Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: Sanford Herald
Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District Long-Range Program, 1975
Tags: agriculture; artesian water; Betty J. Palmer; Bureau of Environmental Education; C.A. Wales; Charles A. Wales; chloride; Civic Clubs; climate; community development; condominiums; conservation; construction; Department of Education; education; encroachment; environmental improvement; environmental protection; Farm Bureau; farming; farms; forests; geology; grant funds; ground water; ground water resources; highway planning; housing developments; Hubert Bagwell; Hydrolic Features; industrial expansion; irrigation; J.A. Hopkins; land development; Larry Morrell; livestock; mobile homes; open space; Orlando Sentinel Star; Outdoor Classroom Conservation Plans; Planned Unit Developments; population growth; poultry; radio; radio station; resource development; retail; road planning; Sanford; Sanford Herald; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; shopping centers; soil; Soil and Conservation Service; Soil Map; soil survey; SSWCD; subvision developments; toxic soil; U.S. Department of Agriculture; urban expansion; urbanization; USDA; water; watershed; wildlife; WTRR; zoning
Oral History of Shirley Muse
Tags: 7th Street; Amtrak; archival collection; Beiler, Rosalind; collection cataloger; collections manager; columnist; county judge; Florida State University; fossil; FSU; gardener; general; Geography Lab: Where in the World Are We?; Glasshoff, Jesse; Grandma’s Attic; Historic Sanford Welcome Center; History Harvest; Jacob’s Ladder; librarian; Library Science; media specialist; Million, Shirley; Muse, Shirley; Orlando Sentinel; Panama Canal Zone; PHC; Pioneer Exhibit: Before the Settlement of Sanford; Richardson, Kay; Robinson, Bill; Sanford Herald; Sanford Middle; Sanford Middle School; Sanford MS; Sanford Welcome Center; Seventh Street; South Pacific; state senator; Stenstrom; Stenstrom Elementary; Stenstrom, Douglas; Stetson College; Stetson University; Stiffy's; Student Museum; The Orlando Sentinel; UCF; UCF Public History Center; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; University of Virginia; UV; volunteer
Sanford Salutes Dr. G. H. Starke Sunday Sept 1
Dorner Urges Merchants to Help Agriculture Club Put Over Plan to Build Market
Tags: 13th Street; acquarium; Balmes, George F.; Clermont; Dorner, Fred F.; farmers’ market; Federal Emergency Relief Administration; FERA; Florida State Farmers' Wholesale Distributing Market; French Avenue; Grogan, W. P.; Hartsaw, Thomas; Kiwanis Club; Montezuma Hotel; Moughton, Elton J.; Paola; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano; Sanford; Sanford Herald; Sanford Kiwanis Club; Sanford State Farmers' Market; Seminole Agriculture Club; Seminole County Chamber of Commerce; Special Zoo Committee; Thirteenth Street; Warm Springs Foundation; White House; zoo
Milane Theatre Opened Last Night to Record Breaking House and Could Not Accommodate Any More: But Same Picture Will Be Shown Tonight for Those Who Failed to Get Seats
The Milane Theatre was built at 203 South Magnolia Avenue in Sanford, the former location of the Star Theatre, an abandoned…
First Showing of Sanford Picture at Milane Theatre: Is a Bright, Clear Picture and Sure to Draw Large Crowd When Shown
Students at the Little Red School House
Tags: 1st grade; 1st graders; 2nd grade; 2nd graders; Allen, Grace; Appleyard, Alice; Bell, Carrie; Chappel, Earl; Class of 1893; Cowan, Nellie; Dinholm, Hilda; Dunn, Gertrude; Ensminger, Carrie; Evans, Charlie; Finney, Norm; first graders; Fox, George; Little Red School House; Little Red Schoolhouse; Long, Bessie; Love, Bicknel; Love, Elsie; Lynch; Melson, Jessie; Morey, Gertrude; Murray, Walter; Myerson, Hallie; Nelson, Sylvia; Patton, Dick; Peabody, Ida Belle; Prince, Edna; Prince, Foster; Richerson, Mildred; Sanford Herald; second graders; Simmons, Inez; Takach, Julius
Ice House Controversy Melts Into Compliance
Tags: 13th Street; city commission; city hall; City of Sanford; Floridan, Dan; GC-2; General Commercial; Hendricks, Joe; Hunter Ice & Fuel; Hunter Ice & Fuel Co.; Hunter Ice & Fuel Company; ice factory; ice house; ice plant; McFarland, John; McFarland, Sherry; Sanford Herald; Thirteenth St.; Thirteenth Street; Yehl, Sherman
New Tribes Mission Grows
Tags: 1st Street; Bernard McFadden Gymnasium; Brown Gold; Celery Printing; Celery Printing Co.; Celery Printing Company; charitable organization; charity; church; Family News; First St.; First Street; gym; gymnasium; Johnston, Kenneth; Mayfair; Mayfair Hotel; Mayfair Inn; New Testament; New Tribes Mission; New Tribes Mission HQ; New Tribes Mission Headquarters; New Tribes Missionaries; non-denominational; NTM; NTM Headquarters; NTM HQ; Pounds, Geoffrey; renovations; Sanford Herald; Sanford Naval Academy; SNA; Sunday school