Browse Items (4 total)
- Tags: Huron, New York
Memoirs of Life in a Wayne County Migrant Farm Camp
Tags: agricultural laborer; Alton Hotel; Alton, New York; BeBe Black; BeBe Haynes; Black Label; ChewTobaccos; commissary; D. W. VanDusen; education; farm worker; flat house; Foster's; Genesee; Henry Freeman; Huron, New York; I-95; Interstate 95; labor; laborer; Little W. Corner Store; Lula Mae Haynes; Lula Mae Haynes Black; Maxwell House; migrant labor; migrant worker; New York State Route 104; North Rose Wolcott School Board; North Rose, New York; Patricia Ann Black; Patricia Ann Black Bigham; Pilgrim Black; Preemption Road; restaurant; Ridge Road; Schaeffer's Wallington, New York; school; Sodus Bank; SR 104; The Times of Wayne County; wages; Wayne County, New York; Wild Irish Rose; Wolcott, New York; work camp
Life's Lessons Become Wayne Woman's Message: Being Inclusive Benefits Everyone
Tags: agricultural; agricultural labor; agricultural laborer; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Patricia Ann; Black, Pilgrim; employee; farm; farm laborer; farming; Huron, New York; Kennedy, Robert Francis; laborer; Lyons, New York; migrant labor; migrant laborer; migrant worker; Miller, Jim; Nail Spa and Unique Boutique; O'Toole, Joe; Pre-Emption Road; Sanford, Wolcott, New York; Seven Acres & A Mule; sexual abuse; VanDusen; victim; Wayne County Museum; Wayne County, New York; worker
Migrant Worker "Big House" in Wayne County, New York
Lula Mae Haynes Black and Pilgrim Black in New York
Tags: agricultural laborer; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Lula Mae Haynes; Black, Patricia Ann; Black, Pilgrim; farm labor; farm laborer; Haynes, Lula Mae; Huron, New York; kitchen; laborer; migrant crew leader; migrant labor; migrant worker; restaurant; Upstate New York; Wayne County, New York