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- Tags: New Port Richey
Gulf High School Yearbook
Tags: Bushnell; cheerleaders; cheerleading; Florida National Cemetery; Gulf High School; Hazel Stevenson; Jackie Clark; Leland Clyde "Mickey" Poole; military history; military service; national cemeteries, American; National Cemetery Administration; New Port Richey; veterans; Veterans Administration; Veterans Legacy Program; yearbooks
Oral History of Patrick Herman
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; A Salute to the American Flag; America the Beautiful; assault rifles; Bob Carr Theater; Come Out With Pride Orlando; Cyndi Lauper; Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper; Denver; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; Facebook; Fort Lauderdale; Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus; fundraisers; GALA Choruses Festival; Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses; GLBT; gun control; gun regulation; gun violence; hate crimes; homosexuality; John Hugh “Buddy” Dyer; Kissimmee; Latin dancing; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; Miami; New Port Richey; November 2015 Paris attacks; orlando; Orlando City Soccer Club; Orlando Gay Chorus; Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; outreach events; Patrick Herman; Pennsylvania State University; Pulse massacre; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; Sarah Schneider; terrorist attacks; True Colors; vigils; Washington, D.C.
The Watermark, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 6-19, 2000
Tags: A. J. Mclean; A. Johnson; Abercrombie; Abercrombie & Fitch; Albrecht; Algieri Pabon; Alison Bechdel; Allan Gilmour; Altamonte Springs; Andrew Tobias; Andy Dick; Andy Kaufman; Ann Heche; Annie Russell Theatre; Anthony Evans; Bain; Barry Newman; Becky Baker; Bennett; Bergstrom; Berliner; Bill Bradley; Bill Schumacher; bisexuals; Bo Clements; Bob Witeck; Bowles; Boynton Beach; Bradley; Brandon Gold; Brunner; Busch Gardens; Cameron Diaz; Carey; Carter; Cecil Beaton; Charles Albrecht; Christine E. Reynolds; Christmas; Clark; Clements; Clive Thomas; Conway; Copello; Crumley; Dale Mabry; Danny Devito; Darden; David Bohnett; David Brunner; David Geffen; David Killiam; David Killlam; David Lynch; Daytona; Daytona Beach; Daytona Beach Business Guild; Dennis Enos; Diana Ross; Diane Wilde; Diaz; Donald Granatstein; Doris Humphrey; Drennen; Edgewater; Edmund White; Egmont Key; Eisner; Ellen DeGeneres; Everett; Forman; Fort Lauderdale; Frank Kameny; Fred Berliner; G. Elliott Barber; gay; Gebhardt; Greater Daytona Beach Business Guild; Hadar Namir; Hall; Helen Bean; Homer; homosexuality; homosexuals; Hottinaer; J. Edgar Hoover; Jack Miller; James Jacob; Jayelle Wiggins; Jeb Bush; Jeffrey Gaines; Jeffrey L. Newman; Jill Porter; Jim Carey; Jim Roth; Jimmy Josun; Jimmy Stewart; Joan Baez; Joan Garry; Joey Brooks; John Carpenter; John Curley; John Cusack; John Malkovich; John Sullivan; Jose Limon; Joy Metropolitan Community Church; Judy Shepard; Julian Bain; Kameny; Karen Ann Edwards; Kathy Levinson; Keener; Kelley; Ken Kundis; Kimberly Bowles; Lambda; Lance Armstrong; Latka Gravis; Laurie; Leiber; Leigh Shannon; lesbians; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Longstreth; Longwood; Madonna; Mahaffey