Browse Items (29 total)
- Tags: training
To Attract, Retain and Grow: The History of the Florida High Tech Corridor Council
Tags: 13 Technology Incubators; 501(c)(6); academia; academics; accelerators; aerospace; Agricultural College Act of 1890; agriculture; Alachua County; Alex Katsaros; Alex Spinler; Amy Bayes; Andrew Huse; AnnaLee Saxenian; Antoinette Jennings; AT&T Corporation; aviation; Barack Hussein Obama II; Barack Obama; Bernie Machen; Berridge Consulting Group, Inc.; Betty Bowe; Betty Castor; Brevard County; Bruce J. Schulman; Bruce Janz; Buddy Dyer; business; businesses; Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers; Central Florida Technology Forum; Charlie Reed; Cirent; Cirent Semiconductor; Clusters of Creativity: Enduring Lessons on Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Silicon Valley and Europe’s Silicon Fen; Cobham SATCOM Land Systems; colleges; computer science; Connie L. Lester; Consortium; construction; Core Tea; cybercities; Cybercities Report; cybercity; Dan Berglund; Dan Rini; Daniel Holsenbeck; Daniel Webster; Decade of Partnership; Deepika Singh; digital media; economic development; economic growth; economics; economies; economy; Ed Schons; Educational Appropriations Committee; educators; electro-optics; Electronic Arts Tiburon; Elizabeth Bowe; Elizabeth Castor; endowments; engineering; engineers; Equal Rights Amendment; ESC; Evaporative Spray Cooling; Feng Kang; Ferald J. Bryan; FHTCC; financial services; Florida Cabinet; Florida Cluster Metrics Task Force; Florida Economic Gardening Institute; Florida High Tech Corridor Council; Florida Hospital; Florida House of Representatives; Florida Institute of Technology; Florida Legislature; Florida Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic Development; Florida Research Consortium; Florida Senate; Florida State University System; Florida Tax Watch; Florida Venture Forum, Inc.; Florida Virtual Entrepreneur Center; florida.HIGH.TECH; Florida’s High Tech Corridor: Opening the Door to Florida’s Future; Florida’s Innovation Benchmark Study; FLVEC; From Soap Suds to Sheer Success: The Florida High-Tech Corridor Council Story; G.I. Bill; Georges Haour; Gordon Hogan; Grace Venture Partners L.P.; grants; GrowFL; GTE; Guy Hagen; Harris; Harvard of the South; Henderson Air Field; Henry W. Grady; Hernando County; high tech; high technology; higher education; Hillsborough County; Hillsborough County Commission; I-4; I-4 Corridor; I-4 High Tech Corridor Council; IFAS; incubators; industries; industry; information technology; Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; interactive entertainment; Interactive Expeditions; International Economic Development Council; Interstate Highway 4; INTX; investments; J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board; Jack Sullivan; Jacob Stuart; James Bernard Machen; James C. Clark; James C. Cobb,; James Schnur; James Solomons; Jeb Bush; Jeff Bindell; Jennie Miller; Jim Clark; John C. Hitt; John Ellis Bush; John H. Dyer; John Montelione; John Sacher; Joseph England; Joseph Schumpeter; Josh Wyner; Juan Carlos Sanabria; Judy Genshaft; Judy Lynn Genshaft; Keith G, Baker; Kerry Martin; Kiran C. Patel Center for Global Solution; Lake County; lasers; life sciences; Lockheed Martin; Lucent Technologies; Luther H. Hodges; Luther Hartwell Hodges; M. J. Soileau; Madrid, Spain; manufacturing; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; matching funds; Matching Grants Research Program; Math & Physics Day; mechanical arts; medical technology; Melbourne; MGRP; microelectronics; microscopy; military; Miniature Refrigeration System; MIT; modeling; Morrill Act of 1862; Morrill Act of 1890; Morrill Land-Grant Acts; nanotechnology; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Board for Professional Teaching Standards; Ned Grace; New South; New South Ventures; Nicholson Center for Surgical Advancement; Ocean Optics; optics; Oracle; orange county; orlando; Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Orlando Science Center; OSC; Osceola County; Palm Bay; Pasco County; Peter Panousis; Philip Peters; photonics; Pinellas