The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 14, August 7, 1926
Dublin Core
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 14, August 7, 1926
Alternative Title
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 14
Maitland (Fla.)
The Maitland News was a local newspaper originally published by the Maitland Realty Company (and later by The Maitland News Company) which began circulation in April 1926. This edition features articles on topics such as a tropical storm, improvements to the Maitland School, Bible school, an injured child, the Maitland Auxiliary, summer activities, several resolutions regarding the improvements of city roads, a poem by Parson Ebony Snow, the housing arrangements of local residents, and a local events calendar. Also featured are several advertisements for local businesses.
Original 6-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 14, August 7, 1926: Newspaper Collection, accession number 2014.002.020V, room 2, case 2, shelf 10, box GV, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Company
Date Created
ca. 1926-08-07
Date Copyrighted
Date Issued
Snow, Parson Ebony
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original 6-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 14, August 7, 1926.
Is Part Of
Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum Collection, Maitland Collection, Orange County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
3.95 MB
6-page newspaper edition
Maitland, Florida
Winter Park, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Accrual Method
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher
Originally published by The Maitland News Company.
Rights Holder
Copyright to this resource is held by The Maitland News Company and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.
Settle, John
Digital Collection
Source Repository
External Reference
Poole, Leslie Kemp. Maitland. Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009.
"Maitland History." City of Maitland.
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND NEws Co, MATLAND, ORANGE County, FLORIDA
VolumE I
AUGUST , 1926
Little Damage in Maitland from Tropical Storm
The closing exercises of the Daily Vacation Bible School were held in the Presbyterian Church Friday evening. After the school had marched in and filled the center pews, the exercises were opened with the Doxolo , followed by the Invocation, of: fered by Rev. Mr. Orwick, pastor of the Methodist church. The school then gave the salute to the American Flag and the Christian Flag, after which they sang, The Churchs One Foundation.” The Rev. Mr. Visor, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, gave a short talk, explaining what the aims of the school are, and thanking those who assisted in the work. Then the Pri. mary and Beginnersclasses gave a demonstration of song and memory work, followed by the Juniors, who showed excellent work in memorizing the books of the Bible and in story telling. After the singing of a song, diplomas and certificates were awarded to thirty-seven out of the forty-nine pupils enrolled in the school, and the exercises were concluded with the benediction by the pastor. A collection amounting to 38.81 to defray the expenses of the school was taken up. A large part of this amount consisted of a generous dona: tion from the Ku Klux Klan, who made their first appearance in Maitland that evening to express their approval of this work. The hand work of the children which was displayed and the programs rendered showed splendid results for a weeks work, and great credit is due Mr. and Mrs. Visor and their assist ants, Mrs. Cammack, Mrs. C. B. Mc Nair, Mr. and Mrs. Stiggins, Miss Bessie Galloway and Miss Dixie Hill, not only for the immediate results, but for the inauguration of this helpful and beneficial work.
Mrs. R. A. Crim, who has been the guest of Miss Eleanor Upmeyer, has returned to Jacksonville.
Repairs and remodeling of the schoolhouse are practically finished. A partition has been put up through the auditorium to provide for the fourth room which will be needed this winter. This partition is composed of movable doors, which can be opened in such a way that the two rooms will be available for auditorio um purposes. The stage will also be left. By this means it will be pos. sible to have a four-room school and an auditorium without putting any addition to the building. The lighting, which has proved in adequate for evening entertainments has been improved by the dropping of the lights, the installation of two extra lights in the auditorium and the placing of an open shade over the stage light. The School Trustees have purchased a set of The World Bookfor ref. erence work in the school. Mrs. Rencher of Orwin Manor, formerly a teacher in Ocoee, has been engaged to teach the fifth and sixth grades, Miss Mamie Fugate will continue to have the seventh and eighth and Miss Lena Fugate the primary. The fourth teacher has not yet been engaged. The Eatonville school has been wired for electricity and when city water is installed in the Maitland school the pumping system will be moved over there.
The infant son of Mrs. Maud Small, who was badly cut in an automobile accident last Wednesday, is reported as doing well. The car, which was driven by Mrs. Walker Small, ran into a tree on Horatio Avenue and the child was thrown through the windshield, cutting his head very se verely. Several stitches had to be taken.
Mrs. John Russell and family are visiting in Jacksonville.
Only Damage Due to Falling Trees and Rising Waters.
In the storm last week, Maitland was not as badly hit as many of the surrounding towns. A tree on Ho: ratio Avenue was uprooted and fell across the street, blocking traffic, and some scattered oaks and pines fell. The streets were covered with fallen limbs and leaves. Some damage was done to roofs, but there were no accidents and no severe damage was done.
Perhaps the most serious conse: quence will prove to be the rise of water in the lakes and streams. The new made ground around Lake Lily is under water as is also the sidewalk and pavement along the west side. This condition prevails throughout this section of the country. In Or. lando some streets are impassable and the highway between Orlando and Winter Park is under water and the land on either side flooded. The lakes are overflowing in many places, and the frequent showers prevent the ter from receding.
In Maitland there promises to be no real damage done by this condition, as the natural drainage is so good in most places, but the question of drainage and prevention of damage in such storms as sweep over Florida occasionally is one that must be constantly borne in mind.
At the July meeting of the Mait. land Auxiliary there were twenty-one members present, and fifteen garments were finished. Luncheon was served by the committee, Mrs. Stiggins, Mrs. Waters and Mrs. Marsh. Much amusement was furnished by Mrs. Thompsons parrot, which entertained the meeting with its clever tricks.
An appeal was made for subscrip. tions for the Childrens Home Society of Jacksonville, which is in great need of funds. Mrs. Cammack will receive donations.
