Browse Items (12 total)
- Tags: American Red Cross
Florida Historical Quarterly, Episode 15: Vol. 91, No. 2, Fall 2012
Tags: 1935 Labor Day hurricane; American Red Cross; architecture; cisterns; construction; Daniel S. Murphree; direct relief; disaster relief; FDR; Federal Emergency Relief Administration; FERA; FHQ; Florida Historical Quarterly; Florida Keys; Florida National Guard; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Great Depression; hurricane houses; Hurricane Monument; hurricanes; Islamorada; Matthew G. Hyland; Monroe County; natural disasters; New Deal; Plantation Key; poured concrete; Sleeping Policeman; Upper Matecumbe Key; Vogelbird; work relief
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 32, December 11, 1926
Tags: A. B. Rowland; A. E. Cline; A. G. Beyer; A. G. Shadix; A. M. Springer; Alice Waterhouse; American Red Cross; Anna B. Treat; Annie Meer; B. A. Galloway; B. Auxford Burks; B. M. Robinson; Baby Grand Theatre; Bank of Maitland; banking; banks; Blair Haines; books; Boy Scouts of America; Brown's Store; Bryan's Barber Shop; C. D. Horner; C. L. Pruyn; C. M. Niven; C. N. Beecher; chambers of commerce; Charles D. Homer; chinch bug; Christmas; church; churches; city government; civil engineering; Clarence Durrance; Clyde Clark; Cracker Jack; Dale Orwick; E. A. Upmeyer; E. R. Baldwin; E. R. Hanson; E. T. Owen; engineering; Ernestine McBryde; F. A. McNair; F. Haile; F. M. Brown; fire department; fire protection; firefighter; Flora's Studio; Forrest B. Stone; Foster R. Fanning; Francis Sachse; Frank Gould; Fred Vanderpool; gas station; George P. Dearborn; George Russell; Georgianna Hill; government; Grace Brewer; grocery; H. A. Griner; H. D. Babbidge; H. F. Haile; Hardware & Furniture Company; Harry R. Brewer; Helen Crane; Helen Remes; Helen Waterhouse; Herbert Kyle; Hill School; holiday; housing; Hungerford School; Hungerford School Jubilee Singers; I. Vanderpool; J. A. Brown; J. E. Allen; J. F. Gardner; J. G. Bennett; J. G. Foster; J. G. Hill; J. W. Rice; Jack Lee; James Hooks; Jeanette Conklin; John Fluno; John Konz; Kenneth N. McPherson; L. L. Lampp; Lake Sybelia; law; Lawrence Parker; libraries; library; Lillian Stone; Lily Lake; local government; Louis L. Coudert; M. A. Howard; M. C. Bryan; M. L. Kyle; M. P. Ponder; Maitland; Maitland Clothing and Dry Goods Store; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Mary Rice; mayors; Methodism; Methodist; Morgan Johnson; municipal government; Murphy's Cafe; O. P. Swope; orange; orange industry; orlando; Orlando Realty Board; Parent-Teacher Association; pest control; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; PTA; public safety; R. A. Wheeler; R. B. Wright; real estate; Rollins College; Rollins Press; Ruby Lake Grove Fruit Company; S. J. Stiggins; Sallie Crane; Samuel Ogren; sanitation; schools; speeding; St. Augustine grass; Stella Waterhouse; tax; tax law; taxation; Texaco Gas; The Bookery; The Maitland News; theater; Town Council; town government; traffic law; traffic safety; V. W. Estes; Vernon Ayers; W. A. Manning; W. A. Myers; W. R. Sperry; water; waterworks; WDBO Radio; White Way Restaurant; William Bryan; William Edwards; Winter Park; Winter Park Bakery; Winter Park Cleaners; Winter Park Fish Market; Winter Park Refrigerating Company; zoning
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 31, December 4, 1926
