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- Tags: Crescitelli, Jim
A History of Central Florida, Episode 38: Citrus Industry
Tags: 14th Avenue; A History of Central Florida; Adams Citrus Products Reception Center; advertising; Arcadia; Barbadoan; Bluebird; Caribbean Islander; citrus; Citrus Belt; citrus grove; citrus industry; Citrus Tower; Clarke, Bob; Clermont; Crescitelli, Jim; Deer Island; Dipper; Dunedin; factory; FDA; Flagler, Henry Morrison; Ford, Chip; Fourteenth Avenue; freeze; frozen concentrate; fruit preservation; Gibson, Ella; Gus Hall Citrus Fruit; Hall, Gus; Harrell, George "Speedy"; Hazen, Kendra; Indian River; Indian River Citrus Museum; Indian River Packing Company; Jamaican; Jax; juice; Just Fine; Keene, R. D.; Kelley, Katie; Killarney; labor; Lake Garfield; Long, Mark Howard; Main Street; marketing; Minute Maid; Mormino, Gary Ross; OCRHC; orange; orange county; Orange County Regional History Center; orange grove; orange industry; orange juice; orlando; packing; packing house; packing industry; Parramore; Parramore Road; pineapple orange; Plant, Henry Bradley; podcast; preservation; R. D. Keene, Inc.; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; Saint Augustine; sawdust; shipping; shipping industry; Spain; Spaniard; Spanish; spoilage; The Orange State; U.S. Food and Drug Administration; UCF; University of Central Florida; Valencia orange; Velásquez, Daniel; Vero Beach; WGHF; Whole Sun; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation; Winter Garden Heritage Museum; World War II; WWII