Browse Items (12 total)
- Tags: McCoy AFB
B-52G Model from McCoy Air Force Base
Action Center USA
Tags: airplanes; airports; amusement parks; Arnold Daniel Palmer; Arnold Palmer; arts; automobiles; baseballs; Billy Kelly; boating; boats; Bruce Devlin; Bruce William Devlin; Cape Kennedy; cars; Central Florida Museum; chambers of commerce; church; churches; citrus; citrus groves; Citrus Open Golf Tournament; City Beautiful; City of Orlando; cold war; colleges; Colonial Plaza Mall; Commerce; County of Orange; Dean Refram; Delta Air Lines; dog racing; Doug Sanders; Downtown Orlando; Eastern Air Lines; Elegant Company; festivals; Florida Symphony Orchestra; Florida Technological University; footballs; FTU; George Alfred Christian Knudson; George Douglas Sanders; George Knudson; Glover; golf; golfers; Graduate Engineering Education System; Grant Gravitt; Herndon Municipal Airport; highways; I-4; industrial parks; Interstate 4; jai alai; Jim Carlton; Joan Roberts; Julius Boros; Julius Nicholas Boros; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Park; libraries; library; Loch Haven Art Center; Mad Tea Party; manufacturing; marching bands; Martin Marietta Corporation; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; McCoy Jetport; Minnesota Twins; Minute Maid Company; monorails; motor vehicles; National Airlines; orange county; Orange County School System; oranges; orchestras; orlando; Orlando Area Chamber of Commerce; Orlando businesses; Orlando Central Park; Orlando Junior College; Orlando Panthers; Orlando Public Library; Orlando Twins; paintings; parks; planes; Player; retail; roads; Rollins College; Rule; schools; Seven Dwarfs; shopping; shopping malls; shops; space; space age; space race; sports; Spring Training; stores; Sunny Fader; synagogues; Tangerine Bowl; technology; Tel Air Interests, Inc.; theme parks; Tupperware Brands; UF; University of Florida; Vanda Cosmetics; Walt Disney; Walt Disney World Resort; Walter Elias Disney; water skiing; Weiskopf; Winter Park; Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival; Xerox Corporation
Bee Line Expressway Engineering Report
Tags: American Association of State Highway Officials; Beachline Expressway; Bee Line Expressway; Brevard County; bridges; Cape Canaveral; Cape Kennedy; City of Orlando; Civil Jet Terminal; Cocoa Beach; construction; crossroads; East Central Florida Regional Planning Council; engineering; Expressway Authority Act Commission; farms; Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956; Florida Legislature Industrial Complex; Florida State Road 15; Florida State Road 15A; Florida State Road 50; Florida State Road 500; Florida State Road 520; Florida State Road 527; Florida State Road 528; highways; Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff; I-4; I-75; Interstate Highway 4; Interstate Highway 75; Interstate Highway Design Criteria; Interstate Highway System; Lake Barton Road Zoning Commission; Martin Andersen Beachline Expressway; Martin Andersen Bee Line Expressway; Martin Anderson; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; Merritt Island Launch Area; National Interstate and Defense Highways Act; orlando; Orlando International Airport; Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority; Patrick AFB; Patrick Air Force Base; ramps; Reynolds, Smith & Hills; roads; SR 15; SR 15A; SR 50; SR 500; SR 520; SR 527; SR 528; SRD; Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges; Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction; State Road Department; Toll 528, tourism; toll plazas; toll roads; U.S. Route 17; U.S. Route 441; U.S. Route 92; urban design; urban planning; US 17; US 441; US 92
Oak Ridge Homes
Tags: Ambassador; Baronet; Briggs Beautyware; Bryant; Chancellor; Colonial Drive; Diplomat; Downtown Orlando; Excellency; Florida Gas Utilities Company; Florida Ranch Lands, Inc.; Florida State Road 50; homes; houses; housing; Lancaster Elementary School; Lancaster Road; martin company; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; model homes; Oak Ridge; Oak Ridge High School; Oak Ridge Junior High School; Oak Ridge Road; Oak Ridge Senior High School; OBT; Orange Avenue; Orange Blossom Trail; orlando; real estate; Rutland Building; Rutland's; Sky Lake; SR 50; Sunshine Parkway; Tampa Freeway; Tarpan; U.S. 441; U.S. Route 441
