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- Tags: Christmas Seal
The Celery Fed, Vol. 10 No. 2
Tags: art club; atomic bomb; Boyle, Lillian; Caldwell, Charlene; Campus Quarantine; Carver, Mary Elizabeth; Celery Crate; Celery Feds; Chapel program; Chittenden, Edna; Christmas; Christmas Seal; Clark, Louise; Dampier, Gloria; Dingfelder, Simon; exhibit; football squad; Future Farmers; Glee Club; Gray, Billy; Hand, Ruth; Harley, Thornton; high school; Humphrey; inflation; Jackson, Wesley; Johnson, Jean; Landress, Edna; Lee, Lolo; Leffler, Ken; Leffler, Lila; Lossing, Larry; McIntyre, Stuart; Morris, H.E.; newspaper; Parent-Teacher Association; PTA: Sister Kenny; Red Cross; Sanford; Santa; Sayer, Jean; Schnoble, Walter; scholarships; school; school newspaper; Seminole High School; Seminole Teachers Club; Shannon, Bette; Smith, Walter; Southward, Myra; tag day; talent program; Tampa Music Clinic; Toll, Audrey; victory bond drive; Von Herbulis, Dorothy; White Christmas; Williams, Nancy
Cher-O-Key (December 21, 1928)
Tags: Allbritton, Thelma; Anderson, Richard; Barlett, Burnett; Barlow, Lester; Barnett, Roberta; Berst, Winnifired; Bird, Joe; Blankner, Ed; Boggs, Robert; Brown; Cassee, Gladys; Cherokee JHS; Cherokee Junior High; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee Junior HS; Cherokee School; Christmas; Christmas Seal; Christmas Seal Program; Clarke, Isabel; Cook, Thomas; Cox, Robert; Datson; DuBose, Eva Belle; Durgan, Merrill; Ekles; Ferrell, Jack; Fletcher, Sally; Ford; Fugate, Maxine; General Motors; Hammond; Henderson; Hodeck, Esther; Hopkins, Emily; Jesus; Jesus Christ; Jesus of Nazareth; Jones; Journalism Club; Kazorarosian, Shan; Kimball, Evelyn; Kline, Jack; Krause, Lucille; Lawson, Richard; Lerch, Ruth; Ludwig; Manson, Helen; Marriman, Richard; McClella, Marion; McCreedy, Helen; McKinnon, Carolyn; memorial; Memorial High; Memorial High School; Memorial HS; Menges, Louise; Meyer, Betty; MHS; Mizelle, Maxine; Nye, Dorothy; Once in a Blue Moon; Parker, Barbara; Patton, Lucille; Peterson, Ted; Pettay, Jean; Pickron, Bina Joe; Rathburh, Martha Ruth; Red Cross; Rinehart, Charles; Scruggs; Simmonss, Frances; Slaughter, Frances; Smathers, J. C.; Smith; Taylor, George; Terhune, Mary; Tompson; Topakian, Takoohy; Trimble, Betty; Tubbs, John; UF; University of Florida; Virgin Mary; Walker; Way, Yulee; Wetherington, Ruth; Williams, Bob; Write; Young, Donald