Browse Items (16 total)
- Tags: Salmagundi
The Oviedian, 1943
Tags: 4-H Club; Aaron Slick; Aaron Slick From Punkin Crick; Aaron Slick From Punkin Crock; Aldred Cone; Alease Lane; Annis C. Thompson; Arthur Metcalf; Audrey Cox; Barbara Lee; Barbara Wheaton; basketball; Bennie Ward; Betty Mikler; Beulah Borgard; Beverly Carter; Bill Meek; Billie Chance; Blanche Duda; Blanche Hart; Bobby Hamil; Bobby Malcolm; Bobby Parker; Brown; Buba Lukas; Buck Gammage; Buddy Mills; Butvh Hastings; C. R. Clonts; cafeteria; Carmel Johnson; Cecil Jackson; Charles Aulin; Charlie Weitmon; Charlotte Beasley; Children of Buttercup Common; Clarence Green; club; Connie Cops the Boss; Cora Bumper; Craig; Crystal Cluett; Daniel Lukas; Dick Grass; Don Knight; Donald Lee; Dorothy Link; Dorothy Rose Link; Douglas Smith; Dusan Lukas; Earl Beasley; education; educator; Edwin Hamil; Elizabeth Farnell; Elizabeth Simmons; Ellen Archer; Eloise Wolfram; Ena Piloian; Evelyn Tindall; Foul Play at Brown's Gone With the Wind; Frances Stine; Frank Bumper; Gail Archer; Gene Gore; Geneva Bailey; Geneva Grantham; George Carter; George Duda; George Jakubcin; Gill Pobb Wilson; Gilman; Gladys May Merridew; Glenn Miller; Grace Jasper; Gritsie; gymnasium; Harold Jordan; Helen E. Leinhart; Henry Gilman; high school; holiday; Home Economics Club; Inez Smith; J. L, Malcolm; J. T. Kieksen; Jack King; Jackie Kasell; James Henry; James Henry cooper; James J. Montague; James Jackson Montague; James Peter Lawton; Jane Jasper; Janes Staley; Jason Gouch; Jean Chance; Joanne Meek; Johnnie Piloian; Josephine Godwin; Joyce Blount; June Marine Durbin; June Mariner; Kathryn Aulin; Kathryn Aulin Bunch; Kenneth Malcolm; L. E. Jordan; La June Estes; Leon Olliff; Lex Abell; Lillian Jakubcin; Lizzie Simmons; Lois Ruddell; Louis Sistrunk; Lucilla "King; Lucy Carter; Lucy King; Lucy Piloian; lunchroom; Luther Mills; Margaret Harper; Marguerite Partin; Marian Stanko; Marie Smith; Marion Marsh; Marjorie Wilkerson; Marlowe Link; Martha Carraway; Martha Moon; Mary Barr; Mary Frances Jordan; Mary Totten; Mattie Pearl Jordan; May Day; maypole; Milan Jakubcin; Miranda Jasper; Mitsie; Nobody Home; Nola Miller; Norma Lee Miller; O'Leary; OHS; Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.; Ollie Dinkleybury; Oviedo; Oviedo Future Farmers; Oviedo Girls' Glee club; Oviedo High School; Paul Jones; Paul Mikler; Paula Dunlap; Peggy Carter; Pennie Mitchem; Peter Lawton; Piano Study; play; Potter Van Zandt; principal; R. F. Cooper; Ray Beasley; Reminiscences of My Early Oiety; Richard Grass; Richard Kasell; Riggs; Rita Haworth; Robert Hamil; Robert Lee; Rosy Berry; Salmagundi; Sarkis Piloian; school; Schuyler Pell; Sherdell Owen; Shirley Morgan; sport; Stene Braddock; student; Sunbonnet Jane; Sunbonnet Jane of Sycamore Lane; superintendent; T. W. Lawton; teacher; Teddy Kimble; The Midnight Ghost; The Oviedian; theater; Toby Simmins; Tommy Staley; Too Busy to Study; Valita Tripp; Virginia Balkcolm; Vivian Wheaton; Walter Teague; Wanda Day; Whittle; Wilbur Gammage; Wilbur Merridew; Wilbur Van Zandt; Wiley Abell; Wilson; Windshield Wiper Swing; World War II; WWII; yearbook
Sanford Grammar School, 1902-1977