2] THE MAITLAND NEWS THE MAITLAND NEWS schools are keeping up a splendid at: CALENDAR Maitland, FLORIDA tendance and accomplishing excellent - - work. Snnday, 10:00 a. mSunday
Published Weekly by THE MAITLAND News Company. ANNA. B. TREAT, Editor and Business Manager
Subscription Price Fifty cents a year. Five years 2.00.
Advertising Rates on Application
There used to be a legend current among winter tourists to Florida that from May to November the natives hibernateda contradictory term that, but the best to express the mean: ingand waited in a state of torpor for the return of cool weather and the northern visitors. If this were ever the case, the activities manifest this summer in Maitland show that it is no longer true. Chief among these activities is the Vacation Bible School, which has just completed a week of intensive work. The directors, teachers and pupils must have all been in a keen mental condition to put through in such a short time the amount of work which the program last Friday evening showed had been accomplished. And how much better for our children to be thus using their brains to their mental and spiritual improvement in stead of languishing about with noth ing to occupy them. The number of books loaned at the library during July, within five of the highest monthly record for the year, is a further evidence that grown peo: ple and children alike are taking vantage of the lull in ordinary work to enjoy the reading which a busy winter makes impossible. The churches also are carrying on regular services and the Sunday
True it is that certain activities, particularly those sponsored by clubs and societies, are suspended, due part ly to the absence of their members on vacation trips, and partly to the gen eral tendency to turn to outdoor reation. But this is the case as well in the north as in the south.
Nor is it well in the heat of the summer to live up to the hurry and push of the winter months. But we can to good advantage moderate our pace sufficiently to give ourselves leis: ure for the annual taking account of stock, both mental and material, which every individual and business should take, and yet carry on such activities as will prevent stagnation.
Arlington, Mass., July 20, 1926. My dear Miss Treat: How fortunate we are to have Maitland in the hands of such good people. I find myself looking forward to the News,each number making me love Maitland the more, if that were possible. Success to your paper, my kindest regards to you. Sincerely, FaNNIE. . Hutchinson.
P. S. Coming home last spring, I
found a bit of verse written during the winter in Florida: O World, I cannot hold thee close
enough, Thy winds, thy wide gray skies, Thy mists that roll and rise, World, World, I cannot hold thee
close enough.”
Long have I known a beauty in it all;
But never knew I this.
Lord, I do fear
Thoust made the world too beautiful this year.”
General Repairing Vulcanizing
M. L. KYLE, Prop. Phone 1314-
Wrecking Car Service Polishing
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
school, Methodist church; :45 a. m., Sunday school, Presbyterian church. First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :00 p. m., services, Methodist church. Second and fourth Sunday11 a. m, and :00 p. m., services, Presby. terian church. Tuesday, :00 p. mMunicipal office zoning commission. :30 p. m., Fire Drill. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p.Library open. :00 p. m, Prayer Meeting, Methodist church. Second Thursday, 12:15, White Way RestaurantChamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 pm., Count cil meeting. Friday, :00 p. m., Hill SchoolBoy Scouts. Saturday, :00-6:00 pm., Library Open.
Mrs. E. T. Wynn, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . H. Bennett, has moved to Mt. Ply. mouth, where Mr. Wynn is estab: lished in business.
We demonstrate all that the word implies on orders entrusted to us for Lumber and Build
ing Materials.
The proof is in the increasing number of Satisfied Custorners
Phone 399
(Illustrated House Plan Books. FREE)
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland, Florida, that Tangerine Place be improved from the present east curb of the Dixie Highway on Maitland Avenue east to the west property line of Ridgewood Ave. nue, at a total estimated cost of 4,533.79, and that the whole of said cost and expense thereof be defrayed by special as: sessments to be levied on all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or abound. ing and abutting upon said Tangerine Place between said points in proportion to the front footage of the respective properties, all of which properties it is deemed will be specially benefitted by said improvements said improvements to con sist of grading and leveling and surface treated macadam pavement sixteenfeet wide with concrete , curb and to be constructed according to plans and specifications which, with the estimated cost of said proposed improvements, are now on file with the Town Clerk; said assess ments to be paid in cash within thirty days after said assessments shall have been equalized, approved and confirmed, or op tionally in ten equal annual installments together with accrued interest at % on all deferred payments, unless paid within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalized, approved and confirmed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be published one time in the Maitland News, a newspaper of gen: eral circulation published in said Town of Lake Maitland, and once each week for two successive weeks in the Orlando Sentinel, a newspaper of general circula tion published in Orange County, Florida,
Adopted this 29th day of July, 1926.
