital; Kanner, Abie; Kanner, Charles; Kanner, Harry; Kanner, Ruth; Key, A. R.; Kissimmee; Kissimmee High School; L. R. Philips & Company; La Rocque, S. H.; Laing, H. Roby; Laing, Joseph S.; Lake, Forrest; Lawrence, B. H.; Lawton, T. W.; Leavitt, Frances A.; Leffler, C. H.; Lhevinne, Mortis; Literary and Debating Societies; Little, Ercel; Lovell, Vail; Lowell, Abbott, Lawrence; Lowell, Amy; Loy, Nina; MacMillan; Maines, Schelle; Masefield; Masters, Edgar Lee; McAlexander, Watson; McCook, S. A.; McCuller, L. P.; McDaniel, Ruth; McIntyre, J. B.; McIntyre's Express & Baggage Transfer; McLaughlin, Anna C.; McLaulin, Henry; Meredith, Thomas; Mettinger; Mettinger, Ruth; Mettinger's; Miller, F. L.; Milvis Marble Company; Morris, Gladys L.; Moughton, Ethel; Munson, Fannie Reba; Munson, Zoe; Murrell, John M.; Murrell, Renie; N. P. Yowell & Company; National Bird Day; Nichols, R. E.; Nickels; Ninth Street; Nix; Ohio House; orlando; Orlando High School; Osceola High School; Packard; Palmetto Avenue; Parish Hous; Parish House Club; Park Avenue; Pattishall, Bert; Peoples Bank; Perkins, B. L.; Philip's Studio; Philips, L. R.; Phillips Studio; Poet's Club; Pope, Eugenia; Pound, Ezra; Progressive Shoe Shop; Railroad Avenue; Rexall Store; Rhodes, Muriel; Rines; Rines, Lucille; Ringe, Adele; Roach, J. H.; Robert's Grocery; Robinson, M. F.; Rodker, John; Roumillat, Eugene; Rowe, Ruby Betts; Royal Tailors; Rumph, Dorothy; Rumph, Hume C.; Runge, S.; Runge, William; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Bottling Works; Sanford Coca-Cola Bottling Company; Sanford Furniture Company; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford House; Sanford Pressing Club; Sanford Primary School; Sanford Public Schools; Sanford Shoe and Clothing Company; Sanitary Pressing Club; Schaal, Theodore; schools; Seminole Abstract Company; Seminole County Bank; Seminole County Judge; Seminole County Superintendent of Public Instruction; Shinholser, S. O.; SHS; Smith, Bessie; Smith, R. H.; Spencer, G. W.; Spencer's Bakery; Spratt, Jack; Spurling, J. E.; St. Augustine; St. Augustine High School; St. Patrick's Day; Stetson University; Stevens, H. R.; Stevens, Ralph; Stevenson, Hazel, Allison; Stewart, Ruth; Stumon, Josie; SU; Takach, J. A.; Tallahassee; Tampa; Taylor, O. L.; Thackston, J. H.; Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Thrasher, D. L.; Thrasher, May; Tillis, Gussie; Trusler, Dean; Tsing Kiang Fu; UF; Umatilla; Umatilla High School; University of Florida; University of South Carolina; USC; Waldron, Katherine; Walker; Walker, Claire; Watson; Waycross; WCTU; West; West, Etta; West, Etta P.; Whitman, Walt; Whitner, Annie; Wickham; Wight; Wight Grocery Company; Wildman, J. Rowland; William Coulborn Co.; William Coulborn Company; Williams, Grace Earl; Wilmington; Wilson & Householder; Wilson, Thomas Emmet; Winter Park; Woman's Christian Temperance Union; Woodburn, Esthe M.; Woodruff; Woodruff & Watson; Woodruff, F. L.; Yowell, N. P.
