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- Tags: John Young Museum and Planetarium
Oviedo Woman's Club 75th Anniversary Scrapbook
Tags: American Civil War; Anne Cheney; anniversary; B. T. Wheeler, Jr.; Barbara Shaffer; Battle of Fredericksburg; Belle Perry; Ben Wheeler; Bettie Place; Betty Duda; Betty Hicks; Betty Slatson; Bob Slatson; Bob Whittus; Brashears; Brenda Gibbs; Broadway; Cally Estes; Carolyn Neild; Central Boulevard; Central florida Blood Bank; Central Florida Fair; Charlie Wadsworth; Chee Chee Mail; church; civic club; Civil War; club; clubhouse; Corinne Sert; country club; Country Club of Orlando; David Dees; David Wiles; Debbie Gauntlett; Dick Tucker; Dodie Livingston; Dona Walker; Donna Wilhelm-Hudson; Dot Pearson; Dot Winchester; Douglas Arie; Downtown Orlando; Earl Weldon; Edward H. Parker; Erika M. Baldwin; FFWC; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; Florence S. Carpenter; Florence W. Caugs Neele; Florida Bank Building; Florida Federation of Women's Clubs; Florida Mortgage Bankers; G. A. Fulmer; Gail West; Gerry Weldon; Gertrude S. Lukas; Glenna B. Stover; Grace L. Lee; Grace Whittus; Grace. I. Anderson; Great Day in the Country; Groveland; Harold J. Juder; Harry H. Cukes; Helen Leinhart; Helen Mae Kay; Herly Mae Wainright; Jack Branham, Sr.; Jack Burney; James F. Holly, Jr.; James Parter; Jan B. McCollinter; Jane Elder; Jane S. Dees; Jean A. Jordan; Jean M. Wheeler; Jefferson Davis; Jefferson Davis Chapter; Jen James; Jessie Guey; Jessie Shaffer; Jim Byre; John C. Rors; John Ingram; John Norris; John Ridevdus; John W. Mace; John Young Museum and Planetarium; Joy James; Katherine Teague; Kathryn L. Lawton; Katy Tucker; King Street; Lacy Lingo; Lake Eola; Lawton Chiles; Lawton Mainor Chiles, Jr.; Liz Curtis; Louise Gore; Louise K. Wilson; Louise Martin; Lucille Niblack; Madalyne Lawton; Madeleine Luttrell; Mae E. King; Marguerite Partin; Marquise Patton; Mary E. Walker; Mary F. Cox Eddy; Mary Henderson; Mary Mace; Mary Margaret Acron; Mathews; Merritt Staley; Methodism; Methodist; Midge Giddens; Mildred Wrig; Milton Smith; Mimi Bruce; Nancy Beasley; Nita Raulerson; Office of Special Presidential Messages; Oline Babbitt; Orange Avenue; Orange Bowl; orlando; Orlando Area Chamber of Commerce; Oviedo; Oviedo Magazine Club; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; Paul Mikler; Paula Fickes Hawkins; Paula Norris; Pennie Olliff; Phillip C. Acron; Ralph Austin Smith; Reg Musgrove; Richard A. Gomer; Robert E. Drake; Robert M. Gibbs; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; Ruby Estes; Ruby Odoue; Ruth Davidson; Ruth W. McKerigh; Sam Musgrove; Sandra Hodgson; Sanford; Sheila Sommerville; Shlora Bruth; Sibille Pritchard; Sondra Wanjerteli; Sparks Ridevdus; Steve West; Susan Goff; Tasting Luncheon; Tess Jones; The Sentinel Star; Thelma Clonts; Thelma Hodges; Tom Estes; Tucker & Branham; UDC; United Daughters of the Confederacy; Virginia Mikler; Virginia Staley; Von Nelle M. Black; Walter A. Williams; Wayne G. Goff; Wesley T. Place; Wiley Abell; Winter Garden; Woman's Club; Woman's Club of Leesburg; women
Annual Report of School Progress for Sanford Grammar School, 1977-1978
Tags: Adams; Agnes Burnsed; Agnes Fields; Allean Jeffords; Altamonte Mall; Annual Report of School Progress; Anrucles; Beau Taylor; Beverly Schwitzer; Blue Springs; California Test of Basic Skills; career education; CETA Program; Changing Education Through the Arts; Circus World; Clay C. Carroll; Commissioner of Educations; compensatory education; CTBS; Derek Martin; Diane Copeland; Dreathea Smith; ECE; economics education; Educable Mentally Handicapped; elementary schools; Elizabeth B. Neiman; Elsa Caskey; EMH; environmental center; Eva Tisdale; Evelyn Mayes; Exceptional Child Education; Family Relations; field trips; Florida State Accreditation Standards; Florida Statewide Assessment; Fort Mellon Park; Foster, Susan; Frances Kaleel; FTU; grammar schools; Hazel M. Warren; Henry Ellis; Holiday House; Jacqueline Becker; Janet Druckenmiller; Jean Eldredge; Jeanie Mikles; John Young Museum and Planetarium; Karen Rauth; kindergarten; language arts education; Linda Bose; Linda Denison; Loch Haven Art Center; Mablel Chapmen; March of Dimes; Margo Hull; Mary L. Cook; mathematics education; Metropolitan Readiness; Nancy Freeman; Narie Martin; Nathaniel Williams; Norma Goethe; Parent-Teach Association; parents; Phyllis Fondren; physical education; playgrounds; population; President's Physical Fitness Program; primary education; principals; PTA; PTE; Read-A-Thon; reading education; Rita Mann; Robert T. Fox; Safety Patrol System; Sanford; Sanford Fire Department; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford Middle School; Sanford Plaza Theatre; Sara Teitch; Sarah Cramer; School Advisory Committee; school discipline; school dividends; school safety; science education; Scott Carnell; SCPS; SeaWorld; Seminole Big Tree Park; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School District Master In-Service Training Plan; Seminole Memorial Hospital; Send a Mouse to College; Seventh Street; Silver Springs; SLD; social studies education; Southern Bell Telephone Company; special education; Specific Learning Disabilities; students; Susan Foster; teacher aides; teachers; The Lion; The Orlando Sentinel Star; Ulysses Ward; United Fund; Willie Agnes Fields; writing education; zoos