Browse Items (3 total)
- Tags: Runge, S.
Salmagundi, Vol. VII, No. 1, 1916
Tags: 1st Street; 4th Street; 9th Street; Ahearn, Ida; Alexander Irwin; Anderson, Agnes; Andes, Alice; Armor, Marry Harris; Aspinwall, Frances M.; Audubon Society; Audubon Society of Florida; B. & O. Motor Company; Betts, Ruby; Bonita Cafe; Bower, R. C.; Bowler, Mable; Boys Debating Society; Bradbury; Brady, E. E.; Brady, Virginia; Brainol; Brock, D. C.; Brown, D. O.; Brown, J. Oscar; Brown, John; Brown, Susie H.; Buckhalter, Gladys; Butt, C. G.; Caldwell, Hugh H.; Callahan; Cameron, Mary Gatchel; Carnes, S. J.; Carranza, Venustiano; Chaplin, Charlie; Chappell, Frances; Chappell, Mary; Chittenden, Edna; Commercial St.; Commercial Street; Coulborn, Dixon; Coulbourn, Mary Chappell; Coulbourn, Richard; Crosby, Wallace; Cupid, Dan; Cypress Ave.; Cypress Avenue; Davies, Mary Carolyn; Dean, Tenny; Deane, Robert; Deas, R. R.; Diack, Margaret; Dickins Shoe Store; Dickins, J. W.; Dingee, C. H.; Douglass, E. A.; DuBoes, H. C.; education; Entzminger, Maud; Estelle Gray Concert Company; Eustis; Eustis High School; Ezell; Ezell, Paul; First National Bank; First Street; Five County Fair; Fletcher, John; Florida Alligator; Florida State College for Women; Fourth Street; Fox, Gwin; French Ave. Garage; French Avenue; French Avenue Garage; French Millinery Shop; FSCW; Gardner, Gladys; Gatchel, F.; Gatchel, Josie Stumon; Gatchel, Mary; Gatchel, Ruth Stewart; Geneva; Georgia School of Technology; Geortz, Alma; Gift Store; Goertz, Alma M.; Goodhue, Isabelle; Gotha; Gove; Gove, Marion; Graham, J. R.; Gramling, Albert; Graves, Jessie C.; Gray, Estelle; Green; Green, Gladys; Grow, Elmer; Hand, C. M.; Hand, Ruth; Hawkins, W. E.; Higgins; high schools; Hill; Hotel Carnes; Housholder, E. F.; Housholder, Ernest; Housholder, W. E.; Howard, B. Adna; Hully; Hulme, T. E.; Hutchinson; Irving, Washington; Jacksonville; Jefferson Hospital; Kanner, Abie; Kanner, Charles; Kanner, Harry; Kanner, Ruth; Key, A. R.; Kissimmee; Kissimmee High School; L. R. Philips & Company; La Rocque, S. H.; Laing, H. Roby; Laing, Joseph S.; Lake, Forrest; Lawrence, B. H.; Lawton, T. W.; Leavitt, Frances A.; Leffler, C. H.; Lhevinne, Mortis; Literary and Debating Societies; Little, Ercel; Lovell, Vail; Lowell, Abbott, Lawrence; Lowell, Amy; Loy, Nina; MacMillan; Maines, Schelle; Masefield; Masters, Edgar Lee; McAlexander, Watson; McCook, S. A.; McCuller, L. P.; McDaniel, Ruth; McIntyre, J. B.; McIntyre's Express & Baggage Transfer; McLaughlin, Anna C.; McLaulin, Henry; Meredith, Thomas; Mettinger; Mettinger, Ruth; Mettinger's; Miller, F. L.; Milvis Marble Company; Morris, Gladys L.; Moughton, Ethel; Munson, Fannie Reba; Munson, Zoe; Murrell, John M.; Murrell, Renie; N. P. Yowell & Company; National Bird Day; Nichols, R. E.; Nickels; Ninth Street; Nix; Ohio House; orlando; Orlando High School; Osceola High School; Packard; Palmetto Avenue; Parish Hous; Parish House Club; Park Avenue; Pattishall, Bert; Peoples Bank; Perkins, B. L.; Philip's Studio; Philips, L. R.; Phillips Studio; Poet's Club; Pope, Eugenia; Pound, Ezra; Progressive Shoe Shop; Railroad Avenue; Rexall Store; Rhodes, Muriel; Rines; Rines, Lucille; Ringe, Adele; Roach, J. H.; Robert's Grocery; Robinson, M. F.; Rodker, John; Roumillat, Eugene; Rowe, Ruby Betts; Royal Tailors; Rumph, Dorothy; Rumph, Hume C.; Runge, S.; Runge, William; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Bottling Works; Sanford Coca-Cola Bottling Company; Sanford Furniture Company; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford House; Sanford Pressing Club; Sanford