Salmagundi, Vol. VI, No. 1, 1915
Tags: 1st Street; 4th Street; 9th Street; Abernathy, W. W.; Alden, John; Alden, Priscilla; Arthur; Aspinwall, Frances; BDS; Belgian Relief Fund; Berner, Agnes; Berner, Evelyn; Betts, A. L.; Betty, Daisy Edith; Bible; Boys Debating Society; Brady, E. E.; Brady, Virginia; Brainol; Brock, D. C.; Brown, O.; Brown, Stella; Brown, Susie; Bureau of Education; Butt, C. G.; Caldwell, Alice; Camerone Maude; Chappell, Lucca; Chase and Company; Chautauqua; Coats, John Franklin; Coulbourne; Curry Institute; Daytona; Daytona High School; Deane, Robert; Deas, R. R.; Dickson, Mildred; Dubose, H. C.; Duhart, H. L.; Durst, Mozelle; Dutton, F. F.; education; Edwards, Jonathan; Elm Avenue; Entzinger. Maide; Estridge, Hattie's; Ezell, B. F.; Fernald, George H.; First National Bank; First National Bank No. 1; First Street; Florida State College for Women; Ford; Forster, F. P.; Foster, Bob; Fourth St.; Fourth Street; French Avenue; Fry, Albert A.; FSCW; Gables, Gary; Gainesville; Garwood; Gatchel, Ruth Stewart; Geneva; George H. Fernald Hardware Company; Gilbert, Howard; Giles; Goertz, Clara; Goodhue; Greene, Gladys Helen; Guilde, Clara Louise; Hand, C. M.; Hand, Ruth; Hanson, P. M.; Harold, Muriel; Harris; Herring; Hickson, Ethel; Higgins, Adelaide; high schools; Holland, Mary B.; Hughes, H. J.; ILS; Irving Literary Society; Irwin; Irwin & Giles; Jones; Jones, Allan; Key, A. R.; King; Kissimmee; Kissimmee High School; L. R. Philips & Company; Laing, J.; Laing, R.; Lake, Forrest; Lincoln, Abraham; Literary and Debating Societies; Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; Longwood; Longwood School; Lough, Nellie Edith; Machiavelli; Magnolia Avenue; McAlexander, Watson; McDaniel, Ruth; Meredith; Miller, Theodore; Monroe; Monroe Doctrine; Morris, Gladys; Moughton, Ethel; Munson, Fannie Reba; Munson, Zoe Bardwell; Murrell, Renie; Musson, Elizabeth; N. P. Yowell & Company; Nelson, Annie; Ninth Street; orlando; Orlando High School; Oviedo; Packard; Packard, Bertha; Packard, Hazel; Packard, Marion; Pagenhart, Alma; Palmetto Avenue; Parish House; Park Avenue; Peoples Bank; Peoples Bank of Sanford; Perkins, B. L.; Philip; Philips Garage; Philips, L. R.; Philips, Marion; Phillips Studio; Pope, William; Railroad Avenue; Rand, Frederic H.; Rexall; Rexall Store; Roberts, J. D.; Rossetter; Routh, Sherman; Routh, William; Rowland, Walter; Rumph, Hume; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Bottling Works; Sanford Coca-Cola Bottling Company; Sanford Furniture Company.; Sanford Grammar; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford Novelty Works; Sanford Pressing Club; Sanford Public School; schools; Seabreeze; Seabreeze High School; Seminole County Bank; Seminole County Fair; Shepherd, Ernest; SHS; Speer, Vivian; St. Augustine; St. Augustine High School; Stetson University; Stevens, H. R.; Stevenson; Stewart, Ruth; SU; Taft, William H.; Tetherly; Theodore Miller & Son; Thrasher, D. L.; Tifft; Tift; Tolar, H. E.; Tomato Clubs; Turner, E. E.; Upshaw, William D.; Walker; Walker, Claire; Ward, Fern; Warthlen; Washburn; Washington and Lee University; Washington-Lee University; Washington, Georgia; Watson; Wentworth, Dorothy; Whiteman, James; Whiteman, Marjorie; Whitner, Annie Caldwell; Whitner, B. F.; Whitner, Benjamin; Wickham; Wight; Wight Grocery Company; Wildman, J. R.; Wildman, J. R. Laing, R.; Williams, G. E.; Winthrop, Fanny; WLU; Woman Suffrage; Woodruff; Woodruff & Watson; Woodruff, F. L.; Yowell, N. P.