Tags: A. G. Beyer; A. M. Springer; Alexander McL. Rowland; American Red Cross; Anna B. Treat; Augusta McNair; B. M. Robinson; Bank of Maitland; banking; banks; Betty Rowland; books; Boy Scouts of America; Brown's Store; C. D. Horner; C. L. Durrance; C. L. Pruyn; C. M. Niven; C. M. Niven, Jr.; C. N. Beecher; chambers of commerce; Charles D. Horner; Christian Endeavor Society; church; churches; Cleo Umphery; cop; Cora Nelson; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. E. Dull; E. R. Hanson; Eleanor Upmeyer; Epworth League; F. A. McNair; F. R. Fanning Company; fire department; fire protection; Flora's Studio; Florence Bennett; Foye Lee McIntosh; G. J. Friedland; Georgianna Hill; Glen Orwick; government; H. F. Haile; H. R. Peat; Harold Hill; Hill School; housing; Hungerford School; J. A. Brown; J. F. Gardner; J. G. Bennett; J. G. Foster; Jack Horner; Joe Drawdy; L. L. Lampp; law enforcement; Lena Fugate; libraries; library; Lily Lake; Lily Tucker; local government; Louis L. Coudert; Lucy Brown; M. A. Howard; M. L. Kyle; M. P. Ponder; Maitland; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Mamie Fugate; Margaret Russell; Mary C. Ely; Mary Rice; Methodism; Methodist; Mildred Jones; municipal government; Nellie W. Taylor; orlando; Orpheus Radio; Parent-Teacher Association; pest control; police; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; PTA; R. A. Wheeler; R. B. Wright; radio; Ralph Grassfield; Ray Leuthy; real estate; Rollins Press; Rose Tucker; S. A. Ducret; S. B. Hill, Jr.; S. J. Stiggins; sanitation; schools; State Highway No. 3; Telecommunications; The Bookery; The Maitland News; Town Council; town government; Twila Horton; W. A. Myers; waterworks; Winter Park; Winter Park Cleaners
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 22, October 2, 1926
Tags: A. B. Rowland; Agnes Moremen; American Red Cross; Anna B. Treat; Arthur A. Richmond, Jr.; Bank of Maitland; banking; banks; books; Boy Scouts of America; Brown's Store; C. D. Horner; C. J. Woodward; C. N. Beecher; chambers of commerce; church; churches; Clarence Brown; contract; Cox and Bryson Paving Company; D. R. Wiggins; death; disaster relief; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. D. Visor; E. N. Beach; E. T. Owen; Eleanor Barnet; Elizabeth Madoline; Elizabeth Treat; F. A. McNair; Flora's Studio; Fort Lauderdale; Georgia Belle Gatlin; Goodyear Tires; government; Great Miami Hurricane; H. C. Boss; Harland Black; Harold Hill; Hill School; housing; hurricane relief; hurricanes; J. A. Brown; J. G. Bennett; J. M. Brown; J. T. Stover; Jesse Wells Worley; Kingsmill; L. W. Jennings; libraries; library; local government; Louis L. Coudert; M. L. Kyle; M. P. Ponder; Maitland; Maitland Auxiliary; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Marrs; Mazda Lamps; Methodism; Methodist; municipal government; natural disasters; obituary; pavement; paving; picnic; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; R. A. Wheeler; real estate; roads; Rollins Press; S. J. Stiggins; Sanlando Springs; schools; South Florida; Stella Waterhouse; streets; The Maitland News; The Orlando Sentinel; Town Council; town government; Viking Tires; Walter R. Darby; weddings; William W. Long
Happy Birthday Oviedo Woman's Club