Primary School; Sanford Public Schools; Sanford Shoe and Clothing Company; Sanitary Pressing Club; Schaal, Theodore; schools; Seminole Abstract Company; Seminole County Bank; Seminole County Judge; Seminole County Superintendent of Public Instruction; Shinholser, S. O.; SHS; Smith, Bessie; Smith, R. H.; Spencer, G. W.; Spencer's Bakery; Spratt, Jack; Spurling, J. E.; St. Augustine; St. Augustine High School; St. Patrick's Day; Stetson University; Stevens, H. R.; Stevens, Ralph; Stevenson, Hazel, Allison; Stewart, Ruth; Stumon, Josie; SU; Takach, J. A.; Tallahassee; Tampa; Taylor, O. L.; Thackston, J. H.; Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Thrasher, D. L.; Thrasher, May; Tillis, Gussie; Trusler, Dean; Tsing Kiang Fu; UF; Umatilla; Umatilla High School; University of Florida; University of South Carolina; USC; Waldron, Katherine; Walker; Walker, Claire; Watson; Waycross; WCTU; West; West, Etta; West, Etta P.; Whitman, Walt; Whitner, Annie; Wickham; Wight; Wight Grocery Company; Wildman, J. Rowland; William Coulborn Co.; William Coulborn Company; Williams, Grace Earl; Wilmington; Wilson & Householder; Wilson, Thomas Emmet; Winter Park; Woman's Christian Temperance Union; Woodburn, Esthe M.; Woodruff; Woodruff & Watson; Woodruff, F. L.; Yowell, N. P.
Sanford High School Annual Commencement Program, 1916
Tags: 9th Street; Abernathy, Mollie; Alberti; Anderson, Agnes; Anderson, Allie; Arnold, Marjorie; Aspenwall, Frances; At the End of the Rainbow; Austin, Jack; Behrend; Benton, Joy Kline; Blackman, W. F.; Bolinger, C. D.; Britt, Frank, Huston, Mildred; Brown, Douglas, Preston, Dick; Brown, Oscar; Brown, Susie; Brownlee, E. D.; Bruce, Mollie; Chamberlain, E. C.; Class Day; Clementi; commencements; Davis, Margaret; Dayton, Marion; Deas, Madge Ward; Doyle, A. C.; education; Elliott, Emily; Ernest, Elsa; Ezell, B. F.; Foster; Goertz, Alma; Gounad; graduations; Graves, Jessie; Greene, Robert; Grieg; Hand, Ruth; Henry, Florence; high schools; Holly, May; Hulley, Lincoln; Hyman, George; Kanner, Ruth; Kern; Klintworth, Royal; Knox, Kathleen; Kowalski; Laing, Joe; Laing, Roby; Lake, Sarita; Lane, Phyllis; Lavallee, Calixa; Leavitt, France; Liszt; Lyman, Emma Abbott; Marshall, Ruth; Mason, Anna; McDaniel, Ruth; McKinn, William; McLaughlin, Anna; McLaulin, Henry, Jr.; McQueen, Anne; Molloy; Morris, Gladys; Munson, Fannie Reba; Munson, Marie Sembridge; Murrell, John; Mylnarski; Neal, T. A.; Newtown, Marian; Ninth Street; Palmer, Stanley; Palmetto Avenue; Peck, Helen; Preston, Nellie; Preston, Robert; Price, Polly; Puleston, Mary Elizabeth; Rines, Lucille; Ross, Louise; Rumph, Hume; Runge, Adele; Runge, S.; Runge, Theodore; Sanford; Sanford High School; schools; Schubert; Schutt; Shelton, Helen; Smith, Sidney; Spindler; Steinmeyer, F. E.; Sternberg; Stetson University; Stewart, Edith; Stewart, Max; Stone, Izetta; Strong, F. P.; Swift, Marie; Takach, Lucille Aspinwall; Thayer; Theta Phi House; Thrasher, May; Wagner; Wallace; Ward, Fern; Ware, Harriet; Watson, M.; Welleby; West, Etta; Whitner, B. F., Sr.; Whitney, Ted; Woodburn, Esther
Student Museum, 2011
Tags: 7th Street; Board of Trustees; elementary school; grammar school; high school; MacDonald, Kathleen; Moughton, Elton J.; museum; PHC; Public History Center; Romanesque revival architecture; Runge, S.; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford Historic Trust; Sanford Historic Trust Preservation Award; school; School Board of Seminole County; Seventh Street; Stevens, H. R.; Student Museum and Center for Social Studies; Westside Grammar Elementary School; Whitner, B. F.