A. BROWN, President of the Council.
Approved, E. A. UPMEYER,
Seal Mayor.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland, Florida, that Magnolia Road be improved from the east curb line of Dixie Highway on Maitland Avenue east to Sunny. side Drive, at a total estimated cost of 12,690.64, and that the whole of said cost and expense thereof be defrayed by special assessments to be levied on all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or abounding and abutting upon said im provements in proportion to the front footage of the respective properties; all of which properties it is deemed will be specially benefitted by said improvements: said improvements to consist of grading and leveling and brick pavement with concreteassed curb and gutter and to be constructed according to plans and specifications which, with the estimated cost of said proposed improvements, are now on file with the Town Clerk: said assessments to be paid in cash within thir. ty days after said assessments shall have
been equalized, approved and confirmed, or optionally in ten equal annual install. ments together with accrued interest at % on all deferred payments, unless paid within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalized, approved and con
firmed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be published one time in The Maitland News, a newspaper of gen eral circulation published in said Town of Lake Maitland, and once each week for two successive weeks in the Orlando Sentinel, a newspaper of general circula tion published in Orange County, Florida. Adopted this 29th day of July, 1926. J. A. BROWN, President of the Council. Approved, E. A. UPMEYER, Seal Mayor. Attest: E. T. OWEN, Clerk.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland that Orange Place be improved from the present east curb of the Dixie Highway east to the west property line of Ridge. wood Avenue, at a total estimated cost of 4,887.30, and that the whole of said cost and expense thereof be defrayed by special assessments to be levied on all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or abounding and abutting upon said Orange Place between said points in proportion to the front footage of the respective properties, all of which properties it is deemed will be specially benefitted by said improvements; said improvements to consist of grading and surface treated macadam pavement twen wide with concrete curbofan e COnstructed according to plans and specifica. tions which, with the estimated cost of said proposed improvements, are now on file with the Town Clerk; said assessments to be paid in cash within thirty days after said assessments shall have been equalized, approved and confirmed, or optionally in ten equal annual installments together with accrued interest at % on all deferred payments, unless paid within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalized, approved and confirmed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be published one time in The Maitland News, a newspaper of gen: eral circulation published in said Town of Lake Maitland, and that it be also pub. lished once each week for two successive weeks in the Orlando Sentinel, a news. paper of general circulation published in Orange County, Florida.
Adopted this 29th day of July, 1926.
J. A. BROWN, President of the Council. Approved, E. A. UPMEYER, Mayor.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland,
Florida, that Circle Drive be improved from its intersection with the west prop. erty line of Maitland Avenue at Block 1 of Winter Park Circle thence west, south and back east again to its intersec. tion with the west property line of Mait. land Avenue at Lot 30 of Winter Park Circle, according to plat thereof record. ed in the office of the Clerk of the Cir. cuit Court of Orange County, Florida, all at a total estimated cost of 10,356.83, and that the whole of said cost and expense thereof be defrayed by special assessments to be levied on all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or abound. ing and abutting upon said Circle Drive between said points in proportion to the front footage of the respective proper. ties, all of which properties it is deemed will be specially benefitted by said im: provements said improvements to con sist of grading and surface treated macadam, pavement twenty-four feet wide and concrete curb and gutter, and to be constructed according to plans and speci. fications which, with the estimated cost of said proposed improvements, are now on file with the Town Clerk, said assess. ments to be paid in cash within thirty days after said assessments shall have been equalized, approved and confirmed, or op. tionally in ten equal annual installments together with accrued interest at % on all deferred payments, unless paid within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalized, approved and confirmed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be published one time in The Maitland News, a newspaper of gen: eral circulation published in said Town of Lake Maitland, and that it be also pub. lished once each week for two successive weeks in the Orlando Sentinel, a news. paper of general circulation published in Orange County, Florida.
Adopted this 29th day of July, 1926.
J. A. BROWN, President of the Council. Approved, E. A. UPMEYER, Mayor.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland. Florida, that Horatio Avenue be improved from the west line of Swope Avenue west to the eastern boundary of the right of way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, at a total estimated cost of 15,501.31, and that the whole of said cost and expense thereof be defrayed by special assessments to be levied on all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or abounding and abutting upon said Horatio Avenue between said points in proportion to the front footage of the re. spective properties, all of which proper. ties it is deemed will be specially bene: fitted by said improvements; said improve. ments to consist of grading and leveling and construction of concrete sidewalk eight feet wide, raised concrete curb and gutter and brick pavement twenty-four feet wide, all according to plans and speci
Continued on Page 4)
(Continued from Page 3)
fications which, with the estimated cost of said proposed improvements, are now on file with the Town Clerk; said assessments to be paid in cash within thirty days after said assessments shall have been equalized, approved and confirmed, or op tionally in ten equal annual installments together with accrued interest at % on all deferred payments, unless paid within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalized, approved and confirmed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be published one time in The Maitland News, a newspaper of gen: eral circulation published in said Town of Lake Maitland, and that it be also pub: lished once each week for two successive weeks in the Orlando Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation published in Orange County, Florida.
Adopted this 29th day of July, 1926.
President of the Council. Seal Approved, E. A. UPMEYER Mayor.
The frightful accident which occurred at the railroad crossing by the
Inter-City Realty Company
Real Estate Prokers
MAITLAND FLORIDA Phone Winter Park 1310-
We have the exclusive list
ing on the most beautiful
Lake Front Properties in Maitland
ice plant in Orlando last week, when a mail train ran into the Winter Park bus and switch engine, killing the engineer and seriously injuring eight persons, has caused us all to consider again the question of unprotected or inadequately protected railroad crossings. Only a month ago, after the last accident here at the Horatio Avenue crossing, the News voiced its protest against the lack of protection provided by the railroad at the main crossings. Now we feel that our protest can best be presented by quoting the opinion expressed by the Winter Park Herald on the accident which touches Winter Park so nearly, and by giving the tion of the Orlando city government, as reported in the Orlando Sentinel.
An Unnecessary Crossing Disaster
The railroad crossing crash that took place in Orlando Wednesday was entirely avoidable as far as the Winter ParkOrlando bus was con cerned, and this does not mean that we would attach particular blame to the bus driver. The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad is to blame and the authorities of Orlando are to blame for not forcing the railroad company to place automatic crossing gates on this crossing as well as the Orange avenue crossing farther down, long before this time.
It is difficult to see an approaching train within a hundred yards of either crossing and both crossings are steep and badly built, with the result that a motor car cannot cross them quickly.
Only recently has the railroad com: pany placed a flagman at the crossing where the accident occurred, but even a flagman cannot see much farther along the curving track than the ap: proaching motorist. What the flag. man was doing in this instance, we do not know, but that doesnt waive the blame that belongs to the railroad Company.