Tags: A Mid-Summer Night's Dream; A. F. Westerdick; A. J. Pinder; A. P. Montague; Albert Hickson; Alberta Hill; Alice McRae; Alice Robbins; Allen; Apopka; art education; Arthur Vaugh; August Tucker; Augustus J. Vaugh; B. F. Whitner; Bakery Wagon; Ben C. Steele; Bill Cowan; Blackwater; Board of Trustees; Brady; Building Committee; C. F. Harrison; cafeterias; Cameron City; Carrie Lynch; Central Florida Zoo; Charles Quigley; Chase and Company; Christian Endeavor; church; churches; Citizens Committee; city councils; City of Sanford; Clara Louise Guild; Clara Millen; Claude Coffee; Clay C. Carroll; Columbia College; construction; Cross Prairie; D. L. Thrasher; Dodd; Dodd House; Dominick's Ice Cream Push Cart; Downtown Sanford; E. W. Dunn; education; Edward Lan; elementary school; elementary schools; Elm Avenue; Elson Art Exhibition; Elton J. Moughton; Ernest Betts; Ernest Chapel; F. E. Steinmeyer; F. P. Forster; Flora Walker; Flossie Frank; Floyd Richards; Flubart; foreign language education; Fort Reed; Fort Reed School; Frances Walton; Freeman Baggett; French; G. W. Venable; Gardner, Gladys; George Dickinson; George Fox; Gladys Gardner; grammar schools; H. R. Stevens; Hambone Station; Hansel and Gretel; Harold R. Heckenbach; Henry Moore; Henry Peabody; Hudson School Furniture Company; Irving Literary Society; J. N. Whitner; J. O. Andes; J. Tilden Jacobs; Jack Frost; Jim Spencer; Jimmie Glass; Jossie Stumon; Lake Jessup; Lodge; Lucile Campbell; Lula Tucker; lunchrooms; Mabel bram; Mable Bowler; Marber; Margaret Reynolds; May Day; May Hamilton; Mellonville; Methodists; Model T Ford; music education; Myrtle Tipe; N. J. Perkins; Oliver J. Miller; orange county; orlando; P. M. Elde; Palmetto Avenue; Park Avenue; Peaches Leffler; Pearl Babbitt; Peer Gynt; Phillips; physical education; principals; Public School Building No. 1; Public School Building No. 2; Public School Building No. 3; R. E. Kipp; Ralph Stevens; Randall; Robert Lord; Rosalie Morris; Ruth Abbott; S. C. Dickinson; S. G. Kennedy; S. Runge; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford and Everglades Railroad; Sanford City Council; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford High School Athletic Association; Sanford Lodge of Masons; Sanford Traction Company; school bonds; school superintendents; Seminole County; Sheldon; South Side School; Special Committee of School House; special education; Special School District No. 1; Standley Wood; Stenstrom; Stetson University; Stewart; students; superintendent of public instruction; teachers; The Sanford Herald; Tomkins; Tucker, August; Vihlen; W. B. Lynch; Walter Holt; Westside Primary School; Whiteman; Wofford Tucker; Woodland Park
History of Sanford Grammar School
Tags: A Mid-Summer Night's Dream; A. F. Westerdick; A. J. Pinder; A. P. Montague; Albert Hickson; Alice McRae; Allen; Apopka; art education; Arthur Vaugh; arts; August Tucker; Augustus J. Vaugh; B. F. Whitner; Bakery Wagon; Bill Cowan; Blackwater; Board of Trustees; Brady; Building Committee; C. F. Harrison; Cameron City; Central Florida Zoo; Chase and Company; Christian Endeavor; church; churches; Citizens Committee; city councils; City of Sanford; Clara Louise Guild; Columbia College; construction; Cross Prairie; D. L. Thrasher; Dodd; Dodd