Maitland Pamphlet
Dublin Core
Maitland Pamphlet
Alternative Title
Maitland Pamphlet
Maitland (Fla.)
This one-page, fold-out informational sheet contains facts about Maitland, Florida, and includes such topics as the town's history, location, descriptive features, education, industry, recreation, and the town's future. Also featured are two photographs
one showing a citrus grove next to a road, and the other a road along a lakefront. While this item does not contain any official publication information, there is handwritten in ink, "FLA. 1926."
Original pamphlet: Newspaper Collection, accession number 2014.002.020V, room 2, case 2, shelf 10, box GV, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
Date Created
Is Format Of
Digital reproduction of original pamphlet.
Is Part Of
Maitland News Collection, Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland, Maitland, Florida.
Maitland Historical Museum Collection, Maitland Collection, Orange County Collection, RICHES of Central Florida.
113 KB
1 pamphlet
Maitland, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Sanford, Florida
Winter Park, Florida
Daytona Beach, Florida
St. Augustine, Florida
Accrual Method
History Teacher
Economics Teacher
Geography Teacher
Rights Holder
Copyright to this resource is held by the Maitland Historical Museum, Art & History Museums - Maitland and is provided here by RICHES of Central Floridafor educational purposes only.
Settle, John
Digital Collection
Source Repository
External Reference
Poole, Leslie Kemp. Maitland. Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009.
"Maitland History." City of Maitland.
Maitland invites you!
Come! Live with us –
And laugh and work and play,
‘Midst oranges and blossoms,
And sunshine every day.
Site of Captain Maitland’s old ort built in the days of the
Indian Wards.
Settled some fifty years ago by a group of people who were
so impressed by its charming and unusual natural scenery
that no desire was felt to look further.
Orange County has not been damaged by tropical storms
within the memory of oldest inhabitants.
In Orange County, bordering the shores of the beautiful
lake which bears its name.
on the Black Bear Trail, State Highway No. 3, four miles
north of Orlando (population, 31,000), considered one
of the most up-to-date and progressive cities of Florida,
and sixteen miles south of Sanford (population, 20,000),
the heart of the celery belt and head of navigation on the
St. Johns River.
On main line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad between
Jacksonville and Tampa.
Geographically, almost the center of the State.
Within easy distance of both East and West Coasts.
On the north shore of Lake Maitland, one of a group of
lakes connected by enchanting natural canals, giving
Access to three large hotels, and providing boating around
thirty miles of shore line.
A now rapidly growing town of some 600 inhabitants.
Surrounded by and intermingled with 14 clear-water lakes.
Almost constant summer breezes, making a delightful sum-
mer temperature.
Paved streets shaded by majestic oaks festooned with Spanish
Large estates with wealth of tropical scenery.
All the advantages of country life combined with city con-
Congenial neighbors.
Reasonable land prices.
Moderate living expenses.
Attractive home sites.
Well-equipped public library, churches of several denom-
State bank, restaurants, garages and stores.
Progressive town government.
Fire company with automobile equipment.
Town-planning and zoning commission under supervision
of efficient engineer.
Close proximity to Orlando with its large and well-stocked
department stores, high-class hotels and theatres.
New public school with modern
methods and equipment.
One of the best high schools in
the State, only two miles
away at Winter Park, is avail-
able for Maitland residents.
Rollins College, Florida’s old-
est institution of higher learn-
ing, and one of the best small
colleges in the country, is also
located at Winter Park.
Four incoming and three out-
going mails daily.
Forty-five miles of R.F.D.
Routes from Maitland post-
Postal receipts increased 45 per cent in 1926 over 1925.
Bus lines to all parts of State make regular schedules every day.
Finest type of soil for citrus culture.
150,000 boxes of citrus fruit produced in 1925-26.
Near distributive points.
Plenty of good truck land.
Local markets never overstocked with fresh vegetables.
In midst of poultry raising center, which includes Orange
and Seminole counties.
Active Poultry Association assure cooperative buying and
Land and climatic conditions particularly adaptable to fern
growing, a new and most remunerative industry.
Numerous lakes provide the best of fishing, bathing and
Excellent hunting, both for large and small game, immedi-
atley at hand.
Within two miles of one of the finest golf courses in the
Long stretches of well-paved road, unhampered by excessive
traffic, making motoring a pleasure, and bringing distant
places within easy reach.
Two hours from Daytona Beach where the finest of ocean
bathing and fishing is to be had, in addition to the un-
paralleled drive of 28 miles directly on the beach itself.
Near Winter Park with its many clubs, moving pictures,
and radio broadcasting station; and Orlando where may
be found several modern theaters, a large Y.M.C.A.
building, Coliseum and Auditorium.
Twelve miles from Lake Apopka, one of the largest bodies
of fresh water in the country and admirably equipped
with facilities for camping and fishing.
Other points of interest within a day’s trip are Tampa,
the Gandy Bridge, St. Peters-
burg and the Gulf of Mexico,
Silver Springs, noted for
their beauty and remarkably
clear water, and St. Augus-
tine, the oldest city in the United States.
The future of Maitland, due to its
admirable location, is definitely assured.
