Browse Items (2 total)
- Tags: Pride Parade
Pride Concert, June 9 & 10, 1992
Tags: A Gershwin Medley; AIDS Outreach Fund; At the River; Bob Smedley; Charles Callahan; Edyth Bush Theatre; GALA Choruses; Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses; Gone With the Wind; Hallelujah, Amen; Kenion A. "Ken" Thompson, II; La Vergine degli Angeli; OGC; Orlando Gay Chorus; Pride Concert; Pride Parade; Proud World; Somewhere Medley; Suellen Fagin-Allen; The Omnipotence; This We Know (Words of Chief Seattle); Zion's Walls; Zitti Zitti, Moviamo Vendetta
The Colours of Life, April 14, 1996
Tags: After the Cure; All Day, All Night; Amazing Grace; Aubrey Connelly; Carry Me; Christopher M. Facteau; Colors of My Life; Condom Song; GALA Choruses; GLBT; His Eye is on the Sparrow; I Love Him; I Shall Miss Loving You; I'm Going to Go Back There Someday; In Our Lifetime; In the Miracle; Left Behind; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Love Lives On; No False Hope; OGC; Oh, Danny Boy; One Hand, One Heart; Orlando Gay Chorus; Paul R. Ericson Memorial AIDS Fund; Pride Parade; Sex in the 90's; Something Inside So Strong; Somewhere Medley; Taking it to the Streets; The Colours of Life; The Day After That; The Gift of Laughter; Transformation; University High School; We the People; You Are My Star