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- Tags: Catherine Lee
Oral History of Luticia Roberts Lee and Catherine Lee Dingle
Tags: 15th Street; 1st Street; 3rd Street; African Americans; American Legion; American Legion Campbell-Lossing Post 53; Benny Austin; Benny Logan; Bessie Long; Bill White; Blake Jones; C-sections; Caesarian sections; cannons; Carlie Smith; Catherine Lee; Catherine Lee Dingle; Cathy Dingle; Cathy Lee; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Chapman; China; Cindy Slaten; Cindy Slaten Lee; Creative Sanford, Inc.; criminal justice; Crown Paper Company; DeLand; desegregation; Douglas Stenstrom; Downtown Sanford; Elizabeth Steele; Fifteenth Street; First Street; Florence Stenstrom; Gladys Stenstrom; groceries; grocery; Henry June; Higgins; Historic Sanford Welcome Center; hope chests; Hurricane Donna; hurricanes; India; Ingrid Burton; integration; James Lee; James Roberts; Jimmy Lee; Joshie Dingle; Joyce Adams; Joyce Adams Jones; Ken McIntosh; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Legion Hut; Leroy Roth; Linda Roth; Lnda Lee; Louis Austin; Luticia Lee; Luticia Roberts; maids; Mark; Marty; Mary McIntosh; Mendelson; metal drive; metal drives; military police; Nathan Garner; Oak Avenue; oral history; orlando; Pacific Theater; Palmetto Avenue; Parole Commission; pasture party; Patty Stenstrom; Phil Logan; ponds; post offices; potlucks; race relations; Rand Yard Ice House; Roberts; rolling pin; Rollins College; Ronald Thomas; Sanford; Sanford High School; Sanford Post Office; Sarah Dingle; Sawyer; scrap metals; segregation; Seminole High School; Southside Grammar School; Stetson University; The Help; Tish Lee; Tish Roberts; tornadoes; Trish Thompson; veterans; Viola Jordan; World War I; World War II; WWII