Browse Items (13 total)
- Tags: Swedes
Letter from E. R. Trafford per William Beardall to Henry Shelton Sanford (May 9, 1884)
Oral History of Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan
Tags: Abraham Lincoln; Alice Kathryn Aulin Bunch; American flags; Anderson; Andrew Aulin III; Andrew Aulin, Jr.; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Andrew Schott Reagan; Andy Aulin; art; artists; Aulin Avenue; Aulin's Landing; awards; B. F. Wheeler; baccalaureate services; Baptists; Bayton; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler; Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan; Bettye Reagan; bicycles; bike riding; bikes; Black Beauty; Bob Ward; book reports; books; bovines; busing; camping; canines; car accidents; cattle; chapels; Charles Warren Aulin; Charlie McCulley; Charlotte Lee Lawton; church; churches; clothes; clothing; Coat of Many Colors; coats; cops and robbers; cows; cycling; Daniel Lee McGill; Daniel Lee Reagan; Debbie Lynn Reagan; desegregation; discipline; doctors; dogs; Don Reagan; Donald Thomas Reagan; dressmakers; dressmaking; drugstores; Easter; education; educators; Emma Leonora Lawton Aulin; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; flags; Florida State Bank; forts; Frankie D. Gore; fruit testers; GA; games; George Lee Wheeler; Girls’ Auxiliaries; graduations; Grand Ole Opry; gym; Heidi; high schools; immigrants; immigration; integration; Jackson Borough School for Nursing; Jacobs; Joanne Ward; Joel Edwin McGill; Joel McGill; Julie Karin Reagan; Kathleen An Reagan; Kathleen Ann McGill; Lake Charms; Lake Mary; Lee; Leonard Franklin Slye; Lillian Della Lee Lawton; Lona Lawton Aulin; Lottie Lee Lawton; Martin; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; Mary Leonora Aulin Bartlett; milk; milking; Morrison’s Cafeteria; Nelson and Company; novels; oranges; orlando; Orlando Transit; Osteen; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo School; Oviedo, Spain; P.E.; painters; painting; Patrick Kelley Reagan; pets; physical education; physicians; postmasters; pranks; RA; race relations; radios; Rebecca Schwandt; Rollins College; Roy Rogers; Royal Ambassadors; Sanford; school bus; school buses; schools; seamstress; seamstresses; segregation; sewing; Slavia; spitz; spitzen; storekeepers; strawberries; strawberry; Sunbeam Band; Swedes; Swedish; swimming pools; T. W. Lawton; teachers; telephone operators; The Roy Rogers Show; Thomas Willington Lawton; Trigger; Troubles; Tusta's Drugstore; W. J. Lawton; Walker; weddings; West; West House; Wheeler; Wheeler Fertilizer Company; White's Wharf; Winborn Joseph Lawton, Sr.
Oral History of Julia Nadine Davis Aulin
Tags: American Civil War; Andrew Aulin III; Andy Aulin; armadillos; automobiles; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; Black Hammock; Career Field; cars; Charles Warren Aulin; Chuluota; church; churches; Citizens Bank of Florida; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; citrus; cops; Donna Neely; Downtown Oviedo; dressmakers; dressmaking; elevators; Emma Leonora Lawton Aulin; Fifi; football teams; George Kelsey; immigrants; immigration; Jacobs; John Courier; Kilby; law enforcement; Lee Gary; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; motor vehicles; Nadine Davis Aulin; Narcissa Melissa Lawton; Nelson and Company; Nettie Dorcas Jacobs Aulin; OHS; orange groves; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo: Biography of a Town; police officers; post offices; postmasters; rice; roadsters; rumble seats; Sarah Schneider; seamstress; seamstresses; sewing; spiders; sports; spyders; Steen Nelson; Swedes; Swedish Americans; switchboard operators; The Judge; Thee Lee; Theodore Aulin; Theodore Lee; Thomasville, Georgia; Townhouse Restaurant; White's Wharf; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII
Oviedo Best in World
Letter from Steen Nelson to Annie Tes Rae (July 20, 1938)
