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- Tags: Coolidge, John Calvin, Jr.
President Calvin Coolidge Dedication Marker at Bok Tower Gardens
Tags: Bok Tower Gardens; Calvin Coolidge; Coolidge, Calvin; Coolidge, John Calvin, Jr.; dedication; dedications; John Calvin Coolidge, Jr.; Lake Wales; Moore, Russell; palm tree; palm trees; president; presidents; Russell Moore; tourism; tourist; tourist attraction; tourist attractions; tourists; tree; trees
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 52: An Interview with Jim Clark, Part 2
Tags: African American; alligator; Arthur, Chester Alan; assassination; Astor, John Jacob; author; Barry, Dave; Battle of San Juan Hill; Bayfront Park; Bennett, Roger; Bryan, Ruth; Bryan, William Jennings; Buchanan, N. W.; Bush, George Walker; candidate; Cermack, Anton "Tony" Joseph; Cermack, Tony; Chicago, Illinois; Clark, James "Jim" C.; Clark, Jim; Clark, Jim C.; Coolidge, Calvin; Coolidge, John Calvin, Jr.; Coral Gables; Crane, Harold Hart; Crane, Hart; Cuba; disability; Dos Passos, John Roderigo; election; Election of 1876; Election of 2000; electoral college; electoral vote; elephant; Everglades; fishing; Florida White House; Fort Lauderdale; Frost, Robert Lee; Gainesville; Garfield, James Abram; golf; Gore, Albert "Al" Arnold, Jr.; Grant, Hiram Ulysses; Grant, Ulysses S.; Harding, Warren Gamaliel; Harper's Weekly; Harry S. Truman Little White House; Hayes, Rutherford Birchard; Hemingway, Ernest Miller; Hiaasen, Carl; inauguration; Indian River; Key Biscayne; Key West; Lake Tahoke; Lakeside Inn; literature; Little White House; McKinley, William; Mintz, Steven; Mount Dora; Native American; Nixon, Richard Milhous; Obama, Barack Hussein; Owen, Ruth Bryan; Pineapple Anthology of Florida Writers Volume 1; poet; poetry; president; presidential candidate; Presidents in Florida; Reedy Creek; Republican; Republican National Convention; Republican Party; Republican presidential nomination; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; Romney, Mitt; Romney, Willard Mitt; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano; Roosevelt, Teddy; Roosevelt, Theodore "Teddy"; runaway slave; San Francisco, California; San Juan Hill; Seminole; slave; slavery; St. Augustine; St. Johns River; steamboat; steamship; Taylor, Zachary; The Branded Hand; Tilden, Samuel Jones; Titusville; tourism; tourist; Truman, Harry S.; vacation; vice president; vice presidential candidate; Washington, George; Whittier, John Greenleaf; Winter White House; World War II; writer; WWII
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 29: Hamilton Holt, Part 2
Tags: African American; Animated Magazine; artillery shell; atomic bomb; Bethune, Mary Jane McLeod; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Carnegie, Andrew; college; college president; Conference Plan; Congregational church; Congregationalism; Congregationalist; Coolidge, Calvin; Coolidge, John Calvin, Jr.; documentary; Downtown Winter Park; education; evolution; Florida Congregational Association; Florida State Legislature; higher education; Holt, Hamilton; HOTEL; Hugo, Victor Marie; Hurston, Zora Neale; Lake Osceola; Lane, Jack; League of Nations; leftist; legislation; Mills Memorial Center and Peace Monument; Mills Memorial Library; monument; National Public Radio; NPR; orlando; Orlando Country Club; peace movement; podcast; political left; president; protest; race relations; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Rollins College; Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor; Roosevelt, Eleanor; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano; segregation; Seminole Hotel; Seymour, Thaddeus; Taft, William Howard; Tallahassee; tourism; tourist; Truman, Harry S.; UN; United Nations; university; Wilson, Thomas Woodrow; Wilson, Woodrow; Winter Park; world peace; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII