The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 15, August 14, 1926
Dublin Core
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 15, August 14, 1926
Alternative Title
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 15
Maitland (Fla.)
The Maitland News was a local newspaper originally published by the Maitland Realty Company (and later by The Maitland News Company) which began circulation in April 1926. This edition features articles on topics such as street lights, an act of vandalism, a police raid on a still, a Presbyterian church service, improvements to the Maitland Garage, weeding, new library books, an article by W. R. G. Orwick on the intersection of business and religion, the housing arrangements of local residents, and a local events calendar. Also featured are several advertisements for local businesses.
Original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 15, August 14, 1926: Newspaper Collection, accession number 2014.002.020V, room 2, case 2, shelf 10, box GV, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Company
Date Created
ca. 1926-08-14
Date Copyrighted
Date Issued
Orwick, W. R. G.
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 15, August 14, 1926.
Is Part Of
Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum Collection, Maitland Collection, Orange County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
429 KB
4-page newspaper edition
Maitland, Florida
Altamonte Springs, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Accrual Method
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher
Originally published by The Maitland News Company.
Rights Holder
Copyright to this resource is held by The Maitland News Company and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.
Settle, John
Digital Collection
Source Repository
External Reference
Poole, Leslie Kemp. Maitland. Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009.
"Maitland History." City of Maitland.
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND NEws Co, MATLAND, ORANGE County, FLORIDA
Volume I
AUGUST 14, 1926
One hundred dollars is the fine im: posed for destroying white Way lights.
On Friday night some rowdies drove through town shooting up the White Way lights, and hit three in their progress. The town authorities consider this an act of vandalism and lawlessness, without excuse or reason, and propose to punish any such infraction of the law to the full extent of the penalty.
Four years ago a gasoline tank and four bags of mule mash disappeared one Saturday night from Mr. Dear. borns woodshed. Last Friday night M. C. Bryan, town marshall, raided a still northeast of town and brought in among other things a gasoline tank corresponding to the one lost by Mr. Dearborn. Through information gleaned from various sources, its his tory during that period has been well established. All that Mose fell down on was the mash, chicken feed being the present contents of the tank.
By the way, the Maitland police department has been busy lately, seven arrests were made last Sunday.
The signs of damage done by the storm have been removed except in the case of some property owners who have not yet cleared up their property. While the water in the lakes and streams is still high, most of the muddy spots on the roads have dried up, and there seems to have been little damage done.
The two Maitland signs at the north and south limits of the town are being redecorated and put in order. Both these signs were in bad condition owing to constant exposure to weather and the one at the south has been down since the storm when it was blown from its stadnard.
The White Way which runs from the south boundry of Orlando to north line of Orange County has now been extended through Seminole County into Altamonte, with a short gap between the north corporate limits of Maitland and the south corporate limits of Altamonte. In this short stretch it is hoped that the property owners will before long put in the lights, thus making the line complete. The Altamonte White Way runs from the south limits of the town to the station and is being financed from the town taxes. RICH D PASTOR PREACHES
Rev. J. B. Gordon, pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church in Rich. mond, Virginia, preached at the evening service last Sunday in the Presby. terian Church. Mrs. Gordon was Miss May Moremen and was a ber of the first class at Rollins College. Mr. Gordon last visited Maitland twelve years ago, and preached in the Presbyterian Church, and in his congregation last Sunday were four who heard him preach at that service.
paving Assessment MONEY DUE NOW
All payments in full for paving as sessments are due this week. As the paper goes to press several payments have been made in full and as a number of property owners have signified that this is their intention it is thought that a considerable amount will be paid in before the time expires. All assessments which are not paid in full by the fourteenth will automatically go into the tenyear payment plan, the first installment being due next July.
A concrete platform has been built south of the Maitland Garage, which gives a much improved appearance to the establishment and provides a suit able place for washing cars and other repair work.
At the meeting of the County Commissioners last week J. H. Hill appeared before the commissioners ask: ing that the paving of the road through Eatonville be included in the first road building project. While the
final apportionment of roads will not
be made for several meetings, Mr. L. L. Payne and Mr. S. S. Sadler, through both of whose districts the road passes, assured Mr. Hill that they would give the matter their closest attention.
This road is of more than local im. portance, being the only road in this district included in the present paving projects and being the northernmost connecting link in the county between the state highways No. 2 and No. 3, both of which are being rebuilt at the present time.
The committee which is getting rights of way on state highway No. 2, running through Apopka is meeting with good success from such property owners as are at home. Many are away and cannot be approached until they return in the fall. This highway is to be 66 feet wide, with only one railway crossing, where the Seaboard and the A. C. L. both cross the road at the same point. This road runs into Orlando on Kentucky Avenue, and thence on down to Kissimmee, west of the present highway and the railroad.
Road No. 3, for which the rights of way are being obtained as far south as Lily Lake, is 100 feet in width all the way south from Sanford. After the road leaves Lily Lake the direction of the road is not announced, but it will join road No. 2 somewhere be tween there and Orlando, becoming from the point of intersection part of the latter.
There will be no services except Sunday School at the Presbyterian Church until the fourth Sunday in September, while the pastor in north on his vacation.
Maitland, FLORIDA
Published Weekly by THE Maitland News Company. ANNA. B. TREAT, Editor and Business Manager
Subscription Price Fifty cents a year. Five years 2.00.
Advertising Rates on APPLication
Only those who are fortunate enough to have spent a summer in Florida know the full beauty that the state can offer in luxuriant greeneryabove, below and around us. All shades and tones of green are here, covering ugly objects and tempering the brilliance of the sunlight.
But with this beauty comes one drawback – often this abundance grows into a riot which overruns fences and mars the neatness of our roadsides. Only by constant attention can we keep this growth of vegetation under control. The town authorities do what they can, but funds are always low this time of year and there has been much extra work to be done on roads and bridges since the storm.
Cannot the property owners undertake to clean up their own roadsides? Those who are away do not realize the demoralized appearance that comes with the growth of weeds. In many cities the work is done by the city and assessed to the property-owners but Maitland has not yet taken that step. How much better it would be if each one would take a personal responsi bility and pride in the matter and relieve the already overworked street committee from this added burden. They are doing what they can and will cooperate further by getting
laborers for those who do not wish to attend to the work themselves.
Lets all get busy and see what we can do.
August , 1926.
Miss Anna Treat, Editor
Maitland News,
Maitland, Fla.
Dear Miss Treat: I enclose fifty cents for one years
subscription to your paper. May it
prosper to many times its present size.
Sincerely yours,
J. A. Brown, E. T. Owen and S. J. Stiggins spent Thursday and Friday of last week in a trip down the East Coast as far as Miami, where they went on business.
M. L. Kyle left Monday for a weeks vacation, which he will spend with his family in Tampa.
Snnday, 10:00 a. mSunday school, Methodist church; :45 a. m., Sunday school, Presbyterian church.
First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :00 p. m., services, Methodist church.
Second and fourth Sunday11 a.
Fresh Fish
We have them Tuesdays and Fridays
Also a complete line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Maitland, Florida
General Repairing Vulcanizing
M. L. KYLE, Prop. Phone 1314-
Wrecking Car Service Polishing
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
m, and :00 p. m., services, Presby. terian church. Tuesday, :00 p. mMunicipal office zoning commission. :30 p., Fire Drill. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p.Library open. :00 p. m, Prayer Meeting, Methodist church. Second Thursday, 12:15, White Way RestaurantChamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 pm., Count cil meeting. Friday, :00 p. m., Hill SchoolBoy Scouts. Saturday, :00-6:00 pm., Library Open.
Land Surveyors Town PLANNING
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
We demonstrate all that the word implies on
orders entrusted to us for Lumber and Build
ing Materials.
The proof is in the increasing number of Satisfied Custorners
Phone 399
(Illustrated House Plan Books. FREE)
Mrs. John Russell and family have returned from Jacksonville.
E. A. Upmeyer has just returned from a short business trip to Atlanta.
Mrs. R. A. Wheeler is at the Flo. rida Sanitarium, where she has gone for rest and treatment.
