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- Tags: Episcopalianism
St. Andrew's Parish Postcard
Oral History of Bette Skates
Tags: ACL; Alexander Ramsey; Alicia Clarke; altars; ambassadors; assassinations; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; atomic bombs; beauty shops; Belair Grove; Belgium; bells; Bette Skates; Bye Lo Hotel; Cape Canaveral; carpetbaggers; Cathedral Church of St. Luke; charities; charity; church; church bells; churches; citrus; citrus groves; Civil War; Clarke, Alicia; Cochran, Georgia; cockroach; cockroaches; community service; Craftsman Airplane Bungalow; Crooms High School; Cuban Missile Crisis; desegregation; Diana Dombrowski; Downtown Sanford; education; educators; elementary school; Episcopal Church; Episcopalianism; Episcopalians; exceptional education; FCAT; Ferrante Brothers; fires; Florida's Comprehensive Assessment Test; Gateway to South Florida; Geneva; Geneva Elementary School; Gertrude Dupuy; Gertrude Dupuy Sanford; Guiding Light for Grace and Grits; Historical Society of Central Florida; Holeman; Holy Cross Episcopal Church; homeless; hurricanes; Idyllwilde; Idyllwilde Elementary School; Jack Kennedy; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Lake Mary; lemons; Lyman Phelps; Mellonville; memorials; Middle Georgia College; Montezuma Hotel; Museum of Seminole County History; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; New Math; Ninth Street; OJC; Orange Blossom Special; orange grove; orange groves; oranges; organs; Orlando Junior College; Patrick Henry; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; priests; railroads; roach; roaches; Sanford; Sanford Museum; school desegregation; school integration; schools; Seminole County; Space Shuttle Challenger; Spanish Mediterranean Architecture; special education; St. Gertrude's Grove; standardized testing; Stetson University; sulfur water; teachers; The Champion; Title I school; trains; U.S. Navy; Union; World War II; WWII
Letter from E. R. Trafford to Henry Shelton Sanford (February 25, 1884)
Centennial Book of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, Florida, 1874-1974
Back, George H.; Brewer, Gregory O.; Cathedral Church of St. Luke of Orlando; cathedrals; Centennial Book of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke; Chapter House; church; churches; Clark, Anthony P.; Episcopal Church; Episcopal Diocese
of Central Florida; Episcopal Diocese
of Central Florida; Episcopal Diocese of South Florida; Episcopal Missionary Jurisdiction of South Florida; Episcopalianism; Episcopalians; Eppes, Francis; Folwell, William H.; Frohman, Philip Hubert; Frohman, Robb, and Little; Gaskell, Charles T.; General Convention of the Episcopal Church; Gray, Francis Campbell; Gray, William Crane; Howe, John W.; Johnson, Melville F.; Little, Harry B.; Littleford, Osborne R.; Lobs, G. Richard III; Louttit, Henry Irving; Magnolia Avenue; Mann, Cameron; orlando; Robb, E. Donald; Sherman, Harry B.; Smith, Daniel B.; Spencer, Lucien A.; Ward, C. W.; Whitaker, O'Kelley; Wing, John Durham
"The Entrance of the Faith in the Eastern Part of the Peninsula and Some Early Presbyterian Plantings in the Region of Saint Johns Presbytery" Manuscript
Tags: Americus, Georgia; Apopka; Army; Baker, Archibald; baptism; Beresford; Boone, Cornelia Frances; Boone, Janette Bruce; Boone, Mattie; Bruce, Agnus Donald; Bruce, Cornelia Frances Marks; Caldwell, Andrew C.; Caldwell, Andrew Curran; Caldwell, Julie Doak; Caldwell, Robert Ernest; Caldwell, Sallie Davidson; Christiania, Norway; church; church elder; circuit rider; Columbia County; Convention of the General Assembly; Darlington; deacon; DeLand; Dubose, John C.; education; elder; enterprise; Episcopal Church; Episcopalian; Episcopalianism; Euchee Valley; evangelism; evangelist; Evangelist of Florida Presbytery; Everglades; Fort Dallas; Fort Maitland; Fort Mellon; Fort Read; Galloway, Francis Lee; Galloway, Nancy; Gamble, William G.; Gould; Gould, Benjamin; Gound, Benjamin; Graften, C. W.; Green; Greensboro, North Carolina; Harrington; Holland; Holland, Ella; Holland, Herbert; Holland, Sarah Cochrane; Holland, Ursula; Lake Apopka; Leesburg; Little, James; Luraville; Madison; Maitland; Mar's Bluff, South Carolina; Markes, Maggie; Marks; Marks, Adeline Tomlinson; Marks, Jacinta; Marks, Maggie; Marks, Matthew R.; marriage; Mason; Mason, Zolotus; McCorkle, S. V.; McCormack, J. W.; McIlvaine, William E.; McLean, Josephine; McLean, Madison; McLean, Maggie; Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; Mellonville; Methodism; Methodist; Methodist church; Miami; Micanopy; mission; Montgomery, F F.; Montgomery, John W.; Native American; Nichols, Maria Stone; North Carolina; North Florida; Oakland; orange county; Orange House; orlando; Pensacola; pioneer; Presbyterian; Presbyterian church; Presbyterianism; Read, Ford; Rees, Margaret Bruce; religious education; reverend; Rossetter; Rossetter, Appleton T.; Saint Johns Presbytery; Sanford; school; Scotland; Seminole; Seminole War; settlement; Silver Lake Church; South Carolina; Speer; Speer, James G.; St. Johns River; Stagg, John W.; Stockton; Stockton, North Carolina; Sumter County; Sunday school; Suwannee County; Tallahassee; Telford; Telford, R. L.; Telford, William B.; The Early Planting of Presbyterianism in West Florida; The Entrance of the Faith in the Eastern Part of the Peninsula and Some Early Presbyterian Plantings in the Region of Saint Johns Presbytery; Tufts, Edgar; Turner, George D.; U.S. Army; Volusia County; Walton County; Watson; wedding; Weinrich, Charles; West Florida; Whipple; Whitner, Amelia Melvina Howard; Whitner, B. F.; Whitner, B.F.; Whitner, J. N.; Whitner, Joseph Newton; Whitner, Mary Golphin; Whitner, Sarah Jane Church; Willy, John; Woodruff, Nancy Galloway; Woodruff, W. W.; Wylly, George W.; Young People's Musical Group