Theater; Maitland Art Center; Makoma; Malkovich; Mandy Carter; Mark McGwire; Mary Mellstrom; Matthew Shepard; Maxwell C. King Center; McCain; Megiddo; Michael Eisner; Michael Freeman; Michael Fritts; Mickey Didn; Miller; Milos Forman; Nadine Smith; Nathanson; New Port Richey; Nickerson; orlando; Pacillla Simmons; Pamela J. Helton; Pete Sampras; Peter Pan; queers; questioning; Rainbow Endowment; Randy Siegel; Rick Cirillo; Rick Sprengiteld; Risa Steinberg; Rob Owen; Robert Morgan; Rocker; Rosen; Russ Crumley; same-sex; Sarasota; Schumacher; Scooby Doo; Scott Bessent; Scott Kramer; Seminole; Serena Williams; Shepard; Shlomo Benizri; Simon Sheppard; Sonny Southerlin; Sonny Sutherland; Southern Voice; St. Petersburg; Stacey A. Adams; Steffi Graf; Stephanie Shippae; Stephen K. Friedman; Steve Fuchs; Steven Fallon; Steven Rivera.; Sunshine Rainbow Alliance; Susan M. Murray; Tampa; Tampa Bay; Terry L. Harden; Tesche; The Watermark; Todd Martinez-Padilla; Todd Meyer; Tom Sadler; Toni Collette; Tony Danza; trans; transgender; Victor Fernandez; W. Swann; Walgreens; Wayne Stayskal; Whitney Houston; Will and Grace; William Cunningham; William Orbit; Willie Nelson
Seminole County Public Schools Teachers and Salaries, 1913-1954
Tags: 10th Street; 11th Avenue; 12th Street; 13th Street; 14th Street; 15th Street; 16th Street; 17th Street; 19th Street; 1st Street; 20th Street; 21st Street; 2nd Avenue; 2nd Street; 3rd Street; 4th Street; 5th Street; 6th Street; 7th Street; 8th Street; 9th Street; Aberdeen; Adena; Aloma Avenue; Apalachicola; Apopka; Arran; Ashby Street; Ashley Street; Auburndale Avenue; Avocado Avenue; Axson; Baimbridge; Baldwin; Bay Avenue; Beach Street; Beardall Avenue; Benson Springs; Bernesville; Blenton; Blount Street; Boston; Brigend; Brisson Avenue; Buffalo; Burbank; Burlington; Bushnell; Calhoun; Cambridge; Cameron; Cameron Avenue; Cameron City; Campbell; Casselberry; Catalina Drive; Celery Avenue; Center Street; Chancellor; Chatham; Chattahoochee; Chipley; Christmas; Chuluota Primary; Chuluota Primary School; Chuluota School; Church Creek; Cincinnati; Citrus Heights; Clark Avenue; Clermont; Cleveland; Cliffdale; Cloudland Park; Colbert; College Hill Street; Concord Avenue; Cottondale; Country Club Road; County Road 427; Cowan Apartments; CR 427; Crooms Academy; Cumming; Cypress Avenue; Cypress Street; Dade City; Danbury; Daytona Beach; DeLand; Delton; Dexter; Dixie Highway; Dothan; Douglas; Douglas Street; Dublin; East Side; East Side Primary School; Eastside Primary School; Edmund; educator; Eighth Street; elementary school; Eleventh Avenue; Elliot Avenue; Elm Avenue; employee; Eufsuls; Eustis; F Street; Fern Park; Fifteenth Street; Fifth Street; First Street; Floral Heights; Forest City School; Forsyth; Fort Meade; Fort Reed; Fourteenth Street; Fourth Street; Franklin Street; Franklinton; French Avenue; Frostproof; Gabriella Colored School; Gainesville; Gamble Street; Geneva Avenue; Geneva Colored School; Geneva Elementary School; Geneva School; Genius Drive; Georgetown; Glendale; Goggansville; Goldsboro Primary School; Grandview Avenue; Haines City; Halb Avenue; Havana; Hawthorne; Hemingwet; Hermits Trail; Hewlett; Hickory Avenue; high school; Highland; Hinson; Holly Avenue; Hopper Academy; Howry Street; Hungerford School; Indian Mound Village; Jackson