Andrew Aulin
Tags: Andrew Aulin, Sr.; immigrants; Oviedo; postmasters; Swedes; Swedish
The Oviedo Outlook: Centennial Edition
Tags: 4th of July; A. Duda; A. Duda and Sons, Inc.; A. J. McCulley; A. M. Jones; A&W; ACL; African American; Al Ruthberg; Al Ruthberg's Dry Goods; Alafaya Square; Alafaya Woods; Alafaya Woods Boulevard; Albertsons; Allen Street; American Bandstand; American Legion; American Legion Post 243; American Radioactive Chemical Company; Anderson; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Andrew Duda; Ann Leinhart; Anna Thompson; anniversary; Anything for Floors; Artesia Street; Arthur Evans; Arthur Scott; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta Covington; Aulin Avenue; Avenue B.; B. F. Wheeler; B. G Smith; Babe Ruth League; Bank of Oviedo; Baptists; Baptizing Lake; Barbara Walker-Seaman; baseball; basketball; Bean Soup Ladies; Belle Glade; Ben Ward; Ben Wheeler; Benjamin Frank Wheeler; Benny Ward; Betty Aulin; Betty Malcolm; Betty Malcolm Jackson; Betty Palmer; Betty Reagan; Bill Clinton; Bill Martin; Bill Nelson; Bill Ward; Billie Chance; Black Hammock Fish Camp; Black Tuesday; Bob Butterworth; Bobby Malcolm; Boston Hill; Boston Park; Boy Scouts of American; Broadway Lily's Louis Edward Jordan, Sr.; Broadway Street; Brownie; Buddy Tyson; C. L. Clonts; C. R. Clonts and Associated Growers; C. S. Lee; cattle; Cattlewomen; Cay Westerfield; celery; centennial; Central Avenue; Century 21 Real Estate; Chance; Chapman Road; Charles Aulin; Charles Evans; Charles Lee, Jr.; Charles Simeon Lee; Charlie Beasley; Charlie Malcolm; Charlie McCully; Chase and Company; Chicago boys; Chiropractic Healthcare Center; Christmas; Chuluota; churches; Ci Gi's Pizza and Subs; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; city clerk; city council; city government; Clare Wheeler; Clare Wheeler Evans; Clarence William Nelson II; Clark; Clark Street; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; Claudia Mitchem; Cleo Malcolm; Cleo Malcolm Gore; Cleo Malcolm Leinhart; Clonts Farms, Inc.; Clyde Holder; Clyde Reese Moon; coach; Colonial Drive; Cooper; county commissioner; county government; Cow Bells; Crooms High School; Cross Seminole Trail; Crutchfield; D. D. Daniel; D. D. Daniel Store; David Evans; Dawson; Daytona; De Leon Street; Delco; Democrat; Democratic parks; desegregation; Dick Addicks; Dick Clark; Doc Malcolm; Don Ulery; Donna Neely; Donnie Malcolm; Dorothy Malcolm; Dorsey Brothers; Double R Private School; Doug Allen; Doug Allen Debris Cleaning; Douglas Allen; Downtown Oviedo; Duda; Dwardy; E. H. Kilbee; Econ Eating Club; Econ River; Econlockhatchee River; Ed Duda; Ed Yarborough; Edgar Marvin; Edith Mead; education; educator; Edward Duda; Edward Stoner; Elida Margaret McCulley; Elm Street; Elnoa Allen; Elsie Beasley; Emma Catherine Wahgren; Enoch Partin; Equestrian Green; Evelyn Cheek; Evelyn Cheek Lundy; Faircloth's Grocery; farmer; farming; Fernell's Grocery; FFA; FFWC; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; Flagler's Hotel; Florida Avenue; Florida Federation of Woman's Clubs; Florida High School Athletic Association; Florida Power and Light Company; Florida State Road 426; Florida State Road 434; Florida State Road 50; Florida Tech; Florida Technological University; football; Forrest Harrill Burgess; Foster Chapel; Fountainhead Baptist churches; Fourth of July; Frank Wheeler; Freeze of 1894; Freeze of 1917-1918; Freeze of 1989; freezes; Fritz Mondale; fruit flies; fruit fly; FTU; Future Farmers of America; Gardenia; Gebhardy; Geneva; Geneva Drive; Geneva Historical and Genealogical Society; Geneva Methodist churches; George Aire; George Kelsey; George Lee; George Lee Wheeler; George Means; Georgetown; Georgia Lee; Georgia Lee Wheeler; Gertrude Lucas; Gladys Malcolm; Glenridge Middle School; government; Grace Olliff; Graham Street; Great Crash, Stock Market Crash of 1929; Great Day