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- Tags: religious education
St. Luke's Christian Day School Yearbook, 1966-1967
Tags: Alexis Abell; Alfred De Rousha; Alfred Fox; Andrew Duda, Jr.; Andrew Jakubcin; Arnold Jackson; Audrey Hull; Battle; Bellhorn; Berry Ivo; Best; Beth Duda; Betty Duda; Beverly Fowler; Billy Nordstrom; Billy Willis; Bobby Bradshaw; Bonnie Le Heup; Bonnie Moon; Brian Ellis; Brian Voigt; Bruce Kissinger; Bryan De Rousha; Bud Eaton; Buddy Herndon; Calvin Ward; Carl Lang; Carol Davis; Carol fowler; Carol Keiser; Carolyn White; Cherie Tommaso; Chris Borg; Christian; Christine Mikler; churches; Cindy Morgan; Cliff Long; Cliff smithson; Clyde Lavender; Connie Moon; Craig Willis; Cynthia Lloyd; Dale De Rousha; Dan Dinda; Dan Duda; Dan O'Neil; Dana Schlusemeyer; Danny Dinda; Danny Goodman; Datha Smith; David Algreen; David Duda; David Fore; David Fox; David Oldham; David Symes; David Vandergrift; Debbie Knowles; Debbie roberts; Debbie Vanice; Debby Brumley; Deborah Ballard; Debra Sawyer; Dee Anne Estridge; Dennis Pierson; Dennise Dusseau; Diana Rich; Diane Duda; Diane Schlusemyer; Dickie Rigdon; Dona Long; Douglas Church; Drew Duda; education; educators; Edwin White; Elaine Duda; Ferdinand Duda; Freddie Panke; Gail Rigdon; Gary Graham; Gary Palmer; Gary Roberts; Gayle Cobb; George Jakubcin; Gertrude Lucas; Giesla Scheinder; Ginger Brumley; Glen Rambo; Glenda Slayton; Glenn Flatley; Greg Hogarth; Greg Smith; Gretchen Lang; Guy Flately; Gwen McClure; Harry Pempey; Herring; Irene Ivo; Ivan Jakubcin; J. King; James Ballard; James Rook; James Spencer; Jane McClure; Jane Pempey; Janet Alexander; Janet Baylor; Janet Fowler; Jay Saucer; Jean Lavender; Jeff Longhaven; Jeff Lukas; Jeff Peterson; Jennifer Bursing; Jerry Hancock; Jessie Borg; Jim Sutton; Jim Yates; Jo Butner; Jody Jordon; Joe Mikler; Joel Sutton; John Cartwright; John Flately; John Lee; John Seidel; Johnny Lukas; Joseph Jakubcin; Joy King; Juanita Herndon; Judy Duda; Julie Kissinger; Julie Nicholas; Justin Holloway; Kaare Goodman; Karen Lukas; Karen Snead; Kenneth Alexander; Kim Bruning; L. Abell; Larry De Rousha; Laurie Harris; Lee Dishman; Lesli Cobb; Linda Duda; Linda Keiser; Linda Yates; Lisa Hamil; Lutheran; Lutheranism; Lynn Dishman; Lynn McCall; Madonna Jeffrey; Malcolm Lavender; Manning; Marcia Bryant; Margaret Mueller; Margaret Wirtz; Marianne Waldow; Mark Goodman; Mark Murley; Mark Rice; Mark Ring; Marsha Arndy; Marsha Jackson; Mary Jane Kelsey; Mary Jane Mikler; Mary Lou Ivo; Matthew Borg; Michael Bruning; Michael Jakubcin; Michael McClure; Mike Edwards; Mike Jones; Mike Lukas; Mike Scheinder; Myrtle Cartwright; Nancy Holder; Nancy Keiser; Oillie Mathieux; Oviedo; Pam Strassburg; Pamela Duda; pastors; Pat Ballard; Pat Lee; Patricia Threatt; Patsy Handcock; Patti Cook; Patty Stites; Paul Leavitt; Paul Mikler; Peggy Lukas; Peggy Montgomery; Pete Montgomery; Peteria Rountree; Philip Colbert; Randy Abell; Randy O'Leary; Reed Lloyd; religious education; Retzlaff; Ricky Lee; Ricky Wirtz; Rita Pendarvis; Robert King; Rolf Ahlgreen; Ronda Arndy; Ronnie Anderson; Ronny Ballard; Rosie Yates; Ross Eldridge; Roy Weisenberger; Sabina Meyer; Sandra Keiser; Sara Herndon; schools; schools Annual Publishing