Situated, as it is, upon one of the prin-
cipal traffic arteries of Florida, it lies directly in the path of
development, the trend of which is now plainly northward
from Orlando. According to the present plan of the pro-
posed Black Bear Trail, running from Montreal, Canada,
to St. Petersburg, Florida, Maitland is the only town be-
tween Sandford and Orlando to be on that highway. Orlando,
in order to provide for its remarkably rapid growth and ex-
pansion, must increasingly acquire additional territory, and
It is only reasonable to predict that Maitland, with its beauty-
ful grouping of lakes and other scenic features, is destined
Within a short time to become the exclusive residential sec-
tion of the parent city. With this thought in mind the pres-
ent town administration has taken steps to plan the develop-
ment and growth of the town along lines calculated to most
nearly approach an ideal blending of the practical and the
Come! Live with us –
And laugh and work and play,
‘Midst oranges and blossoms,
And sunshine every day.
Site of Captain Maitland’s old ort built in the days of the
Indian Wards.
Settled some fifty years ago by a group of people who were
so impressed by its charming and unusual natural scenery
that no desire was felt to look further.
Orange County has not been damaged by tropical storms
within the memory of oldest inhabitants.
In Orange County, bordering the shores of the beautiful
lake which bears its name.
on the Black Bear Trail, State Highway No. 3, four miles
north of Orlando (population, 31,000), considered one
of the most up-to-date and progressive cities of Florida,
and sixteen miles south of Sanford (population, 20,000),
the heart of the celery belt and head of navigation on the
St. Johns River.
On main line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad between
Jacksonville and Tampa.
Geographically, almost the center of the State.
Within easy distance of both East and West Coasts.
On the north shore of Lake Maitland, one of a group of
lakes connected by enchanting natural canals, giving
Access to three large hotels, and providing boating around
thirty miles of shore line.
A now rapidly growing town of some 600 inhabitants.
Surrounded by and intermingled with 14 clear-water lakes.
Almost constant summer breezes, making a delightful sum-
mer temperature.
Paved streets shaded by majestic oaks festooned with Spanish
Large estates with wealth of tropical scenery.
All the advantages of country life combined with city con-
Congenial neighbors.
Reasonable land prices.
Moderate living expenses.
Attractive home sites.
Well-equipped public library, churches of several denom-
State bank, restaurants, garages and stores.
Progressive town government.
Fire company with automobile equipment.
Town-planning and zoning commission under supervision
of efficient engineer.
Close proximity to Orlando with its large and well-stocked
department stores, high-class hotels and theatres.
New public school with modern
methods and equipment.
One of the best high schools in
the State, only two miles
away at Winter Park, is avail-
able for Maitland residents.
Rollins College, Florida’s old-
est institution of higher learn-
ing, and one of the best small
colleges in the country, is also
located at Winter Park.
Four incoming and three out-
going mails daily.
Forty-five miles of R.F.D.
Routes from Maitland post-
Postal receipts increased 45 per cent in 1926 over 1925.
Bus lines to all parts of State make regular schedules every day.
Finest type of soil for citrus culture.
150,000 boxes of citrus fruit produced in 1925-26.
Near distributive points.
Plenty of good truck land.
Local markets never overstocked with fresh vegetables.
In midst of poultry raising center, which includes Orange
and Seminole counties.
Active Poultry Association assure cooperative buying and
Land and climatic conditions particularly adaptable to fern
growing, a new and most remunerative industry.
Numerous lakes provide the best of fishing, bathing and
Excellent hunting, both for large and small game, immedi-
atley at hand.
Within two miles of one of the finest golf courses in the
Long stretches of well-paved road, unhampered by excessive
traffic, making motoring a pleasure, and bringing distant
places within easy reach.
Two hours from Daytona Beach where the finest of ocean
bathing and fishing is to be had, in addition to the un-
paralleled drive of 28 miles directly on the beach itself.
Near Winter Park with its many clubs, moving pictures,
and radio broadcasting station; and Orlando where may
be found several modern theaters, a large Y.M.C.A.
building, Coliseum and Auditorium.
Twelve miles from Lake Apopka, one of the largest bodies
of fresh water in the country and admirably equipped
with facilities for camping and fishing.
Other points of interest within a day’s trip are Tampa,
the Gandy Bridge, St. Peters-
burg and the Gulf of Mexico,
Silver Springs, noted for
their beauty and remarkably
clear water, and St. Augus-
tine, the oldest city in the United States.
The future of Maitland, due to its
admirable location, is definitely assured.
Situated, as it is, upon one of the prin-
cipal traffic arteries of Florida, it lies directly in the path of
development, the trend of which is now plainly northward
from Orlando. According to the present plan of the pro-
posed Black Bear Trail, running from Montreal, Canada,
to St. Petersburg, Florida, Maitland is the only town be-
tween Sandford and Orlando to be on that highway. Orlando,
in order to provide for its remarkably rapid growth and ex-
pansion, must increasingly acquire additional territory, and
It is only reasonable to predict that Maitland, with its beauty-
ful grouping of lakes and other scenic features, is destined
Within a short time to become the exclusive residential sec-
tion of the parent city. With this thought in mind the pres-
ent town administration has taken steps to plan the develop-
ment and growth of the town along lines calculated to most
nearly approach an ideal blending of the practical and the
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
1 pamphlet
“Maitland Pamphlet,” RICHES, accessed February 7, 2025,