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- Tags: Elizabeth Bowe
Oral History of the Florida High-Tech Corridor Council
Tags: 501(c)(6); Advanced Materials Processing and Analysis Center; agro-tech; Alachua County; Alzo J. Reddick; American Telephone & Telegraph Company; AMPAC; Amy Evancho; Antoinette Jennings; AT&T Inc.; Becerra-Fernandez, Irma; Ben Noll; Bernard Machen; Bernie Machen; Berridge, Randolph E.; Bethany Dickens; Betty Bowe; Betty Castor; Bill Vogel; Bob Cook; Bob Dallari; Brevard County; Buddy Dyer; budgets; Carrie Martine; Cassopolis, Michigan; Central Florida Research Park; Charles Bass Reed; Charles Gray; Charlie Gross; Charlie Reed; Cherokee Nation; Cherokee, North Carolina; Cherokees; Chip Camp; Cirent Semiconductor; Committee on Transportation and Economic Development Funding; community colleges; Connie L. Lester; Core Team; Dallari, Bob; Dallas-Fort Worth Corridor; Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas; Dan Holsenbeck; Dan Webster; Daniel Alan Webster; David Brown; David Gordon; David P. Norton; Democratic Party; Democrats; DEO; Department of Economic Opportunity; Duvall County; economic development; Economic Development Commission of Florida's Space Coast; economy; EDC Economic Development Commission; education; Electronic Arts; Elizabeth Bowe; Elizabeth Castor; Enterprise Florida; FAU; FIA; FIAA; FIU; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Department of Economic Opportunity; Florida Economic Gardening Institute; Florida Gulf Coast; Florida High Tech Corridor; Florida High Tech Corridor Council; Florida House Committee on Transportation and Economic Development Funding; Florida House of Respresentatives; Florida International University; Florida Polytechnic University; Florida Power and Light Company; Florida Senate; Florida Senate Committee on Appropriations; Florida Venture Forward; Florida Virtual Entrepreneur Center; Florida’s Chamber Foundation; FLVEC; FPU; Fran Korosec; funding; George Gordon; Get Smart; Grant; GrayRobinson, P.A.; GrowFL: The Economic Gardening Institute; Harrah's Cherokee Casino; Head to Head: The Coming Economic Battle Among Japan, Europe and America; high tech; high tech corridors; high technology; House Committee on Transportation and Economic Development Funding; House of Respresentatives; Hunting F. Deutsch; I-4 Corridor; I/ITSEC; IE; industrial development; industries; industry; Innovation Way Corridor; intellectual property; Interactive Game Academy; International Paris Air Show; Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference; James C. Clark; Jeff Mendell; Jennifer Thompson; Jim Clark; Jim Shot; John C. Hitt; John Castor; John Hugh Dyer; K-12 education; Kathy Betancourt; Ken Pruitt; Lake Nona; Lake Nona Medical City; Lawton Chiles; Lawton Mainor Chiles, Jr.; Lester Carl Thurow; Littleton, Colorado; Lowe; Lynda Weatherman; M. J. Sanders; M. J. Soileau; Mark B. Rosenberg; matching grants; Medical City; Metro Orlando Economic Development Commision; Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission; Metro Orlando EDC; MGRP; Miami; Michael Zaharris; modeling; MSW; NAI; National Academy of Inventors; Native Americans; orange county; orlando; Orlando Economic Development Commission; Orlando EDC; Pajama Hotline; Paul Sanberg; Peter T. Panousis; Pratt & Whitney; PRISM; Promoting Regional Improvement in Science and Math; Putnam County; Randy Morris; Ray Galley; research and development; Research Park; Richard Lynn Scott; RICHES of Central Florida; Rick Scott; Rob Goddell; Roger Pynn; Ron Walker; Sacher; Salon International de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace, Paris-Le Bourget; Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute; Sarah McGreer; Science, Technology, Engineering and Math; Seminole County; Seminole State College; Senate; Shava Jackson-Car; Silicon Valley, California; simulation; simulation industry; Smart; South Florida; SSC; state colleges; State of Florida; State University System of Florida; STEM programs; Steve Burly; Sunnyvale, California; Tampa; Tampa Bay; TCU; Tech Path; Teresa Jacobs; Texas Christian University; The Chronicle of Higher Education; Thomas Charles Feeney III; Tom Feeney; Tom Feeny; Tom O'Neal; Toni Jennings; Tracy Swarztz; UCF; UCF Department of History; UCF Knights; UF; UM; United Technologies Corporation; University of Central Florida; University of Central Florida Department of History; University of Florida; University of Miami; University of South Florida; USF; venture capitalism; Venture Forward; Volusia County Community College; workforce development
To Attract, Retain and Grow: The History of the Florida High Tech Corridor Council