Company; Scott Van Nuys; Sharon Bouchard; Sharon Syme; Sheri Caraway; Sherry Lloyd; Sidlik; Sneed; St. Luke's Christian Day School; St. Luke's Lutheran School; Stanley Lukas; Stephanie Dinda; Stephen Colbert; Stephen M. Tuhy; Stephen Oldham; Steve Fox; Steve McCummings; students; Susa Pempey; Susan Nutter; Susan Peterson; Tammy Rice; Taylor Davis; teachers; Teddy McClure; Terri O'Niel; Terry Yates; Thor Ahlgreen; Threatt; Tim Kinnaird; Tina Ballard; Tom Anderson; Tommy; Tommy Duda; Tommy Jackson; Vorpagel; W. Duda; W. E. Yarborough; Wade Smith; yearbooks
Chuluota News
Tags: A. W. Wagner; Alive Story; Baptist churches; Baptists; Biscayne Bay; Bogard; Chuluota; Chuluota Sunday schools; churches; Clifton Tribble; education; Floyd Wagner; Hart; Lake Catherine; Lake Okeechobee; Oviedo; religious education; Reno, Nevada; Seminole Associational Sunday schools; Sunday schools; The Central Florida Press
History of the First Baptist Church, Oviedo, Florida: First 100 Years, 1869-1969
Tags: A. A. Daniel; A. A. Myers; A. B. Tedford; A. C. Hart; A. C. Turner; A. Flourny Jernigan; A. J. Metcalf; A. P. Farnell; A. R. Metcalf, Jr.; A. Solaria; Alex Lawton; American Civil War; Amerindian; Andrew Aulin; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Andrew Lawton; anniversary; Apopka; Argo's Store; Arthur Scott; B. F. Ward, Jr.; B. F. Ward, Sr. R. F. Cooper; B. F. Wheeler; B. F. Wheeler, Jr.; B. F. Wheeler, Sr.; B. Z. Hunter; Baptists; Basil Mays; Beasley; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Jr.; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; Billie Buster; Brewster; Broadway Street; Brush Arbor; C. A. Love; C. D. Weaver; C. F. Rolquist; C. J. Broome; C. K. Buckelew; C. W. Holder; Caloosa; centennial; Charles Simeon Lee, Jr.; Christian; Christianity; Chuluota; Chuluota Baptist Church; churches; citrus; Civil War; clergy; Clermont; Clifton Springs; colonization; colony; Creek; D. D. Gammage; Dan F. Thomas; deacon; Delco Light Plant. Goldenrod; Diane Aulin; Diane Aulin Keller; Donald L. Orman; E. A. Farnell; E. Lee Smith; education; enterprise; F. A. Peirson; F. C. Edwards; F. C. Morgan; FBC; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; Florida Mosquito Territory; Fort Christmas; Fort Drum; Fort Gatlin; Freeze of 1894; freezes; G. W. Alford; Goldenrod Baptist churches; Groveland; groves; growers; H. B. McCall; H. H. Link; Hammond organ; Henry Walcott; Homecoming Day; Howard S. Gott; Indian; Iniah Honchin; Ira Rouse; Isaacs; J. A. Richardson; J. B. Rogers; J. C. Hatlzelow; J. E. Okerlund; J. F. Mitchell; J. G. Black; J. H. King; J. H. Lee, Sr.; J. I.; J. I. Beasley; J. M. Jones; J. M. Kones; J. Max Cook; J. N. Thompson; J. O. Fries; J. O. Jelks; J. P. Jacobs; J. S. Day; J. T. Bryant; J. T. Wheeler; J. W. Martin; Jack T. Bryant; James G. Speer; Jelks; Joe Fox; Joe Leinhart; John Hiram Lee, Sr.; John M. Camp; John S. Womble; Joseph Leinhart; Joshua P. Jacobs; Julia Golden; K. Swonson; L. A. Hardy; L. L. Day; Ladies Aid Society; Lake Charm; Lake Jessup Avenue; Lake Jessup Community; Lake Jessup Settlement; Lake Jesup; Lawton; Lois Ruddell; Lord; Lund; M. E. Brock; Magazine Club of Oviedo; Maitland; Mary Gwynn; Mary Jacobs; Mary Walker; Milton Gore; Missionary