Salmagundi, Vol. I, No. 1, 1910
Tags: 1st Street; 7th Street; Abbott; Abernathy, W. W.; Addison; Alexander III; Alexander the Great; Arnold; Austen, Jane; Bacon, Francis; Betts, Earnest; Betts, Ernest; Bloody Butch; Bowler, Mable; Bridges, Madeline; Brown, Kate; Bunyan, John; Burke; Burns; Caesar; Caesar, Julius; Caldwell, Annie Lee; Carlson, Harry; Carlyle, Thomas; Celery Lands; Chappe; Chaucer, Geoffrey; City Cigar Store; Class of 1910; Clyde Pharmacy; Coffee, Claude; Cooper, James; Cowan, Mabel; Cowantes; Davis, G. A.; Deadwood Dick; Deane, Tenney; E. O. Painter Printing Company; education; Elder, Virginia; Ensminger, Jefferson Clay; F. J. Powers Real Estate Agency; First St.; First Street; Fish, Bert; Fox, Martha; Frank, Flossie; Frank, M.; Franklin, Benjamin; Frenger, Eva; Garden Seed Depot; Gardner, Gladys; Garner, N. O.; George H. Fernald Hardware Company; Goldsmith, Oliver; Guild; Hamilton, May; Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Henderson, Osborne; Higgins, Lillian; high schools; Hill, Alberta; Hill, Mamie; Holmes, Oliver Wendell; Homer; Householder, Earnest; Irving Literary Society; James, Jessie; Jeffries, Jim; Johnston, S. W.; Jones, McLaughlin Furniture Company; Kanner, Abie; Keene, Eloise; Kipling, Rudyard; Knight, W.; L. R. Phillips & Company; Lane, Edward; Leffler, Peachea; Long, W. W.; Lovell, Carrie; Lowell; Macauley; Mahoney, Clarence; Mann, Horace; Maxwell, Ray; Maxwell, S.; McCuller, L. P.; Messenger, Verne; Millen, Clara; Milton, John; Montreville, N. B.; Moor, Henry; Munson; Murrell, Kenneth; N. P. Yowell & Company; National Baseball League; NLB; Oak Avenue; Packard, Bertha; Palmetto Ave.; Palmetto Avenue; Park Avenue; Peabody, H. H.; Peabody, Henry; People, Eugenia; Perkins; Perkins, N. J.; Pope, Alexander; Quigley, Charles; R. H. Markes Real Estate Agency; Robbins, Alice; Roberts, J. D.; Rogers, Robert; Ronmillat, Jr., Francis Eugene; Rourke, E. B.; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford High School; Sanford Pressing Club; Sanford Public Schools; schools; Scott; Seventh Street; Shakespeare, William; Shenandoah Collegiate Institute; SHS; Singeltary, Willie; SPS; Stevens, Edward; Stevens, Ralph; Stevenson; Stewart, Edith; Stewart, Ruth; Stumon, Jossie; Temple, Clarence; Tetherly; The Traveller; The Traveller, or a Prospect of Society; Thrasher, D. L.; Tipe, Myrtle; Title, Bond and Guarantee Company; Turpin, Dick; Twain, Mark; Venus; Vergil; Virgil; Whipple, E. P.; Whittier, John Greenleaf; Williams, Saidee; Wolsey, Thomas; Wood, Stanley; yearbooks
Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play
Seminole County Public Schools Teachers and Salaries, 1913-1954
Tags: 10th Street; 11th Avenue; 12th Street; 13th Street; 14th Street; 15th Street; 16th Street; 17th Street; 19th Street; 1st Street; 20th Street; 21st Street; 2nd Avenue; 2nd Street; 3rd Street; 4th Street; 5th Street; 6th Street; 7th Street; 8th Street; 9th Street; Aberdeen; Adena; Aloma Avenue; Apalachicola; Apopka; Arran; Ashby Street; Ashley Street; Auburndale Avenue; Avocado Avenue; Axson; Baimbridge; Baldwin; Bay Avenue; Beach Street; Beardall Avenue; Benson Springs; Bernesville; Blenton; Blount Street; Boston; Brigend; Brisson Avenue; Buffalo; Burbank; Burlington; Bushnell; Calhoun; Cambridge; Cameron; Cameron Avenue; Cameron City; Campbell; Casselberry; Catalina Drive; Celery Avenue; Center Street; Chancellor; Chatham; Chattahoochee; Chipley; Christmas; Chuluota Primary; Chuluota Primary School; Chuluota School; Church Creek; Cincinnati; Citrus Heights; Clark Avenue; Clermont; Cleveland; Cliffdale; Cloudland Park; Colbert; College Hill Street; Concord Avenue; Cottondale; Country Club Road; County Road 427; Cowan Apartments; CR 427; Crooms Academy; Cumming; Cypress Avenue; Cypress Street; Dade City; Danbury; Daytona Beach; DeLand; Delton; Dexter; Dixie Highway; Dothan; Douglas; Douglas Street; Dublin; East Side; East Side Primary School; Eastside Primary School; Edmund; educator; Eighth Street; elementary school; Eleventh Avenue; Elliot Avenue; Elm