House; Dominick's Ice Cream Push Cart; Downtown Sanford; E. W. Dunn; education; elementary schools; Elson Art Exhibition; Elton J. Moughton; Ernest Chapel; F. E. Steinmeyer; F. P. Foster; Flora Walker; Flubart; foreign language education; Fort Reed; Fort Reed School; French; G. W. Venable; George Fox; grammar schools; H. R. Stevens; Hambone Station; Hansel and Gretel; Hudson School Furniture Company; Irving Literary Society; J. N. Whitner; J. O. Andes; J. Tilden Jacobs; Jim Spencer; Jimmie Glass; Lake Jessup; Laurel Avenue; Lodge; Lucile Campbell; Lula Tucker; lunchrooms; Mabel bram; May Day; Mellonville; Methodist church; Model T Ford; music education; N. J. Perkins; Oliver J. Miller; orange county; orlando; P. M. Elde; Peer Gynt; Phillips; physical education; principals; Public School Building No. 1; Public School Building No. 2; Public School Building No. 3; Randall; Robert Lord; Rosalie Morris; S. C. Dickson; S. G. Kennedy; S. Runge; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford and Everglades Railroad; Sanford City Council; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford High School Athletic Association; Sanford Lodge of Masons; Sanford Traction Company; school bonds; school superintendents; Seminole County; Sixth Street; South Side School; Special Committee of School House; special education; Special School District No. 1; Stenstrom; Stetson University; Stewart; students; superintendent of public instruction; teachers; The Sanford Herald; Tomkins; Vihlen; W. B. Lynch; Walter Holt; Westside Primary School; Whiteman; Wofford Tucker; Woodland Park
Salmagundi, Vol. VII, No. 1, 1916
Tags: 1st Street; 4th Street; 9th Street; Ahearn, Ida; Alexander Irwin; Anderson, Agnes; Andes, Alice; Armor, Marry Harris; Aspinwall, Frances M.; Audubon Society; Audubon Society of Florida; B. & O. Motor Company; Betts, Ruby; Bonita Cafe; Bower, R. C.; Bowler, Mable; Boys Debating Society; Bradbury; Brady, E. E.; Brady, Virginia; Brainol; Brock, D. C.; Brown, D. O.; Brown, J. Oscar; Brown, John; Brown, Susie H.; Buckhalter, Gladys; Butt, C. G.; Caldwell, Hugh H.; Callahan; Cameron, Mary Gatchel; Carnes, S. J.; Carranza, Venustiano; Chaplin, Charlie; Chappell, Frances; Chappell, Mary; Chittenden, Edna; Commercial St.; Commercial Street; Coulborn, Dixon; Coulbourn, Mary Chappell; Coulbourn, Richard; Crosby, Wallace; Cupid, Dan; Cypress Ave.; Cypress Avenue; Davies, Mary Carolyn; Dean, Tenny; Deane, Robert; Deas, R. R.; Diack, Margaret; Dickins Shoe Store; Dickins, J. W.; Dingee, C. H.; Douglass, E. A.; DuBoes, H. C.; education; Entzminger, Maud; Estelle Gray Concert Company; Eustis; Eustis High School; Ezell; Ezell, Paul; First National Bank; First Street; Five County Fair; Fletcher, John; Florida Alligator; Florida State College for Women; Fourth Street; Fox, Gwin; French Ave. Garage; French Avenue; French Avenue Garage; French Millinery Shop; FSCW; Gardner, Gladys; Gatchel, F.; Gatchel, Josie Stumon; Gatchel, Mary; Gatchel, Ruth Stewart; Geneva; Georgia School of Technology; Geortz, Alma; Gift Store; Goertz, Alma M.; Goodhue, Isabelle; Gotha; Gove; Gove, Marion; Graham, J. R.; Gramling, Albert; Graves, Jessie