Baptist churches; Mosquito County; Muskogan; Native American; Needham Jelks; Nelson; Nelson Brothers; Nettie Aulin; Nettie Jacobs; Nettie Jacobs Aulin; O. M.; orange county; Orange Grove Baptist Church; oranges; organ; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Baptist churches; P. H. Brown; pastor; Pearl G. Martin; Pride of Oviedo; R. L. Ward; R. L. Wheeler; R. M. Hickman; R. W. Dickert; R. W. Lawton; religious education; Reminiscence Fair; reverend; Robert Lawton; S. C. Dorsey; S. W. Sheffield; schools; Seminole; Seminole County; Sexton; shipping; slave; slavery; Solaria's Wharf; St. Johns River; St. Volusia; Statson University; Sunday schools; T. H. Daniell, Sr.; T. J. Bell; T. W. Lawton; Ted Aulin; The Lodge; Theodore Aulin; Theodore Aulin, Jr.; Theodore Aulin, Sr.; Thomas Willington Lawton; Tom Lawton; Tom Wheeler; Tomokan; Tucker; Tuscovilla; W. A. Jelks; W. A. Ward, Jr.; W. E. Alexander; W. G. Powell; W. H. Luther; W. H. Martin; W. J. Lawton, Sr.; W. P. Carter; W. P. Rogers; W. S. Sommerville; W. T. Walker; W. W. Townson; Walter Gwynn; Whitney-Wolcott House; Will Alexander; William Clevor; William H. Martin; Williams Stones; Winborn Joseph Lawton, Sr.
Chuluota Baptist Church Sixty-Fifth Anniversary
Tags: . T. J. Bell; A. A. Wainright; Albert Roberts; Angie Phillip; Anna Barber; anniversary; B. H. Guy; Baptists; Charles Phillips; Charley Steven; Chuluota; Chuluota Baptist Church; churches; D. F. Simmons; E. A. Milton; E. Lee Smith; education; Eugenia Bailey; First Baptist Church of Chuluota; Frank M. Story; G. M. Jacobs; Gabe Long; George G. Jacobs; George Gandez; George Jacobs; George Jewell; Harmony Baptist churches; Henry W. Tanner; Ida Jacobs; Irene Hart; J. Tilden Jacobs; J. W. Savage; James E. Day, Jr.; Jewell; Joe Lawton; John Tanner; John W. Jacobs; Joshua Jacobs; Josie Jacobs; Lake Pickett; Laura Long; Lawton; Leslie Sheppard; M. S. Smoons; N. C. Jacobs; Noah C. Jacobs; P. J. Jacobs; Percy Culley; Polly Ann Jacobs; Polly Roberts; R. R. Whitten; R. W. Lawton; religious education; schools; Smith; Starbuck; Sunbeam Band; Sunday schools; Tindall; W. C. Jacobs; William Martin; WMU; YPU
"The Entrance of the Faith in the Eastern Part of the Peninsula and Some Early Presbyterian Plantings in the Region of Saint Johns Presbytery" Manuscript
Tags: Americus, Georgia; Apopka; Army; Baker, Archibald; baptism; Beresford; Boone, Cornelia Frances; Boone, Janette Bruce; Boone, Mattie; Bruce, Agnus Donald; Bruce, Cornelia Frances Marks; Caldwell, Andrew C.; Caldwell, Andrew Curran; Caldwell, Julie Doak; Caldwell, Robert Ernest; Caldwell, Sallie Davidson; Christiania, Norway; church; church elder; circuit rider; Columbia County; Convention of the General Assembly; Darlington; deacon; DeLand; Dubose, John C.; education; elder; enterprise; Episcopal Church; Episcopalian; Episcopalianism; Euchee Valley; evangelism; evangelist; Evangelist of Florida Presbytery; Everglades; Fort Dallas; Fort Maitland; Fort Mellon; Fort Read; Galloway, Francis Lee; Galloway, Nancy; Gamble, William G.; Gould; Gould, Benjamin; Gound, Benjamin; Graften, C. W.; Green; Greensboro, North Carolina; Harrington; Holland; Holland, Ella; Holland, Herbert; Holland, Sarah Cochrane; Holland, Ursula; Lake