Browse Items (3 total)
- Tags: Color Out of Colorado
We Are Family, May 14 & 15, 2016
Tags: Alecia Boon; Bright Lights Bigger City; Color Out of Colorado; Debbie Drobney; Dwight Shropshire; Fences; Friends & Family Medley; GLBT; Harold Wright; Hey Brother; home; In My Daughter's Eyes; It Takes A Whole Village; James A. Rode; Let the River Run; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Magic; Magic To Do; My Precious Lord; OGC; Orlando Gay Chorus; Prayer of the Children; Stars I Shall Find; Sue Glerum; Take Care of This House; Tell My Father; True Colors; We Are Family; We're Not All Lesbians
And the Envelope, Please, May 22 & 23, 2010
Tags: Ain't No Turnin' Back on This Road; And the Envelope, Please; Anthem; Bob Smith-Trent; Color Out of Colorado; Come Rain or Come Shine; Debbie Drobney; Donna Sommer Medley; Eliezer Sierra; Epitaph and Affirmation; GALA Choruses; GLBT; I Do; Jedediah C. Daiger; Jersey Boys Medley; Jim Brown; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Listen to My Heart; OGC; Orlando Gay Chorus; Paul R. Ericson Memorial Fund; Seasons of Love; Sister Act Medley; Some of My Best Friends Are Straight; Somewhere; Sue Glerum; Taking it to the Streets; The Plaza Theater; The Testament of Freedom; When You Say You Love Me; Why We Sing; You'll Never Walk Alone
Magical Journeys, June 24 & 25, 2000
Tags: A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square; Ain't No Turnin' Back on This Road; Annie Russell Theater; Climb Every Mountain; Color Out of Colorado; Fever (Medley); GALA Choruses; Georgia On My Mind; GLBT; Great Peace March; Irish Blessing; Kathy Slage; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Magical Journeys; OGC; Orlando Gay Chorus; Rollins College; Route 66; Shenandoah; Somewhere (Medley); Taking the Wheel; Terry Thomas; The Roads That Led Us Here; Up the Ladder to the Roof