C.; Gray, Estelle; Green; Green, Gladys; Grow, Elmer; Hand, C. M.; Hand, Ruth; Hawkins, W. E.; Higgins; high schools; Hill; Hotel Carnes; Housholder, E. F.; Housholder, Ernest; Housholder, W. E.; Howard, B. Adna; Hully; Hulme, T. E.; Hutchinson; Irving, Washington; Jacksonville; Jefferson Hospital; Kanner, Abie; Kanner, Charles; Kanner, Harry; Kanner, Ruth; Key, A. R.; Kissimmee; Kissimmee High School; L. R. Philips & Company; La Rocque, S. H.; Laing, H. Roby; Laing, Joseph S.; Lake, Forrest; Lawrence, B. H.; Lawton, T. W.; Leavitt, Frances A.; Leffler, C. H.; Lhevinne, Mortis; Literary and Debating Societies; Little, Ercel; Lovell, Vail; Lowell, Abbott, Lawrence; Lowell, Amy; Loy, Nina; MacMillan; Maines, Schelle; Masefield; Masters, Edgar Lee; McAlexander, Watson; McCook, S. A.; McCuller, L. P.; McDaniel, Ruth; McIntyre, J. B.; McIntyre's Express & Baggage Transfer; McLaughlin, Anna C.; McLaulin, Henry; Meredith, Thomas; Mettinger; Mettinger, Ruth; Mettinger's; Miller, F. L.; Milvis Marble Company; Morris, Gladys L.; Moughton, Ethel; Munson, Fannie Reba; Munson, Zoe; Murrell, John M.; Murrell, Renie; N. P. Yowell & Company; National Bird Day; Nichols, R. E.; Nickels; Ninth Street; Nix; Ohio House; orlando; Orlando High School; Osceola High School; Packard; Palmetto Avenue; Parish Hous; Parish House Club; Park Avenue; Pattishall, Bert; Peoples Bank; Perkins, B. L.; Philip's Studio; Philips, L. R.; Phillips Studio; Poet's Club; Pope, Eugenia; Pound, Ezra; Progressive Shoe Shop; Railroad Avenue; Rexall Store; Rhodes, Muriel; Rines; Rines, Lucille; Ringe, Adele; Roach, J. H.; Robert's Grocery; Robinson, M. F.; Rodker, John; Roumillat, Eugene; Rowe, Ruby Betts; Royal Tailors; Rumph, Dorothy; Rumph, Hume C.; Runge, S.; Runge, William; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Bottling Works; Sanford Coca-Cola Bottling Company; Sanford Furniture Company; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford House; Sanford Pressing Club; Sanford Primary School; Sanford Public Schools; Sanford Shoe and Clothing Company; Sanitary Pressing Club; Schaal, Theodore; schools; Seminole Abstract Company; Seminole County Bank; Seminole County Judge; Seminole County Superintendent of Public Instruction; Shinholser, S. O.; SHS; Smith, Bessie; Smith, R. H.; Spencer, G. W.; Spencer's Bakery; Spratt, Jack; Spurling, J. E.; St. Augustine; St. Augustine High School; St. Patrick's Day; Stetson University; Stevens, H. R.; Stevens, Ralph; Stevenson, Hazel, Allison; Stewart, Ruth; Stumon, Josie; SU; Takach, J. A.; Tallahassee; Tampa; Taylor, O. L.; Thackston, J. H.; Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Thrasher, D. L.; Thrasher, May; Tillis, Gussie; Trusler, Dean; Tsing Kiang Fu; UF; Umatilla; Umatilla High School; University of Florida; University of South Carolina; USC; Waldron, Katherine; Walker; Walker, Claire; Watson; Waycross; WCTU; West; West, Etta; West, Etta P.; Whitman, Walt; Whitner, Annie; Wickham; Wight; Wight Grocery Company; Wildman, J. Rowland; William Coulborn Co.; William Coulborn Company; Williams, Grace Earl; Wilmington; Wilson & Householder; Wilson, Thomas Emmet; Winter Park; Woman's Christian Temperance Union; Woodburn, Esthe M.; Woodruff; Woodruff & Watson; Woodruff, F. L.; Yowell, N. P.