Apopka; Leesburg; Little, James; Luraville; Madison; Maitland; Mar's Bluff, South Carolina; Markes, Maggie; Marks; Marks, Adeline Tomlinson; Marks, Jacinta; Marks, Maggie; Marks, Matthew R.; marriage; Mason; Mason, Zolotus; McCorkle, S. V.; McCormack, J. W.; McIlvaine, William E.; McLean, Josephine; McLean, Madison; McLean, Maggie; Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; Mellonville; Methodism; Methodist; Methodist church; Miami; Micanopy; mission; Montgomery, F F.; Montgomery, John W.; Native American; Nichols, Maria Stone; North Carolina; North Florida; Oakland; orange county; Orange House; orlando; Pensacola; pioneer; Presbyterian; Presbyterian church; Presbyterianism; Read, Ford; Rees, Margaret Bruce; religious education; reverend; Rossetter; Rossetter, Appleton T.; Saint Johns Presbytery; Sanford; school; Scotland; Seminole; Seminole War; settlement; Silver Lake Church; South Carolina; Speer; Speer, James G.; St. Johns River; Stagg, John W.; Stockton; Stockton, North Carolina; Sumter County; Sunday school; Suwannee County; Tallahassee; Telford; Telford, R. L.; Telford, William B.; The Early Planting of Presbyterianism in West Florida; The Entrance of the Faith in the Eastern Part of the Peninsula and Some Early Presbyterian Plantings in the Region of Saint Johns Presbytery; Tufts, Edgar; Turner, George D.; U.S. Army; Volusia County; Walton County; Watson; wedding; Weinrich, Charles; West Florida; Whipple; Whitner, Amelia Melvina Howard; Whitner, B. F.; Whitner, B.F.; Whitner, J. N.; Whitner, Joseph Newton; Whitner, Mary Golphin; Whitner, Sarah Jane Church; Willy, John; Woodruff, Nancy Galloway; Woodruff, W. W.; Wylly, George W.; Young People's Musical Group
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 40: Bethune Cookman University Founding
Tags: African American; Bethune-Cookman College; Bethune-Cookman College, 1904-1994: The Answered Prayer to a Dream; Bethune-Cookman University; Bethune, Albertus; Bethune, Mary Jane McLeod; Christian; Christianity; church; civil rights; civil rights activist; co-educational; college; Colored Women's Association; Cookman Institute of Jacksonville; Daytona Beach; Daytona Educational and Industrial Training School; Daytona Normal and Industrial School for Negro Girls; documentary; education; educator; Florida A&M College; Florida A&M University; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University; fundraising; Gamble, James; Gray, Willam H. III; HBCU; high school; historically black colleges and universities; Hunter, Sheila Flemming; Jim Crow South; junior college; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Laney, Lucy Craft; literacy; Mayseville, South Carolina; Methodism; Methodist; Methodist church; mission school; National Council of Negro Women; podcast; Presbyterian; Presbyterian church; Presbyterianism; private school; Procter & Gamble Company; public school; religion; religious education; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; school; separation of church and state; teacher; Tuskegee Institute; Tuskegee University; university; voter registration; voter registration movement; voting; Washington, Booker Taliaferro; White Sewing Machine Company; white supremacy; White, Thomas H.