Browse Items (25 total)
- Tags: principals
Kirk Firm on Mix Ban
27 Teachers Stay Home
Jones High School Tenth Grade Class, 1928
L.C. Jones
Lorenzo Phillips
Andrew Jenkins
Eddie Sneed
Victoria Johnson
Clara S. Walters
Henry C. Wright
Wilbur S. Gary
Claudius J. Manigault
Cecil W. Boston
Cullen W. Banks
A.J. Polk
L.C. Jones
Letter from Carolyn S. Cope to Dorothy Barbour (September 19, 1979)
Sanford Grammar School, 1902-1977
Tags: A Mid-Summer Night's Dream; A. F. Westerdick; A. J. Pinder; A. P. Montague; Albert Hickson; Alberta Hill; Alice McRae; Alice Robbins; Allen; Apopka; art education; Arthur Vaugh; August Tucker; Augustus J. Vaugh; B. F. Whitner; Bakery Wagon; Ben C. Steele; Bill Cowan; Blackwater; Board of Trustees; Brady; Building Committee; C. F. Harrison; cafeterias; Cameron City; Carrie Lynch; Central Florida Zoo; Charles Quigley; Chase and Company; Christian Endeavor; church; churches; Citizens Committee; city councils; City of Sanford; Clara Louise Guild; Clara Millen; Claude Coffee; Clay C. Carroll; Columbia College; construction; Cross Prairie; D. L. Thrasher; Dodd; Dodd House; Dominick's Ice Cream Push Cart; Downtown Sanford; E. W. Dunn; education; Edward Lan; elementary school; elementary schools; Elm Avenue; Elson Art Exhibition; Elton J. Moughton; Ernest Betts; Ernest Chapel; F. E. Steinmeyer; F. P. Forster; Flora Walker; Flossie Frank; Floyd Richards; Flubart; foreign language education; Fort Reed; Fort Reed School; Frances Walton; Freeman Baggett; French; G. W. Venable; Gardner, Gladys; George Dickinson; George Fox; Gladys Gardner; grammar schools; H. R. Stevens; Hambone Station; Hansel and Gretel; Harold R. Heckenbach; Henry Moore; Henry Peabody; Hudson School Furniture Company; Irving Literary Society; J. N. Whitner; J. O. Andes; J. Tilden Jacobs; Jack Frost; Jim Spencer; Jimmie Glass; Jossie Stumon; Lake Jessup; Lodge; Lucile Campbell; Lula Tucker; lunchrooms; Mabel bram; Mable Bowler; Marber; Margaret Reynolds; May Day; May Hamilton; Mellonville; Methodists; Model T Ford; music education; Myrtle Tipe; N. J. Perkins; Oliver J. Miller; orange county; orlando; P. M. Elde; Palmetto Avenue; Park Avenue; Peaches Leffler; Pearl Babbitt; Peer Gynt; Phillips; physical education; principals; Public School Building No. 1; Public School Building No. 2; Public School Building No. 3; R. E. Kipp; Ralph Stevens; Randall; Robert Lord; Rosalie Morris; Ruth Abbott; S. C. Dickinson; S. G. Kennedy; S. Runge; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford and Everglades Railroad; Sanford City Council; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford High School Athletic Association; Sanford Lodge of Masons; Sanford Traction Company; school bonds; school superintendents; Seminole County; Sheldon; South Side School; Special Committee of School House; special education; Special School District No. 1; Standley Wood; Stenstrom; Stetson University; Stewart; students; superintendent of public instruction; teachers; The Sanford Herald; Tomkins; Tucker, August; Vihlen; W. B. Lynch; Walter Holt; Westside Primary School; Whiteman; Wofford Tucker; Woodland Park
Sanford Grammar School Faculty Directory, 1970
Tags: Allevn Jeffords; Catherine Pearce; Cornell Scott; DeLand; Dorothy Moore; educators; elementary schools; Elsa Caskey; Eugenlu Ruby; Eva Tisdale; Fern Park; Frances Kaleel; Geneva; grammar schools; herbs; Jacquelyn Becker; Jewell Riser; Joe Mathleux; Linda Bose; Losche; Mable Chapman; Margaret Reynolds; Margaret Wright; Marie Martin; Mary Frances Lyons; Mary Land Armstrong; Naomi Durham; principals; Rachel Hamrick; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; teachers; Wendy Grove; William Watt; Willie Agnes Fields; Winter Park
History of Sanford Grammar School
Tags: A Mid-Summer Night's Dream; A. F. Westerdick; A. J. Pinder; A. P. Montague; Albert Hickson; Alice McRae; Allen; Apopka; art education; Arthur Vaugh; arts; August Tucker; Augustus J. Vaugh; B. F. Whitner; Bakery Wagon; Bill Cowan; Blackwater; Board of Trustees; Brady; Building Committee; C. F. Harrison; Cameron City; Central Florida Zoo; Chase and Company; Christian Endeavor; church; churches; Citizens Committee; city councils; City of Sanford; Clara Louise Guild; Columbia College; construction; Cross Prairie; D. L. Thrasher; Dodd; Dodd House; Dominick's Ice Cream Push Cart; Downtown Sanford; E. W. Dunn; education; elementary schools; Elson Art Exhibition; Elton J. Moughton; Ernest Chapel; F. E. Steinmeyer; F. P. Foster; Flora Walker; Flubart; foreign language education; Fort Reed; Fort Reed School; French; G. W. Venable; George Fox; grammar schools; H. R. Stevens; Hambone Station; Hansel and Gretel; Hudson School Furniture Company; Irving Literary Society; J. N. Whitner; J. O. Andes; J. Tilden Jacobs; Jim Spencer; Jimmie Glass; Lake Jessup; Laurel Avenue; Lodge; Lucile Campbell; Lula Tucker; lunchrooms; Mabel bram; May Day; Mellonville; Methodist church; Model T Ford; music education; N. J. Perkins; Oliver J. Miller; orange county; orlando; P. M. Elde; Peer