The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 06, June 12, 1926
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The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 06, June 12, 1926
Alternative Title
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 06
Maitland (Fla.)
The Maitland News was a local newspaper originally published by the Maitland Realty Company (and later by The Maitland News Company) which began circulation in April 1926. This edition features articles on topics such as plans to establish a building and loan association for Maitland, fishing, housing and urban development, new books added to the library, local banking services, and a local events calendar. Also featured is a poem by local resident "Wib" Chaffee, and several advertisements for local businesses.
Original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 06, June 12, 1926: Newspaper Collection, accession number 2014.002.020V, room 2, case 2, shelf 10, box GV, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Company
Date Created
ca. 1926-06-12
Date Copyrighted
Date Issued
Chaffee, Wib
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 06, June 12, 1926.
Is Part Of
Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum Collection, Maitland Collection, Orange County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
1.88 MB
4-page newspaper edition
Maitland, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Winter Park, Florida
Accrual Method
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher
Originally published by the Maitland News Company.
Rights Holder
Copyright to this resource is held by the Maitland News Company and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.
Settle, John
Digital Collection
Source Repository
External Reference
Poole, Leslie Kemp. Maitland. Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009.
"Maitland History." City of Maitland.
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND NEws Co, Maitland, ORANGE County, FLORIDA
JUNE 12, 1926
Building and Loan Association for Maitland
Plans to Join Winter Park B. L.
Plans for establishing a branch of the winter Park Building and Loan Association in Maitland were formulated at the last meeting of the Chamber of Commerce when Dr. A. A. Kent, secretary of the Association, spoke to the members. Dr. Kent explained the aims and methods of build. ing and loan associations and told of the splendid showing of the Winter Park Association, which starting two
years ago with an authorized stock of
50,000.00 has recently increased it to 500,000.00 and is now applying for a further increase which will double the present capital.
Dr. Kent outlined a plan whereby the winter Park Building and Loan Association will extend its activities to include the Maitland district. There are already a number of stockholders of the Association among Maitland people and the Association has been generous in making loans on Maitland property. Under the new arrange. ment, the Association guarantees to loan on Maitland property to the full amount of the stock taken out by Maitland people. The collection of these stock subscriptions will be made through the Bank of Maitland and the funds held there. Maitland will be represented on the Board of Direct tors and the appraisal committee.
This proposition received the approval of the meeting and a commit. tee, consisting of D. G. Spain, A. B. Rowland and E. A. Upmeyer, was appointed to arrange a program of education and to organize a drive among the people of Maitland for the purpose of obtaining stock subscrip. tions.
Special edition advertising is all right, but dont forget that persistent regular advertising keeps your busi. ness always before the publicthey cant forget you then.
The Girls Sewing Club gave a play at the schoolhouse Tuesday evening, entitled How the Tale Grew.”
(For nearly three years the Chaffee jingles have appeared in the advertis ing of The Big Green Barn garage and they have been a source of enjoyment to all. His present contribution published below can not be classed as a jingle, however. In our opinion it is not only his masterpiece, but a bit of verse that is outstanding in current poetry.)
My Town cant be too good for me, Nor I too big or good for it; Though small in size My Town may Id have it big in Push" and "Grit.”
My Town must meet emergencies
With dauntless courage, vim and Pep"
Though progress is not bought with
My Town must not get out of step.”
My Town must tackle every taskGo forward alwaysneer back down. Neath foreign suns though I may bask, Id think with pride of this, My Town.
My Town, of course, is good enough, No matter how my fortunes swell Nor yet how fortune may rebuff. My Towns deafamers I would quell
And yet, down deep within my heart I know My Town improved could be: To help improve Ill do my partMy Town cant be too good for me
J. W. McNair, who with E. A. Upmeyer and Forrest B. Stone went to Sarasota on a two day fishing trip, landed a sixty-nine pound trapon. The fish is being stuffed and will be hung in the bank of Maitland.
Mrs. Mary Conklin, Miss Jane Conklin and Jeanette left last week for Middletown, N. . and Miss Mary C. Ely has gone to her home in Chester, Conn., for the summer months.