J. W. McNair and R. A. Wheeler attended the Lumbermens Convention in Tampa, Thursday and Friday of this week.
Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Visor and Miss Stella Waterhouse took dinner last Sunday with Miss Minnie Moremen and Mr. Wilson Moremen, in their Lake Howell home, to meet the Rev. and Mrs. . B. Gordon who are visit. ing there.
The Rev. Clarence Benson and family are spending the month of August in Maitland. Mr. Benson, who is connected with the Moody Institute in Chicago, is the son of Dr. and Mr. A. W. Benson, for many years residents of Maitland, who are now living in Chicago. Mr. Benson is preaching in the Park Lake Church in Orlando, during the absence of the pastor, Dr. C. H. Ferran.
Maitland Plumbing Co.
C. D. HORNER Plumbing, Piping, irrigating, Repairing Estimates FURNISHED -
electric frties C00KER 7.49
Pure aluminum lined Electric Cooker for family of five. High and low heats; 2 gallon oven capacity; 3 cooking compartments and full 2quart cooking vessels.
New books AT THE Library
The Black Flemings, by Kathleen Norris.
Glorious Apollo, The Perdita, by E. Barrington.
The Old Home Town, by Rupert Hughes.
Sonny, by Ruth McEnery Stuart.
Birds (The Nature Library), by Nettie Blanchard.
July has been one of the busiest months of the year at the Library, standing second in number of books loaned326, of which 194 were taken out from the juvenile department. The total for the year so far is 1771.
PHOTOGRAPHS The Better Kind”
Large Assortment of Picture Frames
Phone 2336 21 12 S. Orange Avenue ORLANDO, FLORIDA
Send in your Sucscription
for the
Maitland News
Horse Feed, Corn Feed Meal, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Meal, Grits
Give us a trial and be convinced
The best is none too good
The City Store Telephone 1310-
Your Valuables are Worth MoreThan 2 Why Take Chances?
In the event of fire or theft your valuable papers and articles are liable to be a total loss, and many of the things you value cannot be replaced, others can be replaced only at some expense and great trouble.
Such loss is easily avoided if you have a safedeposit box in your bank, and the cost of a box compared to its value to you in case of fire or theft is nothing.
Let us give you a box in this banks vault free of charge until January 1st, and then charge you for it at the rate of 2.00 per year.
A Local Bank for Local People E. A. UPMEYER, Pres. J. A. BROWN, VPres. DONALD G. SPAIN, Cashier
4] THE MAITLAND NEWS BUSINESS AND RELIGION and mean No, say Yes and mean Yes These things God hath joined to: COMBINED On the other hand business helps gether, work and worship, religion and
By W. R. G. Orwick
We hear in many quarters today that religion and other activities of life will not mix. We believe that this is a mistaken idea and that a different and much better attitude should be assumed if we are to keep our position in the rank and file of the nations.
we are admonished to be Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.” No idler can be a hightype Christian. God intended we should not be slothful in business, at the same time fervent in spirit, thus serving the Lord. And we can serve him best this way. Industry has more blessings than idleness. It is conducive to health, wealth, happiness, and, if honestly pursued, to growth in Christian Character.
The relation between religion and business is not one of antagonism. Men plead the press of business as an excuse for want of interest in spiritual things. But let us remember that to be a first rate business man does not involve being a fourth or fifth rate Christian. In order to enrich oneself at trade, it is not necessary to starve oneself in religion. Work and worship are not opposed.
The relation between business and religion is not one of separation. Business does not require a man when he closes the church door behind him on Sunday to say good-bye to his religion for another week. It is not true that Sunday is the day for religion. Religion has business with business. Business has business with religion.
The relation between business and religion is one of combination. Not slothful in business, at the same time fervent in spirit” That religion is worthless which leaves out business. If a man will not work, neither shall he eat.” If a man provides not for his own household, he is an infidel, and has denied the faith. That business is wicked which leaves out religion. It will cheat, and bribe, and crush the poor. The only way is the combina tion of the two.
There are ways in which godliness helps business. "Godliness is profit able in all things.” Godliness makes a man honest. Godliness makes a man prudent and thoughtful. Godliness makes a man firm and decided. A Christian must be able to say No
religion. Business is a school of knowledge. It is a school of practice. It tests, and therefore, strengthens, our graces. It is a school of integrity. It is a source of wealth, which can be consecrated to religion. "What God has joined let no man put asunder.”