County; public-private partnerships; Putnam County; Randy E. Berridge; Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128; research; Research and Commercialization; Research Triangle; Rob Koepp; robotics; Robotics Camp; ROBRADY; Roger Pynn; Rosalind Beiler; Route 128; Rudy McDaniel; Saint Petersburg; Sanford Shugart; Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute; Scanning Electron Microscope; Schwartz Electro-optics; Scot French; SeaWorld Orlando; SEM; semiconductors; Seminole County; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; Sestar Technologies; Silicon Fen; Silicon Valley; simulation; Sinmat; software; South Florida Community College; Southern Regional Education Board; Space Coast; St. Petersburg; Stanford University; STEM; SU; sustainable energy; Tampa; Tampa Bay; Tampa Bay Technology Forum; teachers; Tech 4 Consortium; Tech America Foundation; techCAMPs; Technology Incubator; techPATH; TES; The Corridor by the Numbers; The Scripps Research Institute; Thermal Energy Storage; Thomas Charles Feeney II; Tito Santiago; Tom Feeney; Tom O’Neal; Toni Jennings; TracStar Ed-PAD; training; UCF; UF; Universal Studios Orlando; universities; university; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; University of South Florida; USF; Valencia College; Valencia Community College; Valencia State College; VC; VCC; venture capital; Vicki Morelli; Volusia County; VSC; Walt Disney World; workforce development; World War II; WWII
Apollo 13 Backup Astronaut John Young
Astronaut Michael Collins During Apollo 11 Training
Astronaut Michael Collins in the Command Module Procedures Simulator
Apollo 12 Crew Training to Use Tools on the Moon
Astronaut Alan Shepard with a Lunar Landing Training Vehicle
Astronaut Harrison Schmitt During Training
Astronaut Eugene Cernan With Wife and Daughter
Astronaut William R. Pogue Training for Skylab 4
Skylab 3 Crew at John F. Kennedy Space Center
Tags: Alan Bean; Alan LaVern Bean; astronauts; Jack R. Lousma; Jack Robert Lousma; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Johnson Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center; Merritt Island; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Owen K. Garriott; Owen Kay Garriott; Skylab; Skylab 3; SL-3; space; training
Skylab 3 Crew at Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Skylab 3 Crew Training at Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Skylab 3 Crew Training at Marshall Space Flight Center
A History of Central Florida, Episode 39: Wartime Civil Defense
Tags: 1st Street; 3rd Inceptor Command; A History of Central Florida; air raid warning siren; aircraft; Aircraft Warning Service; airplane; Aldeman, Helen; American Legion, Inc.; AP; Associated Press; Attack of Pearl Harbor; AWS; Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; Blanding, Albert H.; BPOE; Cees, Jay; Civic Exhibition Center; civil defense; civilian; civilian volunteer; Civitan Club; Clarke, Bob; club; Coates, Hope; cold war; College Club; Elks Lodge; Empire State Building; Fenton, B. J.; First Street; Ford, Chip; Fort Kent, Maine; Fortune Magazine; Frank, Walter; Geneva; German; Germany; Gibson, Ella; Hannon, Barbara; Harrell, George "Speedy"; Hazen, Kendra; homefront; Japan; Japanese; Johnnie Walker Whisky; Kelley, Katie; Key West; Kiwanis Club; La Paz; labor; Lions Club; Long, Mark Howard; Martin, Mary Jo; Messerschmitt Me 262; Meyers, Betty; Mormino, Gary Ross; Morrison Field Army Air Base; Museum of Geneva History; Nazi; Nazi German; New York City, New York; Norton Gallery and School of Art; observation station; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Palm Beach; Palm Beach Art League; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Pioneer Hall; podcast; RICHES; Robb, Inex; Robert Cassanello; Rotary Club; Soviet; Soviet Union; spotter; spotters' neck; State Defense Council of Florida; Strain, Ralph; Stumpf; submarine; Tallahassee; Tampa; The Palm Beach Post; Third Inceptor Command; Thomas, Tommy; training; training disc; Tylander, Ray; U-boat; U.S. Air Corps; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Ground Observer Corps; UCF; University of Central Florida; USAAC; Velásquez, Daniel; Walker, Johnnie; war effort; warship; Witek, J. R.; women; World War II; WWII