The Misses Elizabeth and Anna Treat and Mrs. N. R. Draper motored down the west coast for the week. end.
Mrs. Martin Johnson and daughters left last week for Franklin, N. C. where they will spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Parker will leave next week for a motor trip through the north.
Mrs. G. V. Breed is visiting with Miss Stella Waterhouse for a few days, Mrs. Breed has left the Rectory where she has lived for many years and will spend the summer in White Plains with her sister Mrs. Vanderbilt.
Dr. K. E. Kilbourn entertained the members of the Bible classes of the Winter Park Congregational Church at a basket picnic on his ground Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Horton and daughters left Thursday for Tallahassee where they will remain for ten days, after which they will motor to Kent and Cleveland, Ohio, where they will spend the summer.
Chas. B. Brokaw, who is associated with the Standard Asphalt Company, has rented the Boss cottage for a year and will move in immediately with his family.
The Needle work guild went on an excursion to Mt. Plymouth Thursday as guests of the Mt. Plymouth Company. Twenty-four joined in the
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND News Company.
ANNA. B. TREAT, Editor and Business Manager
Subscription Price Fifty cents a year. Five years 2.00.
Foremost among the needs of a town is the building of homes, and fortunate is the town which is ade. quately provided with the facilities for promoting activity along this line. Maitland is well supplied with come panies providing the necessary labor and materials, but until recently means of financing have been uncer tain and difficult.
Small towns, as a rule, suller a great disadvantage in this question of finance. congregate in cities where business can be carried on a large scale. This is true even of the building and loan associations, which are generally con ceded to be the greatest factor in encouraging thrift and home building And even though some small building and loan associations have been quite successful, the power of these associa tions lies in their intrinsic soundness. which is only assured when they have a large field for their operations. Consequently a small town is deprived of the benefits of a strong local building and loan association and such asso. ciations in nearby cities usually give preference to city property in placing loans. -
The action of the winter Park Building and Loan Association in extending their field to cover, Maitland
Financial agencies tend to
gives us the opportunity to participate in all the benefits of membership in a strong, established association and also to enjoy the privileges obtainable in a local organization. Maitland people may make their stock payments and payments of interest and dues here at the local bank and aside from the convenience to patrons of the B. and L the money will be kept in the town. All money realized from stock subscribed here will be loaned out on Maitland property as the demand requires, although the amount available to home builders is not limited to this amount. A local member on the appraisal committee will ensure fair treatment in valuing property. Later it is anticipated that the community will be adequately represented on the directorate of the association.
One of the strongest features of this arrangement is the saving pos. sibilities. Every dollar you put into the B. and L. will earn % from the day you put it in until the day you draw it out Your dollar stays in Maitland and is used to develop your home town. Although it is in use every day you can get it anytime you want it by just bringing in your pass bookand you can make deposits weekly, monthly, or in any way you want to and in any amount from a dollar up.
Land Surveyors
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
Phone 1304 .
General Repairing Vulcanizing
Batteries Renaired and Recharged
Wrecking Car Service
Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Texaco Gas and Oils
Make your dollars growJoin the B. and L. today. Any of the Chamber of Commerce committee will be glad to explain the details, or you may call at the B. and L. office in the Phil. lips Building, Winter Park and talk it over with the secretary, Dr. A. A. Kent.
Sunday, 10:00 a. mSunday school, Methodist and Presbyterian churches; :00 p. m., Epworth League, Methodist church. First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services, Methodist church. Second and fourth Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services Presby. terian church. Tuesday, :00 p. m.Municipal office, zoning commission. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p. m.– Library open. Second and fourth Thursday, 12:15 White Way RestaurantChamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 p. m.– Council meeting. Friday, :00 p. m., Hill School
Substantial reductions H in price on Lumber and H Building Materials are now in effect. Labor is more plenti- H ful and efficient. The demand for homes H is steadily increasing. Whether for invest- ment or speculation, you will save money by build- ing now. THE MAILAND LUMBER00
Phone 1304-
(Illustrated House Plan Book is FREE)
The following Juvenile books have been recently added to the Library: Tom Swift and his Airship, by Victor Appleton. Tom Swift and his Electric Runabout, by Victor Appleton. Tom Swift and the Diamond Makers, by Victor Appleton. The Camp Fire GirlsLarks and Pranks, by Hildegard Frey. The Camp Fire Girls. On the Open Road, by Hildegard Frey. Uncle Wigglys in the Wood, by Garis. Fairy Tales from Far Away, by Nelson.
