The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 13, July 31, 1926
Dublin Core
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 13, July 31, 1926
Alternative Title
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 13
Maitland (Fla.)
The Maitland News was a local newspaper originally published by the Maitland Realty Company (and later by The Maitland News Company) which began circulation in April 1926. This edition features articles on topics such as the passing of a pioneer resident of Maitland, the completion of a new town hall, Bible school, a local fire, water meters, the growth of Maitland, the housing arrangements of local residents, and a local events calendar. Also featured are several advertisements for local businesses.
Original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 13, July 31, 1926: Newspaper Collection, accession number 2014.002.020V, room 2, case 2, shelf 10, box GV, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Company
Date Created
ca. 1926-07-31
Date Copyrighted
Date Issued
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original 4-page newspaper edition: The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 13, July 31, 1926.
Is Part Of
Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
The Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum Collection, Maitland Collection, Orange County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
1.63 MB
4-page newspaper edition
Maitland, Florida
Winter Park, Florida
Accrual Method
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Civics/Government Teacher
Originally published by The Maitland News Company.
Rights Holder
Copyright to this resource is held by The Maitland News Company and is provided here by RICHES of Central Florida for educational purposes only.
Settle, John
Digital Collection
Source Repository
External Reference
Poole, Leslie Kemp. Maitland. Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009.
"Maitland History." City of Maitland.
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND NEws Co, MATLAND, ORANGE County, FLORIDA
Volume I
Pioneer Resident of Maitland Passes Away
The vacation Bible School, which is being held this week under the direction of Mrs. E. D. Visor, opened Monday at the schoolhouse with an enrollment of forty-two pupils.
This school is interdenominational and free to all boys and girls of Mait land between the ages of three and fourteen. The school is divided into three departments; beginners, primary and junior. The older girls are taught raffia work by Miss Bessie Galloway, and the older boys, woodwork by Mr. S. J. Stiggins, while the younger chil. dren have hand work in cardboard, color work, etc., under the direction of Mrs. C. B. McNair, Mrs. S. J. Stiggins and Miss Georgianna Hill. There are daily Bible drills for all children and Mrs. . Cammack gives a missionary talk every morning.
On Friday evening at eight oclock, commencement exercises will be held in the Presbyterian Church, as alterations to the school auditorium make that unavoidable. The handwork of the children will be displayed at this time and all who have completed the course and been present every day will receive diplomas. An offering will be taken for the expenses of the school. All parents and friends of the children are urged to be present.
Council buys WATER METERS
At the regular meeting of the Council held July 22nd, the order was given for water meters, to the Pittsburgh Meter Company.
The Council has also bought a force pump from the Library and installed it at the Cemetery. This will make it possible to get water for plants and will be a great convenience to the people of the town.
Mrs. Joseph Lee and little daughter, who have been occupying the Hutch. inson cottage in Maitland during the summer, are visiting Mrs. Lees parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Percy, in Arlington, Mass.
Maitlands Fire Department answ. ered their first call Monday evening, when A. B. Rowland reported a grass fire in Eatonville, which was threaten. ing the Industrial Building at Hungerford School. Five minutes from the turning in of the alarm, the truck was on the way with a dozen firemen in place. One of the firemen who was in Winter Park at the time heard the whistle and reached the scene of the fire just as the truck arrived.
Fortunately the wind was away from the building and the fire was easily extinguished without the use of chemicals, but the dry weather made the conditions rather alarming. Had the fire been difficult to control, water is available from a nearby lake, one of those which the department had already located as a source of supply in case of fire in that locality.
A record has been made in the building of the new town hall, contracts for which were let the latter part of June, with September first as the date for completion. It is now expected that the work will be com: pleted this week and the building ready for occupancy on August first, one month ahead of time. The town offices, which since the old building became untenantable have had temporary quarters in the office of the Maitland Realty Company, will be moved in as soon as practicable, after the first of the month.
The building is of hollow tile and stucco, consists of a double garage on one side with doors at both ends so that either street can be used, with room for fire truck and a town truck and other town equipment. On the other side is a two story building, with clerks office on the front and back of the two jail cells, with a high barred window and an iron grill door in each, thus giving ventilation. There are ample closets for storage, and up
(Continued on Page 3)
Frank Adams, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Maitland, passed away at his home, at nine oclock Monday evening. Mr. Adams had been suffering from cancer for many months and for several weeks had been in a serious condition. With him at the time of his death were his son and daughterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ellison Adams, who have been with him for some time past. His daughter, Mrs. Crutchfield, who had been in Maitland the past week, was called north Friday by the illness of her son, but was expected to return to the funeral. Interment was to be in the Winter Park cemetery, on Friday afternoon.
Frank Adams was born in Alex. andria, Virginia, in 1842, the son of Samuel R. Adams and Theresa Veitch Adams. His father was a financier and was at the head of a large import. ing business in that city. His grandfather, Richard Adams, also from Vir ginia, owned vast plantations in Lon. don County, Frank Adams outlived his two brothers, Henry C. and William H. of Richmond and New York.
Mr. Adams received his education abroad, at Rugby, England, Versailles, France and at the college in Leipsig, Germany. After finishing his education he joined his father and brothers in business in New York City, where they established the well-known firm of Adams and Company . Co.
Mr. Adams was married three times. His first wife, Fanny B. Cannon of Baltimore, Md., died in 1883. He had one child by this marriage, a daughter, who died in Maitland, at the age of nineteen. In 1886, Mr. Adams married Edith Ellison, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ellison, of Louisville, Ky. Two chil. dren survive him by this marriage, Theresa Gladys, who is Mrs. Charles Crutchfield, of New York City, and Francis Ellison Adams, of New York
(Continued on Page 4)
Published Weekly by The Maitland News CoMPANY. ANNA. B. TREAT, Editor and Business Manager
Subscription Price Fifty cents a year. Five years 2.00.
Advertising Rates on APPLICATION
Maitlands future as a town of more than cross-roads signifiance depends upon administrative methods of more than cross-roads effectiveness. People are attracted by enterprise, activity and accomplishment, and certainly people make a town.
For years Maitland has struggled for recognition, struggled against limited finances, few men of ability to carry on the public work and a spirit of wait, wait, wait, among the average citizenry. Fortunately, fairer tax methods and upto-date financing have strengthened the municipality financio ally so that, for her size, she ranks among the best. And too, never since her founding has Maitland had more able men, and willing, to guide her municipal affairs. But still there per sists a little of the old cross-roads spirit of wait, wait, wait.”
Financing a town is vastly different from financing a private enterprize, where fashion, fancy and the public market are unknown factors, and where income hazards profit. To be a town at all implies a gathering of people with common purpose where a fair share of each mans wealth is annually pledged to the public good and where public improve ments are carried on for the increasing benefit of those who live with: in the community. To facilitate a
businesslike program, laws empowering municipal government to tax the land for its improvement have been enacted to the end that general in stallation of streets, water and sanita. tion may be financed in anticipation of tax income, so that present genera: tions may enjoy and pay their part of the cost of permanent improvements with the assurance that generations to come may enjoy and pay their part of the cost of these improvements. Maitland no longer needs to wait for needed streets and other improve ments for the public good and for the greater enjoyment of her people. Nor need she wait for more people to come to share the cost. People will come if they are attracted by beauty, convenience and thrift. Today we have town officials who know Maitlands needs. We have the means and methodsproven and prac. ticalto give Maitland now the things that will take her out of the crossroads class. Are we not speculating with the towns future when we delay availing ourselves of the means at hand to secure needed improvements? Are we not avoiding apparent financial risks today only to jeopardize the future community fortune, that can best be built on aggresive use of the time and facilities of each today?
Waiting does no good.
Land Surveyors TOWN PLANNING
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
Sunday, 10:00 a mSunday school, Methodist and Presbyterian churches:00 p. m, Epworth League, Methodist church. First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services, Methodist church. Second and fourth Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. church. Tuesday, :00 p. mMunicipal office, zoning commission. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p. mLibrary Open. Second Thursday, 12:15 White Way RestaurantChamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 p. mCouncil meeting. - Friday, :00 p. m., Hill SchoolBoy Scouts. Saturday,
services Presbyterian
electric Firfiess C00KER 7.49
Pure aluminum lined Electric Cooker for family of five. High and low heats; 2 gallon oven capacity; 3 cooking compartments and full 2quart cooking vessels.
General Repairing Vulcanizing
M. L. KYLE, Prop. Phone 1314-
Wrecking Car Service Polishing
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
We demonstrate all that the word implies on
orders entrusted to us for Lumber and Build
ing Materials.