Tags: 4th of July; Allied Forces; Allies; American Red Cross; Art Department; B. F. Wheeler; B. F. Wheeler, Sr.; Babe Ruth League; Brock's Pond; Brownie Troop; C. R. Clonts; Christmas; Chuluota Road; Cindy Nemiec; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; City of Oviedo; civic club; Civic Committee; Claire Evans; club; clubhouse; Education Department; Fellowship Hall; FFWC; First Methodist Church; Florida Federation of Women's Clubs; Florida Zoological Society; Fourth of July; General Federation of Woman's Clubs; GFWC; Golden Anniversary Tea; Hacienda Girls Rank; Harden Webb; Helen Leinhart; Hungary; income tax; Independence Day; Jean Jordan; Jo Piercy; Katherine Teague; Lake Charm; Lake Jessup Avenue; Lee Wheeler; Lillian Della Lee Lawton; Louise Martin; Luttle Rock, Arkansas; March of Dimes; Market Day; McCall; Mead; Mead Mannor Association; Mildred Ulrey; Nancy Beasley; OACD; OHS; Oviedo; Oviedo Area Combined Drive; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Magazine Club; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; Panama Canal; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; R. W. Estes; Sandy Anderson; Sanford Road; Seminole County; Seminole Youth Ranch; Sherrill Ingram; Slavia; Smorgasboard-Seminole County Health Unit for Mental Health; Sunland; Sweetwater Park; Tasting Luncheon; taxes; Titanic; United Fund Drives; Vienna, Austria; Vietnam; Vietnam War; W. J. Lawton, Sr.; W. T. Lawton; William McKinley; Winborn Joseph Lawton, Sr.; Woman's Club; women; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII
Past and Present: The Oviedo Woman's Club Legacy Lives—And Gives—On
Tags: American Red Cross; B. F. Wheeler; Boys Town; Camp Boggy Creek; civic club; club; clubhouse; Courtney Shapiro; Delanie Eflin; Elizabeth House; FFWC; Florida Federation of Women's Clubs; General Federation of Woman's Clubs; GFWC; Great Day in the Country; H. B. McCall; Hacienda Girls Ranch; Head Start; I. B. Tedford; J. Leinhart; Kelly Allen; King Street; Luke Charm; Mary Blake; Minna McCall; OPD; Operation Smile; Oviedo; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Magazine Club; Oviedo Police Department; Oviedo Rescue Van Fund; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; Peggy Osborne; R. L. Croom; Safe House; SCPS; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Sweetwater Park; T. L. Lingon; Tasting Luncheon; The Seminole Chronicle; Tracy Squadrito; W. P. Carter; Welcome to Oviedo; Woman's Club; women
History of the Oviedo Woman's Club by Lillian Della Lee Lawton
Tags: American Red Cross; B. F. Wheeler; citrus; citrus industry; civic club; club; freeze; Freeze of 1894-1895; Gay Nineties; H. B. McCall; Henry Wight; Henry Younge; Liberty Loan; Lillian Della Lee; Lillian Della Lee Lawton; M. M. King; Minna McCall; O. G. Wolcott; orange; orange industry; Oviedo; Oviedo Magazine Club; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; Sweetwater Park; T. L. Mead; W. J. Lawton, Sr.; Winborn Joseph Lawton, Sr.; Woman's Club; women; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII; Z. Spinks
Oral History of Jackie Caolo
Tags: American crawl; American Pediatric Association; American Red Cross; American Red Cross Water Safety; APA; backstroke; Blake, Emory; Blake, Jeff; breaststroke; Caolo, Jackie; Crystal Lake; Downtown Sanford; education; Ford, Frank "Chip"; Head Star Program; Lake Mary; Lakeland; Miss Jackie and Sally Seal Safety Video; Morosini, Dana; Morosini, Helen; Mother Wilson; Navy; opossums; oral history; overarm crawl; PHC; Public History Center; Rawls, Catherine; Reeve, Christopher; Sanford; Sanford Civic Center; Sanford Grammar School; Sapp, Brady; Seminole High School; swimmer; swimming; swimming lessons; swimming pool; teacher; Telly; UCF Public History Center; water safety; Wekiva Springs; Wilson