A History of Central Florida, Episode 37: Uniforms
Tags: A History of Central Florida; African American; Albright, Helen; Army; Beach Street; Bethune-Cookman College; Bethune, Mary McLeod; civil rights; Civil War; Clarke, Bob; coat; Daytona Beach; Daytona State College; desegregaiton; Dickens, Bethany; DSC; Ford, Chip; Gibson, Ella; Great Depression; Halifax Historical Museum; Hazen, Kendra; Hobby, Oveta Culp; Howard, Alice; integration; Iowa; Jewish; Jewish American; Kelley, Katie; Lemple, Leonard; liberty Ship; nurse; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; pilot; podcast; race relations; Raymond, H. H.; recruitment; Redondo Beach, California; Revels, Tracy J.; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor; Roosevelt, Eleanor; Roosevelt, Franklin Delanor; segregation; service industry; souvenir patch; St. Petersburg; St. Regis Restaurant; tourism; training; Tyndall Field; U.S. Armed Forces; U.S. Army; uniform; Van Nuys, Los Angeles, California; Velásquez, Daniel; WAAC; WAC; war effort; Wofford College; women; Women's Army Auxiliary Corps; Women's Army Corps; women's rights; Works Progress Administration; World War I; World War II; WPA; WWI; WWII
Willa Beatrice Brown Chappell
Tags: academy; activist; African American; Army Air Corps; aviation; aviator; Brown, Willa Beatrice; CAA; CAP; Chappell, Willa Beatrice Brown; Civil Aeronautics Authority; Civil Air Patrol; civil rights; Civilian Pilot Training Program; Cornelius Coffey School of Aeronautics; CPTP; equal rights; FAAA; Federal Aviation Administration; Federal Aviation Administration's Women's Advisory Board; flight training; NAA; National Airmen's Association of America; pilot; training; Willa Beatrice Brown Chappell Coffey
Oral History of Ray Sturm
Tags: 210th Field Artillery Brigade; 34th Infantry Division; accountants; Advanced Individual Training; advanced training; AIT; alcohol; alcoholic beverages; alerts; AR-15; Army Special Forces; basic training; beers; budget cuts; cold war; colleges; Columbia, South Carolina; Community Veterans History Project; comradery; CVHP; David Lee Roth; defense; defense budgets; Desert Storm; desert training; E-3; E-4; education; Enlisted Rank 3; Enlisted Rank 4; enlistment; Federal Republic of Germany; firearms; First Gulf War; First Iraq War; Fort Irwin & the National Training Center; Fort Jackson; Fort Stewart; Frankfurt Airport; Frankfurt, Germany; FRG; Georgia; German Air Force; Germans; Germany; Gulf War; Gulf War I; guns; Headquarters and Headquarters Battery; Herzo Base; Herzogenaurach, Germany; HHB; higher education; Iraq; Iraq War; James Earl Carter, Jr.; Jimmy Carter; Katie Hollingsworth; Kuwait; Kuwait War; law enforcement; Luftwaffe; M16 rifles; military training; Mojave Desert; music; musicians; National Training Center; NCO; non-commissioned officers; Nuremberg Trials; Nuremberg, Germany; Operation Desert Storm; orlando; Persian Gulf War; PFC; police; police brutality; polizei; Private First Class; range shooting; rapid deployment forces; Ray Sturm; Republic of Iraq; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; sergeants; shooting; shooting ranges; soldiers; Special Forces; Specialist 4; State of Kuwait; supply; terrorism; terrorists; Thirty-Fourth Infantry Division; training; Two Hundred and Tenth Field Artillery Brigade; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Special Forces; UCF; University of Central Florida; Van Halen; veterans; veterans' benefits; Warrior Thunder; weapons; weather; West Germany; Wilson Jones; Winter Park; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Curt Sawyer