Oral History of Michael Partain
Tags: airports; Amanda Hill; Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery; ASVAB; atopic dermatitis; Avon Park; Avon Park Air Force Range; basic training; boot camps; breast cancer; captain's mast; Carli Van Zandt; Carolyn Van Zandt; CERCLA; cold war; colleges; Community Veterans History Project; Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980; contamination; court-martial; CVHP; dermatitis; DI; disqualifications; Drill Instructor; E-3; education; engineering; engineers; Enlisted Rank 3; enlistment; Enterprise 1701; environmental cleanup; F-16; General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon; gig lines; higher education; Hill, Amanda; hospitals; illness; illnesses; inspections; instructors; Lake Druid; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; MacDill AFB; MacDill Air Force Base; marching; Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; medical hold company; memorials; MET; Michael Partain; military code; military education; Military Entrance Processioning Center; Military Entrance Processioning Center Tampa; Military Entrance Test; military justice; military training; monuments; NAS Jacksonville; Naval Air Station Jacksonville; Naval Station Mayport; Naval Training Center Orlando; NS Mayport; NTC Orlando; nuclear engineering; nuclear power; nuclear propulsion; Nuclear Propulsion School; orlando; Petty Officer; Polk County; recruit training; Recruit Training Command; recruits; ring banner; Seaman; special training; Superfund; Tetrachloroethylene; toxic chemicals; toxic cleanups; U.S. Air Force; UCMJ; Uniform Code of Military Justice; universities; university; veterans; Warren B. Partain, Jr.; Warren B. Partain, Sr.; water contamination; Winter Haven; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Richard Tobias Sloane
Tags: A-5; advanced training; aircraft; airplanes; airports; auxiliary service; B-52; B-52 Memorial Park; Baldwin Park; basic training; Blue Jacket Park; Boeing B-52 Stratofortress; Bronze Star with V Device; BUPERS; Bureau of Naval Personnel; captains; Carli Van Zandt; Carolyn Van Zandt; Central Florida Research Park; Combat Action Award; Commander Carrier Group 8; Community Veterans History Project; conscription; CVHP; Dave Arms; deployments; destroyers; discipline; drafts; engineering; engineers; ensigns; Fernando Maldonado; Garcia; Get Me to the Church on Time; graduations; Great Lakes, Illinois; Grinder; Groucho Marx; gunnery officers; Harry Smith; historical preservation; historical restoration; Honey Bun; Jim Allen; Julius Henry Marx; Lake Baldwin; Legion of Merit; Lieutenant Junior; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; LST; LTJG; Luis De Florez; Luis De Florez Building; Lydia and the Tattooed Lady; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; Mekong Delta; memorials; military spouses; military training; military wife; military wives; Milwaukee; monuments; Morale, Welfare, and Recreation; MWR; My Fair Lady; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Divisions; Naval Destroyers School; Naval Education and Training Command; Naval Training Center; Naval Training Center Great Lakes; Naval Training Center Orlando; Naval War College; Navy E Ribbon; Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society; NAWCTSD; NETC; Newport, Rhode Island; NMCRS; North American A-5 Vigilante; NTC Great Lakes; NTC Orlando; Nuclear Power School; nurses; OCS; Officer Candidate School; Officer Car; orlando; Orlando International Airport; Orlando-Sanford International Airport; parks; planes; preservation; Purple Heart; Queens, New York City, New York; RA-5C; RA-5C Vigilante; recruit training; Recruit Training Center; Recruit Training Center Orlando; recruits; Repair Division Officer; Research Park; retirement; Richard T. Sloane; Richard Tobias Sloane; river patrols; River Section 35; Rockbridge; RTC Orlando; Sanford; Santa Barbara; selective service; Service School Command; Service Schools Command; SERVSCOLSCOM; simulations; simulators; South Pacific; Surface Warfare Advisor; Surface Warfare Officers School; The Navigator; training; U.S. Naval War College; U.S. Navy; United Service Organization; USO; USS Blue Jacket; USS Garcia; USS Hassayampa; USS Milwaukee; USS Rockbridge; USS Santa Barbara; USS Wisconsin; veterans; Vietnam; Vietnam War; Vietnamese; volunteers; Ward Room; wars; Weapon Systems Officer; Wisconsin