The proof is in the increasing number of Satisfied Custorners
Phone 399
(Illustrated House Plan Books. FREE)
Mrs. G. W. Backus has gone to Detroit to visit her niece, Mrs. Gunion. She will remain until early
Clarence Brown and Audrey Sykes motored up from Tampa for the week end.
word has been received that E. W. Horton, who was injured by a fall from a tree in Kent, Ohio, where he is spending the summer, is recovering and is able to be about.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stover and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stover left Saturday night for Heath Springs, S. C., for
a two weeks visit with relatives.
Mrs. Miller with her son and daughters is spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. S. Clark. The party motored from Crystal City, Texas, 1750 miles, in six days, and expect to see all this section of the state while here.
Miss Annette Mantle, of Columbus, Ohio, has taken the position of office manager at the Intercity Realty Co. Miss Mantle is staying with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Beecher, at their home in the Vanderpool cottage.
C. D. HORNER Plumbing, Piping, Irrigating, Repairing ESTIMATES FURNISHED
First Class Western Meats and Groceries
(Continued from Page 1) stairs the entire floor will be used as
a hall for council meetings. The place is lighted with electricity and equipped with modern plumbing.
The building, which is intended to be used for a town hall only temporarily and is placed on the back of the lot, with room in front for a more pre
tentious municipal building when the towns finances will warrant its erec.
tion, is a very creditable structure, comparing well with town halls of
much larger cities.
photographs The Better Kind”
Large Assortment of Picture Frames
Phone 2336 21 12 S. 0range Avenue ORLANDO, FLORIDA
Send in your Sucscription
for the
Maitland News
We Specialize in the Best
Western Meats
The best is none too good
Give us a trial and be convinced
B. R O W N ' S The City Store Telephone 1310-
Your Valuables are Worth MoreThan 2 Why Take Chances?
In the event of fire or theft your valuable papers and articles are liable to be a total loss, and many of the things you value cannot be replaced, others can be replaced only at some expense and great trouble.
Such loss is easily avoided if you have a safedeposit box in your bank, and the cost of a box compared to its value to you in case of fire or theft is nothing.
Let us give you a box in this banks vault free of charge until January 1st, and then charge you for it at the rate of 2.00 per year.
A Local Bank for Local People E. A. UPMEYER, Pres. J. A. BROWN, VPres. DONALD G. SPAIN, Cashier
Louis L. Coudert, President of the Maitland Chamber of Commerce, who with Mrs. Coudert and their little son has recently returned from a three weeks trip to New York, reports a most satisfactory tripbarring the heat which brought them back to Flor. ida a week sooner than they had planned. Mr. Coudert says that on reaching Gainsville they noticed a difference and a buoyancy in the atmos. phere which was lacking further north and which brought relief even though the thermometer registered as high a mark.
The roads all the way were exceptionally good, even in Georgia, where great improvement is shown and which in the next two years will have established a complete system of first class highways. The hotels are good and very reasonable, and all through the country the crops seem to be excellent and there are signs of progress, although the old south shows no such development as is found here in Orange County.
Mr. Coudert further reports a great interest manifested in Florida where. ever he went, and indications of a larger migration the coming winter than ever before. Strangers, he con tinued, seeing my Florida license came up to inquire where I came from and people in my home town called me to make inquiries. The questions asked were of an intelligent character, show. ing realthought and interest. While I was home two families in the townof about 12,000 populationsold out everything and started for Florida. The only real prejudice against Florida which I encountered seemed to be caused by the eroneous idea that all Florida was involved in the wildcat speculation which took place in a few localities, and what we must all try to explain to those in Florida is that the great part of its vast extent of territory, like Orange County, is only progressing normally and naturally.
Forrest B. Stone, who has just returned from a trip down the East Coast, reports that building in Miami is going ahead at a good rate and that all the substantial, closein develop. ments are in flourishing condition. In the window of the Maitland Realty Company are specimens of a man
grove tree and a lump of the top soil of that section of Florida, which Mr. Stone has brought home with him.
PIONEER RESIDENT PASSES AWAY (Continued from Page 1) City and Maitland. Mr. and Mrs. Adams were divorced in 1910. In the winter of 1919 Mr. Adams married Mary Louise Voorhes, of Miltonvale, Kansas. Mr. Adams came to Maitland in 1881, where he established one of the first homes in the town, and has since then been closely identified with the social and business life of the come munity. His packing house, which has just been torn down to make place for the central park, was the second
business structure to be erected in Maitland. Mr. Adams was among the early capitalists to recognize the advantage of Florida and his enthusiasm for the
state has always been great. His family through his influence invested largely in the southern section of Flor ida before many people realized its possibilities and later disposed of their holdings to great advantage.