Lighting Fixtures A Better Line of Fixtures will be hard to find.
Floor, Table and Boudoir Lamps Toasters, Grills, Waffle Irons and Two Burner Stoves
Greetings TO THE
White Way Motor Co.
We are here with a WILL to do, equipment to do WITH and know HOW. You always get a bargain when you get the BEST. Can wash your car C L E A N. Grease all but the cushions.
Have TIRES, TU BES and other ACCESSORIES. We estimate your job and stand by it.
Would like to have you call. Phone 1204-JOHN NELSON W. A. MANNING
Tarzan books, by Edgar Rice Bur
roughs: The Son of Tarzan. Tarzan of the Apes. Tarzan the Untamed. Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar. Tarzan and the Ant Men.
The Return of Tarzan.
The Maitland libray opened on Wednesday after being closed two weeks for repairs.
A woman shot off a piece of Mussolinis nose. He shoots off his own mouth.
TEN COMMANDMENTS For The IV. Thou shalt exalt thy public school and honor it all the days of thy life with the best of teachers, buildings and equipment, for the school is the cradle of the future. Thy children are here, and they shall be the citizens of tomorrow. No training is too good for them.
Maitland Plumbing Company C. D. HORNER Plumbing, Piping, Irrigating, Repairing Estimates FURNISHED
A City Store in a Country Town
Now Located in Our New Building
Modern Equipment Thruout Quality, Prices and Service Not Excelled in Orange County
Telephone 1310-R MAITLAND - FLORIDA
E. A. UPMEYER, Pres.
A Local Bank For Local People
Your Home Town Comes First
Patronize its Stores and Industries
J. A. BROWN, VPres.
The banks of today render to the general public a much greater and a more diversified service than is gen: erally realized, and more than any other organization or series of organi zations, do they give the people the service which is demanded of them. A bank, as it is organized under the law (exclusive of private banks), is a stock corporation, and as such its main function is to make money for its stockholders. As with any other business a bank depends on the public for its existence, and in order to get a great revolume of business it must offer a great variety of attractions which will appeal to every. one. In giving this constantly expending service the original object of a bank, that of making money for the stockholder, is more or less lost, and a bank today is practically a public institution. Below are some of the many things your bank can do for you: It provides a safe place for you to keep your money, both savings and checking deposits, and a burglarproof vault for your valuables. It is a clearing house for checks on other banks. It furnishes, at a nominal cost, travellers checks for your safety and conveience. Its trust department will handle your estate, and do it much better than an ordinary executor. It provides foreign exchange facilio ties, which you will find most convenient should the occasion arise. It will lend you money if it is able and you are deserving of a line of credit. The above are just a few of the many services which lack of space prohibit explaining, but your bank will do almost anything it can to help you, and will give you good advice on any matter its experience will war. rant. Never hesitate to consult your banker, because he is ready to help you at any time, and is always glad to do what he can.
BANK OF MAITLAND A Local Bank for Local People.
Our mayor feels that an afternoon passed in laboriously beguiling five bass is well spentbut Ernest, loung. ing in the bottom of the canoe, scoops up two fish weighing more than all the five. To whom are honors due?
This fabled hero of Sherwood Forest is said to have taken from the rich to give to the poor, Certainly we know that he and his band of merry woodsmen were sworn to the purpose of freedom, justice and happiness. Driven by tyranny from their honest pursuits and taking refuge in the Kings forest, they lived by hook and crook, playing no small part in the restoration of a just and rightful monarch.
