Browse Items (4 total)

The draft registration card for John Martin Conaway (1892-1955). The card lists a serial number, the name of the registrant, the order number, the place of residence, the mailing address, telephone, age, place of birth, state, date of birth, the…

A schematic map of the Air Service Production Center #2 at the Romorantin Aerodrome. The Aerodrome is located about sixty miles south of the city of Orleans in France’s Loire River valley. John Conaway (1892-1955) and his unit, the 803rd Aero…

A newspaper article published in The Tampa Tribune on March 11, 1933. The article, entitled "State Legion Convention Plans Reported Changed," reported that James Norman Ball (1890-1940), commander of Leslie Collier post of the American Legion in…

A newspaper article published in The Airscout's Snapshot on October 2, 1918. The column, entitled "S.O.L.", was devoted to “real, honest-to-gosh photographers.” A notable soldier mentioned in the article is James Normal Ball (1890-1940), who the…
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