in the Country; Great Depression; Greater Oviedo Chamber of Commerce; groves; Guy Lombardo; Gwynn's Cafe; Halloween; Harold Henn; Harold Jordan; Hazel Malcolm; Henry Foster; Henry Wolcott; high schools; Hillcrest Drive; Hollie Ruscher; Horse Pond; Howell Branch Road; Hubert Max Lanier; Hurley Ann Wainright; Hurley Mae Moon; Hurricane Donna; Hyland; Ida Boston; Ima Jean Bostick Ocala; Ima Jean Bostick Yarborough; immigrants; Independence Day; infestation; integration; Irving Malcolm; Jack Malcolm; Jackie Kasell; Jackson Heights; Jakubcin; James Earl Carter, Jr.; James Gilbery; James Lambert Malcolm; Jane Cochran; Jane Gaydick; Jane Moran; Jane Moran Wheeler; Jean Jordan; Jean Wheeler; Jim Lee; Jim Partin; Jim Pearson; Jim Wilson; Jimmy Carter; Jimmy Lee; Jimmy Malcolm; Joe Leinhart; Joe Malcolm; Joe Rutland; John Currier; John Evans; John Ganaway Malcolm; John Irving Malcolm; John Lundy; John Ridenour; Johnny Smith; Johnson Hill; Joseph Leinhart; Joseph Watts; July 4th; July Fourth; Junie Duda; Justice of the Peace; Karate Academy; Karen Jansen; Karen Jansen Jacobs; Katherine Lawton; Katherine Mikler; Katherine Mikler Duda; Katheryn Lawton; Katie Lawton; Kay Dodd; Kay Estes; Keith Malcolm; Kenneth Malcolm; King; King Street; Kingsbridge; Kit Lawton; Kitty Young; L. J. Gore; Lacy Aire; Lacy Aire Lingo; Lake Barton; Lake Charm; Lake Charm Park; Lake George; Lake Harney; Lake Jessup Settlement; Lake Jesup; Lake Mary; Lake Pickett; Lake Rosa; Lakemont Elementary School; Larry Neely; Larry Olliff; law; Lawton Elementary School; Lawton House; Lawton's Grocery; Lawtonville; Lee and Todd Real Estate Company; Lee Wheeler; Leinhart; Leon Olliff; Leonard Jansen; Letty Leinhart; Linda Olliff Cliburn; Linda Sheppard; little league; local government; Lockwood Boulevard; Lois Ridell; Louise Gore; Louise Wheeler; Louise Wheeler Martin; Lucy Fore; Lucy Fore Bostick; Magnolia Street; Malcolm; Mammy Jones; Marguerite Partin; Marilyn Partin; Mark Bellhorn; Marlow Link; Martha Ann Bruce; Martha Ann Moon; Martha Ann Moon Lee; Martin Anderson; Martin Gore; Mary Velora Moon; Matheson; Max Lanier; May Day; mayor; Mayor of Oviedo; McDonald's; McKinnon Meat Market; Mead Manor; Mediterranean fruit fly; Memorial Building; Memorial Building Committee; Merritt Staley; Methodist Youth Fellowship; Methodists; Michael Bruce; Mike Tsinsky; Mikler Road; Mimi Wheeler; Mimi Wheeler Bruce; Mims; Minnie Means; Miriam Wheeler; Miriam Wheeler Bruce; Mitchell Hammock; Mitchell Hammock Road; Model T Ford; Mule trains; Museum of Seminole County History; MYF; Myrtle Avenue; natural disasters; Navy; Nelson; Nelson and Company; Niblack Building; Nin a Ralston; North Lake Jessup; Novella Aulin; Novella Aulin Ragsdale; Ocala; OHS; Ol' Swimming Hole; Old Downtown Development Group; Old Mims Road; Old Time History of By-Gone Days of Lake Jessup Settlement; Orange Avenue; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Athletic Association; Oviedo Child Care Center; Oviedo City Cleaners, Inc.; Oviedo City Clerk; Oviedo City Council; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Garden Club; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Inn; Oviedo Lights; Oviedo Magazine Club; Oviedo Marketplace; Oviedo Post Office; Oviedo Shopping Center; Oviedo Town Council; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; Palatka River; Park Avenue Elementary School; Partin; Patrick Westerfield; Paul Arie; Paul Mikler; Penny Mitchem; Penny Mitchem Olliff; Phil Goree; picnic; Pine Street; pioneers; post offices; postmaster; poultry; R. W. Estes; race relations; Railroad Street; railroads; Rainbow Bowl; rations; Ray Alford; Ray Clonts; Reconstruction; Red Barn; Red Bug Lake Road; religion; Rex Clonts; Rick Burns; Riverside Park; Robert A. Butterworth; Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever; Roley Carter; Ropers; Rosa Gray; Roy Clonts; Roz Nogel; Russell Boston; Sanford; Sanford