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The Orlando Ministerial Association's minutes of a charter meeting on February 20, 1958. The meeting was held at Temple Israel in Winter Springs, Florida. The association was founded with the purpose of being "open to all clergymen of Orlando…

Minutes of a monthly meeting of the Orlando Ministerial Association. The meeting was held on April 2, 1959, at the Y.M.C.A. in Orlando, Florida. A financial report was made and Rabbi Shwartz began a discussion about the "Parent Option Plan", which…

Minutes of a monthly meeting of the Orlando Ministerial Association. The meeting was held on March 5, 1959, at the Y.M.C.A. in Orlando, Florida. Pat Pinkerton of the Orlando Sentinel was present to discuss an update on the newspaper's policy of…

Proposed charter for the Orlando Ministerial Association, which was a group of white, black and Jewish clergymen whose goal was to meet the social, moral and religious problems of Orlando. The association was open to people of all races and creeds,…
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