Salmagundi, Vol. VI, No. 1, 1915
Tags: 1st Street; 4th Street; 9th Street; Abernathy, W. W.; Alden, John; Alden, Priscilla; Arthur; Aspinwall, Frances; BDS; Belgian Relief Fund; Berner, Agnes; Berner, Evelyn; Betts, A. L.; Betty, Daisy Edith; Bible; Boys Debating Society; Brady, E. E.; Brady, Virginia; Brainol; Brock, D. C.; Brown, O.; Brown, Stella; Brown, Susie; Bureau of Education; Butt, C. G.; Caldwell, Alice; Camerone Maude; Chappell, Lucca; Chase and Company; Chautauqua; Coats, John Franklin; Coulbourne; Curry Institute; Daytona; Daytona High School; Deane, Robert; Deas, R. R.; Dickson, Mildred; Dubose, H. C.; Duhart, H. L.; Durst, Mozelle; Dutton, F. F.; education; Edwards, Jonathan; Elm Avenue; Entzinger. Maide; Estridge, Hattie's; Ezell, B. F.; Fernald, George H.; First National Bank; First National Bank No. 1; First Street; Florida State College for Women; Ford; Forster, F. P.; Foster, Bob; Fourth St.; Fourth Street; French Avenue; Fry, Albert A.; FSCW; Gables, Gary; Gainesville; Garwood; Gatchel, Ruth Stewart; Geneva; George H. Fernald Hardware Company; Gilbert, Howard; Giles; Goertz, Clara; Goodhue; Greene, Gladys Helen; Guilde, Clara Louise; Hand, C. M.; Hand, Ruth; Hanson, P. M.; Harold, Muriel; Harris; Herring; Hickson, Ethel; Higgins, Adelaide; high schools; Holland, Mary B.; Hughes, H. J.; ILS; Irving Literary Society; Irwin; Irwin & Giles; Jones; Jones, Allan; Key, A. R.; King; Kissimmee; Kissimmee High School; L. R. Philips & Company; Laing, J.; Laing, R.; Lake, Forrest; Lincoln, Abraham; Literary and Debating Societies; Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; Longwood; Longwood School; Lough, Nellie Edith; Machiavelli; Magnolia Avenue; McAlexander, Watson; McDaniel, Ruth; Meredith; Miller, Theodore; Monroe; Monroe Doctrine; Morris, Gladys; Moughton, Ethel; Munson, Fannie Reba; Munson, Zoe Bardwell; Murrell, Renie; Musson, Elizabeth; N. P. Yowell & Company; Nelson, Annie; Ninth Street; orlando; Orlando High School; Oviedo; Packard; Packard, Bertha; Packard, Hazel; Packard, Marion; Pagenhart, Alma; Palmetto Avenue; Parish House; Park Avenue; Peoples Bank; Peoples Bank of Sanford; Perkins, B. L.; Philip; Philips Garage; Philips, L. R.; Philips, Marion; Phillips Studio; Pope, William; Railroad Avenue; Rand, Frederic H.; Rexall; Rexall Store; Roberts, J. D.; Rossetter; Routh, Sherman; Routh, William; Rowland, Walter; Rumph, Hume; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Bottling Works; Sanford Coca-Cola Bottling Company; Sanford Furniture Company.; Sanford Grammar; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford Novelty Works; Sanford Pressing Club; Sanford Public School; schools; Seabreeze; Seabreeze High School; Seminole County Bank; Seminole County Fair; Shepherd, Ernest; SHS; Speer, Vivian; St. Augustine; St. Augustine High School; Stetson University; Stevens, H. R.; Stevenson; Stewart, Ruth; SU; Taft, William H.; Tetherly; Theodore Miller & Son; Thrasher, D. L.; Tifft; Tift; Tolar, H. E.; Tomato Clubs; Turner, E. E.; Upshaw, William D.; Walker; Walker, Claire; Ward, Fern; Warthlen; Washburn; Washington and Lee University; Washington-Lee University; Washington, Georgia; Watson; Wentworth, Dorothy; Whiteman, James; Whiteman, Marjorie; Whitner, Annie Caldwell; Whitner, B. F.; Whitner, Benjamin; Wickham; Wight; Wight Grocery Company; Wildman, J. R.; Wildman, J. R. Laing, R.; Williams, G. E.; Winthrop, Fanny; WLU; Woman Suffrage; Woodruff; Woodruff & Watson; Woodruff, F. L.; Yowell, N. P.