We are without information as to whether or not the railroad company has ever been requested to place prop. er crossing safeguards at these two crossings over which there is almost a constant stream of motor traffic. We do know, however, that they have been appealed to, to place gates, warning signals or other safeguards at Fairbanks avenue and two other crossings in Winter Park, and that they have thus far successfully side. stepped the issue.
Most railroads are glad to go to
considerable expense to protect human life at their grade crossings. We judge from the action of the Atlantic Coast Line in this case that it feels that the obligation is on the traffic to keep out of its way. Most emphat: ically this is not the case. Vehicles and pedestrians have legal rights over railroads at regular crossings and the Atlantic Coast Line will be reminded of this fact before it finishes a settle. ment of the damage claims occasioned by this terrible accident.
When a railroad persistently fails to protect traffic at dangerous crossings, over which fast trains pass, and especially from concealed curves, it is just as guilty of criminal negligence as is one of its dispatchers when he sends two trains together.
There are three crossings in Winter Park that are deadly in their dangerous character. Everyone knows them and it isnt necessary therefore to point them out. These crossings should be guarded by alarm bells or gates. Aged men as flagmen, with poor eye. sight and otherwise infirm, are not competent to take care of such crossings especially when through trains pass at a high rate of speed as they do in Winter Park. Sooner or later the Orlando disaster will be duplicated in this city if steps are not taken to force the railroad company to properly safeguard the three crossings mentioned. The Herald hopes that the local authorities will call upon the railroad company to immediately provide such measures of safety at the local crossings, before it is too lateWinter Park Herald.
Despite the fact that there is a state law and also an old city ordinance, both of which forbid the running of a train over or on a street in Orlando at a speed greater than 12 miles an hour, City Solicitor C. O. Andrews had drafted a proposed ordinance that covers the situation more explicitly.
This ordinance, Mayor L. M. Autrey stated yesterday, will be submit ted to the city commission tomorrow morning for their consideration. It is expected that it will pass on first read:
The ordinance is to be offered to the city commissioners for their consideration in an effort to eliminate grade crossing accidents, it was stated. The penalty for violation of this proposed a fine not exceed. ing 250 or 30 daysimprisonment.Orlando Sentinel.
If yo do a something wrong Dat yo could and should do right, Or yo dont respect de laws In de day or in de nightYoPlayin" Fair.
Friday from a trip to Baltimore, Washington and Toledo, Ohio.
Maitland Plumbing Co.
Plumbing, Piping, Irrigating, Repairing ESTIMATES FURNISHED
C00KER 7.49
Pure aluminum lined Electric Cooker for family of five. High and low heats; 2 gallon oven capacity; 3 cooking compartments and full 2quart cooking vessels.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jackson and family have moved to Longwood, where Mr. Jackson has gone into the grocery business with Mr. Harry Caryl.
Mr. and Mrs. K. N. McPherson entertained at bridge last Wednesday Beecher taking first prize. Among those present were Messrs, and Mesdames R. A. Wheeler, C. N. Beecher, S. D. Hill, ., D. G. Spain, Mrs. R. A. Crim, the Misses Annette Man. tle, Georgianna Hill, Eleanor Upmeyer and Mr. Ernest Upmeyer.
PHOTOGRAPHS The Better Kind”
Large Assortment of Picture Frames Phone 2336 21 12 S. Orange Avenue ORLANDO, FLORIDA
Send in your Sucscription
for the
Maitland News
Horse Feed, Corn Feed Meal, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Meal, Grits
Give us a trial and be convinced
The best is none too good The City Store Telephone 1310-
the rate of 2.00 per year.
E. A. UPMEYER, Pres.
Your Valuables are Worth MoreThan 2 Why Take Chances?
In the event of fire or theft your valuable papers and articles are liable to be a total loss, and many of the things you value cannot be replaced, others can be replaced only at some expense and great trouble.
Such loss is easily avoided if you have a safedeposit box in your bank, and the cost of a box compared to its value to you in case of fire or theft is nothing.
Let us give you a box in this banks vault free of charge until January 1st, and then charge you for it at
A Local Bank for Local People J. A. BROWN, VPres. DONALD G. SPAIN, Cashier
BRICK-BATS FROM THE METHODIST PARSONAGE By W. R. G. ORwick Get down from your roost and
Everything that is worth while is up grade.
A straight gospel is designed for crooked people, but will not hurt those who claim to be good.
The lifeline will never do any good hanging up in the closet.
Keeping everlastingly at it is the road to successand nervous prostra. tion.
Never throw mudyou might miss your mark and still have dirty hands for your efforts.
No man ever felt the teeth of the law without thinking it was a blue law.”
The ladder of life is full of splin. ters, but we never realize it until we begin to slide down. Moral: Keep climbing.
A smile and a friendly word for the stranger in your place of business, or home, or on the street, is a good advertisement for your cityand your church, too.
If you have light within you, keep the windows of your soul clean, that it may shine out.
Captain and Mrs. Charles H. Van derpool, of Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Washington, announce the birth of a son on July 31.
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones, of Jack sonville, who were married last Tues. day, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Haldeman. Mrs. Jones was for merly Miss Bailey, and is a niece of Mr. Haldeman.
Mrs. Carrie Hadley, mother of Mrs. J. H. Bennett, is spending a month in Savannah, Ga.
Mrs. Sidney C. Hardwick and son, who have been in Maitland on busi. ness, will return Sunday to their home in Hingham, Mass.
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Campbell, of Elizabeth, New Jersey, will occupy
Miss Treats house this coming win. ter. Dr. Campbell has recently resigned his pastorate of the Presbyterian Church in Elizabeth and accepted a professorship at Rollins College.
Henry S. Thompson has accepted a position with the First National Bank of Orlando. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will continue to make their residence in Maitland.
