Browse Items (21 total)
- Tags: Black, Pilgrim
Black Family Property Deed
Memoirs of Life in a WC Migrant Farm Camp
Tags: addiction; African American; agricultural labor; agricultural laborer; agriculture; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black History Month; Black, Lula Mae Haynes; Black, Patricia Ann; Black, Pilgrim; cocaine; drug; farm laborer; farm worker; farming; Haynes, Lula Mae; History at Night; Huron; imprisonment; incarceration; labor; laborer; Lyons, New York; migrant labor; migrant laborer; migrant worker; migration; North Rose School; O'Toole, Joseph; Ontario County Jail; Patricia Ann's Nail Spa Boutique; race relations; racism; rehabilitation; Rogers, Pam; Sanford; Seven Acres & A Mule; sexual abuse; sobriety; victim; Wayne County; Wayne County Museum; WH Magazine; Wolcott, New York; worker
Life's Lessons Become Wayne Woman's Message: Being Inclusive Benefits Everyone
Tags: agricultural; agricultural labor; agricultural laborer; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Patricia Ann; Black, Pilgrim; employee; farm; farm laborer; farming; Huron, New York; Kennedy, Robert Francis; laborer; Lyons, New York; migrant labor; migrant laborer; migrant worker; Miller, Jim; Nail Spa and Unique Boutique; O'Toole, Joe; Pre-Emption Road; Sanford, Wolcott, New York; Seven Acres & A Mule; sexual abuse; VanDusen; victim; Wayne County Museum; Wayne County, New York; worker
Letter from Robert D. Moran to Pilgrim Black
Tags: Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Patricia Ann; Black, Pilgrim; employee; Fair Labor Standards Act; farm; farming; Georgetown; laborer; migrant labor; migrant worker; minimum wage; Moran, Robert D.; Sanford; U.S. Department of Labor; wage; Wage and Hour Division; worker; Workplace Standards Administration
Migrant Worker "Big House" in Wayne County, New York
Annual Worker Plan Schedule for Pilgrim Black
Migrant Experience Paper by William Arthur Bigham III
Tags: African American; agriculture; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Bigham, William Arthur, III; Black, Lula Mae Haynes; Black, Patricia Ann; Black, Pilgrim; bus; desegregation; education; farm; farmer; farming; fruit; fruit industry; harvest; hourly pay; hourly wage; integration; labor; laborer; manager; migrant work; migrant worker; orchard; piece rate; piece work; race relations; racism; Sanford; school; segregation; State University of New York at Brockport; SUNY Brockport; supervisor; task wage; Upstate New York; wage; Wayne County; Wayne County, New York; work camp; worker
Lula Mae Haynes Black and Pilgrim Black in New York
Tags: agricultural laborer; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Lula Mae Haynes; Black, Patricia Ann; Black, Pilgrim; farm labor; farm laborer; Haynes, Lula Mae; Huron, New York; kitchen; laborer; migrant crew leader; migrant labor; migrant worker; restaurant; Upstate New York; Wayne County, New York
Pilgrim Black with Grandson William Bigham III
Home of Margaret Black Jones in Sanford
Black Family Home in Sanford
Pilgrim Black
Chase & Company Invoice (June 12, 1962)
Chase & Company Invoice (April 19, 1962)
Plat of Survey for Pilgrim Black
Letter from A. Worley Brown to Pilgrim Black (May 21, 1962)
Tags: agriculture; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Patricia Ann; Black, Pilgrim; Brown, A. Worley; Bryant, Farris; Coleman, Burnis; employment; farm labor; Florida Industrial Commission; Florida State Employment Service; harvest; labor; laborer; migrant labor; migrant worker; New York; Sanford; State of Florida; Upstate New York
U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Employment Secruity Farm Labor Contractor Certificate of Registration No. 4-05-5631-71-R
Tags: 10th Street; agricultural laborer; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Pilgrim; Bureau of Employment Security; contractor; Department of Labor; DOL; employment; employment security; farm labor contractor certificate; Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963; farm laborer; labor; laborer; migrant worker; New York; Norwood, William N., Jr.; Sanford; Tenth Street; U.S. Department of Labor; U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Employment Security; Upstate New York
Envelope Addressed to Harry Black
Eulogistical Services For the Late Mother Margaret Jones
Tags: Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Charles; Black, Harry; Black, Lugenia; Black, Lula Mae Haynes; Black, Maggie Benjamin; Black, Margaret; Black, Patricia Ann; Black, Pilgrim; Bookman, Fannie; Brown, Bob; Childs, Christine; church; Church of God; Devaux, Leon; eulogy; funeral; Gospel Choir; Hardy, Aletha; Hayes, Tommie; Hestle, Roosevelt; Hickory Avenue; Hickory Avenue Church of God; Jones, James; Jones, James W.; Jones, Margaret Black; Ladies Auxiliary; Lawson, Charles; Lawson, Harriett Black; Miller, Dorothy; Mothers' Board; Parrish, Pauline Jones; Randall, Ella; Sanders, Percell; Sanford; The Angelic Trio; Turner, Odell; Wesley Brothers Printers
Funeral Services for the Late Mrs. Leatha Walker
Tags: Baptist; Baptist Church; Barnes, Clementine; Beach, Fernandina; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Harry; Black, Israel Bradley; Black, Leatha; Black, Maggie Benjamin; Black, Patricia Ann; Black, Pilgrim; Bradley, Robert; Brown, W.; Bullard, E.; church; funeral; Gospel Choir; Hickory Avenue Church of God; Jones, Margaret; Lawson, Harriett; Light Foot Cemetery; Mt. Moriah Primity Baptist Church; Oliver, Carrie; Order of the Eastern Star; Rebecca Chapter No. 83; Sanders Funeral Home; Sanders, P.; Sanford; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole Memorial Hospital; Snelling, J. S.; St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church; Walker, A. W.; Walker, Clyde; Walker, Harry; Walker, Leatha Black; Wilson, R.; Zanders, Flossie; Zanders, R.