Tags: 45th Parallel North; 75th Ranger Regiment; Air Assault Badge; Air Assault School; Airborne School; aircraft; airplanes; alcohol; alcoholic beverages; Army Air Assault School; Army Airborne School; Army Ranger; balaclava; bugle notes; C-130; C-141; C-160; Community Veterans History Project; Connie Mack; Cornelius Alexander McGillicuddy II; Cornelius Alexander McGillicuddy III; Corsica, France; cows; Curt Sawyer; CVHP; Demilitarized Zone; Democratic People's Republic of Korea; Department of Veterans Affairs; deployments; DMZ; Dojuan Sawyer; DPRK; DZ; Ed Hoyt; Edison Community College; education; Eglin AFB; Eglin Air Force Base; enlistment; fast strobing; firstie; Florida SouthWestern State College; Fort Benning, Georgia; Fort Myers, Florida; Forty-Fifth Parallel North; French Foreign Legion; GI Bill; Guard Post Ouellette; Itaewon, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea; Iver; Jeep; Joint Readiness Training Center; JRTC; Jump School; Korean War; Land Rovers; line platoons; Lisa Dojuan; Lockheed C-130 Hercules; Lockheed C-141 Starlifter; military benefits; military education; military training; North Korea; Officer Basic Corps; parachutes; planes; plebe years; plebes; R&R; Ranger; Ranger Regiment; Ranger School; RB-15; Republic of Korea; rest and recuperation; Robin Dunn; ROK; Sabalauski Air Assault School; San Francisco, California; Savannah, Georgia; scout platoon; scout platoons; Seoul, South Korea; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; Seventy-Fifth Ranger Regiment; soju; soldiers; South Korea; Special Operations Command; Tennessee; training; Transall C-160; TSAAS; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Special Operations Command; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; United States Military Academy at West Point; USASOC; USMA; VA; veterans; Veterans Affairs; watch caps; West Point; yearly; Zodiac
Oral History of Richard Tobias Sloane
Tags: A-5; advanced training; aircraft; airplanes; airports; auxiliary service; B-52; B-52 Memorial Park; Baldwin Park; basic training; Blue Jacket Park; Boeing B-52 Stratofortress; Bronze Star with V Device; BUPERS; Bureau of Naval Personnel; captains; Carli Van Zandt; Carolyn Van Zandt; Central Florida Research Park; Combat Action Award; Commander Carrier Group 8; Community Veterans History Project; conscription; CVHP; Dave Arms; deployments; destroyers; discipline; drafts; engineering; engineers; ensigns; Fernando Maldonado; Garcia; Get Me to the Church on Time; graduations; Great Lakes, Illinois; Grinder; Groucho Marx; gunnery officers; Harry Smith; historical preservation; historical restoration; Honey Bun; Jim Allen; Julius Henry Marx; Lake Baldwin; Legion of Merit; Lieutenant Junior; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; LST; LTJG; Luis De Florez; Luis De Florez Building; Lydia and the Tattooed Lady; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; Mekong Delta; memorials; military spouses; military training; military wife; military wives; Milwaukee; monuments; Morale, Welfare, and Recreation; MWR; My Fair Lady; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Divisions; Naval Destroyers School; Naval Education and Training Command; Naval Training Center; Naval Training Center Great Lakes; Naval Training Center Orlando; Naval War College; Navy E Ribbon; Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society; NAWCTSD; NETC; Newport, Rhode Island; NMCRS; North American A-5 Vigilante; NTC Great Lakes; NTC Orlando; Nuclear Power School; nurses; OCS; Officer Candidate School; Officer Car; orlando; Orlando International Airport; Orlando-Sanford International Airport; parks; planes; preservation; Purple Heart; Queens, New York City, New York; RA-5C; RA-5C Vigilante; recruit training; Recruit Training Center; Recruit Training Center Orlando; recruits; Repair Division Officer; Research Park; retirement; Richard T. Sloane; Richard Tobias Sloane; river patrols; River Section 35; Rockbridge; RTC Orlando; Sanford; Santa Barbara; selective service; Service School Command; Service Schools Command; SERVSCOLSCOM; simulations; simulators; South Pacific; Surface Warfare Advisor; Surface Warfare Officers School; The Navigator; training; U.S. Naval War College; U.S. Navy; United Service Organization; USO; USS Blue Jacket; USS Garcia; USS Hassayampa; USS Milwaukee; USS Rockbridge; USS Santa Barbara; USS Wisconsin; veterans; Vietnam; Vietnam War; Vietnamese; volunteers; Ward Room; wars; Weapon Systems Officer; Wisconsin
Oral History of Philip Rogers
