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Dr. Cal Fowler (1929-2013) received this congratulatory telegram from Lew Emmerich, a General Dynamics Program Director based out of San Diego, California. Emmerich was involved in America's space program from Project Mercury to Project Apollo, and…

Before rolling a functional Apollo-Saturn launch vehicle, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) used a full-scale mock up made from "boilerplate" parts to test assembly and rolling the rocket to the pad. SA-500F also was used for a…

The engineering management team in front of Mercury-Atlas 1, an unmanned test rocket Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCFAS) in Cape Canaveral, Florida, in July of 1960. This was the first test of an Atlas D booster along with a Mercury capsule. The…

Dr. Cal Fowler (1929-2013), photographed on the right, presenting Secretary of the Air Force Eugene M. Zuckert (1911-2000) with a model of the Atlas E missile in honor of the completion and activation of the Warren III missile site. Warren III was a…

Lieutenant Colonel Swazey, Site Commander 566th of Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, presenting Dr. Cal Fowler (1929-2013) a Missile Expert card. Dr. Fowler, who later launched Mercury astronauts Scott Carpenter (1925-2013), Wally Schirra…

A newspaper article from The Baltimore Sun published on May 20, 1963. Written by Stephen A. Bennett, the article provides details Mercury-Atlas 9 (MA-9), the final manned space mission for Project Mercury. MA-9 launched from Launch Complex 14 at Cape…

A test launch of an Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) from an indeterminate location. In the photograph, one can see the engines ignited and liquid oxygen venting against the night sky. First flown in 1957, the Atlas was eventually…

Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, near Cheyenne, Wyoming, was one of the earliest sites of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) deployment. In previous deployments at Warren (Warren I and II), the U.S. Air Force installed the Atlas D in…

Fairchild Air Force Base was the location for this early fueling test of an Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which was likely an Atlas E or Atlas F. As one of the early locations for ICBM deployment, Fairchild AFB deployed Atlas E/F…

Amongst the first operational intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) sites in the United States, Warren I was an above-ground "soft site" for launching the missiles at Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming. The missiles were stored at ground level and…

A chart showing the four original configurations of the Atlas family of missiles: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), Mercury-Atlas, Atlas-Agena, Atlas-Centaur. The Atlas booster was originally developed as an ICBM in the mid-1950s. First…
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