Tags: Absal; Absalon Figueroa; Anthem; Anything Goes; Applause; Aquarius & Let the Sunshine In; Bringing Down the House; Children Will Listen; CityArts Factory; Debbie Drobney; Eliezier Sierra; Fugue for Tinhorns; GALA Choruses; GLBT; James F. Konkel; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Mark W. Hardin; The Modern Major General; We Kiss in a Shadow; Wicked
Tags: Ain't No Turnin' Back on This Road; And the Envelope, Please; Anthem; Bob Smith-Trent; Color Out of Colorado; Come Rain or Come Shine; Debbie Drobney; Donna Sommer Medley; Eliezer Sierra; Epitaph and Affirmation; GALA Choruses; GLBT; I Do; Jedediah C. Daiger; Jersey Boys Medley; Jim Brown; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Listen to My Heart; OGC; Orlando Gay Chorus; Paul R. Ericson Memorial Fund; Seasons of Love; Sister Act Medley; Some of My Best Friends Are Straight; Somewhere; Sue Glerum; Taking it to the Streets; The Plaza Theater; The Testament of Freedom; When You Say You Love Me; Why We Sing; You'll Never Walk Alone
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