Mrs. Wm. Blue, who is visiting in her old home in Carmi, Illinois, was guest of honor at a quilting party given by Mrs. C. H. Huston of that city. Many of Mrs. Blues former friends and neighbors were present.
7 ime fo
If you have houses or apartments to rent, furnished or unfurnished: If you have rooms to let. with or without board: By winter season, month or year, In Maitland or Winter Park-- List them with us.
Among the many who inquire of us may be the very tenant you want.
If you wish to rent a house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished: If you wish to rent a room, with or without board: By winter season, month or year, In Maitland or Winter Park-- Tell us your needs.
We can probably provide the very place you are looking for.
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND NEws Co, MATLAND, ORANGE County, FLORIDA
VolumE I
AUGUST , 1926
Little Damage in Maitland from Tropical Storm
The closing exercises of the Daily Vacation Bible School were held in the Presbyterian Church Friday evening. After the school had marched in and filled the center pews, the exercises were opened with the Doxolo , followed by the Invocation, of: fered by Rev. Mr. Orwick, pastor of the Methodist church. The school then gave the salute to the American Flag and the Christian Flag, after which they sang, The Churchs One Foundation.” The Rev. Mr. Visor, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, gave a short talk, explaining what the aims of the school are, and thanking those who assisted in the work. Then the Pri. mary and Beginnersclasses gave a demonstration of song and memory work, followed by the Juniors, who showed excellent work in memorizing the books of the Bible and in story telling. After the singing of a song, diplomas and certificates were awarded to thirty-seven out of the forty-nine pupils enrolled in the school, and the exercises were concluded with the benediction by the pastor. A collection amounting to 38.81 to defray the expenses of the school was taken up. A large part of this amount consisted of a generous dona: tion from the Ku Klux Klan, who made their first appearance in Maitland that evening to express their approval of this work. The hand work of the children which was displayed and the programs rendered showed splendid results for a weeks work, and great credit is due Mr. and Mrs. Visor and their assist ants, Mrs. Cammack, Mrs. C. B. Mc Nair, Mr. and Mrs. Stiggins, Miss Bessie Galloway and Miss Dixie Hill, not only for the immediate results, but for the inauguration of this helpful and beneficial work.
Mrs. R. A. Crim, who has been the guest of Miss Eleanor Upmeyer, has returned to Jacksonville.
Repairs and remodeling of the schoolhouse are practically finished. A partition has been put up through the auditorium to provide for the fourth room which will be needed this winter. This partition is composed of movable doors, which can be opened in such a way that the two rooms will be available for auditorio um purposes. The stage will also be left. By this means it will be pos. sible to have a four-room school and an auditorium without putting any addition to the building. The lighting, which has proved in adequate for evening entertainments has been improved by the dropping of the lights, the installation of two extra lights in the auditorium and the placing of an open shade over the stage light. The School Trustees have purchased a set of The World Bookfor ref. erence work in the school. Mrs. Rencher of Orwin Manor, formerly a teacher in Ocoee, has been engaged to teach the fifth and sixth grades, Miss Mamie Fugate will continue to have the seventh and eighth and Miss Lena Fugate the primary. The fourth teacher has not yet been engaged. The Eatonville school has been wired for electricity and when city water is installed in the Maitland school the pumping system will be moved over there.
The infant son of Mrs. Maud Small, who was badly cut in an automobile accident last Wednesday, is reported as doing well. The car, which was driven by Mrs. Walker Small, ran into a tree on Horatio Avenue and the child was thrown through the windshield, cutting his head very se verely. Several stitches had to be taken.
Mrs. John Russell and family are visiting in Jacksonville.
Only Damage Due to Falling Trees and Rising Waters.
In the storm last week, Maitland was not as badly hit as many of the surrounding towns. A tree on Ho: ratio Avenue was uprooted and fell across the street, blocking traffic, and some scattered oaks and pines fell. The streets were covered with fallen limbs and leaves. Some damage was done to roofs, but there were no accidents and no severe damage was done.
Perhaps the most serious conse: quence will prove to be the rise of water in the lakes and streams. The new made ground around Lake Lily is under water as is also the sidewalk and pavement along the west side. This condition prevails throughout this section of the country. In Or. lando some streets are impassable and the highway between Orlando and Winter Park is under water and the land on either side flooded. The lakes are overflowing in many places, and the frequent showers prevent the ter from receding.
In Maitland there promises to be no real damage done by this condition, as the natural drainage is so good in most places, but the question of drainage and prevention of damage in such storms as sweep over Florida occasionally is one that must be constantly borne in mind.
At the July meeting of the Mait. land Auxiliary there were twenty-one members present, and fifteen garments were finished. Luncheon was served by the committee, Mrs. Stiggins, Mrs. Waters and Mrs. Marsh. Much amusement was furnished by Mrs. Thompsons parrot, which entertained the meeting with its clever tricks.
An appeal was made for subscrip. tions for the Childrens Home Society of Jacksonville, which is in great need of funds. Mrs. Cammack will receive donations.
2] THE MAITLAND NEWS THE MAITLAND NEWS schools are keeping up a splendid at: CALENDAR Maitland, FLORIDA tendance and accomplishing excellent - - work. Snnday, 10:00 a. mSunday
Published Weekly by THE MAITLAND News Company. ANNA. B. TREAT, Editor and Business Manager
Subscription Price Fifty cents a year. Five years 2.00.