Tags: 9/11; advanced training; American Chemical Society; Bennett Drive; Berlin Wall; Berlin, Germany; Bill Clinton; Bronx, New York City, New York; Caribbean Crisis; cold war; colleges; colorblindness; Commander; commissioned officers; Community Veterans History Project; Cuba; Cuban Missile Crisis; CVHP; dependents' cruises; deterrent patrols; dry docks; education; educators; Engineering Duty Officer; Engineering Duty Officer Dolphin Program; Engineering Duty Officer Dolphins; Engineering Duty Officer School; Father of the Nuclear Navy; firefighting; fires; Florida Power & Light Company; FPL; Gerald Mattson; Germany; Hyman G. Rickover; Hyman George Rickover; Indiana University; instructors; Jensen Beach; Jim Tully; Killian Hiltz; Lehman College; mayors; military education; military spouses; military training; military wife; military wives; Nathan Hale; nuclear power; Nuclear Power Ballistic Missile Submarines; nuclear power plants; Nuclear Power School; nuclear safety; Nuclear Ship Superintendent School; October Crisis; Officer Indoctrination School; OIS; orlando; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Philip Rogers; presidents; Restricted Line Officer; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; Safety Training Coordinator; September 11th; South Florida; Soviet Union; Soviets; SSBN; Steve Israel; SU; Submarine School; submarines; subs; teachers; terrorism; terrorists; The Missile Scare; training; U.S. Naval Reserve; U.S. Navy; UCF; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; universities; university; University of Central Florida; USS Nathan Hale; USSR; veterans; Washington, D.C.; William Jefferson Blythe III; William Jefferson Clinton
Oral History of Robert Matthews
Tags: A-7; Attack Squadron 174; aviation electronics technicians; Baldwin Park; Base Realignment and Closure Commission; basic training; Bill Nelson; boot camps; BRAC; BUILDCON; Central Florida Navy League; Central Florida Research Park; Clarence William Nelson II; co-educational; cold war; Community Veterans History Project; CVHP; demolitions; E-1; education; Enlisted Rank 1; enlistment; Expeditionary Medal; gender segregation; graduations; Grinder; Jacksonville; Lake Wales High School; Lake Wales Junior High School; Ling-Temco-Vought A-7 Corsair II; Lockheed P-3 Orion; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; Maintenance Technician; marching; Mark Miller; Master Training Specialist; memorials; Memphis, Tennessee; Mike Philips; military education; military instructors; military leave; military training; Millington, Tennessee; NAMTRADET; NAS Jacksonville; NAS Memphis; Naval Air Maintenance Training Detachment; Naval Air Station Cecil Field; Naval Air Station Jacksonville; Naval Air Station Memphis; Naval Air Systems Command, the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division; Naval Reserve; Navy League; NAWCTSD; orlando; P-3; POW; prisoner-of-war; Recruit Training Center Orlando; Research Park; Rob Matthews; Robert Matthews; RTC Orlando; sailors; Science Drive; segregation; simulations; simulators; Soaper; Spook Hill Elementary School; training; training systems; U.S. Naval Reserves; U.S. Representatives; U.S. Senators; University Boulevard; USS Blue Jacket; VA-174; VA-87; veterans; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Alan R. Holtz
Tags: 1st Gulf War; 1st Iraq War; 9/11; aircraft carrier; aircraft carriers; Alan R. Holtz; basic training; boot camp; boot camps; Brooklyn, New York City, New York; Community Veterans History Project; conscription; CVHP; Democratic Republic of Vietnam; Desert Shield; Desert Storm; drafts; E-6; education; Enlisted Rank 6; enlistment; First Gulf War; First Iraq War; Gulf War; Hancock; instructors; Iraq War; Jared Grossi; Kuwait War; liberties; liberty; military education; military training; naval instructors; North Vietnam; Operation Desert Shield; Operation Desert Storm; Persian Gulf War; Philippines; Republic of the Philippines; Republic of Vietnam; San Diego, California; selective service; September 11th; Socialist Republic of Vietnam; South Vietnam; TAR; terrorism; terrorists; training; Training and Administration of the Reserve; U.S. Naval Reserve; U.S. Navy; USS Hancock; veterans; Vietnam; Vietnam War; watch; watches
