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To assure proper checks and approvals by all appropriate individuals, small custom inked stamps, called hallmarks, were used by Apollo Project workers to ensure that checks were performed, and each worker who conducted one approved of the quality or…

Dr. Calvin D. Fowler, the man who launched the final three Mercury-Atlas missions, is photographed here, applying his hallmark stamp to what appears to be a commemorative poster during the Apollo era. To assure proper checks and approvals by all…

To assure proper checks and approvals by all appropriate individuals, small custom inked stamps called hallmarks were used by Apollo workers to ensure that checks were performed, and each worker who conducted one approved of the quality or…

To assure proper checks and approvals by all appropriate individuals, small, custom-inked stamps called "hallmarks" were used by Apollo Project. Each worker who conducted one approved of the quality or conformance of the inspected item. These…
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