Oral History of George G. McGuire
Tags: 2nd Lieutenant; African Enterprise; AFROTC; Air Force; Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps; aircraft; airplanes; Ambassador; AMC; ammunition procurement division; Armed Forces Staff College; Army Materiel Command; Army Military Intelligence Readiness Command; BAA; baht; Bangkok, Thailand; bargains; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; bribery; bribes; business administration; Buy American Act of 1933; C-130; cargo; Chokchai Building; Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints; CID; comfort girls; Community Veterans History Project; Congress; conscription; construction; consultants; contract administrators; contracting; contractors; corruption; Criminal Investigator's Department; CVHP; DCAS; declaration of war; Defense Contract Administration Services; deputy directors; DOD; Downtown Bangkok; drafts; Durban, South Africa; engineering; engineers; Fawley, England; Fussa, Japan; George C. McGuire; George Washington University; GWU; hospitals; Judy Scherer; Korea; Lake Washington; LDS Church; legislation; lieutenant colonel; Lockheed C-130 Hercules; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; Ministry of Defense; MIRC; Missouri; Mom Rajawongse Seni Pramoj; Mormonism; Mormons; NAS Sand Point; Naval Air Station Sand Point; New Jersey; New York City, New York; New York Harbor; Norfolk, Virginia; Notre Dame, Indiana; OIA; oil; oil refineries; oil refinery; orlando; Orlando AFB; Orlando Air Force Base; Orlando International Airport; Osan AB; Osan Air Base; OSI; planes; President of Thailand; presidents; procurement centers; procurement officers; prostitutes; prostitution; Pyeongtaek-si,South Korea; regulations; Reserve Officers' Training Corps; retirement; Rock Island Arsenal; Rose Marie Scherer; ROTC; sailboats; sailing; scandals; Seattle, Washington; Second Lieutenant; Seni Pramoj; Seni Pramoj, Mom Rajawongse; Seoul, South Korea; sex workers; Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition; Squadron Officer School; Statue of Liberty; Summit, New Jersey; Thai; Thai Ministry of Defense; Thailand; tour of duty; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations; U.S. ambassador; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Materiel Command; U.S. Army Military Intelligence Readiness Command; U.S. Department of Defense; U.S. Navy; UND; University of Notre Dame; University of Notre Dame du La; USAF; USAFOSI; veterans; Vietnam; Vietnam War; Warsaw, Missouri; Washington, D.C.; Whiteman AFB; Whiteman Air Force Base; World War II; WWII; Yokota AB; Yokota Air Base
Oral History of Henry Carl Okraski
Tags: 1st Marine Corps Division; 2F-23; A-3 intruders; A-7; Air Force Reconnaissance Squadron; aircraft simulators; Armstrong, Jack; Army Participation Group; Baldwin Park; ballistic missile early warning sites; Base Realignment and Closure; Battle of Guadalcanal; Bauer; Bill McCollum; BRAC; Bulletin 40-1; Bureau of Aeronautics; C11; Cape Canaveral; Chief of Naval Materials; Chief of Naval Research; Clarkson University; CNR; cold war; Community Veterans History Project; Como, Perry; Cross Creek; CVHP; De Florez, Luis; deaf; deep sea divers; defense industry; defense simulation; defense simulation industry; Deputy Technical Director; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; electrical engineering; electrical engineers; F-102; F-3; Field Service Organization; flight simulation; General Dynamics; Gould-Guggenhiem Estate; Greenland; GS-11; Guadalcanal; Guadalcanal Campaign; Guggenheim; Hayes, Bob; Hazen, Kendra; hearing impaired; Hill, Amanda; Invasion of Normandy; Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy; Lake Nona Medical City; Lake Sybelia Elementary School; Link Aviation Devices, Inc.; Lockheed Martin; Lone Sailor Memorial Committee; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; Long