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- Tags: cafeterias
Sanford Grammar School, 1902-1977
Tags: A Mid-Summer Night's Dream; A. F. Westerdick; A. J. Pinder; A. P. Montague; Albert Hickson; Alberta Hill; Alice McRae; Alice Robbins; Allen; Apopka; art education; Arthur Vaugh; August Tucker; Augustus J. Vaugh; B. F. Whitner; Bakery Wagon; Ben C. Steele; Bill Cowan; Blackwater; Board of Trustees; Brady; Building Committee; C. F. Harrison; cafeterias; Cameron City; Carrie Lynch; Central Florida Zoo; Charles Quigley; Chase and Company; Christian Endeavor; church; churches; Citizens Committee; city councils; City of Sanford; Clara Louise Guild; Clara Millen; Claude Coffee; Clay C. Carroll; Columbia College; construction; Cross Prairie; D. L. Thrasher; Dodd; Dodd House; Dominick's Ice Cream Push Cart; Downtown Sanford; E. W. Dunn; education; Edward Lan; elementary school; elementary schools; Elm Avenue; Elson Art Exhibition; Elton J. Moughton; Ernest Betts; Ernest Chapel; F. E. Steinmeyer; F. P. Forster; Flora Walker; Flossie Frank; Floyd Richards; Flubart; foreign language education; Fort Reed; Fort Reed School; Frances Walton; Freeman Baggett; French; G. W. Venable; Gardner, Gladys; George Dickinson; George Fox; Gladys Gardner; grammar schools; H. R. Stevens; Hambone Station; Hansel and Gretel; Harold R. Heckenbach; Henry Moore; Henry Peabody; Hudson School Furniture Company; Irving Literary Society; J. N. Whitner; J. O. Andes; J. Tilden Jacobs; Jack Frost; Jim Spencer; Jimmie Glass; Jossie Stumon; Lake Jessup; Lodge; Lucile Campbell; Lula Tucker; lunchrooms; Mabel bram; Mable Bowler; Marber; Margaret Reynolds; May Day; May Hamilton; Mellonville; Methodists; Model T Ford; music education; Myrtle Tipe; N. J. Perkins; Oliver J. Miller; orange county; orlando; P. M. Elde; Palmetto Avenue; Park Avenue; Peaches Leffler; Pearl Babbitt; Peer Gynt; Phillips; physical education; principals; Public School Building No. 1; Public School Building No. 2; Public School Building No. 3; R. E. Kipp; Ralph Stevens; Randall; Robert Lord; Rosalie Morris; Ruth Abbott; S. C. Dickinson; S. G. Kennedy; S. Runge; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford and Everglades Railroad; Sanford City Council; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford High School Athletic Association; Sanford Lodge of Masons; Sanford Traction Company; school bonds; school superintendents; Seminole County; Sheldon; South Side School; Special Committee of School House; special education; Special School District No. 1; Standley Wood; Stenstrom; Stetson University; Stewart; students; superintendent of public instruction; teachers; The Sanford Herald; Tomkins; Tucker, August; Vihlen; W. B. Lynch; Walter Holt; Westside Primary School; Whiteman; Wofford Tucker; Woodland Park
Sanford Grammar School Lunchroom
Letter from Frederick P. Gaske to Bill Vogel (October 30, 2006)
Tags: Bill Vogel; cafeterias; Christine Dalton; City of Sanford; Dalton, Christine; demolition; elementary schools; FDHR; FDOE; FDOS; Florida Department of Education; Florida Department of State; Florida Division of Historical Resources; Florida State Requirements for Educational Facilities; Frederick P. Gaske; grammar schools; grants; Great Depression; Hugh Harris; Jeanne Morris; Jeffrey Thirlwall; Jonathon Hamrick; Linda Kuhn; lunchrooms; museums; rehabilitation; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford Woman's Club; school lunch; school lunches; school superintendents; SCPS; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School Board; Small Matching Historic Preservation Grant; social studies education; State of Florida Division of Corporation; Student Museum and Center for the Social Studies
Facsimile from Myriam Garrett to George Kosmac (October 16, 2007)
Sanford Grammar School's Menu for the Week of January 4, 1943
Letter from Thomas Willington Lawton to Susan B. Wight (July 15, 1924)
Tags: cafeterias; elementary schools; grammar school; grammar schools; lunchrooms; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford Woman's Club; school lunch; school lunches; Seminole County Board of Public Instruction; Seminole County Department of Public Instruction; Susan B. Wight; T. W. Lawton; Thomas Willingham Lawton