Airport; Sanford City League; Sanford Road; Sanlando Springs; sawmill; Sayde Fleming; Sayde Fleming Duda; Schmidt; school superintendent; schools; Scott Perry; SCPS; Sears and Roebuck; segregation; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School Board; Seminole County Sports Hall of Fame; Seminole High School; settlers; Shedd Street; Shirley Malcolm Sheppard; Shirley Partin; Signworks Graphik and Design, Inc.; Silver Glen Springs; Silver Star; Simmons; Singletary; skiing; Slavia; Smoky Burgess; Snow Hill; snow Hill Road; Solary's wharf; Sparks Lingo; Sparks Lingo Clonts; Sparks Lingo Ridenour; Spencer's Grocery and Drygoods; Spencer's Store; sports; SR 426; SR 434; SR 50; St. Johns River; St. Luke's Lutheran Cathedral; State Democratic Committee; statute; Steak'n'Shake; Steen Nelson; Stevens Street; Stommy Staley; Stone; Sugarby's; Sunday schools; Suzanne Partin; Swedes; Swedish; Sweetwater Park; Swift and Company; swimming pool; T. L. Lingo, Jr.; T. L. Mead; T. W. Lawton; T. W. Lawton Elementary School; Teacher's House; teachers; Ted Estes; Thad Lee Lingo III; Thad Lee Lingo, Jr.; The Gap; The Oviedo Outlook; The Scrubs; The Sign Man; The Square; Thee Lee; Thelma Lee; Thelma Lee Clonts; Theodore Luqueer Mead; Thomas Moon; Thomas Willington Lawton; Thompson; Tom Estes; Tom Moon; Tom Morgan; Tommy Estes; town government; Town House Restaurant; Troy Jones; turkey; Tuscawilla; Twin Rivers; U.S. Army; UCF; University of Central Florida; Vera Malcolm; veteran; Vietnam War; Vine Street; Viola Smith; Virginia Balkcom; Virginia Balkcom Mikler; Virginia Staley; W. G. Kilbee; W. J. Lawton, Sr.; Wagner; Wall Street Crash of 1929; Wallace Allen; Walter Frederick Mondale; Walter Mondale; Walter Teague; water skiing; Watermaster Plumbing; Wayne Jacobs; Wes Evans; Wheeler Fertilizer Plant; White's Wharf; William Jefferson Blythe III; William Jefferson Clinton; Winborn Joseph Lawton, Sr.; Winchester Insurance, Inc.; Winter Park; Winter Park Telephone Company; Woman's Club; World War II; WWII; Zellwood
A History of Central Florida, Episode 19: Russian Samovar
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; Anna Reverend; Bob Clarke; Boris Kustodiev; Caucasus Mountains; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Deep South; Eastern Orthodox Church; Ella Gibson; Europeans; First Street; Gary Ross Mormino; Geneva; Henry Shelton Sanford; immigrants; immigration; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kress 5-10-25 Cent Store; Leo Reverend; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; Michael Paul Reverend; Museum of Geneva History; OCRHC; orange county; Orange County Regional History Center; Robert Cassanello; Russia; Russian Orthodox Church; Russians; samovars; Seminole County; Shoe Emporium; Swedes; teapots; teas; The Merchant's Wife; Vladimir Solonari
Letter from William Beardall to Henry Shelton Sanford (August 4, 1883)
Letter from E. R. Trafford to Henry Shelton Sanford (February 10, 1883)
It Was New Era in 1886
Tags: ACL; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Belle Fontaine; Bent; Bent's Station; Brantley; Brown; Bruce, A. D.; Burrell; Caldwell, Andrew C.; Cameron; Clud, Aaron; Clyde Steamship Line; Cocke; Crippen, A. H.; Deane; Dickenson; Doyle, M. J.; Duval; Evans, William H.; Finegan; Ford; Foster, E. K.; Foster, Frank; freezes; Goodrich; Great Freeze of 1886; Hall; Harris; Hayden; Holland; Humphrey, William; Ingraham; Jacksonville; Lake Jesup; Lake Mary; Lake Monroe; Levy Grant; Lovell, William; Marks, M. R.; Marks, R. H.; McCall; Mellonville; Model A; Model A Ford Truck; Munday; Nichols; Noble; Oviedo; Palmetto Avenue; Parramore, McDonald; Randolph; Robinson; Sanford; Sanford, Henry Shelton; Scott; Seminole County; Silver Lake; Sjoblom, A. E.; Speer; Spencer; Sundell, J. F.; Swedes; Telford; The Sanford Herald; Tucker, J. W.; Ward, W. A., Sr.; Webster; Whitner, B. F.; Whitner, J. N.