Advertising Rates on Application
There used to be a legend current among winter tourists to Florida that from May to November the natives hibernateda contradictory term that, but the best to express the mean: ingand waited in a state of torpor for the return of cool weather and the northern visitors. If this were ever the case, the activities manifest this summer in Maitland show that it is no longer true. Chief among these activities is the Vacation Bible School, which has just completed a week of intensive work. The directors, teachers and pupils must have all been in a keen mental condition to put through in such a short time the amount of work which the program last Friday evening showed had been accomplished. And how much better for our children to be thus using their brains to their mental and spiritual improvement in stead of languishing about with noth ing to occupy them. The number of books loaned at the library during July, within five of the highest monthly record for the year, is a further evidence that grown peo: ple and children alike are taking vantage of the lull in ordinary work to enjoy the reading which a busy winter makes impossible. The churches also are carrying on regular services and the Sunday
True it is that certain activities, particularly those sponsored by clubs and societies, are suspended, due part ly to the absence of their members on vacation trips, and partly to the gen eral tendency to turn to outdoor reation. But this is the case as well in the north as in the south.
Nor is it well in the heat of the summer to live up to the hurry and push of the winter months. But we can to good advantage moderate our pace sufficiently to give ourselves leis: ure for the annual taking account of stock, both mental and material, which every individual and business should take, and yet carry on such activities as will prevent stagnation.
Arlington, Mass., July 20, 1926. My dear Miss Treat: How fortunate we are to have Maitland in the hands of such good people. I find myself looking forward to the News,each number making me love Maitland the more, if that were possible. Success to your paper, my kindest regards to you. Sincerely, FaNNIE. . Hutchinson.
P. S. Coming home last spring, I
found a bit of verse written during the winter in Florida: O World, I cannot hold thee close
enough, Thy winds, thy wide gray skies, Thy mists that roll and rise, World, World, I cannot hold thee
close enough.”
Long have I known a beauty in it all;
But never knew I this.
Lord, I do fear
Thoust made the world too beautiful this year.”
General Repairing Vulcanizing
M. L. KYLE, Prop. Phone 1314-
Wrecking Car Service Polishing
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
school, Methodist church; :45 a. m., Sunday school, Presbyterian church. First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :00 p. m., services, Methodist church. Second and fourth Sunday11 a. m, and :00 p. m., services, Presby. terian church. Tuesday, :00 p. mMunicipal office zoning commission. :30 p. m., Fire Drill. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p.Library open. :00 p. m, Prayer Meeting, Methodist church. Second Thursday, 12:15, White Way RestaurantChamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 pm., Count cil meeting. Friday, :00 p. m., Hill SchoolBoy Scouts. Saturday, :00-6:00 pm., Library Open.
Mrs. E. T. Wynn, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . H. Bennett, has moved to Mt. Ply. mouth, where Mr. Wynn is estab: lished in business.
We demonstrate all that the word implies on orders entrusted to us for Lumber and Build
ing Materials.
The proof is in the increasing number of Satisfied Custorners
Phone 399
(Illustrated House Plan Books. FREE)
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland, Florida, that Tangerine Place be improved from the present east curb of the Dixie Highway on Maitland Avenue east to the west property line of Ridgewood Ave. nue, at a total estimated cost of 4,533.79, and that the whole of said cost and expense thereof be defrayed by special as: sessments to be levied on all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or abound. ing and abutting upon said Tangerine Place between said points in proportion to the front footage of the respective properties, all of which properties it is deemed will be specially benefitted by said improvements said improvements to con sist of grading and leveling and surface treated macadam pavement sixteenfeet wide with concrete , curb and to be constructed according to plans and specifications which, with the estimated cost of said proposed improvements, are now on file with the Town Clerk; said assess ments to be paid in cash within thirty days after said assessments shall have been equalized, approved and confirmed, or op tionally in ten equal annual installments together with accrued interest at % on all deferred payments, unless paid within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalized, approved and confirmed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be published one time in the Maitland News, a newspaper of gen: eral circulation published in said Town of Lake Maitland, and once each week for two successive weeks in the Orlando Sentinel, a newspaper of general circula tion published in Orange County, Florida,
Adopted this 29th day of July, 1926.
A. BROWN, President of the Council.
Approved, E. A. UPMEYER,
Seal Mayor.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland, Florida, that Magnolia Road be improved from the east curb line of Dixie Highway on Maitland Avenue east to Sunny. side Drive, at a total estimated cost of 12,690.64, and that the whole of said cost and expense thereof be defrayed by special assessments to be levied on all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or abounding and abutting upon said im provements in proportion to the front footage of the respective properties; all of which properties it is deemed will be specially benefitted by said improvements: said improvements to consist of grading and leveling and brick pavement with concreteassed curb and gutter and to be constructed according to plans and specifications which, with the estimated cost of said proposed improvements, are now on file with the Town Clerk: said assessments to be paid in cash within thir. ty days after said assessments shall have
been equalized, approved and confirmed, or optionally in ten equal annual install. ments together with accrued interest at % on all deferred payments, unless paid within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalized, approved and con
firmed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be published one time in The Maitland News, a newspaper of gen eral circulation published in said Town of Lake Maitland, and once each week for two successive weeks in the Orlando Sentinel, a newspaper of general circula tion published in Orange County, Florida. Adopted this 29th day of July, 1926. J. A. BROWN, President of the Council. Approved, E. A. UPMEYER, Seal Mayor. Attest: E. T. OWEN, Clerk.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland that Orange Place be improved from the present east curb of the Dixie Highway east to the west property line of Ridge. wood Avenue, at a total estimated cost of 4,887.30, and that the whole of said cost and expense thereof be defrayed by special assessments to be levied on all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or abounding and abutting upon said Orange Place between said points in proportion to the front footage of the respective properties, all of which properties it is deemed will be specially benefitted by said improvements; said improvements to consist of grading and surface treated macadam pavement twen wide with concrete curbofan e COnstructed according to plans and specifica. tions which, with the estimated cost of said proposed improvements, are now on file with the Town Clerk; said assessments to be paid in cash within thirty days after said assessments shall have been equalized, approved and confirmed, or optionally in ten equal annual installments together with accrued interest at % on all deferred payments, unless paid within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalized, approved and confirmed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be published one time in The Maitland News, a newspaper of gen: eral circulation published in said Town of Lake Maitland, and that it be also pub. lished once each week for two successive weeks in the Orlando Sentinel, a news. paper of general circulation published in Orange County, Florida.