Happily, our government is not subject to the abuses that obtained in England in the time of Robin Hood. No longer is a mans family subject to the indignities of feudal landlords, Now every man may own his home and feel safe in the principle that a mans home is his castle.
A nations prosperity and independence is in almost direct ratio to the percentage of home ownership. Any enterprise that encourages and facilitates home building and ownership is a direct bulwark of democracy.
Building and loan associations are doing a powerful work to strengthen Americas family life. Funds cannot be invested in a more worthy, safer or better paying enterprise.
Make a Deposit Today in the Winter Park Building and Loan Association and start saving for a home in GREENWOOD GARDENS.
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND NEws Co, Maitland, ORANGE County, FLORIDA
JUNE 12, 1926
Building and Loan Association for Maitland
Plans to Join Winter Park B. L.
Plans for establishing a branch of the winter Park Building and Loan Association in Maitland were formulated at the last meeting of the Chamber of Commerce when Dr. A. A. Kent, secretary of the Association, spoke to the members. Dr. Kent explained the aims and methods of build. ing and loan associations and told of the splendid showing of the Winter Park Association, which starting two
years ago with an authorized stock of
50,000.00 has recently increased it to 500,000.00 and is now applying for a further increase which will double the present capital.
Dr. Kent outlined a plan whereby the winter Park Building and Loan Association will extend its activities to include the Maitland district. There are already a number of stockholders of the Association among Maitland people and the Association has been generous in making loans on Maitland property. Under the new arrange. ment, the Association guarantees to loan on Maitland property to the full amount of the stock taken out by Maitland people. The collection of these stock subscriptions will be made through the Bank of Maitland and the funds held there. Maitland will be represented on the Board of Direct tors and the appraisal committee.
This proposition received the approval of the meeting and a commit. tee, consisting of D. G. Spain, A. B. Rowland and E. A. Upmeyer, was appointed to arrange a program of education and to organize a drive among the people of Maitland for the purpose of obtaining stock subscrip. tions.
Special edition advertising is all right, but dont forget that persistent regular advertising keeps your busi. ness always before the publicthey cant forget you then.
The Girls Sewing Club gave a play at the schoolhouse Tuesday evening, entitled How the Tale Grew.”
(For nearly three years the Chaffee jingles have appeared in the advertis ing of The Big Green Barn garage and they have been a source of enjoyment to all. His present contribution published below can not be classed as a jingle, however. In our opinion it is not only his masterpiece, but a bit of verse that is outstanding in current poetry.)
My Town cant be too good for me, Nor I too big or good for it; Though small in size My Town may Id have it big in Push" and "Grit.”
My Town must meet emergencies
With dauntless courage, vim and Pep"
Though progress is not bought with
My Town must not get out of step.”
My Town must tackle every taskGo forward alwaysneer back down. Neath foreign suns though I may bask, Id think with pride of this, My Town.
My Town, of course, is good enough, No matter how my fortunes swell Nor yet how fortune may rebuff. My Towns deafamers I would quell
And yet, down deep within my heart I know My Town improved could be: To help improve Ill do my partMy Town cant be too good for me
J. W. McNair, who with E. A. Upmeyer and Forrest B. Stone went to Sarasota on a two day fishing trip, landed a sixty-nine pound trapon. The fish is being stuffed and will be hung in the bank of Maitland.
Mrs. Mary Conklin, Miss Jane Conklin and Jeanette left last week for Middletown, N. . and Miss Mary C. Ely has gone to her home in Chester, Conn., for the summer months.
The Misses Elizabeth and Anna Treat and Mrs. N. R. Draper motored down the west coast for the week. end.
Mrs. Martin Johnson and daughters left last week for Franklin, N. C. where they will spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Parker will leave next week for a motor trip through the north.
Mrs. G. V. Breed is visiting with Miss Stella Waterhouse for a few days, Mrs. Breed has left the Rectory where she has lived for many years and will spend the summer in White Plains with her sister Mrs. Vanderbilt.