R. W. Estes Celery Company Ledger, 1947-1950
Tags: . A. Harris; A. Aulin; A. Duda and Sons; A. E. Bramble and Son; A. H. Malcom Company; A. J. Lossing Transfer and Storage; A. J. Peterson; A. K. Rossetter; A. W. Towne Agency; Abbott & Cobb; ACL; Adkins and Adkins Company; agriculture; Airplane Dusting Service of Zellwood; Alex Leinhart; American Red Cross; American Rug and Linoleum Company; Anderson Brothers; Andrew Carraway Agency; Annie C. Merriweather; Annie Laura Bennett; Annie May Davis; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church; Arch Eug. and Construction Company; Asa Pendleton; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Austin, Inc.; B. E. Taylor; B. J. Ward; B. Jones; Bailey Motor Company; Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; Bank of Zephyrhills; Beggs Company; Ben G. Wainwright; Ben Jones; Ben Jones Drug Company; Bertha Mason; Bethel Methodist Church; Bill Crey; Bill Slater; Bisese & Console; Black Hammock Drainage Fund; Block B; Blunk Furniture Company; BO; Bob Jones University; Borden's Dairy; Boy Scouts of American; Brainard and Horne Trucking Company; Britt Tractor Company; Brown and Loe, Inc.; Buster Henderson; Byron Thompson and Company, Inc.; C. D. Beggs; C. G. Rakeshaw; C. G. Shaffer; C. Henderson; C. O. Smith; C. R. Clonts; C. R. Clonts and Associates; C. T. Nublack; C. T. Walker Radiator Shop; C. W. Baker; cabbage; California Spray and Chew Company; Camp Bearwalla; Carraway & Smothers; Caruso Fruit Distributors; celery; Celery City Printing Company; celery industry; Cell-u-Mop Company; Central Avenue; Central City Bag Company; Central Florida Bag Exchange; Central Florida Quick Freeze and Storage Company; Charles G. Shaffer; Charles J. Collins; Charles T. Niblack; Chase and Company; Cherrito Celery Company; Chester D. Hiatt; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; City Ice and Fuel Company; Clarence Ashe; Clarence Henderson; Cleveland Celery Market; Clontz Zellwood Farms; Commissioner on Claims; Community Church; Community Produce Company; Consumers Lumber and Veneer Company, Inc.; Cook's Pharmacy; Cook's Prescription Stop; Cooperative Inspection Fund; Crawford Amoco Service; D. Caruise; D. R. Ulrey; D. Rubey; D'Arrigo Brothers Company; Demase and Manna; Dick Harrow; Dorothy Pulmley; DOT; Duda Tire Sales, Inc.; Dunham concrete Company; E. G. Kilpatrick, Jr.; E. L. Kempf; E. P. Collins; E. Williams; Earl Higgingbotham; Earnest Ingram; Eastwest Produce; Econlockhatchee Hunt Club; Elberta Crate and Box Company; Eleanor Lotz; Elwyn Evans; Estes, Ulrey, & Gore; Evelyn Williams; F. A. Long Farm; F. Washington; Falkner, Inc.; farm; Farm and Home Irrigation Supplies; Farm and Home Machinery Company, Inc.; farmer; farming; Farnell's Grocery; feed; Fernald Laughton; fertilizer; Fields Firestone Store; Firestone Stores, Inc.; First National Bank; First National Bank of Orlando; Florida Bank and Trust Company; Florida Farmer Corporation; Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association; Florida Fruit Digest Company; Florida Power Corporation; Florida State Bank; Florida State Bank of Sanford; flower; Food Machinery Corporation; Frank Marshall; Fred Diplin; Fred Washington; freight; Frisco; G. C. Williams; G. J. Rhodes; G. M. Arie; Garrett-Holmes, Inc.; George A. Speer, Jr.; George Armistead Smathers; George D. Daudes; George H. Spohn; George