Salmagundi, Vol. V, No. 1, 1914
Tags: 9th Street; Abernathy, W. W.; ACL; Aspinwall; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Audubon Society; Barnes; Bates, Thomas K.; BDS; Berner, Agnes; Berner, Evelyn Barbara; Betts, A. L.; Betts, Daisy; Beverly Manufacturing Company; Borth Park; Bower's; Bowler, Mabel; Brady, E. E.; Brady, E. R.; Brock, D. C.; Brown, Nina; Brown, Nina Mae; Brown, Winnie; Brumley, L. A.; Butt, C. G.; Caldwell, D. A.; Chappell, Lucca Winifred; Chase and Company; Chase, Randall; Christmas; Clyde Dock; Coates, John F.; Coats, John Franklin, Gilbert, E. Howard; Coca-Cola; Coffee, Alice; Coffee, Clice Bryan; Columbia University; Connelly, A. P.; Connelly, Linda Evans; Cooperative Store; corn; Cornell University; cotton; Crosby, Wallace; D. A. Caldwell & Sons; Davis House; Davis, Margaret; Daytona High; Daytona High School; Daytona HS; De Cottes, George A.; Deane, R.; Dickens, Charles; Dickson, S. C.; Douglass, E. A.; Dubose, H. C.; Duhart, H. L.; Dutton, F. F.; education; Elm Avenue; Eureka Tailors; Farnsworth, Lille; Fellows, G. C.; Fernald, George H.; Field, J.; First National Bank; First National Bank No. 1; Fletcher, F. G.; Forster, F. P.; French Avenue; Fry, Albert; G & W Building; G. C. Fellows Company; Garner, N. H.; Gatchel, Mary; Gatchel, Mary Elizabeth; George H. Fernald Hardware Company; Goertz, Clara, Frank, John; Gong, Lew Jim; Graham, George H.; grapefruit; Green; Green, R.; Griggle, Thomas; Guild; H. L. Duhart Ice Cream Factory and Lunch Room; Hands, Charles M.; Hanson, M.; Harold, Muriel; Hart's Late; Healey, W. R.; Herald Printing Company; Herndon; Herring, G.; Herring, George C.; Herring, Griffin; Higgins, Adelaide Elizabeth; high schools; Hill Hardware & Lumber Company; Holly, R.; Housholder; Housholder, E. Ferguson; ILS; Irwin & Giles; J. L. Miller's Bakery; Jinks, John. D.; Kanner, Charles; Key, A. R.; Kodak; L. R. Philips & Company; Laing, J.; Laing, R.; Lake Monroe; Lake, Forrest; Lawson, J. B.; Leffler, C. H.; Lipe, M. P.; Literary and Debating Societies; Littlefield, Milton S.; Longwood Public School; Lovell, Carrie; Magnolia Ave.; Magnolia Avenue; Mahoney, Clarence; Marlow, Carrie Lovell; Marshall, R. A.; Marx; Mason; Maxwell, Dick; Maxwell, R. C.; Maxwell's; McDaniel, Ruth; McKim, Robert; McLaughlin, Anna; McLaughlin, George W.; McLaulin, Henry; Mettinger, Ruth; Miller, J. L.; Miller, Theodore J.; Monroe School; Morris, Gladys; Moughton, Ethel Ma; Munsey's Magazine; Munson, Fannie Reba; Munson, Zoe; Murrel Brothers; Murrell; Murrell Bros.; Murrell, Renie Elizabeth; N. P. Yowell & Company; Newman, Robert A.; Ninth Street; oranges; Osceola High School; Owens; Packard, Bertha; Packard, J. O.; Packard, Marion; Padgett, Viola; Pattishall, Bert; Paxton, Earl B.; Peoples Bank; Peoples Bank of Sanford; Perkins, N. J.; Peters, E. H.; Philips, L. R.; Phillips; Phillips, Marion; Pocahontas; Pope, Anna May; Pope, Eugenia; Railroad Way; Ramsey; Rand, Frederic H.; Raynor; Renna, P.; Rexall; Rexall Store; Roberts, Genyle; Roberts, J. D.; Robinson, M. F.; Rollins College; Rowlamd, W.; Rowland, Helen Adelaide; Rumph, H.; Ruskin, John; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Bottling Works; Sanford Coca-Cola Bottling Company; Sanford Cycle Company; Sanford Furniture Company; Sanford Hand Laundry; Sanford High School; Sanford House Park; Sanford Machine and Garage Company; Sanford Public Library; Sanford Public Schools; Sanford Shoe & Clothing Company; Sangster, Margaret E.; Schaffner; schools; Seabreeze High School; Seminole County Bank; Seminole County Circuit Court Clerk; Seminole County Commissioner; Seminole County Judge; Seminole County Sheriff; Seminole County Superintendent of Public Instruction; Seminole County tax assessor; Seminole County treasurer; Seminole Pharmacy; Shinholser, S. O.; SHS; Singletary, Eugene; Smith, M. M.; Speer; Spencer's; State Experiment; Stetson University; Stevens, H. R.; Stewart, Ruth; Stringfellow, L. G.; Stumon, Junie; Styleplus; sugarcane; Swope; syrup; Tennyson, Alfred; Thanksgiving; Theodore J. Miller & Son; Thrasher, D. L.; Title Bond and Guarantee Company; tobacco; Tolar, H. E.; Villa Shoora Fish & Commission Company; Waldron, Katherine Gorton; Walker, C. R.; Walker, Claire Henrietta; Wanamker, John; Washburn, H.; Weather Bureau; Western Union; Whitner, Annie; Whitner, B. F.; Whitner, Jr., Benjamin Franklin; Wight Grocery Company; Wildman, J. R.; Wildman, J. Rowland; Williams, G. E.; Wilson & Housholder; Wilson, Anna; Wilson, Thomas Emmet; Woodruff & Watson; Woodruff, Frank L.; Yowell, N. P.
