Browse Items (4 total)
- Tags: Enlisted Rank 1
Oral History of Robert Matthews
Tags: A-7; Attack Squadron 174; aviation electronics technicians; Baldwin Park; Base Realignment and Closure Commission; basic training; Bill Nelson; boot camps; BRAC; BUILDCON; Central Florida Navy League; Central Florida Research Park; Clarence William Nelson II; co-educational; cold war; Community Veterans History Project; CVHP; demolitions; E-1; education; Enlisted Rank 1; enlistment; Expeditionary Medal; gender segregation; graduations; Grinder; Jacksonville; Lake Wales High School; Lake Wales Junior High School; Ling-Temco-Vought A-7 Corsair II; Lockheed P-3 Orion; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; Maintenance Technician; marching; Mark Miller; Master Training Specialist; memorials; Memphis, Tennessee; Mike Philips; military education; military instructors; military leave; military training; Millington, Tennessee; NAMTRADET; NAS Jacksonville; NAS Memphis; Naval Air Maintenance Training Detachment; Naval Air Station Cecil Field; Naval Air Station Jacksonville; Naval Air Station Memphis; Naval Air Systems Command, the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division; Naval Reserve; Navy League; NAWCTSD; orlando; P-3; POW; prisoner-of-war; Recruit Training Center Orlando; Research Park; Rob Matthews; Robert Matthews; RTC Orlando; sailors; Science Drive; segregation; simulations; simulators; Soaper; Spook Hill Elementary School; training; training systems; U.S. Naval Reserves; U.S. Representatives; U.S. Senators; University Boulevard; USS Blue Jacket; VA-174; VA-87; veterans; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Jeffrey Edward Clark
Tags: active duty; Air Apprenticeship Training; airman; airmen; Apopka; apprentices; apprenticeship schools; Apprenticeship Training Program; Atlanta, Georgia; Atlantic Ocean; Azores Islands; Bainbridge; Baldwin Park; Bank of America; bank tellers; Barnes, Mark; basic seaman recruits; berthing areas; boot camp; boot camps; chief petty officer; chief petty officers; Clark, Jeffrey Edward; Community Veterans History Project; Company 101; CVHP; Dan Taylor; Daytona Beach Community College; DBCC; deck divisions; deployment; E-1; E-2; E-3; E-4; East Hartford, Connecticut; Enlisted Rank 1; Enlisted Rank 2; Enlisted Rank 3; Enlisted Rank 4; Facebook; Fire Control Technicians; firefighters; fireman; firemen; Firemen Apprenticeship Training; Flagler County; Flagler Palm Coast High School; Forrest Gump; Greyhound; guided missile destroyers; Hayne, Gary; Hazen, Kendra; helmsman; helmsmen; I-4; I-94; immigrants; Inactive Readiness Reserves; inactive reserves; Interstate 4; Interstate 95; IRR; Italian immigrants; Italians; Kiesden, Kurt; Kirchman Corporation; lee helms; Lieutenant Dan; Lone Sailor Foundation; Lone Sailor Memorial Committee; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; Luxemburg; Maitland; Mayflower; Mediterranean Sea; Mediterranean Squadron; MEP; Military Entrance Processing; Morse code; Moses; NationsBank; NATO; Naval Training Center Orlando; Navy Exchange; Navy Memorial of Central Florida; Nice, France; Norfolk, Virginia; North Atlantic; North Atlantic Squadron; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Novak, Karla; NTC Orlando; Nuclear Program; OBT; officers; Orange Blossom Trail; Orleman, Andrew; Palm Coast; Petty Officer; Petty Officers; Philippines; Ponta Delgada, Portugal; Pro Systems; Radar School; recruit training; recruits; sailors; sales representatives; San Francisco, California; Seaman Apprenticeship Training; seamen; semaphore; service representatives; Shriners Temple; signalman; Signalman School; signalmen; Storekeeper School; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy; U.S. Route 17; U.S. Route 441; U.S.S Richard E. Byrd DDG-23; UCF; University of Central Florida; US-17; US-441; USS Bluejacket; USS Chiwawa CV40; USS Richard E. Bird TDG-23; veterans; Welch, Alan; Wiggins, Leanne; World War II; WWII; YouTube
Oral History of Scott T. Kidd
Tags: AFQT; AFS-3; apprentice training; Armed Forces Qualifying Test; boiler technician; boiler technicians; boot camp; boot camps; Civil Rights Act; Community Veterans History Project; Congress; CVHP; E-1; E-6; E-7; E-9; Enlisted Rank 1; Enlisted Rank 6; Enlisted Rank 7; Enlisted Rank 9; Facebook; Grinder; Guam Naval Base; John Paul; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Jones, John Paul; Kidd, Scott T.; Lone Sailor Memorial Committee; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LPD-15; Lyndon Baines Johnson; Maldonado, Fernando; Naval Station Great Lakes; Naval Training Center Command; Naval Training Center Orlando; Navy Memorial of Central Florida; NS Great Lakes; NTC Orlando; nuclear power; Nuclear Power Training Command; orlando; recessions; recruit commanders; recruit company commanders; Recruit Training Command Orlando; Richland, Washington; RTC Orlando; tear gas chambers; U. S. Air Force; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Air Force; U.S. Navy; USS Blue Jacket; USS Iowa; USS Niagara Falls; USS Ponce; veterans
Oral History of Doris McClendon
Tags: administrative schools; administrative yeoman; administrative yeomans; African Americans; AIMD; Aircraft Intermediate Makers Department; basic training; Blue Lagoon; boot camps; calisthenics; Community Veterans History Project; Company Commanders; CVHP; E-1; E-5; Enlisted Rank 1; Enlisted Rank 5; Fleet Training Group; Germany; Goulds; Grinder; Homestead; Honolulu, Hawaii; Jacksonville; JAG Corps; JROTC; Judge Advocate General's Corps; Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps; Keflavík, Iceland; legal assistants; legalman; legalmen; Legalmen A School; Lone Sailor Memorial Committee; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; mail calls; Mason, Perry; Mays Junior High School; McClendon, Dee; McClendon, Doris; Miami; NAS Keflavík; Naval Air Depot Jacksonville; Naval Air Station Keflavík; Naval Legal Services Detachment; Naval Station Key West; Naval Station Newport; Naval Station Norfolk; Naval Station Pearl Harbor; Naval Training Center Orlando; Navy Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps; Navy Marine Corps Trial Judiciary; Navy Memorial of Central Florida; Newport, Rhode Island; NJROTC; Norfolk, Virginia; NTC Orlando; orlando; paralegals; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; physical fitness; Pine Villa Elementary School; recruit training; Recruit Training Command; recruiters; Rhode Island; San Antonio, Texas; South Dade Senior High School; TAD; temporary additional duty; U. S. Air Force; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy; UCF; UM; Uncle Sam; University of Central Florida; University of Miami; USS Arizona; USS Arizona Memorial; USS Bluejacket; VA; VA hospital; veterans; Veterans Health Administration; Virginia; Weeks, Andrew Glen; yeoman school; yeoman schools