Letter from E. R. Trafford per William Beardall to Henry Shelton Sanford (February 6, 1884)
Early Settlers of Orange County, Florida: Reminiscent-Historic-Biographic
Tags: 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Company D; 1st Regiment Florida Volunteer Infantry; 2nd Regiment; A. A. Stone and Son; Abrams & Bryan; Addison, Illinois; Alabama; Alachua; Alden; Alexander, Elise; Allen, Edbert; Altamonte; Altamonte Springs; Altamonte Springs Hotel; Amarillo, Texas; American Antiquarian; American Revoluation; Anderson County, South Carolina; Angier, Edna I.; Ansonia, Connecticut; Apopka; Apopka Bank; Apopka Board of Trade; Apopka City; Apopka Drainage Company; Arkansas; Article 19; Astor; Astor Hotel; Athens, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia; Atlantic City, New Jersey; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta, Georgia; Back to the Soil; Baltimore College; Bank of Oakland; Barber, Andrew J.; Barber, Joseph A.; Barber, Maggie S. Simmons; Battle Creek, Michigan; Battle of Gettysburg; Battle of Shiloh; Battle of Vicksburg; Beck, Nannie Woodruff; Bedford County, Virginia; Beecher, Thomas K.; Beeman, H. L.; Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; Berry, Jeane V.; Berry, Thomas W.; Berry, W. T.; Bingham School; Bird, Mary A.; Blakely, William P.; Blanchard, Charles; Blitz, J. M.; Board of Trade; Bogy Creek; Boone, C. A.; Boone's Early Orange; Boston, Massachusetts; Bradshaw; Bradshaw, Elise Alexander; Bradshaw, John Neill; Branche's Book Store; Brockton, Massachusetts; Brunswick, Georgia; Buck Horn Academy; Buck Tails; Buffalo, New York; Bullock; Burlington, Indiana; Burritt College; C. A. Boone and Company; Caldwell, C. V.; Calhoun County, Michigan; California; Cameron, Texas; Camp Monroe; Carnell, Willie; Carothers, Alice Bennett; Carson and Newman College; Carter; Center Township, Pennsylvania; Central Avenue; Chalmette, Louisiana; Chapman; Chapman, E. G.; Chapman, Foster; Chapman, John C.; Chapman, John T.; Chapman, Mattie P.; Chapman, R. Ethelyn; Chapman, Thomas A.; Chapman, William A.; Charleston Block; Chase Grove; Chasel Graves, James W.; Cheney & Odlin; Cheney, J. M.; Chicago, Illinois; China Grove; Church Street; Cincinnati Commercial; Citizens' National Bank of Orlando; citrus; Civil War; Clark County, Indiana; Clay Spring; Clay springs; Clerwater, Minnesota; Clouser, C. A.; Clouser, J. B.; Coacoochee; Cobb County, Georgia; Cockney; Coffee, John; Collins, Ailsey; Colorado; Columbia County; Columbia, Mississippi; Comanche, Oklahoma; Commandery; Como, Tennessee; Cones, Elliot; Confederacy; Confederate Army; Congress; Constitution; Conway; Conyers Academy; Conyers, Georgia; Cook's Ferry; Council Oak; County Antrim; county commissioner; Covington, Georgia; Cracker culture; Crawford, George W.; Crawfordville, Georgia; Creek Indians; Creeks; Crisey & Norris; Crown Point; Crown Point, Indiana; Cuba; Curtis & O'Neal; Curtis, Fletcher & O'Neal; Dade County; Dann Real Estate Agency; Dann, R. Edgar; Danville, Pennsylvania; Davidson College; Davis, E. H.; Davis, Frank H.; Davis, Mary; Demans, P. A.; Devlin, Minnie Elizabeth; Dickenson, Cynthia Ann Roberta; Dillard, J. L.; District School Trustees; Dixie; Dolive, W. L.; Dollins, Alice J. Rushing; Dollins, Alice Strickland; Dollins, Carl W.; Dollins, Hugh; Dollins, Hugh D.; Dollins, Kellie Rushing; Dollins, L. J.; Dollins, Mary; Dollins, Thomas A.; Dr. Stark; Dreer's; Dubuque, Iowa; Duke, James K.; Duke, Mary Kerr; Dule West, South Carolina; DuPage County, Illinois; Eastman's Business College; Efurt, Thuringia, Germany; Elizabethtown, New Jersey; Elks Club; Elm Grove Academy; Elmire Female College; Emmett, Michigan; Empire Hotel; England; Erksine College; Eureka; Everglades; Ewing, Earl W.; Ewing, Willie