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- Tags: Foster
The Watermark, Vol. 1, No. 6, November 9, 1994
Tags: ACLU; American Civil Liberties Union; American Express; Anna Madrigal; Anne Rice; Annette Funicello; Anthony Deluccia; Anthony Turney; Arthur Kropp; Audrey Hepburn; Baker; Barbara Keenan; Barbara West; Ben Waft; Beth Henley; Bill Drahos; bisexual; Bob Cratchit; Boone; Briggs; Brook Trout; Buchanan; Buena Ventura Lakes; Burke; Carmella Twirling; Castro; Chandler; Chapin; Charles Dickens; Charlie Hogan; Chavez; Community United Against Violence; Connie Francis; Coretta Scott King; Damron; Dan George; Dan Rather; Danielle Tantalizing; David Driscoll; David Mclimans; David Slaughter; Daytona Beach; Delta; Dennis Underwood; Department Of Health And Rehabilitative; Dick Martin; Dukakis; dukes; Dusty Springfield; Edgewater; Elgan; Engelbreit; Eric Orner; Florence Henderson; Florida Family Council; Foster; Fowler; Fran Pisnone; Frank Jordan; Frank MccClain; Gallagher; gay; Gerald Kogan; Gridley; Harry Singletary; Harry Westen; Hattaway; Helen Keller; Hoffman; homosexuality; homosexuals; Horowitz; Ikea; Jackson; Jacqueline Jones; James A. Cresciteili; James A. Creseitelli; James Egan; Jamey Foster; Jeff Gaul; Jeffrey Laurence; Jennifer Bush; Jesse Jackson; Jill Porter; Joe Saranno; Joe Sarano; John Butler Book, Jr.; John Hiatt; John Nesbit; Joni Mitchell; Jordan; Joseph Souki; Juanita Marie; Kathleen Morrow Aponte; Kathleen Mulligan; Kathy Stilwell; Katie Messmer; Katz; Kay Bottoms; Kees; Keith Peterson; Keith Tanner; Ken Kundis; Kenney; Kevin Beary; Kevin Gardner; Kirsten Dunst; Kogan; Lake Eola; Lakeland; Laura Chandler; Lawhon; Leonard Maltin; lesbians; Leslie Addison; Lester Olmstead; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Life Care Resources; Linda Chapin; M. Parsons, Jr.; Marion Baker; Marion Didn; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Mary Bngelbreit; Metropolitan Business Association; Miami; Michael J. Fox; Michael L. Kilgore; Michael Pelkowski; Michael Stipe; Mickey Rat; Mike Russell; Miller; Mitch Katz; Mitchell; Morris Schambelan; Mount Dora; Mt. Dora; Naples; Napoleon; Neil Jordans; Nina Vinik; Norman Mizuguchi; Office Of Equal Opportunity; Olympia Dukakis; orange county; Orange County Sheriff; orlando; Pablo Felix; Palmer; Papa Tony; Parliament House; Paul Wegman; Peter Pan; Philip L. Lee; Phillips; Pignone; Publix; Queen Bitch Cruella; queers; questioning; Rafael Gasti; Rah Rega; Reinette Cooper; Rex Briggs; Richard Ryder; Ricky Lee; Robert Holland; Rodney M. Jackman; Rohana; Rosanne Sloan; Russell; same-sex; Sandy Bargioni; Sandy Fink; Sarasota; Schambelan; Scott Brownell; Sharon Bottoms; Shrine Auditorium; Shunichi Kimura; Southern Nights; Steinhart; Stephen De Matteis; Steven Damron; Steven Underhill; Stuart Price; Supreme Court; Susan Horowitz; Taylor; Teddy Costa; The Names Project Foundation; The Watermark; Thornton Park Cafe; Tom Cruise; Tom Dyer; Tom Woodard; trans; transgender; Victor Rohana; Volusia; W. Webster; Wally World; Walt Gallagher; William Gibson; Woodard; Yvonne Vassell; Zamora; Zweifel
Sanford High School Annual Commencement Program, 1916
Tags: 9th Street; Abernathy, Mollie; Alberti; Anderson, Agnes; Anderson, Allie; Arnold, Marjorie; Aspenwall, Frances; At the End of the Rainbow; Austin, Jack; Behrend; Benton, Joy Kline; Blackman, W. F.; Bolinger, C. D.; Britt, Frank, Huston, Mildred; Brown, Douglas, Preston, Dick; Brown, Oscar; Brown, Susie; Brownlee, E. D.; Bruce, Mollie; Chamberlain, E. C.; Class Day; Clementi; commencements; Davis, Margaret; Dayton, Marion; Deas, Madge Ward; Doyle, A. C.; education; Elliott, Emily; Ernest, Elsa; Ezell, B. F.; Foster; Goertz, Alma; Gounad; graduations; Graves, Jessie; Greene, Robert; Grieg; Hand, Ruth; Henry, Florence; high schools; Holly, May; Hulley, Lincoln; Hyman, George; Kanner, Ruth; Kern; Klintworth, Royal; Knox, Kathleen; Kowalski; Laing, Joe; Laing, Roby; Lake, Sarita; Lane, Phyllis; Lavallee, Calixa; Leavitt, France; Liszt; Lyman, Emma Abbott; Marshall, Ruth; Mason, Anna; McDaniel, Ruth; McKinn, William; McLaughlin, Anna; McLaulin, Henry, Jr.; McQueen, Anne; Molloy; Morris, Gladys; Munson, Fannie Reba; Munson, Marie Sembridge; Murrell, John; Mylnarski; Neal, T. A.; Newtown, Marian; Ninth Street; Palmer, Stanley; Palmetto Avenue; Peck, Helen; Preston, Nellie; Preston, Robert; Price, Polly; Puleston, Mary Elizabeth; Rines, Lucille; Ross, Louise; Rumph, Hume; Runge, Adele; Runge, S.; Runge, Theodore; Sanford; Sanford High School; schools; Schubert; Schutt; Shelton, Helen; Smith, Sidney; Spindler; Steinmeyer, F. E.; Sternberg; Stetson University; Stewart, Edith; Stewart, Max; Stone, Izetta; Strong, F. P.; Swift, Marie; Takach, Lucille Aspinwall; Thayer; Theta Phi House; Thrasher, May; Wagner; Wallace; Ward, Fern; Ware, Harriet; Watson, M.; Welleby; West, Etta; Whitner, B. F., Sr.; Whitney, Ted; Woodburn, Esther