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- Tags: Nuclear Power Ballistic Missile Submarines
Oral History of Philip Rogers
Tags: 9/11; advanced training; American Chemical Society; Bennett Drive; Berlin Wall; Berlin, Germany; Bill Clinton; Bronx, New York City, New York; Caribbean Crisis; cold war; colleges; colorblindness; Commander; commissioned officers; Community Veterans History Project; Cuba; Cuban Missile Crisis; CVHP; dependents' cruises; deterrent patrols; dry docks; education; educators; Engineering Duty Officer; Engineering Duty Officer Dolphin Program; Engineering Duty Officer Dolphins; Engineering Duty Officer School; Father of the Nuclear Navy; firefighting; fires; Florida Power & Light Company; FPL; Gerald Mattson; Germany; Hyman G. Rickover; Hyman George Rickover; Indiana University; instructors; Jensen Beach; Jim Tully; Killian Hiltz; Lehman College; mayors; military education; military spouses; military training; military wife; military wives; Nathan Hale; nuclear power; Nuclear Power Ballistic Missile Submarines; nuclear power plants; Nuclear Power School; nuclear safety; Nuclear Ship Superintendent School; October Crisis; Officer Indoctrination School; OIS; orlando; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Philip Rogers; presidents; Restricted Line Officer; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; Safety Training Coordinator; September 11th; South Florida; Soviet Union; Soviets; SSBN; Steve Israel; SU; Submarine School; submarines; subs; teachers; terrorism; terrorists; The Missile Scare; training; U.S. Naval Reserve; U.S. Navy; UCF; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; universities; university; University of Central Florida; USS Nathan Hale; USSR; veterans; Washington, D.C.; William Jefferson Blythe III; William Jefferson Clinton