Avenue; employee; Eufsuls; Eustis; F Street; Fern Park; Fifteenth Street; Fifth Street; First Street; Floral Heights; Forest City School; Forsyth; Fort Meade; Fort Reed; Fourteenth Street; Fourth Street; Franklin Street; Franklinton; French Avenue; Frostproof; Gabriella Colored School; Gainesville; Gamble Street; Geneva Avenue; Geneva Colored School; Geneva Elementary School; Geneva School; Genius Drive; Georgetown; Glendale; Goggansville; Goldsboro Primary School; Grandview Avenue; Haines City; Halb Avenue; Havana; Hawthorne; Hemingwet; Hermits Trail; Hewlett; Hickory Avenue; high school; Highland; Hinson; Holly Avenue; Hopper Academy; Howry Street; Hungerford School; Indian Mound Village; Jackson Street; Jacksonville; Jasper; Jefferson; Jefferson Street; Jessamine Avenue; Jonesboro; Key West; Kingstree; Kissimmee; Kolokee; Ky-Bama Lodge; Lake Avenue; Lake Butler; Lake Mary Road; Lake Mary School; Lake Monroe Colored School; Lake Monroe School; Lake Wales; Lake Worth; Lakeland; Lakemont; Lakeview Drive; Lakewood; Langley; Langley Apartments; Las Olas Boulevard; Laurel Avenue; Leesburg; Lewisberg; LHS; Live Oak; Livingston Street; Lloyd; Loch Arbor Court; Locust Avenue; Longwood School; Louisville; Lyman Elementary School; Lyman High School; Madison; Madison Street; Magnolia Avenue; Main Street; Maitland; Maple Avenue; Marianna; Marietta; Maripose Street; Mars Hill; Maryville; Mascotte; Masonville; McCombe Street; Mellonville Avenue; Menlo; Merritt Street; Miami; Midway; Miller Avenue; Minnesota Avenue; Moncrif Avenue; Montezuma Hotel; Monticello; Montverde; Morgan City; Moultrie; Mount Dora; Mount Olive; Mount Vernon; Myrtle Avenue; New Canton; New Milford; New Port Richey; New Smyrna Beach; Nineteenth Street; Ninth Street; O'Brien; Oak Avenue; Oak Street; Oakland; Ocoee; OHS; Olive Street; Orange Avenue; orlando; Osceola; Osceola School; Osteen; Oviedo; Oviedo Colored School; Oviedo High School; Oviedo School; Oxford Junction; Ozark; Palatka; Palmetto Avenue; Paris; Park Avenue; Parramore Street; Pearson; Pecan Avenue; Pelham; Pendergrass; Peninsula Drive; Penn Avenue; Pensacola; Persimmon Avenue; Pine Avenue; Pinehurst; Poinsetta Avenue; Ponce Park; Portsmouth; public school; Punta Gorda; Quitman; Raleigh; Randall Circle; Reus Street; Richland; Richmond Avenue; Ridgewood Avenue; Rock Hill; Rosalia Drive; Rose Court; Rose Court Apartments; Rosenwald; Rosenwald No. 1; Roslindale; Roundtree Avenue; Route 1; Route 2; Route A; Roxbury Road; Ruthledge; Salem; Salisbury; San Lanta Apartments; Sand Lake Road; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford Junior High; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Primary School; Sanford Vocational School; Sans Souci Avenue; school; SCPS; Seaboard Oil Company; Second Avenue; Second Street; Sellors Street; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School Board; Seminole High School; Seminole Rosenwald No. 1; Seventeenth Street; Seventh Street; Shady Lane; Shady Lane Drive; Sharon; Shepherd Avenue; SHS; Silver Lake; Sipes Avenue; Sixteenth Street; Sixth Street; SJHS; snow Hill Road; Sorrento; South Side Primary School; Southside Primary; Southside Primary School; Spurling Street; St. Augustine; St. Petersburg; Steubenville; Summerlin Avenue; Sumter; Sunset Drive; Swan Street; Swanton; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tangerine; teacher; Teckla; Tekona Park; Tenth Street; Third Street; Thirteenth Street; Tifton; Triplet Street; Tuscaloosa; Twelfth Street; Twentieth Street; Twenty-First Street; Umatilla; Union Avenue; Valdosta; Valencia Drive; Vernville; Vidette; Vienna; Virginia Drive; Vistabula; Vradenburgh; Wagner Colored School; Waits Street; Waleska; Washington; Washington Avenue; Wauseon; Welbourne Street; Wellborn; West Point; West Side Primary School; Westside Primary School; Whigham; Wichita; Wildmere Avenue; Wildwood; Willow Avenue; Wilson; Wilson School; Winfree Avenue; Winston-Salem; Winter Garden; Winter Haven; Winter Park; Woodsbridge; Wrightsville; Youngstown
Oral History of Luticia "Tish" Lee, Linda Maliczowski, and Catherine "Cathy" Dingle