Oral History of Marc Ennis
Tags: Afghanistan; Air Crew School; Anti-Submarine Warfare; Arthur Fonzaerlli; ASW; Australia; Australian Special Forces; Aviation Systems Operator; Aviation Warfare Sensor Operator; AW; Ayase, Japan; Cannes International Film Festival; Cannes, France; co-ed; co-educational; Community Veterans History Project; Competition Week; Corry Station Naval Technical Training Center; Corry Station NTTC; CVHP; desk-top simulators; dogs; education; Electronic Warfare; enlistment; Equator; EW; fleet replacement squadron aircrews; Fonzie; Gibson; Glass, Jonathan; Global War on Terror; graduations; Gulf Breeze; GWOT; Harold Lavine; Helicopter Squadron 1; Helicopter Squadron 14; Helicopter Squadron 5; helicopters; Henry Franklin Winkler; Henry Winkler; HS-1; HS-14; HS-5; humanitarian aid; inspections; instructors; Jonathan Glass; Jones, John Paul; Kendra Hazen; Little Creek, Virginia; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; Marc Ennis; marching; memorials; Millington, Tennessee; Mount Fuji; NAS Atsugi; Naval Air Facility Atsugi; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division; naval training; NAWCTSD; Operation Enduring Freedom; orlando; Pensacola; Philippines; pools; Port Hueneme, California; radars; recruit training; Recruit Training Center Orlando; rescue swimmers; RTC Orland; SAR; Search and Rescuer; shellback ceremonies; shellback ceremony; Sikorsky SH-60/MH-60 Seahawk; simulations; Starboard Delta; swimming; terrorism; The Fonz; The Grinder; The Guardian; training; typhoon reliefs; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Navy; USS Blue Jacket; USS Gunston Hall; USS John C. Stennis; veterans; War in Afghanistan; WAVES; woman; women; Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service; Yamato, Japan
Oral History of Connie Reuter
Tags: Abingdon, Virginia; active duty; Airman Apprenticeship Training School; Baldwin Park; basic training; Beechcraft T-34 Mentor; birth control glasses; boot camps; chapels; chow halls; church; churches; cold war; Community Veterans History Project; Connie Reuter; Corpus Christi, Texas; CVHP; Delayed Entry Program; DEP; drill teams; education; educators; enlistment; eyeglasses; females; firearms; Fleet Week; G.I. glasses; gas chambers; gig lines; glasses; graduations; Ground Zero; guns; Hines; inactive duty; Ingelside, Texas; instructors; Leanne Wiggins; Liberty Call; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; Martha Reuter; memorials; MEP; Merritt; military education; Military Entrance Processing; military training; NAS Corpus Christi; Naval Air Station Corpus Christi; Naval Air Station Ingelside; Naval Air Warfare Center Training System Division; Naval Training Center Orlando; Navy Buddy Enlistment Program; NAWCTSD; New York City, New York; NS Ingelside; NTC Orlando; orlando; peanut butter; Petty Officer, Second Class; photographer's mates; photographers; photography; Recruit Training Center; Recruit Training Center Orlando; recruits; RTC Orlando; sailors; ships; suicides; T-34; teachers; The Grinder; training; U.S. Naval Reserve; U.S. Navy; USN; USNR; USS Blue Jacket; veterans; weather; woman; women; World Trade Center; WTC
Oral History of Lawrence Paul Levine
Tags: accounting; advanced training; Airframe Repair School; airframe repair specialists; airframe repairman; airframe repairmen; airplanes; Amarill, Texas; Amarillo AFB; Amarillo Air Force Base; anti-war movement; basic training; Boeing 707; Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker; Brown University; BU; Bureau of Customs and Border Protection; Burlington County, New Jersey; C-141 Galaxy; colorblindness; Community Veterans History Project; conscription; Custom Service; CVHP; Detachment 51; draft board; draft lottery; drafts; education; enlistment; Europe; F-101; F-105; F-4; fast food restaurants; fiber glassing; fiberglass; firearms; Frankfurt am Main, Germany; G.I. Bill; Germany; Good Conduct Medal; gun ranges; guns; instructors; Ishihara Color Test; jet; jet