Old Fort Reid Building
Dublin Core
Old Fort Reid Building
Alternative Title
Fort Reid Building
Sanford (Fla.)
Dry-goods--United States
Former building at First Street and Magnolia Avenue prior to the construction of the N.P. Yowell and Garner Woodruff Buildings. The building was named after Fort Reid, which was established by Colonel William Harney on July 7, 1840. Colonel Harney named the fort after Robert Raymond Reid, the fourth Territorial Governor of Florida. "Reed" is another common spelling used in Sanford. Newton P. Yowell first came to Central Florida in 1884 with his family. Nine years after arriving in Florida, Yowell borrowed money from his mother and friends and opened a dry goods store. Shortly after Yowell opened his store in Sanford, the freeze of 1894-1895 hit the community hard. Even though crops were damaged and many people left Sanford, the Yowell Store remained open and survived the hard economic times. After the freeze, Yowell began construction on a new two-story brick building that would become the new store.
Notes on back of photograph, "Old Ft. Reid building on 1st St. foot Magnolia Ave - where Yowell Store is now located 1881"
Chase & Company
Original 8.5 x 11 inch black and white photograph by Chase & Company: Chase Collection (MS 14), box 211, folder 3.30A, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Date Created
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original 8.5 x 11 inch black and white photograph by Chase & Company.
Is Part Of
Chase Collection (MS 14), box 211, folder 3.30A, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Sanford Collection, Chase Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
Is Referenced By
Folder referenced in Chase Collection finding guide, http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/pkyonge/chase.htm.
180 KB
8.5 x 11 inch black and white photograph
Still Image
Sanford, Florida
Spatial Coverage
28.811739, -81.266985
Temporal Coverage
Accrual Method
Audience Education Level
SS.K.A.1.2; SS.1.A.1.1; SS.1.A.2.2; SS.2.A.1.1; SS.3.A.1.1; SS.3.G.1.1; SS.3.G.2.5; SS.3.G.2.6; SS.4.A.1.1; SS.5.A.1.1; SS.5.G.1.4; SS.6.W.1.3; SS.8.A.1.2; SS.8.A.1.5; SS.912.A.1.1; SS.912.A.1.4; SS.912.A.1.6; SS.912.A.3.13; SS.912.G.1.2; SS.912.G.1.4; SS.912.W.1.3
History Teacher
Geography Teacher
Entire Chase Collection is comprised of four separate accessions from various donors, including Cecilia Johnson, the granddaughter of Joshua Coffin Chase and the children of Randall Chase.
Rights Holder
The displayed collection item is housed at Special and Area Studies Collections at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. Rights to this item belong to the said institution, and therefore inquiries about the item should be directed there. RICHES of Central Florida has obtained permission from Special and Area Studies Collections at the University of Florida to display this item for educational purposes only.
Contributing Project
Special and Area Studies Collections, University of Florida
Marra, Katherine
Digital Collection
Source Repository
External Reference
"Fort Reid." The Historical Marker Database. http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=52162.
Robinson, Jim. "Yowell Building Brings Rich History to Dec. 10 Auction." The Orlando Sentinel, November 29, 1992. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1992-11-29/news/9211260636_1_yowell-sanford-dry-goods.
The Seminole Herald. Sanford: Our First 125 Years. [Sanford, FL]: The Herald, 2002.
Sanford Historical Society (Fla.). Sanford. Charleston, SC: Arcadia, 2003.
"Sanford: A Brief History." City of Sanford. http://www.sanfordfl.gov/index.aspx?page=48.
Sanford: Central Florida's Waterfront Gateway. Sanford, Florida: City of Sanford, 2005.
Old Fort Ried building First and Magnolia Ave. location
now occupied by Yowell Store
now occupied by Yowell Store
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
1 black and white photograph
Physical Dimensions
8.5 x 11 inch
Chase & Company, “Old Fort Reid Building,” RICHES, accessed March 13, 2025, https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/561.