Island; Long Island, New York; Luis De Florez Building; Maintenance Engineering Division; Maitland; Marshall, Al; McCollum, Ira William, Jr.; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; MILES; Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System; NASA Space Shuttle Atlantis Exhibit; National Center for Simulation Offices; Naval Air Systems Command; Naval Air Warfare Center; Naval Air Warfare System; Naval Air Warfare Systems Training System Division; Naval Air Warfare Training Systems; Naval Training Center Orlando; Naval Training Device Center; Naval Training Materials Center; Naval Training Systems Center; Navy Memorial of Central Florida; NAWCTSD; NCS; Newfoundland, Canada; Normandy, France; Northport; NTC Orlando; Office of Naval Materials; Office of Naval Research; Okraski, Henry Carl; P2V; Partnership III Building; Physical to Virtual; Port Washington; Potsdam, Germany; radio programs; Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan; Research and Engineering; Research Parkway; Rollins College; Senior Executive Service; simulation; Special Devices Task; St. Patrick's Grammar School; STEM; stranger danger; tank simulators; Team Orlando; The Wonderful World of Simulation a Brief History of Modeling and Simulation and Its Impact on Our Lives; The Yearling; Thule Air Base; Twilight Zone Tower of Terror; U. S. Air Force; U.S. Army; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Department of Defense; U.S. Marine Corps; U.S. Navy; UC; UCF; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; USS Shenandoah; Utica Free Academy; Utica, New York; V Sub; Veridian; virtual reality; Wheaties
Return Frey to Congress
Tags: Airport and Airways Development Act; Brevard County; campaigns; CBP; Civil Aeronautics Board; Congress; drug abuse; drugs; elections; Florida TODAY; Ford, Gerald; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.; Gillooly, Jack; International Arrivals Building; jetports; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Leslie Lynch King, Jr.; McCoy AFB; Meacham, John; narcotics; orange county; Orlando Jetport; Page Airways of Florida, Inc.; Republican Party; Republicans; Simon, William; U.S. Customs and Border Protection; U.S. Department of the Treasury; U.S. House of Representatives; Van Den Berg, Egerton K.; veterans; Walt Disney World; Winter Park
Transcript of Interview with Congressman Lou Frey, Jr.
Tags: airports; Apollo; Cape Canaveral; Congress; Congressmen; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; Gurney; Laird, Mel; MAFB; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; Nelson, Bill; orlando; PAFB; Patrick AFB; Patrick Air Force Base; Robinson, Jim; Secretary of Defense; Secretary of the Air Force; Stone, Dick; U. S. Air Force; U.S. Secretary of Defense
Florida From the House...To Your Home Newsletter, July 1976
Tags: 9th Congressional District; airports; appropriations bills; clinics; demolition; dental clinics; DOJ; Energy Research and Development Administration; ERDA; Florida Bicentennial; Frey, Louis, Jr.; From the House...To Your Home; hospitals; Jeff Fuqua Boulevard; Jenckes, Joe; jetports; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Lockheed Martin; Lockheed Missiles and Space Company; Lou Frey '76 Line; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; McCoy Commissary; McNamara–O'Hara Service Contract Act of 1965; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Navy hospitals; orlando; Orlando Jetport; Orlando Naval Hospital; PAFB; Patrick Air Force Base; SCA; SERI; Simon, Bill; solar energy; Solar Energy Center; Solar Energy Research Institute; U. S. Air Force; U.S. Department of Justice; U.S. Secretary of Treasury
Okay for McCoy Expected: Port of Entry Status Close
Tags: airport; Airport and Airways Development Act; Civil Aeronautics Board; Department of Treasury; Ford, Gerald; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; Gillooly, Jack; International Arrivals Building; jetport; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; Meacham, John; orlando; Orlando Jetport; Page Airways of Florida, Inc.; Simon, William; U.S. Customs Service; Van Den Berg, Egerton K.; Walt Disney World