Gynt; Phillips; physical education; principals; Public School Building No. 1; Public School Building No. 2; Public School Building No. 3; Randall; Robert Lord; Rosalie Morris; S. C. Dickson; S. G. Kennedy; S. Runge; Salmagundi; Sanford; Sanford and Everglades Railroad; Sanford City Council; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford High School Athletic Association; Sanford Lodge of Masons; Sanford Traction Company; school bonds; school superintendents; Seminole County; Sixth Street; South Side School; Special Committee of School House; special education; Special School District No. 1; Stenstrom; Stetson University; Stewart; students; superintendent of public instruction; teachers; The Sanford Herald; Tomkins; Vihlen; W. B. Lynch; Walter Holt; Westside Primary School; Whiteman; Wofford Tucker; Woodland Park
Sanford Grammar School Handbook, 1978-1979
Tags: Allean Jeffords; assistant principals; Bernice Fillmore; Carnell Scott; Clay C. Carroll; compensatory education; Derek Martin; Diane Copeland; Edna A. Dates; elementary schools; Elsa Caskey; Eva Tisdale; field trips; Frances Kaleel; Frances Parish; Gloria Armstrong; grammar schools; guidance counselors; Hazel Warren; Howard Hawkins; intermediate education; Jacqueline Becker; Judy Burdett; Julie Medland; Karen Rauth; kindergarten; Lake Monroe; libraries; library; Linda Bose; lunchrooms; Mable Chapman; Marie Martin; Mary L. Cook; Nancy Freeman; Ninth Street; Open House; Palmetto Avenue; Pamela A. Hardy; Parent-Teacher Association; parents; Phyllis Fondren; Phyllis Miller; physical education; primary education; principals; PTA; R. Burke; Robert T. Fox; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; school bus; school buses; school songs; speech therapists; SR-46; State Road-46; Student Code of Conduct; student discipline; students; teacher aides; teachers; Third Street; Willie Agnes Fields
Annual Report of School Progress for Sanford Grammar School, 1977-1978
Tags: Adams; Agnes Burnsed; Agnes Fields; Allean Jeffords; Altamonte Mall; Annual Report of School Progress; Anrucles; Beau Taylor; Beverly Schwitzer; Blue Springs; California Test of Basic Skills; career education; CETA Program; Changing Education Through the Arts; Circus World; Clay C. Carroll; Commissioner of Educations; compensatory education; CTBS; Derek Martin; Diane Copeland; Dreathea Smith; ECE; economics education; Educable Mentally Handicapped; elementary schools; Elizabeth B. Neiman; Elsa Caskey; EMH; environmental center; Eva Tisdale; Evelyn Mayes; Exceptional Child Education; Family Relations; field trips; Florida State Accreditation Standards; Florida Statewide Assessment; Fort Mellon Park; Foster, Susan; Frances Kaleel; FTU; grammar schools; Hazel M. Warren; Henry Ellis; Holiday House; Jacqueline Becker; Janet Druckenmiller; Jean Eldredge; Jeanie Mikles; John Young Museum and Planetarium; Karen Rauth; kindergarten; language arts education; Linda Bose; Linda Denison; Loch Haven Art Center; Mablel Chapmen; March of Dimes; Margo Hull; Mary L. Cook; mathematics education; Metropolitan Readiness; Nancy Freeman; Narie Martin; Nathaniel Williams; Norma Goethe; Parent-Teach Association; parents; Phyllis Fondren; physical education; playgrounds; population; President's Physical Fitness Program; primary education; principals; PTA; PTE; Read-A-Thon; reading education; Rita Mann; Robert T. Fox; Safety Patrol System; Sanford; Sanford Fire Department; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford Middle School; Sanford Plaza Theatre; Sara Teitch; Sarah Cramer; School Advisory Committee; school discipline; school dividends; school safety; science education; Scott Carnell; SCPS; SeaWorld; Seminole Big Tree Park; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School District Master In-Service Training Plan; Seminole Memorial Hospital; Send a Mouse to College; Seventh Street; Silver Springs; SLD; social studies education; Southern Bell Telephone Company; special education; Specific Learning Disabilities; students; Susan Foster; teacher aides; teachers; The Lion; The Orlando Sentinel Star; Ulysses Ward; United Fund; Willie Agnes Fields; writing education; zoos
Sanford Grammar School Code of Student Conduct Handbook
Tags: class elections; Clay C. Carroll; clubs; code of student conduct; compulsory school attendance; corporal punishment; curricula; curriculum; drug abuse; education; elementary schools; extracurricular activities; extracurricular activity; free expression; free speech; freedom of expression; freedom of speech; grammar schools; lockers; Myrtle Avenue; parents; principals; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; school absences; school bus; school buses; school expulsions; school staff; school suspensions; student conduct; student discipline; student government; student rights; students; teachers
Ruth Kanner's Fifth Grade Class at Sanford Grammar School, 1921-1922
Westside Grammar Elementary School Fourth Grade Class, 1963-1964
Sanford High School was originally established at 301 West Seventh Street in…