Browse Items (2 total)
- Tags: Clark, Louise
Names Make 'The News'
Tags: 124th Infantry; Aiken, Dick; Alexander, Viola; Allen; Back, Audrey; Beard; Bill Bobstay; Bob Beckett; Bobbynette; Bouffie; Brower, Nancy; Brumley, Herman; Callahan, Bob; Cameron, Shirley; Captain Corcoran; Clark, Catherine; Clark, Dorothy; Clark, Louise; Column, Nancy; Conelly, Daphne; Cousin Hebe; Cranston, Ralph; Dean, Rolland; Dick Deadeye; Dunn, Doris; Eich, Shirley; Evans, Roberta; Florida National Guard; Florida Showcase; Foots; French Avenue; Geiger, Robert; Gilbert, William Schwenck; Gleason, Hanel Matthews, Harriet; Glee Club; Grantham, Clarence; H.M.S. Pinafore; Hickson, Helen; high school; Hinson, Juanell; Hoge, Leroy; Hutchins, Georgia; Jackson, Ruth; Josephine; King, Betty; Little Buttercup; Lucy; Lyons, Dorothy; Matthews, Betty; Matthews, Evelyn; Matthieux, Mildred; Matthieux, Orrie; McWhorter, Elsie; Meekins, Carey; Meisch, Sylvia; Miller, Betty; Morrison, Dorothy; Morrison, Sallie; Mrs. Cripps; opera; Orin Stenstrom family; Page, Martha; Park, Charles Sr.; Perkins, Martha; Phyllis; Powell, Neil; Raborn, M. L. "Sonny"; Rackstraw, Ralph; Robson, Mildred; Rucker, Wayde; Sacket, Milton; Sanford; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Middle School; school; Seminole High School; Seminole High School Glee Club; Sir Joseph Porter; Smith, Walter; Speer, Andrew; Stenstrom, Julian; Stevens, Rebecca; Sullivan, Arthur; Tew, Mary Helen; The Sanford Herald; Toll, Audrey; Turner, Walter; Walsh, Lillian; Ward; Ward, Ed; WCPX; WDBO; Whitmore, Barbara; Williams, Nancy
The Celery Fed, Vol. 10 No. 2
Tags: art club; atomic bomb; Boyle, Lillian; Caldwell, Charlene; Campus Quarantine; Carver, Mary Elizabeth; Celery Crate; Celery Feds; Chapel program; Chittenden, Edna; Christmas; Christmas Seal; Clark, Louise; Dampier, Gloria; Dingfelder, Simon; exhibit; football squad; Future Farmers; Glee Club; Gray, Billy; Hand, Ruth; Harley, Thornton; high school; Humphrey; inflation; Jackson, Wesley; Johnson, Jean; Landress, Edna; Lee, Lolo; Leffler, Ken; Leffler, Lila; Lossing, Larry; McIntyre, Stuart; Morris, H.E.; newspaper; Parent-Teacher Association; PTA: Sister Kenny; Red Cross; Sanford; Santa; Sayer, Jean; Schnoble, Walter; scholarships; school; school newspaper; Seminole High School; Seminole Teachers Club; Shannon, Bette; Smith, Walter; Southward, Myra; tag day; talent program; Tampa Music Clinic; Toll, Audrey; victory bond drive; Von Herbulis, Dorothy; White Christmas; Williams, Nancy