Although failing health had for some years prevented Mr. Adams from active participation in town affairs, he always felt a lively interest in what. ever was going on and he will be long remembered for his part in the early history and upbuilding of the town and state.
On now.
lot now.
E have several choice lots on the Dixie Highway in Greenwood Gardens that we want to see houses
If you will take one of these lots and build a home on it you don't need to pay us a cent for the
Come see us now.
Published Weekly by THE MATLAND NEws Co, MATLAND, ORANGE County, FLORIDA
Volume I
Pioneer Resident of Maitland Passes Away
The vacation Bible School, which is being held this week under the direction of Mrs. E. D. Visor, opened Monday at the schoolhouse with an enrollment of forty-two pupils.
This school is interdenominational and free to all boys and girls of Mait land between the ages of three and fourteen. The school is divided into three departments; beginners, primary and junior. The older girls are taught raffia work by Miss Bessie Galloway, and the older boys, woodwork by Mr. S. J. Stiggins, while the younger chil. dren have hand work in cardboard, color work, etc., under the direction of Mrs. C. B. McNair, Mrs. S. J. Stiggins and Miss Georgianna Hill. There are daily Bible drills for all children and Mrs. . Cammack gives a missionary talk every morning.
On Friday evening at eight oclock, commencement exercises will be held in the Presbyterian Church, as alterations to the school auditorium make that unavoidable. The handwork of the children will be displayed at this time and all who have completed the course and been present every day will receive diplomas. An offering will be taken for the expenses of the school. All parents and friends of the children are urged to be present.
Council buys WATER METERS
At the regular meeting of the Council held July 22nd, the order was given for water meters, to the Pittsburgh Meter Company.
The Council has also bought a force pump from the Library and installed it at the Cemetery. This will make it possible to get water for plants and will be a great convenience to the people of the town.
Mrs. Joseph Lee and little daughter, who have been occupying the Hutch. inson cottage in Maitland during the summer, are visiting Mrs. Lees parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Percy, in Arlington, Mass.
Maitlands Fire Department answ. ered their first call Monday evening, when A. B. Rowland reported a grass fire in Eatonville, which was threaten. ing the Industrial Building at Hungerford School. Five minutes from the turning in of the alarm, the truck was on the way with a dozen firemen in place. One of the firemen who was in Winter Park at the time heard the whistle and reached the scene of the fire just as the truck arrived.
Fortunately the wind was away from the building and the fire was easily extinguished without the use of chemicals, but the dry weather made the conditions rather alarming. Had the fire been difficult to control, water is available from a nearby lake, one of those which the department had already located as a source of supply in case of fire in that locality.
A record has been made in the building of the new town hall, contracts for which were let the latter part of June, with September first as the date for completion. It is now expected that the work will be com: pleted this week and the building ready for occupancy on August first, one month ahead of time. The town offices, which since the old building became untenantable have had temporary quarters in the office of the Maitland Realty Company, will be moved in as soon as practicable, after the first of the month.
The building is of hollow tile and stucco, consists of a double garage on one side with doors at both ends so that either street can be used, with room for fire truck and a town truck and other town equipment. On the other side is a two story building, with clerks office on the front and back of the two jail cells, with a high barred window and an iron grill door in each, thus giving ventilation. There are ample closets for storage, and up
(Continued on Page 3)
Frank Adams, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Maitland, passed away at his home, at nine oclock Monday evening. Mr. Adams had been suffering from cancer for many months and for several weeks had been in a serious condition. With him at the time of his death were his son and daughterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ellison Adams, who have been with him for some time past. His daughter, Mrs. Crutchfield, who had been in Maitland the past week, was called north Friday by the illness of her son, but was expected to return to the funeral. Interment was to be in the Winter Park cemetery, on Friday afternoon.
Frank Adams was born in Alex. andria, Virginia, in 1842, the son of Samuel R. Adams and Theresa Veitch Adams. His father was a financier and was at the head of a large import. ing business in that city. His grandfather, Richard Adams, also from Vir ginia, owned vast plantations in Lon. don County, Frank Adams outlived his two brothers, Henry C. and William H. of Richmond and New York.
Mr. Adams received his education abroad, at Rugby, England, Versailles, France and at the college in Leipsig, Germany. After finishing his education he joined his father and brothers in business in New York City, where they established the well-known firm of Adams and Company . Co.
