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- Tags: swimsuit
A History of Central Florida, Episode 43: Surfboards
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Aho, Paul; Avery, Dick; Baby Boom Generation; bathing suit; beach; Beach Street; beachwear; Blake, Tom; Brooke, Christopher; Campbell, Jim; cinema; Clarke, Bob; Collier's: The National Weekly; Daytona Beach; Daytona Beach Surf Shop, Inc.; fiberglass; film; film industry; Flagler, Henry Morrison; Ford, Chip; Gibson, Ella; Halifax Historical Museum; Harper's Magazine; Hawaii; Hazen, Kendra; Kahanamoku, Duke Paoa Kahinu Mokoe Hulikohola; Kelley, Katie; Long, Mark Howard; longboard; Mainland High School; manufacturing; Marten, Wes; Miami; Miller, George; movie; Murph the Surf; Murphy, Jack "Murph the Surf" Roland; music; music industry; Native American; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Ormond Beach; plywood; podcast; Polynesian; Polynesian Islands; polyurethane; Reed, Goldman; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; royalty; Seabreeze High School; shortboard; sport; spring break; Surf n' Bass; surfboard; surfboard shaper; surfer; surfing; Surfing Florida: A Photographic History; swimsuit; The Beach Boys; The Endless Summer; tourism; tourist; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; upper class; Velásquez, Daniel; Waikiki Club; Where the Boys Are; Whitman, Bill; Whitman, Dudley; Whitman, Stanley; Whitney, Caspar; Win the War League; wooden surfboard; World War II; WWII; youth culture