Dr. K. E. Kilbourn entertained the members of the Bible classes of the Winter Park Congregational Church at a basket picnic on his ground Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Horton and daughters left Thursday for Tallahassee where they will remain for ten days, after which they will motor to Kent and Cleveland, Ohio, where they will spend the summer.
Chas. B. Brokaw, who is associated with the Standard Asphalt Company, has rented the Boss cottage for a year and will move in immediately with his family.
The Needle work guild went on an excursion to Mt. Plymouth Thursday as guests of the Mt. Plymouth Company. Twenty-four joined in the
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND News Company.
ANNA. B. TREAT, Editor and Business Manager
Subscription Price Fifty cents a year. Five years 2.00.
Foremost among the needs of a town is the building of homes, and fortunate is the town which is ade. quately provided with the facilities for promoting activity along this line. Maitland is well supplied with come panies providing the necessary labor and materials, but until recently means of financing have been uncer tain and difficult.
Small towns, as a rule, suller a great disadvantage in this question of finance. congregate in cities where business can be carried on a large scale. This is true even of the building and loan associations, which are generally con ceded to be the greatest factor in encouraging thrift and home building And even though some small building and loan associations have been quite successful, the power of these associa tions lies in their intrinsic soundness. which is only assured when they have a large field for their operations. Consequently a small town is deprived of the benefits of a strong local building and loan association and such asso. ciations in nearby cities usually give preference to city property in placing loans. -
The action of the winter Park Building and Loan Association in extending their field to cover, Maitland
Financial agencies tend to
gives us the opportunity to participate in all the benefits of membership in a strong, established association and also to enjoy the privileges obtainable in a local organization. Maitland people may make their stock payments and payments of interest and dues here at the local bank and aside from the convenience to patrons of the B. and L the money will be kept in the town. All money realized from stock subscribed here will be loaned out on Maitland property as the demand requires, although the amount available to home builders is not limited to this amount. A local member on the appraisal committee will ensure fair treatment in valuing property. Later it is anticipated that the community will be adequately represented on the directorate of the association.
One of the strongest features of this arrangement is the saving pos. sibilities. Every dollar you put into the B. and L. will earn % from the day you put it in until the day you draw it out Your dollar stays in Maitland and is used to develop your home town. Although it is in use every day you can get it anytime you want it by just bringing in your pass bookand you can make deposits weekly, monthly, or in any way you want to and in any amount from a dollar up.
Land Surveyors
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
Phone 1304 .
General Repairing Vulcanizing
Batteries Renaired and Recharged
Wrecking Car Service
Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Texaco Gas and Oils
Make your dollars growJoin the B. and L. today. Any of the Chamber of Commerce committee will be glad to explain the details, or you may call at the B. and L. office in the Phil. lips Building, Winter Park and talk it over with the secretary, Dr. A. A. Kent.
Sunday, 10:00 a. mSunday school, Methodist and Presbyterian churches; :00 p. m., Epworth League, Methodist church. First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services, Methodist church. Second and fourth Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services Presby. terian church. Tuesday, :00 p. m.Municipal office, zoning commission. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p. m.– Library open. Second and fourth Thursday, 12:15 White Way RestaurantChamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 p. m.– Council meeting. Friday, :00 p. m., Hill School
Substantial reductions H in price on Lumber and H Building Materials are now in effect. Labor is more plenti- H ful and efficient. The demand for homes H is steadily increasing. Whether for invest- ment or speculation, you will save money by build- ing now. THE MAILAND LUMBER00
Phone 1304-
(Illustrated House Plan Book is FREE)
The following Juvenile books have been recently added to the Library: Tom Swift and his Airship, by Victor Appleton. Tom Swift and his Electric Runabout, by Victor Appleton. Tom Swift and the Diamond Makers, by Victor Appleton. The Camp Fire GirlsLarks and Pranks, by Hildegard Frey. The Camp Fire Girls. On the Open Road, by Hildegard Frey. Uncle Wigglys in the Wood, by Garis. Fairy Tales from Far Away, by Nelson.
Lighting Fixtures A Better Line of Fixtures will be hard to find.
