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- Tags: Family Loan Company
Thomas Building
Oral History of Arthurene Wilson Cook
Tags: 1st Street; Anthony, Dottie Von Turbulis; artesian wells; Austin, Louise; bookkeepers; cancers; Carey, North Carolina; Celery Avenue; Chase & Company; Columbus, Georgia; Cook, Arthurene Wilson; Cook, Sherry; Cook, Walter; courthouses; divorces; Downtown Sanford; drafts; elections; Family Loan Company; First Baptist Church of Sanford; First Street; Florida Fashions; French Avenue; Great Depression; Historical Society of Central Florida; hurricanes; Linda McKnight Batman Oral History Project; Longwood; Magic Kingdom; Maitland; Morris, Joseph; multiple myeloma; Museum of Seminole County History; Orange Avenue; orlando; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; railroads; railways; Sanford; Sanford Civic Center; Sanford, North Carolina; Sanlando Springs; Seminole High School; SR 46; tax collectors; Ted Davis Furniture Company; The Villages; trains; Von Turbulis, Dottie; voting; Walt Disney World; Wilson-Maier Furniture Company; Wilson, Arthurene; World War II; WWII; Wynwood, 25th Street