Sanford High School Graduating Class of 1912
Salmagundi, Vol. I, No. 1, 1910
Tags: 1st Street; 7th Street; Abbott; Abernathy, W. W.; Addison; Alexander III; Alexander the Great; Arnold; Austen, Jane; Bacon, Francis; Betts, Earnest; Betts, Ernest; Bloody Butch; Bowler, Mable; Bridges, Madeline; Brown, Kate; Bunyan, John; Burke; Burns; Caesar; Caesar, Julius; Caldwell, Annie Lee; Carlson, Harry; Carlyle, Thomas; Celery Lands; Chappe; Chaucer, Geoffrey; City Cigar Store; Class of 1910; Clyde Pharmacy; Coffee, Claude; Cooper, James; Cowan, Mabel; Cowantes; Davis, G. A.; Deadwood Dick; Deane, Tenney; E. O. Painter Printing Company; education; Elder, Virginia; Ensminger, Jefferson Clay; F. J. Powers Real Estate Agency; First St.; First Street; Fish, Bert; Fox, Martha; Frank, Flossie; Frank, M.; Franklin, Benjamin; Frenger, Eva; Garden Seed Depot; Gardner, Gladys; Garner, N. O.; George H. Fernald Hardware Company; Goldsmith, Oliver; Guild; Hamilton, May; Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Henderson, Osborne; Higgins, Lillian; high schools; Hill, Alberta; Hill, Mamie; Holmes, Oliver Wendell; Homer; Householder, Earnest; Irving Literary Society; James, Jessie; Jeffries, Jim; Johnston, S. W.; Jones, McLaughlin Furniture Company; Kanner, Abie; Keene, Eloise; Kipling, Rudyard; Knight, W.; L. R. Phillips & Company; Lane, Edward; Leffler, Peachea; Long, W. W.; Lovell, Carrie; Lowell; Macauley; Mahoney, Clarence; Mann, Horace; Maxwell, Ray; Maxwell, S.; McCuller, L. P.; Messenger, Verne; Millen, Clara; Milton, John; Montreville, N. B.; Moor, Henry; Munson; Murrell, Kenneth; N. P. Yowell & Company; National Baseball League; NLB; Oak Avenue; Packard, Bertha; Palmetto Ave.; Palmetto Avenue; Park Avenue; Peabody, H. H.; Peabody, Henry; People, Eugenia; Perkins; Perkins, N. J.; Pope, Alexander; Quigley, Charles; R. H. Markes Real Estate Agency; Robbins, Alice; Roberts, J. D.; Rogers, Robert; Ronmillat, Jr., Francis Eugene; Rourke, E. B.; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford High School; Sanford Pressing Club; Sanford Public Schools; schools; Scott; Seventh Street; Shakespeare, William; Shenandoah Collegiate Institute; SHS; Singeltary, Willie; SPS; Stevens, Edward; Stevens, Ralph; Stevenson; Stewart, Edith; Stewart, Ruth; Stumon, Jossie; Temple, Clarence; Tetherly; The Traveller; The Traveller, or a Prospect of Society; Thrasher, D. L.; Tipe, Myrtle; Title, Bond and Guarantee Company; Turpin, Dick; Twain, Mark; Venus; Vergil; Virgil; Whipple, E. P.; Whittier, John Greenleaf; Williams, Saidee; Wolsey, Thomas; Wood, Stanley; yearbooks
Seminole High School Back to School Dance
Tags: dance; education; French Avenue; high school; Salmagundi; Sanford; school; Seminole High School; SHS
Seminole High School Boys Baseball
Tags: athlete; baseball; baseball player; Carter; education; French Avenue; high school; Salmagundi; Sanford; school; Seminole High School; SHS; sport; student
Seminole High School Boys Basketball, 1951
Seminole High School Students and Bus
Tags: Baker, E.; Bivins, S.; Bronson, P.; Browning, S.; bus; Carpenter, J.; Chittenden; Cohen, J.; education; French Avenue; Hamp, B.; high school; Jacobs, C.; King, M.; Norman, L.; Ridlon, M.; Salmagundi; Sanford; school; school bus; Seminole High School; SHS; Smith, M.; Spivey, E.; student; Swann, C.; Webster, N.