Jakobian; Georgia Crate and Basket Company; Gibbs Corporation; Gibbs Machine Company Shop; Good Neighbors Magazine; Grace C. Hardy; Grady Page; Grant Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church; Grant Chapel AME Church; Great Southern Stores, Inc.; grower; Growers and Shippers League of Florida; growing; Gulf Fertilizer Company; H. & W. B. Drew Company; H. M. Gleason; H. P. Newhouse; H. P. Newhouse Celery Company; H. T. Kitson; H. W. Lowell; Haley Stewart Electric Company; Halloway Concrete Products; Harry Becker; Harry Beeker and Company; Harry P. Leu; Hays and Russell, Inc.; Hazel W. Nowell; Heintzelman Motors, Inc,; Helen E. Leinhart; Henry A. Russell Seed Company; Henry Detriville; Hern's Photo Supply; Hiatt's Dairy; Hill Implement Company; Hinky Dinky Stores; Howard Gould; Howard Young; Hubert Lee Gray; Hungerford School; Hunt Mercury Company; Hunt's Garage; Hunt's Tuxedo Feed Store; Hutchinson Tractor Equipment Company; ICRR; Illinois Central Railroad; Independent Supply Company; Industrial Equipment Company; insecticide; insurance; Internal Revenue Service; Ira Tossie; IRS; J. A. Harris; J. Baker; J. C. Faircloth; J. C. Hutchinson; J. C. Kassell; J. D. Dillon and Sous Stores Company; J. D. Driggers; J. D. Moore; J. E. Clontz; J. E. Jackson; J. F. Wilson; J. Frank Wilson; J. Miller; J. R. Chappell; J. W. Craddock; J. William Martin; J. Y. Harris; Jack C. Kassell; Jack C. Kendall; Jack F. Wakeman; Jack Gore; James Apothecary; James Craddock; James Gilbert Lyerly; James H. Gut Agency; James Miller; Jim Wilson; Jimmie Cowan; Joe Leinhart; Joe Merritt; Joe Priest; John A. Eick; John Deere; John L. Galloway; John Miceli; John Rocher Chappell; Jones and McLaughlin Trucking Service; Jones Prescription Shop; Joseph L. Stecher; K. Brown; K. C. Baker; Karl Daul; Karl Schneeder; Kay Estes; Kennong Bearing Service; Kilgore Seed Company; Kingman and Hearty, Inc.; Kissam Builders Supply Company; Kooter Brown; Krick Weather Service, Inc. J. H. Daniell; Kroger Company; L. A. Hardy; L. W. Wilkerson; labor; LaJune Estes; Lake Charm Fruit Company; Lake Jessup; Lakeland Cash Feed Company; Lee Brothers; Lee Daniels; Leight Banana Case Company; Leinhart Floral Gardens; Leland Chubb, Jr.; Lena I. Hunt; Levy Grant; Lloyd's Furniture Company; Loniel E. Metcalf; Lonnie Wilkerson; Lot 26; Lot 3; Lot 45; Louis Roesch Company; lumber; M. C. Hagan; M. L. Gore; M. M. Estes; M. P. Mickler Company, Inc. G. M. Arie; M. Roth; M. Vinson; Mallory; Mamie Allen; Mandell; March of Dimes; Martin; Martin Equipment Company; Mary I. Young; Mary King; Masonic Home Endowment Fund; Mathers; Mattie McCoy; Max Leinhart; Medlock Tractor Company; Megan Sladek; Mercury 6; Merrill Wattles; Methodist Church of Oviedo; Mill Suppliers, Inv.; Millikan Brothers Garage; Milton Gore; Miracle Concrete Company; Mitchell Company; Monroe Vinson; Montgomery Ward Company; Morgan; Morgan Tire and Battery Company; Mount Zion Baptist Church; National Bellas Hess; National Marketing Company; National Society for Crippled Children; Nelson and Company, Inc.; New York Life Insurance Company; New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad Company; O. P. Hendon; O'Neal Branch Company; Orange Belt Truck and Track company; Orange Memorial Hospital; Orlando Farm Equipment Store; Orlando Forge; Orlando Office Supply Company; Oviedo; Oviedo Baseball Club; Oviedo Drug Company; Oviedo Farm Equipment Store; Oviedo Garage; Oviedo Lumber and Supply Company; Oviedo