Floor, Table and Boudoir Lamps Toasters, Grills, Waffle Irons and Two Burner Stoves
Greetings TO THE
White Way Motor Co.
We are here with a WILL to do, equipment to do WITH and know HOW. You always get a bargain when you get the BEST. Can wash your car C L E A N. Grease all but the cushions.
Have TIRES, TU BES and other ACCESSORIES. We estimate your job and stand by it.
Would like to have you call. Phone 1204-JOHN NELSON W. A. MANNING
Tarzan books, by Edgar Rice Bur
roughs: The Son of Tarzan. Tarzan of the Apes. Tarzan the Untamed. Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar. Tarzan and the Ant Men.
The Return of Tarzan.
The Maitland libray opened on Wednesday after being closed two weeks for repairs.
A woman shot off a piece of Mussolinis nose. He shoots off his own mouth.
TEN COMMANDMENTS For The IV. Thou shalt exalt thy public school and honor it all the days of thy life with the best of teachers, buildings and equipment, for the school is the cradle of the future. Thy children are here, and they shall be the citizens of tomorrow. No training is too good for them.
Maitland Plumbing Company C. D. HORNER Plumbing, Piping, Irrigating, Repairing Estimates FURNISHED
A City Store in a Country Town
Now Located in Our New Building
Modern Equipment Thruout Quality, Prices and Service Not Excelled in Orange County
Telephone 1310-R MAITLAND - FLORIDA
E. A. UPMEYER, Pres.
A Local Bank For Local People
Your Home Town Comes First
Patronize its Stores and Industries
J. A. BROWN, VPres.
The banks of today render to the general public a much greater and a more diversified service than is gen: erally realized, and more than any other organization or series of organi zations, do they give the people the service which is demanded of them. A bank, as it is organized under the law (exclusive of private banks), is a stock corporation, and as such its main function is to make money for its stockholders. As with any other business a bank depends on the public for its existence, and in order to get a great revolume of business it must offer a great variety of attractions which will appeal to every. one. In giving this constantly expending service the original object of a bank, that of making money for the stockholder, is more or less lost, and a bank today is practically a public institution. Below are some of the many things your bank can do for you: It provides a safe place for you to keep your money, both savings and checking deposits, and a burglarproof vault for your valuables. It is a clearing house for checks on other banks. It furnishes, at a nominal cost, travellers checks for your safety and conveience. Its trust department will handle your estate, and do it much better than an ordinary executor. It provides foreign exchange facilio ties, which you will find most convenient should the occasion arise. It will lend you money if it is able and you are deserving of a line of credit. The above are just a few of the many services which lack of space prohibit explaining, but your bank will do almost anything it can to help you, and will give you good advice on any matter its experience will war. rant. Never hesitate to consult your banker, because he is ready to help you at any time, and is always glad to do what he can.
BANK OF MAITLAND A Local Bank for Local People.
Our mayor feels that an afternoon passed in laboriously beguiling five bass is well spentbut Ernest, loung. ing in the bottom of the canoe, scoops up two fish weighing more than all the five. To whom are honors due?
This fabled hero of Sherwood Forest is said to have taken from the rich to give to the poor, Certainly we know that he and his band of merry woodsmen were sworn to the purpose of freedom, justice and happiness. Driven by tyranny from their honest pursuits and taking refuge in the Kings forest, they lived by hook and crook, playing no small part in the restoration of a just and rightful monarch.
Happily, our government is not subject to the abuses that obtained in England in the time of Robin Hood. No longer is a mans family subject to the indignities of feudal landlords, Now every man may own his home and feel safe in the principle that a mans home is his castle.
A nations prosperity and independence is in almost direct ratio to the percentage of home ownership. Any enterprise that encourages and facilitates home building and ownership is a direct bulwark of democracy.
Building and loan associations are doing a powerful work to strengthen Americas family life. Funds cannot be invested in a more worthy, safer or better paying enterprise.
Make a Deposit Today in the Winter Park Building and Loan Association and start saving for a home in GREENWOOD GARDENS.
“The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 06, June 12, 1926,” RICHES, accessed March 12, 2025,