Browse Items (6 total)
- Tags: pavement
Maitland Section of The Winter Park Herald, Vol. 04, No. 28, June 10, 1926
Tags: Anna B. Treat; automobiles; B. L. Maltbie; Bank of Maitland; banks; Boy Scouts of America; Browns Store; C. B. Waterhouse; C. D. Horner; C. E. Upmeyer; C. N. Williams; cars; citrus; civil engineering; civil engineers; Clarence Brown; construction; Dixie Highway; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. S. Galt; F. B. Stone; G. B. Hurlburt; G. Spain; G. W. Powers; Girls Sewing Club; Greenwood Gardens; H. Bennett; Hamilton Hotel; Horner; Inter-City Realty Company; J. A. Brown; J. A. Browns; J. A. Joiner; J. E. Bartletts; J. H. Hill; Jacksonville; John Nelson; Kenneth L. McPherson; Kenney; Knowles Terrace; L. L. Condert, Jr.; L. L. Coudert; L. T. Wilcox; Lake Catherine; Lake Maitland; Lois M. Haile; Louis L. Coudert; Maitland; Maitland Chamber of Commerce; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Maitland Realty Company, Inc.; Mcpherson; Miami; motor vehicles; Nelson; Oakland; orange county; oranges; orlando; Park Avenue; Parker; pavement; paving; Putnam Lumber Company; R. C. Wheeler; R. D. Tillson; Reasoner Brothers; Rolland A. Wheeler; Rollins College; S. B. Hill, Jr.; S. H. Hill; Sanford Credit Associations; Standard Auto Company; The Winter Park Herald; Union State Bank; W. B. Joiner; W. F. Parker; W. H. Cook; Westinghouse Electric Company; White Way Motor Company; Winter Park; Woodward
The Maitland News, Vol. 02, No. 18, May 18, 1927
Tags: A. B. Rowland; A. M. Springer; A. W. Benson; agriculture; An Historical Sketch of Maitland; B. Auxford Burks; B. R. Swope; Baby Grand Theatre; Billy Powell; Black Bear Trail; Boston Herald; Bryan's Barber Shop; C. D. Benson; C. D. Homer; C. D. Horner; C. M. Niven; chamber of commerce; Charles B. Waterhouse; Chester A. Arthur; citrus; citrus industry; Clarence D. Benson; Colla F. Owen; death; E. C. Hungerford; E. Turner; E. W. Horton; Eatonville; Elizabeth D. Benson; Florida State Audubon Society; Fort Maitland; Fort Mellon; Foster R. Fanning; George Rockwood; Georgianna Trout Hill; government; Grover Cleveland; Hamilton & Pike Studio; Henry Sanford; Hill School; Hungerford Industrial School of Eatonville; Hungerford School; Hurd National Bank; Inter-City Realty Company; Isaac Vanderpool; J. C. Eaton; J. E. Hill; J. H. Hill; John J. Hurd; Julia Ward Howe; L. F. Dommerich; L. L. Lampp; Lake Lily; Lake Maitland; library; local government; M. C. Bryan; Maitland; Maitland Clothing & Dry Goods Store; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Insurance Agency; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Malcolm C. Niven; Marinello Beauty Parlor; Mary Orrmins; Mellonville; Moody Bible Institute; municipal government; obituary; orlando; Osceola; Parent-Teacher Association; pavement; paving; PTA; R. G. Grassfield; railroad; rain; real estate; road; Robert Hungerford; Rollins Press; S. B. Hill; S. J. Stiggins; Sanford; sanitation; Sanlando Springs; school; Seminole Indian; Seminole War; settler; St. John's River; State Road No. 3; steamboat; steamer; steamship; street; taxes; The Maitland News; Thomas Haskell; Town Council; town government; Ulysses S. Grant; Union State Bank; W. J. Beckham; weather; White Way Motor Company; William Driscoll; William H. Waterhouse; Winter Park; Winter Park Cleaners; Winter Park Refrigerating Company
The Maitland News, Vol. 01, No. 22, October 2, 1926
Tags: A. B. Rowland; Agnes Moremen; American Red Cross; Anna B. Treat; Arthur A. Richmond, Jr.; Bank of Maitland; banking; banks; books; Boy Scouts of America; Brown's Store; C. D. Horner; C. J. Woodward; C. N. Beecher; chambers of commerce; church; churches; Clarence Brown; contract; Cox and Bryson Paving Company; D. R. Wiggins; death; disaster relief; Donald G. Spain; E. A. Upmeyer; E. D. Visor; E. N. Beach; E. T. Owen; Eleanor Barnet; Elizabeth Madoline; Elizabeth Treat; F. A. McNair; Flora's Studio; Fort Lauderdale; Georgia Belle Gatlin; Goodyear Tires; government; Great Miami Hurricane; H. C. Boss; Harland Black; Harold Hill; Hill School; housing; hurricane relief; hurricanes; J. A. Brown; J. G. Bennett; J. M. Brown; J. T. Stover; Jesse Wells Worley; Kingsmill; L. W. Jennings; libraries; library; local government; Louis L. Coudert; M. L. Kyle; M. P. Ponder; Maitland; Maitland Auxiliary; Maitland Electric Shop; Maitland Garage; Maitland Library; Maitland Lumber Company; Maitland Plumbing Company; Maitland Realty Company; Marrs; Mazda Lamps; Methodism; Methodist; municipal government; natural disasters; obituary; pavement; paving; picnic; Presbyterian; Presbyterianism; R. A. Wheeler; real estate; roads; Rollins Press; S. J. Stiggins; Sanlando Springs; schools; South Florida; Stella Waterhouse; streets; The Maitland News; The Orlando Sentinel; Town Council; town government; Viking Tires; Walter R. Darby; weddings; William W. Long
Mitchell Hammock Road During Paving
Mitchell Hammock Road Paved
A History of Central Florida, Episode 22: Dickson's Folly
Tags: A History of Central Florida; asphalt; automobiles; Bob Clarke; cars; Central Boulevard; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Dickson's Folly; Ella Gibson; Fon Gordon; Ford Model T; Good Roads Movement; H. H. Dickson; Henry Ford; Julian C. Chambliss; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lakeview Avenue; motor vehicles; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; paved roads; pavement; regulations; Robert Cassanello; Rollins College; tin can tourism; tin can tourists; tin canners; tourism; tourists; traffic; traffic congestion; traffic control; Yowell-Drew Company