Tags: 10th Street; 1st Street; American Legion; American Legion Campbell-Lossing Post 53; American Legion Hall; baking; cannon; cedar chest; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; County League Hudderson Scrap; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crown Paper Company; Dingle, Cathy; fireless cooker; First Street; Florida State Road 46; French Avenue; French, A. J.; French, Scot; heirloom; hope chest; ice plant; Laurel Avenue; Lee, Cathy; Lee, Jimmy; Lee, Linda; Lee, Lutisha "Tish"; Legion Hut; Maliczowski, Linda; Mayfair Hotel; New Smyrna Beach; NTM; Oak Avenue; Oaklem, Braley; Ogleman, Andrew; oral history; orlando; Palmetto Avenue; paper factory; rationing; rolling pin; Sanford; scrap metal; secretary; Seminole Boulevard; Seth. A. J.; Snow, Paul; Spencer; SR 46; Tenth Street; The Sanford Herald; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Trish Thompson
Tags: 11th Street; 1st Street; 501(c)(3); Bagg, Elmer; Baggs; Bram Towers; Broadway; Celery Ball; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; Central Florida; Central Florida Community Arts; Clarke, Alicia; Colquitt, Georgia; community theater; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; David Maus Toyota; Disney; Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center; Dreamers and Schemers; Eleventh Street; First Street; fourth wall; Generations; Grandma Moses; Grease; Great Gatsby; Holocaust and Interfaith Council; Hopper Academy; Humanities Council; I-4; Interstate-4; John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts; Kalayla; Knight, Margot H.; Made - Not Bought; Maus, David; Mayfair Country Club; Mercedes-Benz; Mica, John L.; Miller, Mark; Mr. Baggs; oral history; Orlando, Florida; Princess Theater; race relations; Reisz, Autumn; Remade - Not Bought; Rib Ranch; RICHES Mosaic Interface; RICHES of Central Florida; Roman-Toro, Freddie; Sanford; Sanford Museum; Sanford Welcome Center; Seminole Cultural Arts Council; Serenity Towers; Sleeping Beauty; Spam-A-Lot; Swamp Gravy; Swamp Gravy Institute; Talks From the Stalks; Taylor, Jeanine; The Holocaust; The Princess Players; The Sanford Herald; The Villages; theater; theater manager; Thompson, Trish; Tony Award; Touch and Go; Uncle Dieter; United Art of Central Florida; Wicked
Dr. Starke Honored
Sanford Salutes Dr. G. H. Starke Sunday Sept 1
Baggs' Produce Cart from "Remade - Not Bought"
Woven Tales and Signature Boards at the Princess Theater
Trish Thompson
Stage Set for Remade - Not Bought
Princess Theater Riser Seating
Princess Theater Cast Dressing Rooms
"Music for Melons" Poster
Tags: 1st Street; American Cancer Society; breast cancer; breast cancer awareness; cancer; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; Creative Sanford, Inc.; First Street; fundraiser; Galaxy Mindz Dance Crew; Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5k; Melon Sisters; Music for Melons; Paul 50; Princess Theater; Rhode, Angelyn; Sanford; Stern, Lisa; Wekiva River Players Junior Theater; Winter Springs Performing Arts
Letter from John L. Mica to Trish Thompson (July 12, 2011)
Tags: 1st Street; 7th District; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; City of Sanford; congressman; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Cultural Preservation Award; First Street; historic preservation; Mica, John L.; Princess Theater; representative; Sanford; Sanford Historic Trust; theater; Thompson, Trish; Touch and Go
Letter from Chris Dorworth to Trish Thompson (June 16, 2011)
Tags: 1st Street; AAA Drive; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; Creative Sanford, Inc.; District 34; Dorworth, Chris; Downtown Sanford; First Street; Florida House of Representatives; Florida League of Cities; Historic Downtown Sanford; historic preservation; Lake Mary; Monroe Street; Princess Theater; representative; Sanford; Seminole County; state representative; Tallahassee; theater; Thompson, Trist; Touch and Go
"Remade - Not Bought" Display Window
Celery Ball
Are You Sanford Proud?