Tags: 13 Technology Incubators; 501(c)(6); academia; academics; accelerators; aerospace; Agricultural College Act of 1890; agriculture; Alachua County; Alex Katsaros; Alex Spinler; Amy Bayes; Andrew Huse; AnnaLee Saxenian; Antoinette Jennings; AT&T Corporation; aviation; Barack Hussein Obama II; Barack Obama; Bernie Machen; Berridge Consulting Group, Inc.; Betty Bowe; Betty Castor; Brevard County; Bruce J. Schulman; Bruce Janz; Buddy Dyer; business; businesses; Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers; Central Florida Technology Forum; Charlie Reed; Cirent; Cirent Semiconductor; Clusters of Creativity: Enduring Lessons on Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Silicon Valley and Europe’s Silicon Fen; Cobham SATCOM Land Systems; colleges; computer science; Connie L. Lester; Consortium; construction; Core Tea; cybercities; Cybercities Report; cybercity; Dan Berglund; Dan Rini; Daniel Holsenbeck; Daniel Webster; Decade of Partnership; Deepika Singh; digital media; economic development; economic growth; economics; economies; economy; Ed Schons; Educational Appropriations Committee; educators; electro-optics; Electronic Arts Tiburon; Elizabeth Bowe; Elizabeth Castor; endowments; engineering; engineers; Equal Rights Amendment; ESC; Evaporative Spray Cooling; Feng Kang; Ferald J. Bryan; FHTCC; financial services; Florida Cabinet; Florida Cluster Metrics Task Force; Florida Economic Gardening Institute; Florida High Tech Corridor Council; Florida Hospital; Florida House of Representatives; Florida Institute of Technology; Florida Legislature; Florida Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic Development; Florida Research Consortium; Florida Senate; Florida State University System; Florida Tax Watch; Florida Venture Forum, Inc.; Florida Virtual Entrepreneur Center; florida.HIGH.TECH; Florida’s High Tech Corridor: Opening the Door to Florida’s Future; Florida’s Innovation Benchmark Study; FLVEC; From Soap Suds to Sheer Success: The Florida High-Tech Corridor Council Story; G.I. Bill; Georges Haour; Gordon Hogan; Grace Venture Partners L.P.; grants; GrowFL; GTE; Guy Hagen; Harris; Harvard of the South; Henderson Air Field; Henry W. Grady; Hernando County; high tech; high technology; higher education; Hillsborough County; Hillsborough County Commission; I-4; I-4 Corridor; I-4 High Tech Corridor Council; IFAS; incubators; industries; industry; information technology; Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; interactive entertainment; Interactive Expeditions; International Economic Development Council; Interstate Highway 4; INTX; investments; J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board; Jack Sullivan; Jacob Stuart; James Bernard Machen; James C. Clark; James C. Cobb,; James Schnur; James Solomons; Jeb Bush; Jeff Bindell; Jennie Miller; Jim Clark; John C. Hitt; John Ellis Bush; John H. Dyer; John Montelione; John Sacher; Joseph England; Joseph Schumpeter; Josh Wyner; Juan Carlos Sanabria; Judy Genshaft; Judy Lynn Genshaft; Keith G, Baker; Kerry Martin; Kiran C. Patel Center for Global Solution; Lake County; lasers; life sciences; Lockheed Martin; Lucent Technologies; Luther H. Hodges; Luther Hartwell Hodges; M. J. Soileau; Madrid, Spain; manufacturing; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; matching funds; Matching Grants Research Program; Math & Physics Day; mechanical arts; medical technology; Melbourne; MGRP; microelectronics; microscopy; military; Miniature Refrigeration System; MIT; modeling; Morrill Act of 1862; Morrill Act of 1890; Morrill Land-Grant Acts; nanotechnology; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Board for Professional Teaching Standards; Ned Grace; New South; New South Ventures; Nicholson Center for Surgical Advancement; Ocean Optics; optics; Oracle; orange county; orlando; Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Orlando Science Center; OSC; Osceola County; Palm Bay; Pasco County; Peter Panousis; Philip Peters; photonics; Pinellas County; public-private partnerships; Putnam County; Randy E. Berridge; Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128; research; Research and Commercialization; Research Triangle; Rob Koepp; robotics; Robotics Camp; ROBRADY; Roger Pynn; Rosalind Beiler; Route 128; Rudy McDaniel; Saint Petersburg; Sanford Shugart; Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute; Scanning Electron Microscope; Schwartz Electro-optics; Scot French; SeaWorld Orlando; SEM; semiconductors; Seminole County; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; Sestar Technologies; Silicon Fen; Silicon Valley; simulation; Sinmat; software; South Florida Community College; Southern Regional Education Board; Space Coast; St. Petersburg; Stanford University; STEM; SU; sustainable energy; Tampa; Tampa Bay; Tampa Bay Technology Forum; teachers; Tech 4 Consortium; Tech America Foundation; techCAMPs; Technology Incubator; techPATH; TES; The Corridor by the Numbers; The Scripps Research Institute; Thermal Energy Storage; Thomas Charles Feeney II; Tito Santiago; Tom Feeney; Tom O’Neal; Toni Jennings; TracStar Ed-PAD; training; UCF; UF; Universal Studios Orlando; universities; university; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; University of South Florida; USF; Valencia College; Valencia Community College; Valencia State College; VC; VCC; venture capital; Vicki Morelli; Volusia County; VSC; Walt Disney World; workforce development; World War II; WWII