Carnell; Fairfield; Farrel Iron Foundry; FEC; Fernandez, Hallie G.; Fernandez, Henry Gore; Fifth New Hampshire Regiment; Fifth Tennessee Infantry; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First National Bank of Cameron; First Presbyterian Church of Orlando; Fleming; Flemming, Francis P.; Florida; Florida Association of Architects; Florida Board of Architecture; Florida Citrus Exchange; Florida Cracker; Florida Midland Railroad; Florida Railroad Commission; Florida State Legislature; Florida State Senate; Fogg, N. H.; Ford Estate; Forest; Forst house; Fort Christmas; Fort Gatlin; Fort Mellon; Fort Myers; Fort Reed; France; Francis, Margaret M.; Franklin County, Tennessee; freemason; freeze; Fruit Growers' Association; Fudge, James; Gadsen County; Gainesville; Gainesville, Alabama; Galia County, Ohio; Gallowy, Nannie; Gardner, Maine; Garrett, Hardy; General Florida Statutes; Georgia; Georgia University; Giles, Edna Adelima; Giles, James L.; Giles, Leroy B.; Gore, Mahlon; Gotha; Gotha, Germany; Grand Theatre; Grant, Ulysses S.; Graves, Anna L.; Graves, Arthur F; Graves, George T.; Graves, Helen Louise; Graves, I. W.; Graves, James W.; Graves, Minnie M.; Great Freeze; Greek architecture; Greeley; Greensboro, Alabama; Greenwood; Griffin, :Lawrence Jefferson; Griffin, Able; Griffin, Benjamin Luther; Griffin, Helen; Griffin, Henrietta E.; Griffin, Hilda; Griffin, John W.; Griffin, Rebekah Wilcox; Griffin, Samuel S.; Griffin, Stanley S.; Griffin, Willie L. Vick; Griffin, Yancey R.; Grundy County, Illinois; Guilford, Connecticut; Guinnett County, Georgia; Guyette County, Georgia; Gwinnett County, Georgia; Halifax County, North Caroline; Halstead, Murat; Hand, C. M.; Hand, Carey; Hand, Charlie M.; Hand, Elijah; Hand, Harry E.; Hand, Henry; Happersett, S. H.; Happersett, Stella Alcesta Rollins; Harlem, Illinois; Harrisburg High School; Harrison, Minnie Odella; Havana, Illinois; Heard National Bank of Jacksonville; Henck, E. W.; Herd County, Georgia; Hernando County; Hertford County, North Carolina; Hill, Ben; Hill, W. J.; Hillsboro, Tennessee; Hiwassee College; Hoffner, Charles H.; Hoffner, Edna I. Angier; Hoffner, Harry A.; Holshouser, Cynthia Ann Roberta Dickenson; Holshouser, Linnie Wilkins; Home Guards; Homestead; Honduras; Hoole, James L.; Hoosier Springs Grove; House of Representatives; Houston, Texas; Howard, Clarence E.; Howard's Grove, Wisconsin; Hudnal, Edward; Hudson; Hudson Battery; Hudson, Alfred B.; Hughey, J. P.; Hughey, John; Hull, Emily Harriett; Hull, William Benjamin; Hupple, Bernhart; Hupple, Friederika; Hyers, T. G.; Illinois; Indian architecture; Indian River; Indian River, Georgia; Ireland; Irmer, Lillian Maguire; Iron Bridge; Ironton, Ohio; Italy; J. B. Clouser and company; Jackson; Jackson, Helen Augusta; Jackson, Joseph; Jacksonvile; Jefferson City, Tennessee; Jerome, H.; Jerome, R. P.; John Hopkins Hospital; Johnson, Joseph, E.; Jones, John W.; Jones, W. S.; Journegan; Kendrick; Kentucky; Kerr, John P; Kerr, Margaret; Kerr, Mary; Kerr, Sarah Howard; Killingworth, Connecticut; Kilmer, Washington; Kincaid, M. C.; King Philip; King, Murray S.; Kirkwood; Kissimmee; Knights of Pythias; Knights Templar; Krez, Conrad; Kunz, George f.; Lake Apopka; Lake Butler; Lake Charity; Lake Conway; Lake Eola; Lake Faith; Lake Hope; Lake Howell; Lake Jessamine; Lake Monroe; Lake Osceola; Lakeland; Lakeview Cemetery; Laughlin, Frances; Lebanon, Ohio; Lee County, Texas; Lee University; Lee, A.; Lewis, Arthur A.; Lewis, Grace; Lewis, James M.; Lewis, Joseph M.; Lewter, Elva jouett; Lewter, Frederick Augustus; Lewter, Frederick Augustus, Jr.; Lewter, Irma; Lewter, Jewell; Lewter, John T.; Lewter, Laura Louise; Lewter, Linnie Wilkins Holshouser; Lewter, Mary Davis; Lewter, Medora Inex; Lewter, Robert