Lumber Company; Oviedo School; Oviedo Service Station; P. C. McMichen; P. C. McMicher; P. H. Lansing's Garage; P. I. Oviedo Drug Store for Medicine; Patrick Fruit Company; Paul E. Mary; Paul W. Heasley; Paymaser Corporation; payroll; pecan; Pennie Olliff; Pennsylvania Railroad Company; Pentland and Gray; Pere Marquette; Perkinson-Robison; Peter P. Volante; Peter P. Volaute; Peter S. Schaulan; Phillip Zwigg; Pioneer Fruit; Plywood Industries, Inc.; Produce Reporter Company; Prudential Insurance Company; Public Relations Service; R. C. DeGuehery; R. H. Johnson; R. K. Evans; R. L. Ragsdale; R. L. Scarick; R. L. Slavik; R. L. Stephens; R. N. Fisk Company; R. R. Bass; R. R. Stephens; R. S. Carlson; R. S. Woodruff; R. W. Estes; R. W. Estes Celery Company; Ralph Sirianni; Ratliff and Sons; Ray Clontz, Jr.; Remington-Rend, Inc.; Reynolds Produce company; Rice, Frew, and Rice Company, Inc.; Richard Allen; Richard H. Walker, Jr.; Roger W. Gidley; Rome Lincoln Mercury company; Ruby H. Estes; Russell R. Jones; Rutland's; S. E. Parker; S. F. Long; SAL; Salvation Army; Samuel P. Mandell; San Juan Drug company; Sanford Produce Company; Sarah Vinson; Seaboard Air Line Railroad; Sears, Roebuick, and Company; Seatt Mill Work Company; Seminole County Chamber of Commerce; Seminole County Farm Bureau; Seminole County Motors; Seminole County Tuberculosis Health Association; Seminole Truck and Tractor Company; Senter Brothers; Seventeen Magazine; Sherman Concrete Company; shipper; shipping; Smathers for Senate Club; Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; Southern Chemicals, Inc.; Southern Crate and Veneer Company; Southern Pipe and Supply company; St. Louis-San Francisco Railway; Standard Growers' Association; Standard Oil Company; Stanley P. Curtis; Stephens Brothers; Steward; Stock Yard District Agency; Strickland-Morrison, Inc.; Super Concrete, Inc.; Swift and Company; T. Cobb; Texas Company; Thad L. Lingo; The Lions club; The Orlando Morning Star Sentinel; The Sanford Herald; The Shoe Box; Theodore Glassmire; Thomas H. Daniell; Thomas H. Daniell, Jr.; Thomas Lumber and Supply Company; Thomas Moon; Tilden; Tilden Tiling; Title Guaranty and Abstract Company of Sanford; Town of Oviedo; Treasurer of the United States; U.S. Collector of Internal Revenue; U.S. Department of the Treasury; USDOT; V. H. Slay; W. A. Meek; W. A. Teague; W. C. Hutchinson; W. F. Maulding; W. G. Kilby; W. J. Chance; W. j. Flowers; W. J. Lawton; W. L. Daniels; W. T. Whitehead; W. Vincent Roberts; wage; Walker Fertilizer Company; Walton Wall; Ward's Garage; Ward's Garage and Filing Station; warehouse; warehousing; Wesco Foods; Wesley Reddick; Wesleyan College; Western Union Telegraph Company; Wheeler; William C. Hutchinson; William Enderlsin and Company; Willie Cray; Willie Daniell; Wilson-Horne; Winpark Roofing company; Womarath; Woody's Radio Shop; Yoriville; Young Harris Supply Company; Yowell-Drew Ivey Company
A History of Central Florida, Episode 34: Rollins Collegiate Wear