Adopted this 29th day of July, 1926.
J. A. BROWN, President of the Council. Approved, E. A. UPMEYER, Mayor.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland,
Florida, that Circle Drive be improved from its intersection with the west prop. erty line of Maitland Avenue at Block 1 of Winter Park Circle thence west, south and back east again to its intersec. tion with the west property line of Mait. land Avenue at Lot 30 of Winter Park Circle, according to plat thereof record. ed in the office of the Clerk of the Cir. cuit Court of Orange County, Florida, all at a total estimated cost of 10,356.83, and that the whole of said cost and expense thereof be defrayed by special assessments to be levied on all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or abound. ing and abutting upon said Circle Drive between said points in proportion to the front footage of the respective proper. ties, all of which properties it is deemed will be specially benefitted by said im: provements said improvements to con sist of grading and surface treated macadam, pavement twenty-four feet wide and concrete curb and gutter, and to be constructed according to plans and speci. fications which, with the estimated cost of said proposed improvements, are now on file with the Town Clerk, said assess. ments to be paid in cash within thirty days after said assessments shall have been equalized, approved and confirmed, or op. tionally in ten equal annual installments together with accrued interest at % on all deferred payments, unless paid within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalized, approved and confirmed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be published one time in The Maitland News, a newspaper of gen: eral circulation published in said Town of Lake Maitland, and that it be also pub. lished once each week for two successive weeks in the Orlando Sentinel, a news. paper of general circulation published in Orange County, Florida.
Adopted this 29th day of July, 1926.
J. A. BROWN, President of the Council. Approved, E. A. UPMEYER, Mayor.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Lake Maitland. Florida, that Horatio Avenue be improved from the west line of Swope Avenue west to the eastern boundary of the right of way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, at a total estimated cost of 15,501.31, and that the whole of said cost and expense thereof be defrayed by special assessments to be levied on all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or abounding and abutting upon said Horatio Avenue between said points in proportion to the front footage of the re. spective properties, all of which proper. ties it is deemed will be specially bene: fitted by said improvements; said improve. ments to consist of grading and leveling and construction of concrete sidewalk eight feet wide, raised concrete curb and gutter and brick pavement twenty-four feet wide, all according to plans and speci
Continued on Page 4)
(Continued from Page 3)
fications which, with the estimated cost of said proposed improvements, are now on file with the Town Clerk; said assessments to be paid in cash within thirty days after said assessments shall have been equalized, approved and confirmed, or op tionally in ten equal annual installments together with accrued interest at % on all deferred payments, unless paid within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalized, approved and confirmed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be published one time in The Maitland News, a newspaper of gen: eral circulation published in said Town of Lake Maitland, and that it be also pub: lished once each week for two successive weeks in the Orlando Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation published in Orange County, Florida.
Adopted this 29th day of July, 1926.
President of the Council. Seal Approved, E. A. UPMEYER Mayor.
The frightful accident which occurred at the railroad crossing by the
Inter-City Realty Company
Real Estate Prokers
MAITLAND FLORIDA Phone Winter Park 1310-
We have the exclusive list
ing on the most beautiful
Lake Front Properties in Maitland
ice plant in Orlando last week, when a mail train ran into the Winter Park bus and switch engine, killing the engineer and seriously injuring eight persons, has caused us all to consider again the question of unprotected or inadequately protected railroad crossings. Only a month ago, after the last accident here at the Horatio Avenue crossing, the News voiced its protest against the lack of protection provided by the railroad at the main crossings. Now we feel that our protest can best be presented by quoting the opinion expressed by the Winter Park Herald on the accident which touches Winter Park so nearly, and by giving the tion of the Orlando city government, as reported in the Orlando Sentinel.
An Unnecessary Crossing Disaster
The railroad crossing crash that took place in Orlando Wednesday was entirely avoidable as far as the Winter ParkOrlando bus was con cerned, and this does not mean that we would attach particular blame to the bus driver. The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad is to blame and the authorities of Orlando are to blame for not forcing the railroad company to place automatic crossing gates on this crossing as well as the Orange avenue crossing farther down, long before this time.
It is difficult to see an approaching train within a hundred yards of either crossing and both crossings are steep and badly built, with the result that a motor car cannot cross them quickly.
Only recently has the railroad com: pany placed a flagman at the crossing where the accident occurred, but even a flagman cannot see much farther along the curving track than the ap: proaching motorist. What the flag. man was doing in this instance, we do not know, but that doesnt waive the blame that belongs to the railroad Company.
We are without information as to whether or not the railroad company has ever been requested to place prop. er crossing safeguards at these two crossings over which there is almost a constant stream of motor traffic. We do know, however, that they have been appealed to, to place gates, warning signals or other safeguards at Fairbanks avenue and two other crossings in Winter Park, and that they have thus far successfully side. stepped the issue.
Most railroads are glad to go to
considerable expense to protect human life at their grade crossings. We judge from the action of the Atlantic Coast Line in this case that it feels that the obligation is on the traffic to keep out of its way. Most emphat: ically this is not the case. Vehicles and pedestrians have legal rights over railroads at regular crossings and the Atlantic Coast Line will be reminded of this fact before it finishes a settle. ment of the damage claims occasioned by this terrible accident.
