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- Tags: Jordan, Quillian
Seminole High School Commencement Program, 1934
Tags: Arant, James; baccalaureate; Battern, Doris; Beecher, Leonard; Benson, Thelma; Biggers, Caroline; Bishop, Martha; Boyd, Mills; Bradford, Sam; Brooks, W. P., Jr.; Brown, Archie; Brown, John; Brown, Laura Mae; Brownlee, E. D.; Butler, David; Calhoun, Mary; Celery City Printing Company; Class of 1934; Cogburn, Carolyn; Colbert, Betty; Cole, Christine; Come Thou Almighty King; Cooper, W. A.; Cunningham, Blanche; Deas, Richard; Dighton, John; Dyson, Annie Belle; Dyson, James; Faville, Billy; Fesler, Walter; Foltz, Madeline; French Avenue; Garner, Gladys; George, Mary; George, Thomas; Gillon, Virginia; Glidewell, Irene; Greer, Naomi; Hail and Farewell; Harrison, Elaine; Harrison, Kenneth; Harrison, Lawrence; Hart, Georgene; high school; Hill, Maree; Hutchins, Naomi; Johnson, Elmer; Johnson, Katherine; Jordan, Quillian; Kaeserman, Alice; Kelly, Claude; King, Earle; Kinlaw-Best, Christine; Kinlaw, Christine; Kinlaw, Stinson; Knight, Robert; Laney, Kathleen; Lawton, Virginia; Lehman, Rodman; Levi, Marjorie; Lossing, Esther; Lundquist, Marian; Maddox, Ruth; Marshall, Dorothy; McKay, G. E.; McKinney, Carl; McLucas; Methvin, Elizabeth; Morrison, Jack; Moye, Vonice; Myrick, Roswell; Neese, Iva; Nickel, Mary; Nipper, Evelyn; Odham, Russell; Overture, Transcredi; Packard, Richard; Palmer, Charles; Pearson, Robert; Porter, Evelyn; Roma, Caro; Root, J. B.l Resignation; Rossini; Roumillat, Francis; Russell, Jack; Salmagundi; Sanford; school; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole High School; Senkarik, John; Shackelton, Ruth; Shannon, Lois; Slaughter, Randall; Smith, David; Sousa, John Philip; Stars and Stripes Forever; Stinecipher, J. Martin; Stinecipher, Marie; Stovall, George; Taylor, Melvin; Vause, Carl; Vining, Carol; Welk, Jenevena; Wheeless, Betty; Wieboldt, William; Wilson, Rebecca; Winn, Eloise; Yarborough, Lorraine