A newspaper article about Florida-Cuba Cigar Company, a new cigar factory coming to Sanford, Florida, in 1919. The article describes the strategic location of the city for the growing cigar industry. The new factory was located on the second floor of…
A Lucky Sanford cigar box housed in the Sanford Museum, located at 520 East First Street in Downtown Sanford, florida.. The cigar box was manufactured by John J. Mauser, who opened a factory, located at 120 North Park Avenue. His cigar shop occupied…
A newspaper article from the Industrial Edition of Sanford Chronicle, which was published by The Sanford Herald. The article is about John J. Mauser, a cigar manufacturer who opened a factory, located at 120 North Park Avenue, in Downtown Sanford,…
The former location of a John J. Mauser cigar shop at 120 North Park Avenue in Sanford, Florida. The cigar shop occupied the space approximately between 1910 and 1922. John J. Mauser manufactured Lucky Sanford, Banker's Choice, and Clear Havana…