Mr. Adams was married three times. His first wife, Fanny B. Cannon of Baltimore, Md., died in 1883. He had one child by this marriage, a daughter, who died in Maitland, at the age of nineteen. In 1886, Mr. Adams married Edith Ellison, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ellison, of Louisville, Ky. Two chil. dren survive him by this marriage, Theresa Gladys, who is Mrs. Charles Crutchfield, of New York City, and Francis Ellison Adams, of New York
(Continued on Page 4)
Published Weekly by The Maitland News CoMPANY. ANNA. B. TREAT, Editor and Business Manager
Subscription Price Fifty cents a year. Five years 2.00.
Advertising Rates on APPLICATION
Maitlands future as a town of more than cross-roads signifiance depends upon administrative methods of more than cross-roads effectiveness. People are attracted by enterprise, activity and accomplishment, and certainly people make a town.
For years Maitland has struggled for recognition, struggled against limited finances, few men of ability to carry on the public work and a spirit of wait, wait, wait, among the average citizenry. Fortunately, fairer tax methods and upto-date financing have strengthened the municipality financio ally so that, for her size, she ranks among the best. And too, never since her founding has Maitland had more able men, and willing, to guide her municipal affairs. But still there per sists a little of the old cross-roads spirit of wait, wait, wait.”
Financing a town is vastly different from financing a private enterprize, where fashion, fancy and the public market are unknown factors, and where income hazards profit. To be a town at all implies a gathering of people with common purpose where a fair share of each mans wealth is annually pledged to the public good and where public improve ments are carried on for the increasing benefit of those who live with: in the community. To facilitate a
businesslike program, laws empowering municipal government to tax the land for its improvement have been enacted to the end that general in stallation of streets, water and sanita. tion may be financed in anticipation of tax income, so that present genera: tions may enjoy and pay their part of the cost of permanent improvements with the assurance that generations to come may enjoy and pay their part of the cost of these improvements. Maitland no longer needs to wait for needed streets and other improve ments for the public good and for the greater enjoyment of her people. Nor need she wait for more people to come to share the cost. People will come if they are attracted by beauty, convenience and thrift. Today we have town officials who know Maitlands needs. We have the means and methodsproven and prac. ticalto give Maitland now the things that will take her out of the crossroads class. Are we not speculating with the towns future when we delay availing ourselves of the means at hand to secure needed improvements? Are we not avoiding apparent financial risks today only to jeopardize the future community fortune, that can best be built on aggresive use of the time and facilities of each today?
Waiting does no good.
Land Surveyors TOWN PLANNING
P. O. Building Maitland, Florida
Sunday, 10:00 a mSunday school, Methodist and Presbyterian churches:00 p. m, Epworth League, Methodist church. First and third Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. services, Methodist church. Second and fourth Sunday11 a. m. and :30 p. m. church. Tuesday, :00 p. mMunicipal office, zoning commission. Wednesday, :00-6:00 p. mLibrary Open. Second Thursday, 12:15 White Way RestaurantChamber of Commerce. Fourth Thursday, :00 p. mCouncil meeting. - Friday, :00 p. m., Hill SchoolBoy Scouts. Saturday,
services Presbyterian
electric Firfiess C00KER 7.49
Pure aluminum lined Electric Cooker for family of five. High and low heats; 2 gallon oven capacity; 3 cooking compartments and full 2quart cooking vessels.
General Repairing Vulcanizing
M. L. KYLE, Prop. Phone 1314-
Wrecking Car Service Polishing
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
We demonstrate all that the word implies on
orders entrusted to us for Lumber and Build
ing Materials.
The proof is in the increasing number of Satisfied Custorners
Phone 399
(Illustrated House Plan Books. FREE)
Mrs. G. W. Backus has gone to Detroit to visit her niece, Mrs. Gunion. She will remain until early
Clarence Brown and Audrey Sykes motored up from Tampa for the week end.
word has been received that E. W. Horton, who was injured by a fall from a tree in Kent, Ohio, where he is spending the summer, is recovering and is able to be about.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stover and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stover left Saturday night for Heath Springs, S. C., for
a two weeks visit with relatives.
Mrs. Miller with her son and daughters is spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. S. Clark. The party motored from Crystal City, Texas, 1750 miles, in six days, and expect to see all this section of the state while here.