Seminole High School SALLY Staff, 1942
Tags: French Avenue; high school; SALLY; Salmagundi; Sanford; school; Seminole High School; SHS; student; yearbook
Sanford High School Boys Basketball Team, 1926
Tags: 7th Street; athlete; basketball; basketball player; Block; center; Cottingham; Daytona Beach High School; DBHS; Duffin; education; forward; guard; high school; King; male; men; Russell; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford High School; school; Seventh Street; SHS; Speer; sport; student; Thompson; Winter Park High School; WPHS
Sanford High School Girls Basketball Team, 1920
Seminole High School Commencement Program, 1934
Tags: Arant, James; baccalaureate; Battern, Doris; Beecher, Leonard; Benson, Thelma; Biggers, Caroline; Bishop, Martha; Boyd, Mills; Bradford, Sam; Brooks, W. P., Jr.; Brown, Archie; Brown, John; Brown, Laura Mae; Brownlee, E. D.; Butler, David; Calhoun, Mary; Celery City Printing Company; Class of 1934; Cogburn, Carolyn; Colbert, Betty; Cole, Christine; Come Thou Almighty King; Cooper, W. A.; Cunningham, Blanche; Deas, Richard; Dighton, John; Dyson, Annie Belle; Dyson, James; Faville, Billy; Fesler, Walter; Foltz, Madeline; French Avenue; Garner, Gladys; George, Mary; George, Thomas; Gillon, Virginia; Glidewell, Irene; Greer, Naomi; Hail and Farewell; Harrison, Elaine; Harrison, Kenneth; Harrison, Lawrence; Hart, Georgene; high school; Hill, Maree; Hutchins, Naomi; Johnson, Elmer; Johnson, Katherine; Jordan, Quillian; Kaeserman, Alice; Kelly, Claude; King, Earle; Kinlaw-Best, Christine; Kinlaw, Christine; Kinlaw, Stinson; Knight, Robert; Laney, Kathleen; Lawton, Virginia; Lehman, Rodman; Levi, Marjorie; Lossing, Esther; Lundquist, Marian; Maddox, Ruth; Marshall, Dorothy; McKay, G. E.; McKinney, Carl; McLucas; Methvin, Elizabeth; Morrison, Jack; Moye, Vonice; Myrick, Roswell; Neese, Iva; Nickel, Mary; Nipper, Evelyn; Odham, Russell; Overture, Transcredi; Packard, Richard; Palmer, Charles; Pearson, Robert; Porter, Evelyn; Roma, Caro; Root, J. B.l Resignation; Rossini; Roumillat, Francis; Russell, Jack; Salmagundi; Sanford; school; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole High School; Senkarik, John; Shackelton, Ruth; Shannon, Lois; Slaughter, Randall; Smith, David; Sousa, John Philip; Stars and Stripes Forever; Stinecipher, J. Martin; Stinecipher, Marie; Stovall, George; Taylor, Melvin; Vause, Carl; Vining, Carol; Welk, Jenevena; Wheeless, Betty; Wieboldt, William; Wilson, Rebecca; Winn, Eloise; Yarborough, Lorraine