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett went on Wednesday to Tampa to attend the convention of the Electragists. As sociation. They expected to return on Friday.
insurance policy.
and bother.
| AAA]
When your stove explodes or lightning strikes your chimney, there is damage done, and you should collect on your fire
We make adjustments at once on such losses and pay for repairs and replaceIf we are handling your insurance you can get action without delay
Let us shoulder your worries. here all day and all night, the year
We are
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND NEws Co, MATLAND, ORANGE County, FLORIDA
Volume I
AUGUST 14, 1926
One hundred dollars is the fine im: posed for destroying white Way lights.
On Friday night some rowdies drove through town shooting up the White Way lights, and hit three in their progress. The town authorities consider this an act of vandalism and lawlessness, without excuse or reason, and propose to punish any such infraction of the law to the full extent of the penalty.
Four years ago a gasoline tank and four bags of mule mash disappeared one Saturday night from Mr. Dear. borns woodshed. Last Friday night M. C. Bryan, town marshall, raided a still northeast of town and brought in among other things a gasoline tank corresponding to the one lost by Mr. Dearborn. Through information gleaned from various sources, its his tory during that period has been well established. All that Mose fell down on was the mash, chicken feed being the present contents of the tank.
By the way, the Maitland police department has been busy lately, seven arrests were made last Sunday.
The signs of damage done by the storm have been removed except in the case of some property owners who have not yet cleared up their property. While the water in the lakes and streams is still high, most of the muddy spots on the roads have dried up, and there seems to have been little damage done.
The two Maitland signs at the north and south limits of the town are being redecorated and put in order. Both these signs were in bad condition owing to constant exposure to weather and the one at the south has been down since the storm when it was blown from its stadnard.
The White Way which runs from the south boundry of Orlando to north line of Orange County has now been extended through Seminole County into Altamonte, with a short gap between the north corporate limits of Maitland and the south corporate limits of Altamonte. In this short stretch it is hoped that the property owners will before long put in the lights, thus making the line complete. The Altamonte White Way runs from the south limits of the town to the station and is being financed from the town taxes. RICH D PASTOR PREACHES
Rev. J. B. Gordon, pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church in Rich. mond, Virginia, preached at the evening service last Sunday in the Presby. terian Church. Mrs. Gordon was Miss May Moremen and was a ber of the first class at Rollins College. Mr. Gordon last visited Maitland twelve years ago, and preached in the Presbyterian Church, and in his congregation last Sunday were four who heard him preach at that service.
paving Assessment MONEY DUE NOW
All payments in full for paving as sessments are due this week. As the paper goes to press several payments have been made in full and as a number of property owners have signified that this is their intention it is thought that a considerable amount will be paid in before the time expires. All assessments which are not paid in full by the fourteenth will automatically go into the tenyear payment plan, the first installment being due next July.
A concrete platform has been built south of the Maitland Garage, which gives a much improved appearance to the establishment and provides a suit able place for washing cars and other repair work.
At the meeting of the County Commissioners last week J. H. Hill appeared before the commissioners ask: ing that the paving of the road through Eatonville be included in the first road building project. While the
final apportionment of roads will not
be made for several meetings, Mr. L. L. Payne and Mr. S. S. Sadler, through both of whose districts the road passes, assured Mr. Hill that they would give the matter their closest attention.
This road is of more than local im. portance, being the only road in this district included in the present paving projects and being the northernmost connecting link in the county between the state highways No. 2 and No. 3, both of which are being rebuilt at the present time.
The committee which is getting rights of way on state highway No. 2, running through Apopka is meeting with good success from such property owners as are at home. Many are away and cannot be approached until they return in the fall. This highway is to be 66 feet wide, with only one railway crossing, where the Seaboard and the A. C. L. both cross the road at the same point. This road runs into Orlando on Kentucky Avenue, and thence on down to Kissimmee, west of the present highway and the railroad.
