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- Tags: album quilts
A History of Central Florida, Episode 31: Quilt Stories
Tags: A History of Central Florida; AFC; album quilts; Amanda Silkarskie; American Civil War; American Folklife Center; basket pattern; basket patterns; Bayeux Tapestry; Bob Clarke; carpenter's wheel pattern; carpenter's wheel patterns; Chip Ford; churches; Civil War; Clermont; Clermont Historic Village; Country Club Road; crossroads patterns; Daniel Velásquez; Dorothy MacDougall; Ella Gibson; Emma Clark; England, United Kingdom; Freedom Avenue; Great Britain; Great Depression; Harry & Harriette Moore Memorial Park; horses; Jacob's Ladder; James K. Polk; James Knox Polk; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kentucky Quilt Project; knights; Ladies' Aid Society; Lake Mary; Lake Mary Community Church; Lake Mary Historical Museum; Land's End All-American Quilt Collection; Library of Congress; log cabin patterns; M. Florence Anderson; Main Street; Mascotte Aid Society; Mascotte Quilt; Mims; Monkey Wrench; narratives; Norman Conquest of England; Normandy; Normans; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; President Polk in the White House Quilt; quilters; quilting; quilts; redwork quilts; Robert Cassanello; sail boat patterns; Saxons; shoo-fly patterns; textiles; Underground Railroad; W. G. Sloan; Wagon Wheel; West Avenue; WGHF; Whig's Defeat Quilt; William I; William the Bastard; William the Conqueror; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation; woman; women