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- Tags: Tokopalika
Map of Florida, 1837
Tags: Alachua County; Alachua River; Aliqunl Chactawgatcgee Bay; Alligator Point; Canaveral; Cape Florida; Cape of St. George; Cape Roman; Cedar Key; Charles Ferry; Cold Water River; Columbia County; Dade County; Duck Key; Duval County; Escambia County; Escambia River; Everglades; Fayet County; Fayette County; Florida Territory; Fort Alabama; Fort Brook; Fort Cooper; Fort Dade; Fort Deane; Fort George Inlet; Fort Mellon; Franklin County; Fresh Water Bluff; Gadsden County; Gulf of Mexico; Hackley'; Hillsboro County; Honda Keys; Indian Key; Indian River; Indian River Lagoon; J. Lee Williams; Jackson County; Jackson Lake; Jacksonville; James Island; Jefferson County; Key West; Lake Eustis; Lake George; Lake Preston; Lake Randolph Gardens; Largo Key; Little Suwannee River; Madison County; Marianna; Micco; Monticello; Mosquito; Mosquito County; Nassau County; Nassau Inlet; Nassau River; Okaloosa River; Pensacola; Pine Landing; Quincy; Richmond Bay; s County; Sama Keys; Sand Hills; Sand Key; Sarasota; St. Augustine; St. Clement Point; St. John; St. Joseph; St. Lucie River; St. Mark; St. Mary's River; Tallahassee; Tampa Bay; Tokopalika; Volusia; Walton County; Washington County; whites Spring; Yellow Water River