Road No. 3, for which the rights of way are being obtained as far south as Lily Lake, is 100 feet in width all the way south from Sanford. After the road leaves Lily Lake the direction of the road is not announced, but it will join road No. 2 somewhere be tween there and Orlando, becoming from the point of intersection part of the latter.
There will be no services except Sunday School at the Presbyterian Church until the fourth Sunday in September, while the pastor in north on his vacation.
Maitland, FLORIDA
Published Weekly by THE Maitland News Company. ANNA. B. TREAT, Editor and Business Manager
Subscription Price Fifty cents a year. Five years 2.00.
Advertising Rates on APPLication
Only those who are fortunate enough to have spent a summer in Florida know the full beauty that the state can offer in luxuriant greeneryabove, below and around us. All shades and tones of green are here, covering ugly objects and tempering the brilliance of the sunlight.
But with this beauty comes one drawback – often this abundance grows into a riot which overruns fences and mars the neatness of our roadsides. Only by constant attention can we keep this growth of vegetation under control. The town authorities do what they can, but funds are always low this time of year and there has been much extra work to be done on roads and bridges since the storm.
Cannot the property owners undertake to clean up their own roadsides? Those who are away do not realize the demoralized appearance that comes with the growth of weeds. In many cities the work is done by the city and assessed to the property-owners but Maitland has not yet taken that step. How much better it would be if each one would take a personal responsi bility and pride in the matter and relieve the already overworked street committee from this added burden. They are doing what they can and will cooperate further by getting
laborers for those who do not wish to attend to the work themselves.
Lets all get busy and see what we can do.
August , 1926.
Miss Anna Treat, Editor
Maitland News,
Maitland, Fla.
Dear Miss Treat: I enclose fifty cents for one years
subscription to your paper. May it
prosper to many times its present size.
Sincerely yours,
J. A. Brown, E. T. Owen and S. J. Stiggins spent Thursday and Friday of last week in a trip down the East Coast as far as Miami, where they went on business.
M. L. Kyle left Monday for a weeks vacation, which he will spend with his family in Tampa.
Snnday, 10:00 a. mSunday school, Methodist church; :45 a. m., Sunday school, Presbyterian church.
First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :00 p. m., services, Methodist church.
Second and fourth Sunday11 a.
Fresh Fish
We have them Tuesdays and Fridays
Also a complete line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Maitland, Florida
General Repairing Vulcanizing
M. L. KYLE, Prop. Phone 1314-
Wrecking Car Service Polishing
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
m, and :00 p. m., services, Presby. terian church. Tuesday, :00 p. mMunicipal office zoning commission. :30 p., Fire Drill. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p.Library open. :00 p. m, Prayer Meeting, Methodist church. Second Thursday, 12:15, White Way RestaurantChamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 pm., Count cil meeting. Friday, :00 p. m., Hill SchoolBoy Scouts. Saturday, :00-6:00 pm., Library Open.
Land Surveyors Town PLANNING
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
We demonstrate all that the word implies on
orders entrusted to us for Lumber and Build
ing Materials.
The proof is in the increasing number of Satisfied Custorners
Phone 399
(Illustrated House Plan Books. FREE)
Mrs. John Russell and family have returned from Jacksonville.
E. A. Upmeyer has just returned from a short business trip to Atlanta.
Mrs. R. A. Wheeler is at the Flo. rida Sanitarium, where she has gone for rest and treatment.
J. W. McNair and R. A. Wheeler attended the Lumbermens Convention in Tampa, Thursday and Friday of this week.
Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Visor and Miss Stella Waterhouse took dinner last Sunday with Miss Minnie Moremen and Mr. Wilson Moremen, in their Lake Howell home, to meet the Rev. and Mrs. . B. Gordon who are visit. ing there.
The Rev. Clarence Benson and family are spending the month of August in Maitland. Mr. Benson, who is connected with the Moody Institute in Chicago, is the son of Dr. and Mr. A. W. Benson, for many years residents of Maitland, who are now living in Chicago. Mr. Benson is preaching in the Park Lake Church in Orlando, during the absence of the pastor, Dr. C. H. Ferran.
Maitland Plumbing Co.
