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- Tags: Holt, Hamilton
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 29: Hamilton Holt, Part 2
Tags: African American; Animated Magazine; artillery shell; atomic bomb; Bethune, Mary Jane McLeod; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Carnegie, Andrew; college; college president; Conference Plan; Congregational church; Congregationalism; Congregationalist; Coolidge, Calvin; Coolidge, John Calvin, Jr.; documentary; Downtown Winter Park; education; evolution; Florida Congregational Association; Florida State Legislature; higher education; Holt, Hamilton; HOTEL; Hugo, Victor Marie; Hurston, Zora Neale; Lake Osceola; Lane, Jack; League of Nations; leftist; legislation; Mills Memorial Center and Peace Monument; Mills Memorial Library; monument; National Public Radio; NPR; orlando; Orlando Country Club; peace movement; podcast; political left; president; protest; race relations; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Rollins College; Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor; Roosevelt, Eleanor; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano; segregation; Seminole Hotel; Seymour, Thaddeus; Taft, William Howard; Tallahassee; tourism; tourist; Truman, Harry S.; UN; United Nations; university; Wilson, Thomas Woodrow; Wilson, Woodrow; Winter Park; world peace; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 28: Hamilton Holt, Part 1
Tags: Bacheller, Irving; campaign; classical curriculum; classics; college; college president; Conference Plan; curriculum; Dewey, John; documentary; editor; education; educator; election; examination; final examination; French, Scot; Frost, Robert Lee; Greek language; higher education; historian; Holt, Hamilton; ICJ; International Court of Justice; Lane, Jack; Latin language; League of Nartions; literary magazine; magazine editor; My Butterfly; peace activist; peace movement; podcast; poet; poetry; professor; progressive curriculum; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Rollins College; Seymour, Thaddeus; The Independent Magazine; U.S. Senate; Ward; Winter Park; World Court; World War I; WWI; Yale University
History of Orange County, Florida: Narrative and Biographical
Tags: Albertson Public Library; American Red Cross; Apopka; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Autrey, L. M.; Beacham, B.; Beardall, William; Bithlo; Blackman, Lucy Worthington; Blackman, William Fremont; Boyer, Chauncey A.; Bradshaw, J. N.; Browne, Charles A.; Cawston, Arthur H.; Central Avenue; Cheney, J. M.; Christ, C. D.; Coursen, W. A.; Court Street; Crawford, George W. Yancey, T. A.; Dick, E. A.; Dickenson, R. M.; Dickson, H. H.; E. O. Painter Printing Company; Edwards, William; Ferguson, F. L.; Fort Christmas; Fort Gatlin; Fuller, John T.; Giles, James L.; Glenn, William; Gotha; Greenwood Cemetery; Guild, William A.; Hand, Carey; Hill, S. B.; Holt, Chauncey; Holt, Hamilton; Hutchins, Victory; Jenkins, R. A.; Johnson, S. A.; Lawton, J. A.; Lehmann, Karl; Lewter, F. A.; Lynch, W. B.; MacDonald, R. D.; Maitland; Martin, W. E.; Morse, C. H.; Mosquito County; Newton, V. B.; O'Neal, W. R.; Oakland; Ocoee; Orange Avenue; orange county; Orange County Chamber of Commerce; Orange County Courthouse; Orange General Hospital; orlando; Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Orlando Municipal Auditoriuml; Palmer, Willis L.; public schools; Rand, Frederic H.; Robinson; Robinson, B. M.; Robinson, Samuel A.; Rollins College; Safford, Mary A.; Sanford; settlers; Simmons, J. W.; Sinclair's Real Estate Agency; Speer, James G.; Sperry, Frank Ezra; Sweetapple, H. B.; Swope, O. P.; Taft; Tangerine; Temple, W. C.; The Making of Hawaii: A Study in Social Evolution; Tilden, L. W.; town well; Townsend, L. C.; Ward, C. H.; Whitman, Alton B.; Whitner, J. N.; Windermere; Winter Garden; Winter Park; Wright, A. L.; Yale University; Yowell, N. P.; Zellwood