Cultural Preservation Award for Creative Sanford, Inc. and Celery Soup
Tags: 1st Street; award; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Cultural Preservation Award; Downtown Sanford; First Street; Historic Downtown Sanford; historic preservation; Historic Preservation Award; Princess Theater; Sanford; Sanford Historic Trust; theater; Touch and Go
Western Union: A Hive of Service
W. A. Patrick
Former Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Office
Seminole Tire Shop Advertisement
Sanford-Oviedo Truck Growers, Inc. Advertisement
Seminole Tire Shop Advertisement
Former Chase & Company Office, 2011
Baby's Record of Birth for Charmion Le'Antwinetta Holt
All Souls Catholic Church Historic Chapel, 2011
New Cigar Factory: Sanford Will Be Center for Clear Havana Cigars in Future
Lucien R. Philips' Rexall Store
Oral History of Christine Kinlaw-Best
Tags: 1st Street; 7th Street; 9th Street; Eastside Primary School; elementary school; First Street; grammar school; History Harvest; Kinlaw-Best, Christine; Kinlaw, Christine; Little Red Schoolhouse; Miller, Mark; Ninth Street; Palmetto Avenue; Public History Center; report card; Rigney-Kinlaw, Madge Geraldine; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; school; Seminole County; Seminole High School; Seventh Street; Southside School; Student Museum; Tajiri School of Performing Arts & Academics; Westside Grammar Elementary School; Woodcock, Colla; Woodcock, Madge; Woodcock, Versa
Museum of Geneva History
Sydney Octavius Chase and Joshua Coffin Chase at the Chase & Company Office in Sanford
Chase & Company Staff with Sydney Octavius Chase
Chase & Company Sales Department
Street View of Sanford House Hotel
View of First Street Looking Towards Sanford Avenue
First Street Looking Towards Sanford Avenue
First Street Fair in Sanford
Howard-Packard Land Company
Creative Sanford, Inc.
Historic Sanford Welcome Center
First National Bank No. 2
Hotchkiss Block, 2010
DeForest Block
First National Bank No. 1
Sanford Museum
Built as a memorial to Henry Shelton Sanford, the museum houses his library and…
Looking Southwest from First Street and Palmetto Avenue
First Street Looking West from Sanford Avenue on the 4th of July
Tags: 1st Street; First Street; Frist St.; July 4th
Former Sanford Public Service Company Building
Sanford Light and Fuel Company, Sanford Ice and Water Company, Crystal Ice Company
Tags: 1st Street; ACL; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Crystal Ice Co. Crystal Ice; Crystal Ice Company; First St.; First Street; ice factory; ice house; ice plant; Sanford Ice and Water; Sanford Ice and Water Co.; Sanford Ice and Water Company; Sanford Light and Fuel; Sanford Light and Fuel Co.; Sanford Light and Fuel Company; Southern Utilities; Southern Utilities Co.; Southern Utilities Company
Former Sanford Ice, Light, and Power Building
Ice Plants and Houses in Sanford