Street; Jacksonville; Jasper; Jefferson; Jefferson Street; Jessamine Avenue; Jonesboro; Key West; Kingstree; Kissimmee; Kolokee; Ky-Bama Lodge; Lake Avenue; Lake Butler; Lake Mary Road; Lake Mary School; Lake Monroe Colored School; Lake Monroe School; Lake Wales; Lake Worth; Lakeland; Lakemont; Lakeview Drive; Lakewood; Langley; Langley Apartments; Las Olas Boulevard; Laurel Avenue; Leesburg; Lewisberg; LHS; Live Oak; Livingston Street; Lloyd; Loch Arbor Court; Locust Avenue; Longwood School; Louisville; Lyman Elementary School; Lyman High School; Madison; Madison Street; Magnolia Avenue; Main Street; Maitland; Maple Avenue; Marianna; Marietta; Maripose Street; Mars Hill; Maryville; Mascotte; Masonville; McCombe Street; Mellonville Avenue; Menlo; Merritt Street; Miami; Midway; Miller Avenue; Minnesota Avenue; Moncrif Avenue; Montezuma Hotel; Monticello; Montverde; Morgan City; Moultrie; Mount Dora; Mount Olive; Mount Vernon; Myrtle Avenue; New Canton; New Milford; New Port Richey; New Smyrna Beach; Nineteenth Street; Ninth Street; O'Brien; Oak Avenue; Oak Street; Oakland; Ocoee; OHS; Olive Street; Orange Avenue; orlando; Osceola; Osceola School; Osteen; Oviedo; Oviedo Colored School; Oviedo High School; Oviedo School; Oxford Junction; Ozark; Palatka; Palmetto Avenue; Paris; Park Avenue; Parramore Street; Pearson; Pecan Avenue; Pelham; Pendergrass; Peninsula Drive; Penn Avenue; Pensacola; Persimmon Avenue; Pine Avenue; Pinehurst; Poinsetta Avenue; Ponce Park; Portsmouth; public school; Punta Gorda; Quitman; Raleigh; Randall Circle; Reus Street; Richland; Richmond Avenue; Ridgewood Avenue; Rock Hill; Rosalia Drive; Rose Court; Rose Court Apartments; Rosenwald; Rosenwald No. 1; Roslindale; Roundtree Avenue; Route 1; Route 2; Route A; Roxbury Road; Ruthledge; Salem; Salisbury; San Lanta Apartments; Sand Lake Road; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford Junior High; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Primary School; Sanford Vocational School; Sans Souci Avenue; school; SCPS; Seaboard Oil Company; Second Avenue; Second Street; Sellors Street; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School Board; Seminole High School; Seminole Rosenwald No. 1; Seventeenth Street; Seventh Street; Shady Lane; Shady Lane Drive; Sharon; Shepherd Avenue; SHS; Silver Lake; Sipes Avenue; Sixteenth Street; Sixth Street; SJHS; snow Hill Road; Sorrento; South Side Primary School; Southside Primary; Southside Primary School; Spurling Street; St. Augustine; St. Petersburg; Steubenville; Summerlin Avenue; Sumter; Sunset Drive; Swan Street; Swanton; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tangerine; teacher; Teckla; Tekona Park; Tenth Street; Third Street; Thirteenth Street; Tifton; Triplet Street; Tuscaloosa; Twelfth Street; Twentieth Street; Twenty-First Street; Umatilla; Union Avenue; Valdosta; Valencia Drive; Vernville; Vidette; Vienna; Virginia Drive; Vistabula; Vradenburgh; Wagner Colored School; Waits Street; Waleska; Washington; Washington Avenue; Wauseon; Welbourne Street; Wellborn; West Point; West Side Primary School; Westside Primary School; Whigham; Wichita; Wildmere Avenue; Wildwood; Willow Avenue; Wilson; Wilson School; Winfree Avenue; Winston-Salem; Winter Garden; Winter Haven; Winter Park; Woodsbridge; Wrightsville; Youngstown