Tags: A History of Central Florida; American Red Cross; Annie Russell Theatre; Asa Will Jennings; athletes; baseballs; basketballs; beanies; Bob Clarke; Catherine H. Bailey; Chip Ford; Christopher Loss; college sports; colleges; collegiate wear; D. K. Dickinson; Daniel Velásquez; Darla Moore; David Bothe; desegregation; Dickson-Ives Company; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Dwight David Eisenhower; E. H. Riggs; E. R. Donnely; Elfreda Winany; Elinor Flood; Elizabeth Blish; Ella Gibson; epartment of College Archives and Special Collections; fashion; footballs; fraternities; George Young; Gerard M. Miller; Gilbert Maxwell; H. F. Harris; Hamilton Holt; hats; Helen Cole; Holt Avenue; Ike Eisenhower; integration; Irving Bacheller; J. K. List; J. W. List; Jack Constant Lane; James Holden; Jazz Age; John Dewey; Kappa Epsilon; Kathleen Shepherd; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lake Virginia; letterman sweaters; liberal arts; Margaret Chapman; Marita Stueve; Mason; Morton; Nancy Cushman; National Collegiate Athletic Association; NCAA; New England; OCRHC; Olin Library; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Ormond Beach; Percy McKane; Perrydell; Peter McCann; Phi Mu; Pi Beta Phi; Pi Kappa Delta; Progressivism; Richard S. Shattuck; Robert Cassanello; Robert E. James; Robert Warfield; Rollins College; Rollins Hall; Rollins Honor Student Company; Rollins Tar Babies; Ruth Dawson; Sanford Celeryfeds; school spirit; sororities; sorority; sports; Spring Training; Stering Olmsted; student movement; students; tennis; The Rollins Sandspur; Theodore J. Ehrlich; Thomas P. Bailey; U.S. Navy; Virginia Holm; W. D.; Walk of Fame; Walter Stevens; Wenxian Zhang; Winter Park; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII
Central Florida Personalities: Walton MacJordan
Tags: Abe Lincoln; American Red Cross; American Vets; AMVETS; Brewer; caricatures; cartoons; Central Florida Personalities; comics; department stores; Jordan, Walton Mac; Jordan, Walton Mac, Jr.; Lincoln, Abraham; Orange Avenue; orlando; Orlando Merchant Association; Sears, Roebuck and Company; U.S. Army Air Corps; UA; University of Alabama
History of Orange County, Florida: Narrative and Biographical
Tags: Albertson Public Library; American Red Cross; Apopka; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Autrey, L. M.; Beacham, B.; Beardall, William; Bithlo; Blackman, Lucy Worthington; Blackman, William Fremont; Boyer, Chauncey A.; Bradshaw, J. N.; Browne, Charles A.; Cawston, Arthur H.; Central Avenue; Cheney, J. M.; Christ, C. D.; Coursen, W. A.; Court Street; Crawford, George W. Yancey, T. A.; Dick, E. A.; Dickenson, R. M.; Dickson, H. H.; E. O. Painter Printing Company; Edwards, William; Ferguson, F. L.; Fort Christmas; Fort Gatlin; Fuller, John T.; Giles, James L.; Glenn, William; Gotha; Greenwood Cemetery; Guild, William A.; Hand, Carey; Hill, S. B.; Holt, Chauncey; Holt, Hamilton; Hutchins, Victory; Jenkins, R. A.; Johnson, S. A.; Lawton, J. A.; Lehmann, Karl; Lewter, F. A.; Lynch, W. B.; MacDonald, R. D.; Maitland; Martin, W. E.; Morse, C. H.; Mosquito County; Newton, V. B.; O'Neal, W. R.; Oakland; Ocoee; Orange Avenue; orange county; Orange County Chamber of Commerce; Orange County Courthouse; Orange General Hospital; orlando; Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Orlando Municipal Auditoriuml; Palmer, Willis L.; public schools; Rand, Frederic H.; Robinson; Robinson, B. M.; Robinson, Samuel A.; Rollins College; Safford, Mary A.; Sanford; settlers; Simmons, J. W.; Sinclair's Real Estate Agency; Speer, James G.; Sperry, Frank Ezra; Sweetapple, H. B.; Swope, O. P.; Taft; Tangerine; Temple, W. C.; The Making of Hawaii: A Study in Social Evolution; Tilden, L. W.; town well; Townsend, L. C.; Ward, C. H.; Whitman, Alton B.; Whitner, J. N.; Windermere; Winter Garden; Winter Park; Wright, A. L.; Yale University; Yowell, N. P.; Zellwood