Tags: 13th Street; 1st Street; Antiques and Dustibles; Crystal Ice; Crystal Ice Co.; Crystal Ice Company; First Presbyterian Church; First Presbyterian Church of Sanford; First St.; First Street; French Ave.; French Avenue; Hunter; Hunter Ice & Fuel; Hunter Ice & Fuel Co.; Hunter Ice & Fuel Company; New Ice; New Ice Co.; New Ice Company; Park Ave.; Park Avenue; Pebble Junction; Rand; Rand Yard; Rand Yard Ice House; Rand Yard Rd.; Rand Yard Road; Sanford Ave.; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Ice; Sanford Ice and Cold; Sanford Ice and Cold Storage; Sanford Ice and Water; Sanford Ice and Water Co.; Sanford Ice and Water Company; Sanford Ice Co.; Sanford Ice Company; Sanford Ice, Light, and Power; Sanford Public Service; Southern Utilities; Thirteenth St.; Thirteenth Street; Thomas; Thomas Ice; Thomas Ice Co.; Thomas Ice Company; Wet Spot
Sanford After Great Fire
Sanford After Great Fire of 1887
Old Fort Reid Building
Tags: 1st Street; dry goods; dry goods store; First St.; Fort Reed; Fort Reed Building; Fort Reid; Fort Reid Building; Ft. Reed; Ft. Reed Building; Ft. Reid; Ft. Reid Building; Magnolia Ave.; Magnolia Avenue; Old Fort Reed Building; Old Fort Reid Building; Old Ft. Reed Building; Old Ft. Reid Building; store; Yowell Store; YowellFirst Street
First Street and Park Avenue
Tags: 1st Street; Dr. LeEngles Drugstore; fire department; First Street; H. L. Hoefer's Bakery; Henry L. DeForest Store; Hisbers, M. K.; Lilienthal store; Park Avenue; Parramores Stable; R. Müller Barber Shop; S. J. Drawdy Saloon; Sanford, Henry Shelton; Stafford and Ellis; Stafford Tallies Hardware Store; Wiebolot, A. A.
First Street Between Palmetto Avenue and Magnolia Avenue
Palmetto Avenue and First Street
Swimming Pool at New Tribes Mission
Tags: 1st Street; charity; First St.; First Street; New Tribes Mission; NTM
New Tribes Mission Lobby
New Tribes Mission International Headquarters, Sanford, Florida
Tags: 1st Street; Bankhead, Tallulah; Barrie, Wendie; Bernard MacFadden, Inc.; Borge, Victor; Capone, Al; Celebrities; charity; City of Sanford; Durocher, Leo; First St.; First Street; Forrest Lake Hotel; Giants; Godfrey, Arthur; Higgins, Ed; Hotel Forrest Lake; hotel manager; Hubbell, Carl; Hullick, Howard; Hunt, H. L.; Kirchhoff, W. E., Jr.; Kirchhoff, William E.; Krider, John; Lake, Forrest; MacFadden, Bernard; Major Baseball League; Marion, Charles; Mayfair; Mayfair Golf Course; Mayfair Hotel; Mayfair Inn; Mayfair Opening Ball; McGraw, John J.; Mebane, Frank, Jr.; Moughton, Elton J.; NAS; NAS Sanford; National Exhibition Company; Naval Air Station; Naval Air Station Sanford; New Tribes Mission; New Tribes Mission Headquarters; New Tribes Mission HQ; New Tribes Mission International Headquarters; New Tribes Mission International HQ; New York Giants; NTM; NTM Headquarters; NTM HQ; NTM International Headquarters; NTM International HQ; NY Giants; Ott, Mel; Rickey, Branch; San Francisco Giants; Sanford Chamber of Commerce; Sanford Naval Academy; Sauls, John; SF Giants; SNS; Stoneham, Horace; The Ides of March; Wilder, Thornton
Guest Facility at New Tribes Mission
New Tribes Mission Grows
Tags: 1st Street; Bernard McFadden Gymnasium; Brown Gold; Celery Printing; Celery Printing Co.; Celery Printing Company; charitable organization; charity; church; Family News; First St.; First Street; gym; gymnasium; Johnston, Kenneth; Mayfair; Mayfair Hotel; Mayfair Inn; New Testament; New Tribes Mission; New Tribes Mission HQ; New Tribes Mission Headquarters; New Tribes Missionaries; non-denominational; NTM; NTM Headquarters; NTM HQ; Pounds, Geoffrey; renovations; Sanford Herald; Sanford Naval Academy; SNA; Sunday school