C. D. HORNER Plumbing, Piping, irrigating, Repairing Estimates FURNISHED -
electric frties C00KER 7.49
Pure aluminum lined Electric Cooker for family of five. High and low heats; 2 gallon oven capacity; 3 cooking compartments and full 2quart cooking vessels.
New books AT THE Library
The Black Flemings, by Kathleen Norris.
Glorious Apollo, The Perdita, by E. Barrington.
The Old Home Town, by Rupert Hughes.
Sonny, by Ruth McEnery Stuart.
Birds (The Nature Library), by Nettie Blanchard.
July has been one of the busiest months of the year at the Library, standing second in number of books loaned326, of which 194 were taken out from the juvenile department. The total for the year so far is 1771.
PHOTOGRAPHS The Better Kind”
Large Assortment of Picture Frames
Phone 2336 21 12 S. Orange Avenue ORLANDO, FLORIDA
Send in your Sucscription
for the
Maitland News
Horse Feed, Corn Feed Meal, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Meal, Grits
Give us a trial and be convinced
The best is none too good
The City Store Telephone 1310-
Your Valuables are Worth MoreThan 2 Why Take Chances?
In the event of fire or theft your valuable papers and articles are liable to be a total loss, and many of the things you value cannot be replaced, others can be replaced only at some expense and great trouble.
Such loss is easily avoided if you have a safedeposit box in your bank, and the cost of a box compared to its value to you in case of fire or theft is nothing.
Let us give you a box in this banks vault free of charge until January 1st, and then charge you for it at the rate of 2.00 per year.
A Local Bank for Local People E. A. UPMEYER, Pres. J. A. BROWN, VPres. DONALD G. SPAIN, Cashier
4] THE MAITLAND NEWS BUSINESS AND RELIGION and mean No, say Yes and mean Yes These things God hath joined to: COMBINED On the other hand business helps gether, work and worship, religion and
By W. R. G. Orwick
We hear in many quarters today that religion and other activities of life will not mix. We believe that this is a mistaken idea and that a different and much better attitude should be assumed if we are to keep our position in the rank and file of the nations.
we are admonished to be Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.” No idler can be a hightype Christian. God intended we should not be slothful in business, at the same time fervent in spirit, thus serving the Lord. And we can serve him best this way. Industry has more blessings than idleness. It is conducive to health, wealth, happiness, and, if honestly pursued, to growth in Christian Character.
The relation between religion and business is not one of antagonism. Men plead the press of business as an excuse for want of interest in spiritual things. But let us remember that to be a first rate business man does not involve being a fourth or fifth rate Christian. In order to enrich oneself at trade, it is not necessary to starve oneself in religion. Work and worship are not opposed.
The relation between business and religion is not one of separation. Business does not require a man when he closes the church door behind him on Sunday to say good-bye to his religion for another week. It is not true that Sunday is the day for religion. Religion has business with business. Business has business with religion.
The relation between business and religion is one of combination. Not slothful in business, at the same time fervent in spirit” That religion is worthless which leaves out business. If a man will not work, neither shall he eat.” If a man provides not for his own household, he is an infidel, and has denied the faith. That business is wicked which leaves out religion. It will cheat, and bribe, and crush the poor. The only way is the combina tion of the two.
There are ways in which godliness helps business. "Godliness is profit able in all things.” Godliness makes a man honest. Godliness makes a man prudent and thoughtful. Godliness makes a man firm and decided. A Christian must be able to say No
religion. Business is a school of knowledge. It is a school of practice. It tests, and therefore, strengthens, our graces. It is a school of integrity. It is a source of wealth, which can be consecrated to religion. "What God has joined let no man put asunder.”
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett went on Wednesday to Tampa to attend the convention of the Electragists. As sociation. They expected to return on Friday.
insurance policy.
and bother.
| AAA]
When your stove explodes or lightning strikes your chimney, there is damage done, and you should collect on your fire
We make adjustments at once on such losses and pay for repairs and replaceIf we are handling your insurance you can get action without delay
Let us shoulder your worries. here all day and all night, the year
We are
“The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 15, August 14, 1926,” RICHES, accessed December 21, 2024,