Dickenson; Lewter, Roberta; Lewter, William Ferderick; Lewter, Zelma Kight; Lightwood Camp; Litchfield; Lockhart; Loganville, Georgia; London, England; Longwood; Longwood Hotel; Lord, Charles; Louisville, Kentucky; Loveless, Harry; Lovell House; Lucerne Circle; Lucerne Theatre; Lumsden, H. A.; Luther, E.; Luther, Martin; Lynch, William Brigham; MacDonald, Robert; Macon, Georgia; Madison, James; Magnolia Avenue; Magnolia Hotel; Magruder, C. B.; Magruder, James Bailey; Maguire, Charles Hugh; Maguire, David O.; Maguire, Fred H.; Maguire, J. O.; Maguire, Lillian; Maguire, Margaret M.Francis; Maguire, Rayner F.; Maguire, Thomas C; Maguire, Washington University; Main Street; Maine; Maitland; Manchester High School; Manchester, New Hampshire; Marion County; Marks; Martin, Matthew; Martin, William; Maryland; Mason; Masonic Lodge; Masons; Massey & Warlow; Massey & Willcox; Massey, Keating & Willcox; Massey, L. C.; Massey, Louis C.; Matchett, J. W.; Mathews, Monroe; McAdow, Marian A.; McKinley, William; Meadows; Mecca; Mellen, Charles; Mellonville; Mercer University; Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Metropolitan Museum of Arts; Miles, Elizabeth J.; Miller, A. C.; Mills; Minor, Tyrannus J.; Missionary Baptist Church; Mitchell; Mizell, Joshua; Monroe; Moore County, Tennessee; Moore's Business College; Mosquito County; Mount Olivet Cemetery; Murfreesboro, North Carolina; Murphy, North Carolina; Muscatine, Iowa; Muzzy Eva L.; Muzzy, Eden; Nashville, Tennessee; Nassaua; National Guard of Florida; Native Birds of Song and Beauty; Nehrling, Carl; Nehrling, Elizabeth Ruge; Nehrling, Henry; Neill, John L.; Neill, Sarah Clay; New Mexico; New Orleans, Louisiana; New Smyrna, Florida; New York; Newton, A. B.; Newton, Alice Bennett Carothers; Newton, Isaac; Newton, Minnie Odella Harrison; Niemeyer, F. J.; North Carolina; North Carolina University; Northampton County, North Carolina; O'Neal, William R.; Oak Lodge; Oak Ridge; Oakland; Ocoee; Odd Fellows; Odlin, L.; Ohio; Orange Avenue; Orange Belt Railroad; orange county; Orange County Board of Commissioners; Orange County Board of Public Instruction; Orange County Court; Orange County Criminal Court; Orange County Democratic Executive Committee; Orange County Fair Association; Orange County Pioneers' Association; Orange County School Board; Orange County, North Carolina; oranges; orlando; Orlando Bank and Trust Company; Orlando Board of Trade; Orlando Coast Line Railroad; Orlando Country Club; Orlando Driving Park Association; Orlando Electric Lighting; Orlando High School; Orlando Telephone Company; Orlando Water company; Osborn, L. C.; Osceola; Osceola County; Overstreet Crate Company; Overstreet Turpentine Company; Overstreet, Elizabeth; Overstreet, Hazel; Overstreet, Mildred; Overstreet, Moses M.; Overstreet, R. Ethelyn; Overstreet, Rachel E.; Overstreet, Robert T.; Palatka; Palm Beach; Palm Cottage; Palmer, Jerome; Palmer, W. L.; Palmer, Willis L.; Panola County, Mississippi; Paris, Tennessee; Parramore, Minnie M. Grave; Patrick, W. A.; Pennfeld, Michigan; Pennington Grove; Pennsylvania; People's Party; Peoples Bank of Sanford; Peoples National Bank of Orlando; Perry County, Pennsylvania; Pettus Artillery; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Pickens; Pigue; Pike County, Mississippi; Pine Castle; Pine Street; Plant City; Plymouth; Porter, Dwight D.; Pughkeepsie, New York; R. H. White Dry Goods Company; Randolph Peninsula; Rawlins, Anna L. Grave; Rawls, E. Judson; Reasoner Brothers; Richmond College; Richmond, Virginia; Roanoke, Virginia; Roberts, Alice J.; Robinson Avenue; Robinson Spring; Robinson, Samuel Austin; Rock Ledge, Georgia; Rollins College; Rollins, Florida Estelle; Rollins, Helen; Rollins, Helen Augusta