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- Tags: F. Haile
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 32, December 11, 1926
Tags: A. B. Rowland; A. E. Cline; A. G. Beyer; A. G. Shadix; A. M. Springer; Alice Waterhouse; American Red Cross; Anna B. Treat; Annie Meer; B. A. Galloway; B. Auxford Burks; B. M. Robinson; Baby Grand Theatre; Bank of Maitland; banking; banks; Blair Haines; books; Boy Scouts of America; Brown's Store; Bryan's Barber Shop; C. D. Horner; C. L. Pruyn; C. M. Niven; C. N. Beecher; chambers of commerce; Charles D. Homer; chinch bug; Christmas; church; churches; city government; civil engineering; Clarence Durrance; Clyde Clark; Cracker Jack; Dale Orwick; E. A. Upmeyer; E. R. Baldwin; E. R. Hanson; E. T. Owen; engineering; Ernestine McBryde; F. A. McNair; F. Haile; F. M. Brown; fire department; fire protection; firefighter; Flora's Studio; Forrest B. Stone; Foster R. Fanning; Francis Sachse; Frank Gould; Fred Vanderpool; gas station; George P. Dearborn; George Russell; Georgianna Hill; government; Grace Brewer; grocery; H. A. Griner; H. D. Babbidge; H. F. Haile; Hardware & Furniture Company; Harry R. Brewer; Helen Crane; Helen Remes; Helen Waterhouse; Herbert Kyle; Hill School; holiday; housing; Hungerford School; Hungerford School Jubilee Singers; I. Vanderpool; J. A. Brown; J. E. Allen; J. F. Gardner; J. G. Bennett; J. G. Foster; J. G. Hill; J. W. Rice; Jack Lee; James Hooks; Jeanette Conklin; John Fluno; John Konz; Kenneth N. McPherson; L. L. Lampp; Lake Sybelia; law; Lawrence Parker; libraries; library; Lillian Stone; Lily Lake; local government; Louis L. Coudert; M. A. Howard; M. C. Bryan; M. L. Kyle; M. P. Ponder; Maitland; Maitland Clothing and Dry Goods Store; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Mary Rice; mayors; Methodism; Methodist; Morgan Johnson; municipal government; Murphy's Cafe; O. P. Swope; orange; orange industry; orlando; Orlando Realty Board; Parent-Teacher Association; pest control; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; PTA; public safety; R. A. Wheeler; R. B. Wright; real estate; Rollins College; Rollins Press; Ruby Lake Grove Fruit Company; S. J. Stiggins; Sallie Crane; Samuel Ogren; sanitation; schools; speeding; St. Augustine grass; Stella Waterhouse; tax; tax law; taxation; Texaco Gas; The Bookery; The Maitland News; theater; Town Council; town government; traffic law; traffic safety; V. W. Estes; Vernon Ayers; W. A. Manning; W. A. Myers; W. R. Sperry; water; waterworks; WDBO Radio; White Way Restaurant; William Bryan; William Edwards; Winter Park; Winter Park Bakery; Winter Park Cleaners; Winter Park Fish Market; Winter Park Refrigerating Company; zoning