When a railroad persistently fails to protect traffic at dangerous crossings, over which fast trains pass, and especially from concealed curves, it is just as guilty of criminal negligence as is one of its dispatchers when he sends two trains together.
There are three crossings in Winter Park that are deadly in their dangerous character. Everyone knows them and it isnt necessary therefore to point them out. These crossings should be guarded by alarm bells or gates. Aged men as flagmen, with poor eye. sight and otherwise infirm, are not competent to take care of such crossings especially when through trains pass at a high rate of speed as they do in Winter Park. Sooner or later the Orlando disaster will be duplicated in this city if steps are not taken to force the railroad company to properly safeguard the three crossings mentioned. The Herald hopes that the local authorities will call upon the railroad company to immediately provide such measures of safety at the local crossings, before it is too lateWinter Park Herald.
Despite the fact that there is a state law and also an old city ordinance, both of which forbid the running of a train over or on a street in Orlando at a speed greater than 12 miles an hour, City Solicitor C. O. Andrews had drafted a proposed ordinance that covers the situation more explicitly.
This ordinance, Mayor L. M. Autrey stated yesterday, will be submit ted to the city commission tomorrow morning for their consideration. It is expected that it will pass on first read:
The ordinance is to be offered to the city commissioners for their consideration in an effort to eliminate grade crossing accidents, it was stated. The penalty for violation of this proposed a fine not exceed. ing 250 or 30 daysimprisonment.Orlando Sentinel.
If yo do a something wrong Dat yo could and should do right, Or yo dont respect de laws In de day or in de nightYoPlayin" Fair.
Friday from a trip to Baltimore, Washington and Toledo, Ohio.
Maitland Plumbing Co.
Plumbing, Piping, Irrigating, Repairing ESTIMATES FURNISHED
C00KER 7.49
Pure aluminum lined Electric Cooker for family of five. High and low heats; 2 gallon oven capacity; 3 cooking compartments and full 2quart cooking vessels.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jackson and family have moved to Longwood, where Mr. Jackson has gone into the grocery business with Mr. Harry Caryl.
Mr. and Mrs. K. N. McPherson entertained at bridge last Wednesday Beecher taking first prize. Among those present were Messrs, and Mesdames R. A. Wheeler, C. N. Beecher, S. D. Hill, ., D. G. Spain, Mrs. R. A. Crim, the Misses Annette Man. tle, Georgianna Hill, Eleanor Upmeyer and Mr. Ernest Upmeyer.
PHOTOGRAPHS The Better Kind”
Large Assortment of Picture Frames Phone 2336 21 12 S. Orange Avenue ORLANDO, FLORIDA
Send in your Sucscription
for the
Maitland News
Horse Feed, Corn Feed Meal, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Meal, Grits
Give us a trial and be convinced
The best is none too good The City Store Telephone 1310-
the rate of 2.00 per year.
E. A. UPMEYER, Pres.
Your Valuables are Worth MoreThan 2 Why Take Chances?
In the event of fire or theft your valuable papers and articles are liable to be a total loss, and many of the things you value cannot be replaced, others can be replaced only at some expense and great trouble.
Such loss is easily avoided if you have a safedeposit box in your bank, and the cost of a box compared to its value to you in case of fire or theft is nothing.
Let us give you a box in this banks vault free of charge until January 1st, and then charge you for it at
A Local Bank for Local People J. A. BROWN, VPres. DONALD G. SPAIN, Cashier
BRICK-BATS FROM THE METHODIST PARSONAGE By W. R. G. ORwick Get down from your roost and
Everything that is worth while is up grade.
A straight gospel is designed for crooked people, but will not hurt those who claim to be good.
The lifeline will never do any good hanging up in the closet.
Keeping everlastingly at it is the road to successand nervous prostra. tion.
Never throw mudyou might miss your mark and still have dirty hands for your efforts.
No man ever felt the teeth of the law without thinking it was a blue law.”
The ladder of life is full of splin. ters, but we never realize it until we begin to slide down. Moral: Keep climbing.
A smile and a friendly word for the stranger in your place of business, or home, or on the street, is a good advertisement for your cityand your church, too.
If you have light within you, keep the windows of your soul clean, that it may shine out.
Captain and Mrs. Charles H. Van derpool, of Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Washington, announce the birth of a son on July 31.
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones, of Jack sonville, who were married last Tues. day, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Haldeman. Mrs. Jones was for merly Miss Bailey, and is a niece of Mr. Haldeman.
Mrs. Carrie Hadley, mother of Mrs. J. H. Bennett, is spending a month in Savannah, Ga.
Mrs. Sidney C. Hardwick and son, who have been in Maitland on busi. ness, will return Sunday to their home in Hingham, Mass.
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Campbell, of Elizabeth, New Jersey, will occupy
Miss Treats house this coming win. ter. Dr. Campbell has recently resigned his pastorate of the Presbyterian Church in Elizabeth and accepted a professorship at Rollins College.
Henry S. Thompson has accepted a position with the First National Bank of Orlando. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will continue to make their residence in Maitland.
Mrs. Wm. Blue, who is visiting in her old home in Carmi, Illinois, was guest of honor at a quilting party given by Mrs. C. H. Huston of that city. Many of Mrs. Blues former friends and neighbors were present.
7 ime fo
If you have houses or apartments to rent, furnished or unfurnished: If you have rooms to let. with or without board: By winter season, month or year, In Maitland or Winter Park-- List them with us.
Among the many who inquire of us may be the very tenant you want.
If you wish to rent a house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished: If you wish to rent a room, with or without board: By winter season, month or year, In Maitland or Winter Park-- Tell us your needs.
We can probably provide the very place you are looking for.
“The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 14, August 7, 1926,” RICHES, accessed March 13, 2025,