fighter; jets; KC-135; Lackland AFB; Lackland Air Force Base; Larry Levine; Lawrence Paul Levin; marching; marriages; Mary Hughes Young; McDonald's; McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II; McDonnell F-101 Voodoo; Mcguire AFB; Mcguire Air Force Base; metal; military draft; military education; military training; pacifism; pacifists; peace movement; phantom jets; planes; protests; Providence, Rhode Island; pylon; Republic F-105 Thunderchief; Rhein-Main AB; Rhein-Main Air Base; RIT; riveting; Rochester Institute of Technology; Rochester, New York; San Antonio, Texas; Selective Service System; Sergeant; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; sharpshooters; sharpshooting; Shaw AFB; Shaw Air Force Base; sheet metal; Staff Sergeant; Sumter, South Carolina; TDY; temporary duty; The Platters; TI; training; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Air Force in Europe; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Air Corps; U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection; U.S. Customs Service; United Service Organization; USAFE; USO; veterans; Vietnam; Vietnam War; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Frank V. Boffi
Tags: Allied Invasion of Sicily; Anzio Beach, Italy; Arabs; Attack of Pearl Harbor; Battle of Anzio; Battle of Okinawa; battle stars; Bill Suey; boot camps; Boston, Massachusetts; camaraderie; catacombs; Cavinar; Certified Safety Professional; Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; construction; Cranston, Rhode Island; CSP; decoys; destroyers; Don Hackler; Doug Aiken; drafts; engineering; engineers; FDR; Fort Lewis; Frank V. Boffi; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Franklin Delano Rooosevelt; Frontline of Anzio and Nettuno; Great Depression; hammocks; health care; hospitals; immigrants; immigration; insurance; Islam; Italian Americans; Italian Campaign; Italy; jack stands; Kamikazes; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; Luis Santana Garcia; machinists; Marc Ennis; Mark Barnes; Mediterranean Seas; mental health; Moose Club; Muslims; Naval Air Warfare Center; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division; Naval Training Center Orlando; Navy League; NAWC; NAWCTSD; New Deal; Newport, Rhode Island; North Africa; NTC Orlando; Occupational Safety and Health Act; OCS; Officer Candidate School; Okinawa, Japan; Operation Husky; Operation Iceberg; Operation Shingle; Oran, Algeria; orlando; OSHA; Pacific Theater; Purple Heart Foundation; Purple Hearts; retirement; San Francisco, California; San Pedro, California; screening; skeleton crews; Speedo; Sun Valley, Idaho; Tears of a Warrior: A Family's Story of Combat and Living with PTSD; Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands; training; Trigger; U.S. Navy; UCF; UCF Community Veterans History Project; UCF CVHP; University of Central Florida; University of South Florida; USF; USS Bernadou; USS Brownson; USS Fiske; USS Hugh W. Hadley; VA; Vatican; Vatican City; Vatican Necropolis; veterans; Veterans Administration; wars; Works Progress Administration; World War II; WPA; WWII
Davis National Guard Armory, 2003
Tags: armory; City of Orlando; club; Cook, Thomas; Davis National Guard Armory; Davis, Robert C.; Downtown Orlando; Livingston Street; military; orlando; Orlando Armory; Orlando Downtown Recreation Complex; Primrose Street; training; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Army National Guard; U.S. National Guard; U.S. Naval Reserve; World War II; WWII
Naval Air Station Sanford Historic Marker
Tags: A3D; A3D Skywarrior; aircraft carriers; airport; apartments; baseball field; Bible College; carrier aircraft; county hospital; dispensary; facilities; fighter pilots; Giants; historic marker; hospital; jet bomber; MAs; Memorial Park; motels; NAS Memorial; NAS Sanford; NAS Sanford Memorial; Naval Air Station Sanford Memorial; naval aviation; New York Giants; NY Giants; Orlando Sanford International Airport; photographic reconnaissance mission; pilots; POWs; seminary; Seminole County; Seminole County Historic Marker; Spring Training; training; Vigilante; WWII