Browse Items (16 total)
- Tags: YMCA
Letter from John C. Fuller to Colleagues (September 28, 1960)
Minutes of Special Meeting, April 21, 1960
Minutes of Special Meeting, March 17, 1960
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, March 3, 1960
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, January 7, 1960
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, December 3, 1959
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, May 1959
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, April 2, 1959
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, March 5, 1959
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, February 5, 1959
Minutes of Monthly Meeting, December 5, 1958 and January 19, 1958
Maitland Pamphlet
Tags: ACL; agriculture; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Black Bear Trail; Captain Maitland; chamber of commerce; citrus; citrus industry; Daytona Beach; E. A. Upmeyer; Grace N. Beecher; Gulf of Mexico; H. E. Angell; Indian War; J. H. Hill; Lake Apopka; Lake Maitland; Louis L. Coudert; Maitland; orange county; orlando; poultry; poultry industry; R. A. Wheeler; railroad; Rollins College; Sanford; school; Seminole War; Silver Springs; St. Augustine; St. Johns River; State Highway Number 3; Winter Park; YMCA; Young Men's Christian Association
The Bell Hotel
Cher-O-Key (May 17, 1929)
Tags: 6th grade; 8th grade; 9th grade; Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1; banquet; Barnett, Robert; baseball; Bersts, Winifred; Beuchler, Belle; Bird, Joe; Board of Education; Boggs, Robert; Bray, Clara; Broadbent; Brown; Carter; Catledge, Norman; Chabot, Octavia; Cher-O-Key; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee School; citizen; Constitution; Cox, Robert; dancing club; Davis, Billy; decathlon; Delaney Street School; Dye, Charles; Echols; eighth grade; Elkhorn, Lester; Everett, Emory; Ford; Gilbert, bob; Girl Reserves; Glace; Glee Club; Glover, Meadows; Grand Avenue Elementary; Grant, Curtis; Greer, Charles; Hage, Allen; Harney, Margaret; Henderson, Cox, Lawson; Hillcrest Grammar School; honor society; Johnson, Elizabeth; Joiner, C. J.; Jones; journalism; Journalism Club; junior high school; Karst, Arthur; Kazarosian, Shan; Klne, Jack; Lake Gatlin; Laverty, Beulah; Lawson, Richard; Lerch, Ruth; Manson, Helen; McEwan, Dorothy; McGarity, William; McKinnon, Carolyn; Memorial Gym; Meyer; Meyer, Betty; Mitchell; Mothers and Daughters Banquet; Mothers Day; Murphy, Frank; Myer; Neal, Lucille; newspaper; Nichols, Thomas; ninth grade; O'Berg, Gilbert; orange county; orlando; Parent-Teacher Association; Parker, Barbara; Parker, Lannas; Peral, Thomas; Pettay, Jean; Pillow, Maud Ola; Powers, Ormond; practical arts club; Price, Harry; PTA; Routh, Florida; school; school newspaper; sewing club; sixth grade; soccer; students; Taylor, Connie; teachers; tennis; That Wonderful Mother of Mine; Thompson; track and field; Trimble, Betty; Turner, Stewart; Way, Yulee; West Central Elementary; Whistler, James McNeill; Whistler's Mother; Williams, Bob; Williams, Champ; Williams, Fred; Woolworth, Bob; YMCA; Young Men's Christian Association
Central Ave., Looking West from Court House Postcard
Tags: Central Avenue; Central Blvd.; Central Boulevard; Central Bv.; Cook, Thomas; Court St.; Court Street; Courthouse Annex; Downtown; Downtown Orlando; E. C. Kropp Co.; E. C. Kropp Company; Elks Club; Heritage Square; Odd Fellows; Orange Ave.; Orange Avenue; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Courthouse Annex; orlando; Primrose Ave.; Primrose Avenue; YMCA; Young Men's Christian Association
A Glimpse of the Business Section Postcard
Tags: Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; Central Avenue; Central Blvd.; Central Boulevard; Central Bv.; Court St.; Court Street; E. C. Kropp Co.; E. C. Kropp Company; Elks Club; Heritage Sq.; Heritage Square; Odd Fellows; Orange Ave.; Orange Avenue; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Courthouse Annex; YMCA; Young Men's Christian Assocation