Miss Annette Mantle, of Columbus, Ohio, has taken the position of office manager at the Intercity Realty Co. Miss Mantle is staying with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Beecher, at their home in the Vanderpool cottage.
C. D. HORNER Plumbing, Piping, Irrigating, Repairing ESTIMATES FURNISHED
First Class Western Meats and Groceries
(Continued from Page 1) stairs the entire floor will be used as
a hall for council meetings. The place is lighted with electricity and equipped with modern plumbing.
The building, which is intended to be used for a town hall only temporarily and is placed on the back of the lot, with room in front for a more pre
tentious municipal building when the towns finances will warrant its erec.
tion, is a very creditable structure, comparing well with town halls of
much larger cities.
photographs The Better Kind”
Large Assortment of Picture Frames
Phone 2336 21 12 S. 0range Avenue ORLANDO, FLORIDA
Send in your Sucscription
for the
Maitland News
We Specialize in the Best
Western Meats
The best is none too good
Give us a trial and be convinced
B. R O W N ' S The City Store Telephone 1310-
Your Valuables are Worth MoreThan 2 Why Take Chances?
In the event of fire or theft your valuable papers and articles are liable to be a total loss, and many of the things you value cannot be replaced, others can be replaced only at some expense and great trouble.
Such loss is easily avoided if you have a safedeposit box in your bank, and the cost of a box compared to its value to you in case of fire or theft is nothing.
Let us give you a box in this banks vault free of charge until January 1st, and then charge you for it at the rate of 2.00 per year.
A Local Bank for Local People E. A. UPMEYER, Pres. J. A. BROWN, VPres. DONALD G. SPAIN, Cashier
Louis L. Coudert, President of the Maitland Chamber of Commerce, who with Mrs. Coudert and their little son has recently returned from a three weeks trip to New York, reports a most satisfactory tripbarring the heat which brought them back to Flor. ida a week sooner than they had planned. Mr. Coudert says that on reaching Gainsville they noticed a difference and a buoyancy in the atmos. phere which was lacking further north and which brought relief even though the thermometer registered as high a mark.
The roads all the way were exceptionally good, even in Georgia, where great improvement is shown and which in the next two years will have established a complete system of first class highways. The hotels are good and very reasonable, and all through the country the crops seem to be excellent and there are signs of progress, although the old south shows no such development as is found here in Orange County.
Mr. Coudert further reports a great interest manifested in Florida where. ever he went, and indications of a larger migration the coming winter than ever before. Strangers, he con tinued, seeing my Florida license came up to inquire where I came from and people in my home town called me to make inquiries. The questions asked were of an intelligent character, show. ing realthought and interest. While I was home two families in the townof about 12,000 populationsold out everything and started for Florida. The only real prejudice against Florida which I encountered seemed to be caused by the eroneous idea that all Florida was involved in the wildcat speculation which took place in a few localities, and what we must all try to explain to those in Florida is that the great part of its vast extent of territory, like Orange County, is only progressing normally and naturally.
Forrest B. Stone, who has just returned from a trip down the East Coast, reports that building in Miami is going ahead at a good rate and that all the substantial, closein develop. ments are in flourishing condition. In the window of the Maitland Realty Company are specimens of a man
grove tree and a lump of the top soil of that section of Florida, which Mr. Stone has brought home with him.
PIONEER RESIDENT PASSES AWAY (Continued from Page 1) City and Maitland. Mr. and Mrs. Adams were divorced in 1910. In the winter of 1919 Mr. Adams married Mary Louise Voorhes, of Miltonvale, Kansas. Mr. Adams came to Maitland in 1881, where he established one of the first homes in the town, and has since then been closely identified with the social and business life of the come munity. His packing house, which has just been torn down to make place for the central park, was the second
business structure to be erected in Maitland. Mr. Adams was among the early capitalists to recognize the advantage of Florida and his enthusiasm for the
state has always been great. His family through his influence invested largely in the southern section of Flor ida before many people realized its possibilities and later disposed of their holdings to great advantage.
Although failing health had for some years prevented Mr. Adams from active participation in town affairs, he always felt a lively interest in what. ever was going on and he will be long remembered for his part in the early history and upbuilding of the town and state.
On now.
lot now.
E have several choice lots on the Dixie Highway in Greenwood Gardens that we want to see houses
If you will take one of these lots and build a home on it you don't need to pay us a cent for the
Come see us now.
“The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 13, July 31, 1926,” RICHES, accessed March 12, 2025,