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- Tags: Brunswick Corporation
A History of Central Florida, Episode 41: Recorded Music
Tags: A History of Central Florida; banjo; Berliner, Emil; Berliner, Emile; Blake, George E.; Brunswick Corporation; Brunswick Phonograph; Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company; Clarke, Bob; Clermont; Clermont Historic Village; Dans la Gypsy; drum; Edison Cylinder Gramophone; Edison, Thomas Alva; Elssler, Fanny; Ford, Chip; G. E. Blake; Gibson, Ella; gramophone; Groveland; Groveland Women's Club; Hazen, Kendra; invention; inventor; Johnson, Elridge Reeves; jukebox; Kelley, Katie; Lake Avenue; Lake County; Lake County Historical Museum; live music; Main Street; Mozart, Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus; music; music player; National Phonograph-Records Recruiting Corps; Now for Some Music; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; phonograph; piano; podcast; radio; record disc; recorded music; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; Rock-Ola juke box; Rudolph Wurlitzer Company; Seeburg Corporation; Seeburg jukebox; sheet music; sheet music industry; Sony Corporation; Sony Walkman; Sousa, John Philip; Super Rocket Rock-Ola; TAMU; tape recorder; Tavares; Texas A&M University; Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University; transistor radio; UCF; University of Central Florida; Velásquez, Daniel; Victor Talking Machine Company; violin; Walkman; Waren, Warren; Warfield, Scott; West Avenue; Wurlitzer; Wurlitzer jukebox; Zimmermann, Marc