Jackson; Rollins, John H.; Rollins, Stella Alcesta; Roman architecture; Roosevelt, Theodore; Roper; Roper, Alice; Royal and Select Master Masons of Florida; Royal Arch Masons; Rushing, Kellie; Russell County, Alabama; Rutland's Ferry; Sadler, Alice L.; Sadler, Anna E.; Sadler, John H.; Sadler, Minnie M. Tilden; Salem, Michigan; Saline County, Illinois; Sanford; Sanford High School; Saulsbury, North Carolina; Saunders-Massey, Elizabeth M.; Savannah, Georgia; Schohant, New York; Sea Island cotton; Seaboard Coast Air Line Railroad; Searcy, James; Searcy, John Neill; Searcy, Robert; Searcy, Sarah Clay Neill; Secession Convention; Secoffee; Second Seminole War; Seegar, S. J. T.; Seminole County; Seminole County Bank; Seminole County Sheriff; Seminole Hotel Company of Winter Park; Seminole Indians; Seminole Wars; Seminoles; Senate; Sentinel Printing; settlers; Shakespeare, William; Shannon, Mississippi; Sheboggan County, Wiscosin; Shelbyville, Indiana; Sherman; Shiloh; Shine, Elizabeth Agnes; Simmons, Maggie S.; Simpson, William; Sims Grove; Sims, B. M.; Sims, Eugene O.; Sims, J. Walter; Smith, Elizabeth J. Miles; Smith, Walter; Smith, William; South Apopka; South Apopka Supply Company; South Carolina; South Florida Fair Association; South Florida Foundry and Machine Company; South Florida Railroad; South Lake Apopka Citrus Growers' Association; Southern Express Company; Spanish Mission architecture; Spanish-American War; Sparkman; Speer; Speer, A.; Speer, Alice Roper; Speer, Gertrude K.; Speer, J. G.; Speer, James P.; Speer, Jason P.; Speer, Sidney; Speer, William; Spencer County, Tennessee; St. Augustine; St. Johns County; St. Johns River; State Bank of Orlando; Staunton, Virginia; Steinmetz, John B.; Stevens County, Oklahoma; Stewart, J. C.; Stone, A. A.; Stone, Alvord Alonzo; Stone, L. L.; Stone, Lovell Lazell; Strickland, Alice; Strong, Edward Malten; Sub-Tropical Mid-Winter Exposition; Summer Street; Summerlin Hotel; Summerlin House; Swedes; Sweeney, Robert; Switzerland; T. J. Minor and Brother; Taft, William H.; Talbot County, Georgia; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tampa & Gulf Railroad; Taylor Safe Manufacturing Company; Telfair County, Georgia; Tennessee; Texas; Thayer, Jessie M.; The Arcade; The Auk; The Citizen; The Jacksonville Times-Union; The Lodge; The Orange County citizen; The Orange County Reporter; The Orlando Reporter-Star; The Orlando Star; The Reporter-Star; The Seminole; The Sentinel; The Tampa Tribune; Thompson, Albert; Thompson, Dexter C.; Three Graces Lakes; Tiedkie; Tilden; Tilden, L. F.; Tilden, Minnie M.; Titusville; Toronto, Canada; Town Herman, Wisconsin; Trammell, Park; Tullahoma, Tennessee; Turner, Anna Belle; Tuscaloosa County, Alabama; Tyner, C. R.; Union; University Law School; University of Pennsylvania; Vanderbilt; Vermont; Vick, J. H.; Vick, Willie L.; Vicksburg; Virginia; Wakalla, South Carolina; Wallerfield Sarah A.; Walton, Edwin S.; Warlow, T. Picton; Warnell Lumber Company; Warnell Lumber company Millers; Washington Place; Washington, D. C.; Watkins Block; Watson; Weathersbee, Allen; Wekiva River; Wekiwa River; Wekiwa Springs; Welaka; West Virginia; White, W. G.; Whitner, J. N.; Wiggs, Annie B.; Wilcox County, Georgia; Wilcox, Mark; Wilcox, Rebekah; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Water and Light Company; Winter Park; Wisconsin Men of Progress; Witherington, Anna Belle Turner; Witherington, H. H.; Woodruff & Watson; Woodruff, Ailsey Collins; Woodruff, Elizabeth Agnes Shine; Woodruff, Emma; Woodruff, Frank; Woodruff, Frank L.; Woodruff, Minnie Elizabeth Devlin; Woodruff, Nannie Galloway; Woodruff, Seth; Woodruff, Seth W.; Woodruff, W. W. W.; Woodruff, William W.; World's Fair; Yowell-Duckworth Building; Yulee Railroad; Zellwood